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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 60 KB, 600x450, 1501306866631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6087290 No.6087290 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't women investing in crypto? Do they really have no interest in being rich?

>> No.6087315

women arent risk takers

>> No.6087330

They had no idea until recently.

>> No.6087345

Is that Vitalik passed out?

>> No.6087346

they're too busy investing in keeping their vaginas from smelling like a pump n dump

>> No.6087357

For 90% of women, their purpose in life is to leech onto a man until his financial resources are depleted at which point you crush his soul.

Why do the work when you can find some sucker who already did and claim half for yourself

>> No.6087374


>> No.6087392

where are such pictures even from? who are these girls?

>> No.6087423

Haaaaaaaaaaaaa ! nice

>> No.6087448

pathetic, you haven't dated many real women have you

>> No.6087487

It's Sergey's violent weight-loss region.

>> No.6087502

I gave my gf some Doge a few weeks ago.

Little did I know it went up by 100% in a week.

>> No.6087533

Shut up you dumb roastie. Go wash your filthy vagina.

>> No.6087545

this is the closest to a /r9kl/ post you will see from me. And it is 100x less cringe than dumb shit like
. But the answer is emotions. Women, for better or for worse tend to be more emotional in their decision making process than men. Making them sentimental to coins, prone to FOMO and FUD. like all the low test losers on this thread losing money in a market its almost impossible to do so in.

>> No.6087561


>> No.6087665

Why don't more women play the stock market? Why don't more women go into STEM fields?

Not really sure OP, I'm guessing risk aversion.

>> No.6087838


they would take one look at the exchange interface and their head would explode

>> No.6087952

Women are interested in socializing; men are interested in things.

>> No.6088024

Because they don't need money to get what they want.

>> No.6088101


But honest question OP, why do you care?

>> No.6088253

womens cant do nothing than just giving a good fuck, if they dont spend whole life on mastering one thing they are worthless at it

>> No.6088357

I asked my wife why she does not invest. She said that she does not have time for this bullshit

>> No.6088494

only dick takers

>> No.6088570

Audible kek

>> No.6088686


Look at these two faggot-ass pussies. Enjoy being a meal-ticket for some lazy-ass woman.

Never marry and always rent/lease depreciating assets like women who age like milk.

>> No.6088902

basic human evolution. they never needed to take risks and as child-bearers taking risks was actually fucking stupid...

now, obviously you can break out of that pattern in this society, but surprise surprise.

women still don't take risks and flock to the very conservative wage-cuck "patriarchy" (kek) they supposedly despise so much, NOT TAKING A FUCKING RISK... even tough, with 3rd wave feminism, you can actually bully whole economic sectors into submission... (as we've seen before)

but once again, instead of actually playing that game and manipulate the market to get us all a piece of the (((jewis))) cake they would rather whine around about how unfair the world is and how it ows everything ot them because of MUH OPPRESSION, all of course, without doing a lick of work for it...

>> No.6088995


>Female friend of mine got into crypto lately (just few bucks from her wagecuck job)

>spams me over normiebook few times / day
>told her what to buy and when to sell
>+120% in 2 weeks
>she is hooked

>its time to let her feel the crash

so biz, what will crash? What should she go all-in?

>> No.6089022

>people are an asset
Gee I wonder why none of your relationships are fulfilling.

>> No.6089075

Zclassic, dont tell her about the fork make her keep it in Cryptopia.

>> No.6089138
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Sounds good, thanks.

>> No.6089271

why do you want your name attached to terrible advice anon? why not just tell her to DYOR. or say you arent comfortable giving investment advice. That's been my strategy throughout the normierush.

>> No.6089346

we are in crypto, we just don't like talking to faggots

>> No.6089371

no they are not, my faince said she doesnt care about it and that crypto has consumed my life.
15 mins ago she said she doesnt love me anymore
i like money tho, i like it alot

>> No.6089390

that's real funny coming from a basement dweller who has probably never tried to get a girl's number before

>> No.6089404

Because crypto trading demographic is composed of NEETs, you better pray they don't all join in just yet. The FOMO they'll have by the time they decide to start investing is your cash out money fag

>> No.6089438


Most women under 30 make more money than most men...

fuck off to /pol/ ya loser

>> No.6089523

You go sista! It's so nice of you to defend the stacies that bullied you in middle school in the name of muh feminism

>> No.6089549

me on the right

>> No.6089553


>> No.6089599

They are. I am selling them mu bags from eay back in 2013

>> No.6089633

And that's when they stop trying to climb any further.

