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6097252 No.6097252 [Reply] [Original]

>feel smug about only having to pay 1.2% on capital gains
>get slapped with a 52% income tax charge for trading
I honestly don't get why the Dutch think they get to laugh at us Germans

>> No.6097287

you pay 0% income tax as crypto isn't seen as income by our government retard

>> No.6097311

>52% income tax charge for trading


>> No.6097315

Who cares about taxes... just get a crypto debitcard

>> No.6097421

op is full of shit, dyor boys

>> No.6097450

It doesn't matter what you trade because the act of trading itself is always a profit-based activity. If you think you can trade shitcoins every day and expect them to not consider it active trading that's subject to income tax you got another thing comin

lol you think that's gonna save you?

>> No.6097466

Kraut strikes again. Remember, only good kraut is dead kraut.

>> No.6097536

No it's not our goverment literally cba to keep track of the trades so they just tax it as capital u fucktard moron stop larping and kill yourself

>> No.6097579

Lol, you're retarded.
NL doesn't tax you 52% for trading. It is all taxed in box 3.

>> No.6097589

Truth hurts doesn't it? It's the case with every single country in the world and holland isn't any different
you could be trading gold, forex stocks or bonds for all they care it's still trading

>> No.6097632

italy here
we don't have to pay CGT if we buy less than 51625€ during a 7 day period, because cryptocurrencies are considere "foreign currencies"

>> No.6097684

>german thinks he knows dutch law better than i do

>> No.6097700

Is it buy, trade or generally make? There's a different there. Is it a total of 51k per week if you realize a gain or if your holdings go up by up to 51k a week?
Also you should check the income tax regulation on active trading

>> No.6097718

Tfw hodl isn’t a meme

Heffingskorting ook bruur

>> No.6097738

kom naar nederland kanker mongool ik verkoop wat crypto speciaal voor jou om wat kk mokros mee in te huren en je op staat de kanker in te slaan

>> No.6097853

it is buy
the court said specifically (some years ago), that cryptocurrencies are to be considered as foreign currency, so the same exact rules apply.
i bet these socialists didn't think of what could bitcoin become in the next years..

>> No.6097864

Idiot german raging on dutch laws lol. Like others said its not income its box 3. Netherlands is a tax haven. Go nein nein nein nein somewhere else retard

>> No.6097899

Do you seriously think that if you trade with leverage on bitmex on a daily basis then it won't be considered income?

>> No.6097929

So you're saying that my bags can passively go 100x in a week and it won't be taxable as long as I don't touch them?

>> No.6097952

These retarded Germans...
I'm a Dutch tax lawyer. I think I would know this stuff. It is box 3

>> No.6097953

how can they know you trade everyday or just hold?

>> No.6097972
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absolutely yes

>> No.6098007

no actually you can even sell within the 7 days period
what cannot exceed is the buy figure

ultimate pump and dump place

>> No.6098084

1.x% confirmed so? i want to know, i'm planing to leave this shithole socialist country.

>> No.6098111

Fuck off, we’re full.

>> No.6098209

It won't.

>> No.6098229

op je moeder kanker faggot.
nice trips though.

>> No.6098248

Capital gains literally exists because it doesn't count as income.

>> No.6098466
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>jaloerse stinkmof

>> No.6098543

>measurement date is 1st of January each year
>if you hold 0 coins on the 1st of January you don't have to pay taxes

I see no problem here. Just say you lost it all on new year's eve due to finger fatty on etherdelta and someone sent it all back to you on the 2nd of January.

Tax cucks btfo

>> No.6098570

Bullshit, I work for the Belastingdienst! Crypto goes into "Box 3"!

>> No.6098639

>working for a criminal organization which steals money from its citizens


>> No.6098768

explain how much is box 3 you kanker faggots i want to know.

>> No.6098851

This might be one time when UK residents get a good deal. No tax up to £10,000 then 10 or 20% capital gains tax depending on your income bracket. 10% for me as I am a student!

>> No.6098873

>buying into meme beliefs that use words like "statist" unironically

>> No.6098946

pas op voor deze stoere jongen

>> No.6098963

you were misled, the Netherlands get a much better deal, no taxes up to 25k everything above 25k is taxed at 1,2% up till 100k

>> No.6099549

What would be the problem with doing this? >>6098543

>> No.6099701

So legal weed and crypto tax haven?
If you dutchfags get rid off all those nigs and arabs ill emigrate to your Beautiful Country

>> No.6099767

>If you dutchfags get rid off all those nigs and arabs
it'll soon be the other way around to be honest senpai

>> No.6100348

>1 btc gekocht deze zomer
>door domme deals gezakt naar 0.5
>heb nu 2 btc na wat traden
Als ik komende zomer 1btc uitcash en het valt onder de €25k hoef ik geen belasting te betalen, als ik 2btc uitcash betaal ik over de volgende 25k inkomstenbelasting of 0.81% vermogensbelasting?

>> No.6100485

I have a feeling these thread are started by American income tax agents to spread fear and uncertainty among impressionable young people about crypto trading. Either way, I'm German and you have to pay 0% tax after 1 year of holding.

>> No.6100487
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Can confirm, most of the largest cities (Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague) are flooded with nigs and arabs. They get more children than the dutch. This country will be done in the comming decades.

>> No.6100774

lol no you always have to pay income tax in Germany

>> No.6100881

It's not true now make some more money for mohammed his 6 kids : ^)

>> No.6101015

Nee, het enige waar je naar hoeft te kijken is of je op 1 januari van het desbetreffende jaar je totale vermogen (spaargeld, crypto, andere dingen die onder vermogen vallen) boven de 25k was, is dit het geval dan betaal je over het bedrag boven de 25k 1,2% belasting

>> No.6101084

volgens mij, zolang je niet bedrijfsmatig trade hoef je je geen zorgen te maken.
Ten aanzien van daytrading zien wij veel verschillende berichtgeving op het internet. Het juiste is dat zolang daytrading nog als ‘normaal vermogensbeheer’ kan worden gezien, de winsten daaruit in box 3 belast worden. Wat normaal vermogensbeheer is, is niet eenvoudig te zeggen. De Hoge Raad oordeelde daarover:

“Het Hof heeft geoordeeld dat het handelen in opties voor belanghebbende geen bron van inkomen opleverde. Het Hof heeft daartoe overwogen dat belanghebbende niet aannemelijk heeft gemaakt dat hij met de handel voor eigen rekening en risico in (kortlopende) opties een meer dan louter speculatief uitzicht op het behalen van voordeel had. Dit zou anders zijn als belanghebbende met zijn deskundigheid, ervaring en relaties het koersverloop van de door hem gekochte (kortlopende) opties kan beïnvloeden, (…).”

De Hoge Raad oordeelde dat de opvatting van het hof juist was.

>> No.6101184

Show me proof that day trading in NL is taxed with income tax. You will not be able because it's not true.

>> No.6101249

>Warron Leeson 15 jun 2011 om 21:59

Given that there's no other arrest, I don't think you have to worry too much about box 3 as long as you have a main profession. I know that one of the dutch whalepool teamspeak whales goes for the box 3 route, even though he has no other income besides crypto, he's a student.
I'm not NL fag, in BE I'm happy a ruling was made for speculative automated crypto trading. Only partly applies to me but it's enough to get taxed 30% as opposed to the regular 55% (highest tax bracket).
Long term holding gains are tax free of course.

Feels so bad paying taxes knowing they get wasted on anything other than the Flemish people. Enough for me to seek an alternative for the future.

>> No.6101307

>Income tax on profit from a speculative asset
You're a nigger if you believe that.

>> No.6101347
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