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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6093901 No.6093901 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6094106

mt.gox when?

>> No.6094248
File: 607 KB, 2142x2998, 1515409331869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Quick question anon, how do you know we aren't where I've marked? Because it would look the same if you zoomed in to that part of the graph.

>> No.6094496

All three time axes are scaled the same.

>> No.6094574
File: 182 KB, 2142x1008, i'm not holding btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6095165

Well, there was MT.GOX and other scam shit going on with exchanges soni think unless that happens its just a retracement.

>> No.6095186

Hot hand fallacy. Read about it

>> No.6095845

And that is not what he just asked.

>> No.6096354

>compare completely different years and different situations
>miss the fact that in some countries already 1/3 of the population use cryptocurrencies and won't stop doing so
>miss the fact that cryptocurrencies have become a world wide stock market in 2017, just being in its infant stages
>ignore the fact that it rose ever since and nobody ever made a loss by holding BTC

But well, I suppose for the average normie investor the picture is enough to FUD them out of their gains.

>> No.6096930

My ID decides the future of crypto

>> No.6096995

2010-2011, infancy with zero market liquidity compared to today
2013-2014, I highly doubt another 800,000+ bitcoins and 80%+ of the daily trading volume is going to vanish

Totally different indeed.. Keep trying nocoiner

>> No.6097279


>> No.6097372

no, mine

>> No.6097428

So you compare charts who had crazy events like mt gox to the situation right now? just KYS, thanks

>> No.6097507

95% of the tokens don't even have products yet. Maybe we'll see a crash once it becomes clear the fundametals can't support the valuation once a significant amount of the products launch (req, chainlink, quantstamp, etc.) but until then we'll have another year of news that makes more fools FOMO in each time.

In the past this never happened. There was nothing new happening with bitcoin in 2014 to keep it going up.

>> No.6097552
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>> No.6098105

Even the Color matches lmfao

>> No.6098453

2k$ incoming. Not even trolling.

>> No.6098486

Not before 75k-150k

>> No.6098528

Don't mind op he is obv a reatard. You are correct we could aswell be there.

>> No.6098546


>> No.6098609

Total marketcap, has flown past the ceiling of the first red dildo, i don't give a fuck about bitcoin.

>> No.6098625
File: 27 KB, 910x480, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically believing BTC will ever break 20k

dude it's fucking GARBAGE compared to newer alternatives. BTC is fucking done, what the fuck are you smoking that prevents you from realizing this? You are literally witnessing it in its death throes as we speak.

>> No.6098660
File: 147 KB, 3514x762, notabubblebtw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

realy makes u think

>> No.6098666


In its current state you're right.

If any kind of 2nd layer scaling solution or even a consensus hard fork comes through which can ease congestion and transaction fees then 20k+ is easy

>> No.6098907

oof. delete this?