Conformist animals all of them.

>> No.6089653

all humans are conformists

>> No.6089664

>mfw I know a legit 9/10 female with CS master background
>working in IT and heavily invested in blockchain and A.I.
>she's ballsdeep into crypto

They don't look like it but they exist.

>> No.6089669

Women are investing in crypto... hello

>> No.6089735

women look for men who have taken the risks and won .. they do not have to take risks and still profit

>> No.6089800

Society exists to provision women.

Women at the level that most of us are - ie wealthy enough to have enough to have a computer, and the leisure time to research crypto and trade, simply don't need to do this.

They don't need to "get rich", that's not a priority to most women - most will always have the opportunity to be taken care of (by governments\corporations\local businesses\charities\beta-males), so most of them simply don't need to bother learning a specialised subject or about these technologies when these women could be doing other things that are more enjoyable to them.

Males are interested in crypto because males have to earn their status\value. Not necessarily because of physical or mental superiority.

>> No.6089846
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Good goy. Don't have children either. They will cost you your shekels!

>> No.6089894

Because they have kids (kinda the most important part of continued species survival) and tend to value other benefits over money at lower rates of pay then men.

>> No.6089910
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>> No.6089945
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REEEE there's a girl in here

>> No.6089954

1. 30k member !!!pump group for easy daily profit join us

2. discord link ending -> qXpkdeZ

>> No.6089980

hodling link. HAHAHA prepare to lose it all

>> No.6089995
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t. genetic dead end

>> No.6090004


Its simple, I'm asshole.

>> No.6090071

>saying “hodling”

>> No.6090211

Cause they could just marry someone rich. Even if they can't find someone a rich Chad there's still a shit ton of neet tech guys making 100k salaries that will take what they can get

>> No.6090246

Muh wage gap REEEEE

>> No.6090249

kek. Fair enough. godspeed anon.

>> No.6090398

the greatest con job of the 21st century is the far right successfully brainwashing idiots into believing in partisan boogeymen like "cultural marxism"

>> No.6090569

It seems fair enough for women to give up their vags and time to make babies with alpha males only if they can charge big dollars for it. The problem is feminism's attempts to push women into male roles which has decreased everyone's happiness. There's no women in crypto same as there's no women in stem or the men's toilets.

>> No.6090931

Women suck dick for resources

>> No.6090998

Most woman expect YOU to come and ask for the number as they don't face the risk of rejection. You are just proving his point.

>> No.6091115

I was actually thinking if we could as a /biz/ community start accumulating women coin. Then we start to campaign it on reddit as the way for women to "conquer the crypto world"

After that tumblr etc shitty news sites campaign, "women are taking ocer the crypto world, up 500% last month". "crypto is 99% male here's how we change this: womencoin".

We do this for a good while until women coin is shilled to the top 50 coins are. Then we cash out 1000x profit and laugh on our way to the bank.

I mean 4chan got the ladies to pisd their pants on twitter for feminism. I'm sure we can get them to start being "smart" with their money ;)

Who's in?

>> No.6091179

checked and kek'd would buy

>> No.6091190

Im a girl in crypto up 24k since september. Honestly the reason women arent in crypto is because theyre not exposed to it. I got into it through biz after browsing 4chan my entire life. Unless you stumble upon it through 4chan or at least plebbit, theres little chance to discover it properly. Honestly have u SEEN the normie crypto facebook groups? Al the tards jut own btc or if theyre feelig super egdy, cripple.

All my dumbass normie girl pals tag me in bitcoin memes and then get annoyed when I corrected them saying i dont own any btc. Their only info is bitcoin and they have no clue about blockchain, alts etc, I learned it all from lurking biz

>> No.6091219





>> No.6091224

Tits or gtfo

>> No.6091273

really if this gains traction I'll post a solid gameplan for us, after work I'll have some time. See you in 5 hours lets get the ladies empowerment train going.

>> No.6091275


>> No.6091294

would be a solid meme

>> No.6091344

A woman who will have your children and love them is the best investment you can make. And it’s not about money.

>> No.6091389

what is your number bby?

