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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 65 KB, 1280x720, yt-3935-Tron-Token-TRX-Should-you-invest-in-Tronix[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6099304 No.6099304 [Reply] [Original]

Why wont this shit coin CLIMMMMMB?

>> No.6099348

Because it's scam shit which going down to 400sat?

But yeah, it's just FUD, buy the dip ;^)

>> No.6099365

Wassa matter op? You werent the skillful trader you thought?

>> No.6099381

Because BTC is fucking the entire market again by dumping now

>> No.6099410


Be patient. Partnership announcement this week and coin burn next month. Don't listen to the FUD.

>> No.6099453

Huge whale walls at every step. They are playing trx like a fucking fiddle

>> No.6099477

It’s a literal fucking scam, retard. Haven’t heard the news?

>stolen whitepaper

The whitepaper is meant to explain what the project is about, how it works, etc, and it’s stolen. Something to think about before you sell.

>> No.6099486

where is it going to climb to dumbass? it's already #10 on coinmarketcap with $10b market cap

do you expect it to overtake ltc? bch? eth?

>> No.6099519


Source to "stolen whitepaper" ?

>> No.6099550



Justin Sun went full damage control on Twitter. Go check.

>> No.6099590


Oh the fud.. right...

shouldve known better than waste my time on a normie.

You realize the white paper is written in chinese right?

>> No.6099598

white paper doesn't mean shit in age of normie flood

Tron just had it's 5 minutes and people who made gains are out, now only baghodlers left and time is running, soon they will cry "WHY DIDN'T I SOLD AT 1000?!?!?"

>> No.6099601

this fud just makes my trx more comfy

>> No.6099634

The Chinks won't give a fuck about no fud

>> No.6099637

>brainlets defending a scam and becoming bagholders willingly

Sorry. I guess I’m in the wrong neighbourhood. I don’t help those who choose to be scammed.

>> No.6099653

If you didn't buy at 3-4 cents you'll be sorry

>> No.6099680

Justin and his gang of Chinks are now dumping the BTC and ETH bags he got for free from you fuckers and crashing the entire market. If you bought TRON you're responsible for this.

>> No.6099685


LOL even the retarded normies in the article comments section are calling the article out on being bullshit FUD.

Please never reproduce, you are literally worse than normies.

>> No.6099715

fake news, what because the copy and pasted the proof of space algorithm from wikipedia?

>> No.6099732 [DELETED] 
File: 2.86 MB, 1280x720, 42 years old.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've got bags you can't sell now.

>> No.6099742

You're supposed to say: Why didn't I SELL at 1000". Learn grammar you filthy piece of FUDing shit.

>> No.6099782

Well Justin itself already sold off his holdings. Exit scam already in progress.

>> No.6099784

Never seen /biz/ hate a coin so much.
Excellent sign to buy.

>> No.6099796
File: 148 KB, 388x344, 1414463569669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this immense hate for a coin that will guarantee give you gains

I do not understand

>> No.6099829


>> No.6099837



>> No.6099852

>buy at950-1000
>wait 2 days
>sell at 1200+

This happens like 3 times a week why does biz keep complaining

>> No.6099893

their wallet is public, all the coins are still there... #fakenews

>> No.6099916

Where do you buy at 1000 dude?

>> No.6099974

I just sold mine off at $1000 A coin. Bought in at $.03. Imma fixin to pick out my lambo tomorrow

>> No.6099975

this is bait

>> No.6099988
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>> No.6100032


N-no TRX is just a s-shitcoin muh copied w-whitepaper #eternallypoor

>> No.6100076

It did. They posted his fucking wallet with the transfers. Why do you guys believe the word of these assholes over actual evidence?

>> No.6100155

>why didnt i sold

confirmed pajeet, go shill KCS somewhere

>> No.6100193
File: 67 KB, 600x580, normanTbagholder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't be so sure.

>> No.6100227

Because Justin already sold all of his coins. The white paper is a blatant copyright infringement. Justin plays the FUD card on Twitter and wants Charlie Lee to fight him (won't end well) .

This scam is over.

>> No.6100428

The fuck is this fakeass article? They are completely different.

>> No.6100534


The whole purpose of the wallet used was to transfer TRX to increase liquidity. I love how none of the dumb FUD articles even bothered to mention the TRX going IN to the wallet.

Do no research and stay poor.

>> No.6100542


You're a fucking retard

>> No.6100584

no they didn't they showed a wallet that had just bought a ton of coins and then sold them, go look again.

>> No.6100602

Wasn't that wallet from a week or two ago? Before the livestream?

>> No.6100631



>> No.6100766

You dumbasses do realize he uses his Chinese name for his wallet and not the western pigdog name?

>> No.6100868
File: 1023 KB, 500x361, 1511964768731.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just gonna leave this here. I'm sure all of your attention spans are much too short to even skim the facts on why cheap TRX is a golden oppurtunity. You want Lambos? Buy TRX cheap and wait a month instead of chasing pumps and then complaining when you lose because you cant time the market.


>> No.6100951


These FUDders are either useful idiots regurgitating the latest piece of anti-TRX trash they read or they just want to get the price lower.