>> No.6091392

Your in every thread with your teeth

>> No.6091445
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Girls hate mean things
The markets are very mean and scary.

>> No.6091464

Agreed. Also a girl. Met with some of my friends a few days ago and all they know about crypto is btc. They asked me how it worked and they could not wrap their heads around it at all. They couldn't even comprehend that there are coins other than btc. All they know is that btc's an "easy" way to get rich.

I like this idea.

>> No.6091533

This. They can manipulate other humans (especially men) with emotional tricks, but the market is cold and doesn't give a shit. That's why they avoid it, because they know they have no power here.

>> No.6091614

Girl I know is in the 6 figures with her crypto stack - they exist, but they are rare. I think if there were more role-models, it would be more common.

>> No.6091631
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>> No.6091650

they can't use their vaginacard in crypto
also they're too dumb to even know what crypto is and what it means

>> No.6091864

Seen this picture 10+ times never seen kid in background.

>> No.6091914

Testosterone makes you more risk averse

>> No.6091937


>> No.6092101

It's Vitalik

>> No.6092165
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lol why would they invest when your dumbass will do all the stressin memeing for em??

>> No.6092212


>> No.6092317

Because women have no ambitions.

>> No.6092347

the greatest con job of the 21st century is the far left successfully brainwashing idiots into believing in ''equality''

>> No.6092363

Women are, on genetic level, not risk-takers. They want to play it safe for the sake of their children, whether they have one or not.

>> No.6092364

The answer is in evolution biology.

>> No.6092395

Posting from phone, it's me, asshole anon.

She tried daytrade by herself today. No need to troll her, she lost almost all of it.

>> No.6092404
File: 1.40 MB, 480x270, girls.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while we're busy chasing pump n dumps they're chasing Chad who pump n dumps them

Every girl in 2018 is on instagram desperately trying to fraud her:
-genetic quality
-estrogen levels

with makeup, lighting, angles, filters, clothes, etc.. and are all advertising themselves on social media to get the attention of the 1% CHADS of the world.. the average girls life revolves around making herself more desireable for chad and she will not fucking give up until she gets him.... but she wont. it will be too late for her. she will have been pumped and dumped by all the chads because she thought they would commit and save her and turn her into a housewife. but none commited.. and YOU end up marrying her. and she hates her fucking life every day because she ended up with YOU.. you and your poor genetic quality. this is life for sub 8's in 2017. we are the ones who wife up used up, post prime females who have been passed around by chads like an OBJECT. every girl thinks shes special. every girl wnts chad. every girl will be used by chad. every girl with become a used up post prime hag for sale to a beta.

>> No.6092537

This is a massively popular peculiar type of self-hate and hopelessness here. Even if it were true it would be fair game, mates of approximately equal attractiveness being matched.

>> No.6092555

I would fully support this

>> No.6092565

So much armchair science in this moronic thread. I know seven women in my social circle alone who've invested. It's because you're retarded basement dwellers with minimal contact with women that you can only come up with baseless shit like this

Honestly, browsing 4chan is like watching aliens talk about how they once saw a human put sharpies in his butt and that this obviously something all humans do

>> No.6092607

>women doing literally anything

>> No.6092618


>> No.6092640

They're talking about the majority.
Why are you nitpicking feggot?

>> No.6092675


i know some girls in crypto, only on coinbase though. most girls are normies which mean they are a lower %.

the girls are... YOURE MOM XD

guys i got him, give me (you)s.

>> No.6092814

I got in xrb <1$, but I'm unemployed atm and don't have much to invest. Sold half at 35$, bought that half back in at 24$. Now I'm holding Link/Icx, waiting for ENG to finally FUCKING moon so I can reinvest those gains.
Idk what you're talking about OP, I'm having a good time

>> No.6092846

maybe im retarded but i'd buy this, better than 80% of the coins being shilled here

>> No.6092849

Plenty of women are actively trading crypto and visiting this board. These types of women generally don't announce themselves on the internet for what should be obvious reasons even to worthless brainlets like you.

>> No.6092887


>> No.6093426

Amen. Talking to friends who still post frequently on 4chan is often times very frustrating for me. They've picked up this perspective on life that tells me they don't actually interact with women outside of online dating (which is disproportionately full of people with unrealistic standards of both sexes). I guess it's a hard pattern to break out of. You have to actually be interesting and have hobbies other than hating groups that are different from you.

>> No.6093546

Decent portfolio... for a girl!

>> No.6093566
File: 88 KB, 513x960, tumblr_p12kwx8rLW1vbj212o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are better than men, I know I want money so I can treat a girl like a princess...

>> No.6093662


>> No.6093671
File: 39 KB, 480x319, 54ab97ac89f25_-_bitcoin-stripping-marilyn-horiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Camgirls allow donation in bitcoin.

> What is it like stripping for Bitcoin?



>> No.6093699
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>btw several faghots I dont feel like tagging bc mobile
There’s a growing body of evidence that women not only EXCEL in day trading but also routinely outperform their male counterparts.

>> No.6093788

Female here, did invest. Making more money than my bf

>> No.6093824

Ayo gurl, ditch the zero and get with the hero!

>> No.6093878

Of course, because you get both his and your money.

>> No.6093969

Good one haha u shud run up and high five the other doods in the thread. Maybe see if they want to frot ;)

>> No.6093973

Women don't want to be a winner they want a winner

>> No.6093974

Reading through this thread and realizing theres way to many girls in this place i dont like it anymore someone please shill me into a place filled with fat neckbeards that sit all day in their mum basement and masturbate 6 times a day , because thats the place i want to be not this shithole /biz that is slowly turning into fucking facebook

>> No.6093996

Make a discord and i'm in.

>> No.6094180

Posting this problem I've been mulling over from a thread a couple of days ago:

>live with gf of 6 years
>love this girl to fucking death
>I used to work in finance, decided to pile into crypto to see whether I can use my skills for good
>chuck in $2,000. it quickly becomes $5,000
>I'm fucking hooked
>Spend almost all waking hours on computer trading, or checking blockfolio on my phone
>video games gathering dust despite my having callouses on my hands from being an avid connoisseur of the vidya
>Female reincarnation of Sherlock holmes that is my girlfriend catches wind
>I tell her I've been dabbling
>Immediately dollar signs appear in her eyes and she checks every 2 hours how I'm doing
>I start getting sex and blow jobs much more often
>She heads home for xmas while I stay with family (lives in southern hemisphere) so not sure if increase in affection is due to fact we're going to be apart for a while
>As soon as she lands she's asking about the portfolio
>I tell her that the markets have been insane and that I cashed out around $5000 better off and will take her out for dinner and buy her a nice handbag when she gets back
>A month passes and she's about to head back home to me
>Balls are the size of fucking grape fruits
>Portfolio is even bigger, around $150,000

What do /biz/, what do?

>> No.6094280

You dont have the slightest fucking idea what women want but luckily you're in an echo chamber chock full of faghots who also don't know
There was plenty of shitty crypto advice here as far back as 2016, it just wasnt as rapidfire. Blame the trash who can't shutup about this board on plebbit.

>> No.6094312

>anal inflammation detected

>> No.6094334

found the redpiller. is it you, GLO?

>> No.6094370

There is nothing to check! Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.6094377

>What do /biz/, what do?
Improve your spending habits

>> No.6094413

genuinely curious what your blockfolios look like

>> No.6094438

show bobs plz

>> No.6094445
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look fags, there are some women that are the feminin version of chads. and they know what they are doing and dont want nothing with chads or betas. they eat what they want, or can. know some girls that are into crypto and other investments. are normal girls but not roasties or that kind of dumb women chasing sugar daddys. know many daddy seekers tho.

>> No.6094454

open vagene plz

>> No.6094518

Men are bigger risk takers than women. Women don’t invest in bubbles. Exactly the same as the dot com bubble.

>> No.6094544

god i hope you aren't white.

>> No.6094546

Why would they,when they can come after your coins later?

>> No.6094570
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>> No.6094601

Portfolio is shit

>> No.6094623

I'd do it

>> No.6094626

>stop posting copypasta

>> No.6094633

Wonder if women being socialists has something to do with it.

To be in crypto (organically) you need to embrace Austrian subjective value principles.

Bitcoin is mixing 2 fields where women are severely under-represented, tech and austrian economics. It only makes sense that women will never get into it organically, you need to make it "cool" first.

>> No.6094689

honestly kill yourself

>> No.6094714

>yes yes there is no such thing as cultural Marxism
>it is all a lie!!!!
>you are brainwashed by right wing propaganda!!!!!!!!
>let me tell you all about equality and this awesome book called the communist manifesto!


>> No.6094732

Why work when you can marry a wealthy idiot?

>> No.6094776

Good thing crypto is gender anonymous

>> No.6094795

So creating countless victim groups and telling them to fight their imagined oppressors does not sound a bit Marxist to you?

>> No.6094838


Tits or gtfo

>> No.6094858

>Pretending to be asleep to peek at the naked girls nearby

My man.

>> No.6094883

except these dubs. this is too easy,

>> No.6095415
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top kek

>> No.6095508

>invest in crypto
>make shit loads
>want to go out and buy sports car
>look at insurance and all the other BS tied to it forget it.
>want to buy games
>someone in my family already bought it
>want to travel
>already paid for by parents
>theres nothing else i want to spend on
>realize i got into crypto to feel less empty but doesnt change a thing.

>> No.6095660

nigga it's always about money

>> No.6096130


*Tips fedora*

while what you say might be true in general you haven't disproven any of what these anons have posted.

>> No.6096193


Another quality argument with no evidence.

>> No.6096735

>I know seven women in my social circle alone who've invested.

Great representative sample there.

>> No.6096982
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Fucking brilliant,this has massive potential and i'm sure it would even get a nod of approval from /pol/acks.
liberal media would be all over this shit.

>> No.6097174
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>antioxidant infusion
>she needs to join our startup
>let's invite her

>> No.6097350
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They don't need to invest.

Just to dig.
Just to find.

>> No.6097374

100% this. Women have had an evolutionary advantage to being cautious. Men have had an evolutionary advantage to being risk takers.

In the past (and arguably now as well) men are less valuable to a society. Imagine you have 1000 men and 1000 women. If you lost 800 men the population would recover in 1 generation. If you lost 800 women it would take much longer.

Because of this societies with risk taking women were less likely to survive, or if they did they were less likely to thrive.

Women have a genetic predisposition to want to feel safe. Crypto is not safe.

>> No.6097418

hmm garenteed crash, never thought of that.. hmm dash maybe? something retarded like bitcoin gold?

>> No.6097427

>You take the risk
>They take your money

>> No.6097508

this is true for averages, but if you look at the top 10% of earners it's mostly men. this is for the same reason women don't into crypto. they aren't natural risk takers.

>> No.6097576

yes there are a few but the majority are men

>> No.6097602

do you think it's 50% men and 50% women? obviously there are a few, but the vast majority are men

>> No.6097620


do it. fucking do it. please. lmao

>> No.6097629

they have an interest in YOU being rich.

why work when you can spread your legs for it, if your pretty.

>> No.6097641


>> No.6097657

Everybody should be given the same opportunities but we do not all have equal abilities.

Just because 90% of blacks have a lower IQ doesn't mean there can't be a few smarter than any of us here.

>> No.6097661

Of course they fucking don't. Why would they when they can let men take the risks and leech off the ones that make it?

>> No.6097715

do you even statistics bro?

>> No.6098088

Ill unironically buy some.

>> No.6098123

I invest. It's the only chance for me and bf to get rich because we're both wage slaves.

>> No.6098180

Did you know using "proof" from your own social circle instead of statistics is a female behavior?

>> No.6098224

but i am a woman.

>> No.6098268
File: 5 KB, 225x224, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> women
> investing

>> No.6098371

Post vegeta m’lady

>> No.6098475


>> No.6098632


I legit thought this too lmao

>> No.6098766

my wife invested before I did, she went in with $40k and turned it into about $700k (so far)
she told me about it and i wanted to check it out. about a month after her, i put in $25k which is now around $1200k
she keeps it a lot safer than i do, preferring BTC/ETH/LTH/NEO/IOTA type shit
i've been balls deep in various absolute shitcoins for the last 6 months but it worked out fine

>> No.6098880

I'm fucking in.
Pls let's do this.

>> No.6098969
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>> No.6099012

I’m a female lurker ..

>> No.6099059


Wouldn't it be fascinating if there was bicameral form of money that only men could earn and women could spend and it's matched counterpart that only women could earn and only men could spend. It would instantly solve the pay-gap problem. We would have real-time info on the pay-gap day by day just by looking at the exchange rates. It would also force co-operation between men and women for a change, because now you're only competing with members of your own sex.

>> No.6099226
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>Being this Naive
Bless you anon

>> No.6099257

What website shows you those 8 graphs per page (the two monitors on the left)?

>> No.6099301

>thinking your beliefs are valuable and correct because they're edgy and unpopular
if serious, please commit suicide you low iq incel

>> No.6099500

>not this shithole /biz that is slowly turning into fucking facebook

Kek'd, it's true. Like one of those shitty crypto pages filled with niggers

>> No.6099572
File: 131 KB, 750x637, 1513354026114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protect you assets and get rid of her immeditely. You're not even married yet and she pulled the doesn't love you anyore card. She's fucking someone else and you've dodged the bullet. Good luck anon, learn your lesson, don't fucking propose to women, worst investment ever.

>> No.6099607



Women ARE money. The moment you realize this, things become simpler.

>> No.6099618

Now THATS what I call consensus

>> No.6099641

noice one mate

>> No.6099671

7/10 rig
6.5/10 gf

>> No.6099809

What conservatives mean by cultural marxism is known by academics as cultural materialism. Conservatives latched onto the Marx bogeyman as a way to rouse the senile members of the """""greatest generation""""" and the boomers who were against commies, but at the cost of using incorrect terminology and therefore being ignored by anyone who wasnt already a fart sniffing boomer or mewling millenial. Cultural materialism is grossly understudied as a result, and otherwise smart people get tricked into supporting it because nobody has pointed out how its presuppositions are wrong. /pol/ is always right, but goddamn if they aren't retarded.

>> No.6099846

Are you sure it isn't (((the Jews))) convincing you that
>women would rather whine around about how unfair the world is and how it *owes *them everything (etc)

first wave feminism was actually about opposing conscripted service--women wanted to protect their husbands and families from bureaucracy forcing the men to go to war. Then, feminism was co-opted by cultural criticism.

It's the same as women just recently getting forced to sign for conscripted service in the US. Everyone blamed women for the things "feminists" were doing, even though the decision was made by a bunch of (((old guys in DC))) who blamed it on the feminists, pitting men and women against each other bickering while they get a whole new set of potential bullet sponges.

>> No.6099892

Bitch you can't even buy a value meal with that shit. Why are you smiling?

>> No.6099931
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>Thinking behavioral psychology is edgy and unpopular
>Caring about whats popular as opposed to factual
>Outing yourself as a woman on the internet and thinking you're special
Neck yourself roastie

>> No.6099954

the fuck you talking about? money is money, power is power and women are cum dumpsters. simple as that. hypothetically speaking as soon as you get to your lamboland they will just be a noise.

>> No.6100030

>value meals cost more than 4 BTC

kys retard

>> No.6100060

they do if you spend money like a rapper on his way to bankruptcy

>> No.6100079


You have no idea what you're talking about.

The first wave feminists never opposed conscription for men. In fact the suffragettes in the UK literally made a deal with the Prime-Minister to propagandise on behalf of the war, and the first thing they did the moment the war started was march to encourage men to sign up for the war (ie socially pressuring them), and some of the suffragettes including Christabel Pankhurst were handing out white feathers.

Women opposed to conscription were an EXTREME minority within early feminism. There were about 5 of them. You'd know this if you actually had an interest in history rather than misdirecting blame from women onto the "jews".

>> No.6100228
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This. Feminism has always been cancer. From the very first wave.

>> No.6100272
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Fund it

>> No.6100294

I'm a woman invested in crypto but it's probably not from my own interest, my father is in finances and it's sorta in my blood.
Generally I think most women don't invest in anything because muh gender roles and >>6087315

>> No.6100296


>> No.6100342

please post your blockfolio

>> No.6100410

women do trade in crypto.
the only reason the majority don't is because men over-value beauty and let women act like princesses, so most women who are attractive (i.e. the only women most men would ever even look at) go their whole lives knowing they can act like a child and that men will shower them with money as a result.

other women, for whatever reason, had to secure their finances and self respect independently, and never expected to rely on a man. Those are the ones likely trading without their bf or omegas telling them about it.

treat your woman like an actual person and friend, if she isn't willing to contribute, drop her and stop complaining that women don't do anything, that women are money (women should be contributing unless you were dumb enough to have a child without saving up a fortune), and for the love of god, don't get married without a prenup, especially by a woman who has some shitty job or can't hold one for over 3 months.

>> No.6100433

Thank you for defending us my knight

+1 Female friendship for you :)

>> No.6100438
File: 572 KB, 1440x3616, 2018 Jan 03 16-29-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here. Screenshots a few days old but my holdings didn't change.

>> No.6100440

Keep us updated man, I want a good kek

>> No.6100508

I'm in too. We'll need females as the main faces though. Idk if we have any female biztards here who are technical and willing to scam other females for the sake of profit though.

>> No.6100564


That’s great your husband is leading the way and showing you how it’s done

>> No.6100571


women have vaginas, they don't need to invest into crypto

they just need to find a pasty nerd who invested into crypto, and offer their vagina to him

>> No.6100693
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>> No.6100824


This, honestly. There's no reason for a 6/10 or higher woman to ever work a day in her life other than 'uhhh, muh self-realization'. Just get a horny rich guy who can't find a girlfriend. Problem solved. Unlimited money for doing nothing.

>> No.6100863

>You will never be a "Driller of Earth"

>> No.6100890

Why would a rich smart guy go for some 6/10 when he could rent 10/10s every week? There's way more desperate 6/10s than rich guys.

>> No.6100964

It's pretty risky for a girl to have her entire life depend on some rich guy who could eventually leave her for someone younger and more attractive. Then she's old, poor, and no rich guys want her anymore.

>> No.6100987

Of allthe people i have told more women have done it, then more gays have talked about it and more hetrero normative men have made light of suggesting people should invest in things they dont understand etc. Women are more willing to accept a new world view will men who are successful in the current system feel like they have something to loose.

>> No.6101012


But OP my sister got me to buy ethereum at $30

>> No.6101032

>bicameral form of money that only men could earn and women could spend and it's matched counterpart that only women could earn and only men could spend
very interesting idea

>> No.6101082

>Women are more willing to accept a new world
Only if new world = new dick

>> No.6101130

Nice going

>> No.6101154

Yeah it's a cool idea until the traps and multi gendered fags fuck it up

>> No.6101234

someone post the edit that includes president of the usa

>> No.6101268


Also while women are not risk takers, the ones who are into finance are able to consistently make money and be less likely to lose it and pink wojack like the retards on here. The only reason /biz/ hates women is because they can't get any because they invest in shitcoins instead of ones with fundamentals. So yeah maybe women aren't make +1000% in a single day, but they are consistently making money if they know how to invest or learned how to invest and are less likely to lose it. However, usually women like this are kind of hard to find unless they have a family that taught them financial fundamentals early on. Typically Chinese women are like this.

>> No.6101300


>> No.6101438

I guess I'm an outlier then. Got in BTC when it was still $4k and had some mixed luck with LINK and LTC, but it worked out in the end.

>> No.6101439


women can't get what they want with money

>> No.6101466


>> No.6101501
File: 45 KB, 1024x576, 1512526005543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically, what you're saying is: Put serena williams against your average man, he'll get his ass beat. Put your average man vs your average woman and she'll get her ass beat. Put Serena Williams against a pro male and she'll het her ass beat.

>> No.6101554

itt cucks and roasties

>> No.6101557

Is she married?

>> No.6101585


They're too busy buying shoes and bags and paying their credit cards

>> No.6101600

Did reynad got raped?

>> No.6101632

A rich streamer got really drunk

>> No.6101698

I'm a woman in crypto, I'm also black :o

I usually use /biz/ to see if my coin is under the radar or not, I always laugh at these posts since I'm making many gains and only been in crypto since August :)

>> No.6101768
File: 691 KB, 2000x2000, 1514655587689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-you too.

>> No.6101797

Women get rich my marrying, being impregnated by, and divorcing rich men. They also Get to bitch and annoy them while they make the money so they don't have to spend any . .

Men are long term investment s and as long as you fuck most of them once a week while sucking off and fucking your coworker in the work bathroom every other night you're golden .

Also the man market is generally less volatile as long as the pussy stays good.

>> No.6101857

I'll say this before and I'll say it again. As long as women are in the minority, crypto's gravy train will keep rolling. Once mass adoption happens and we achieve 1:1 female to male ratio of crypto investors, the ride is over and crypto will be old news.

>> No.6101913

mad /pol/tards in 3.. 2.. 1...

>> No.6102364

>as long as the pussy stays good
It doesn't.