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609174 No.609174 [Reply] [Original]

What is the minimum amount you need coming in every year (after taxes) to live?

>> No.609176


>> No.609177

Wherever you go there you are.

>> No.609178

2 thousand pounds


>> No.609196

Pretty easy way to find out. Go on wikipedia, search for nominal GDP per capita, sort by amount, pick lowest and subtract ~30%. Then youll know.

>> No.609197
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Oh I figure 19k should be enough for me.

>> No.609200

That's too high. I don't need a kids, wife, or a big house, or even a car.

>> No.609204

Cheapest in europe is Ukraine with ~2000 a year I think. Countries like Burma are at ~1000. You can probably go lower than that in african countries.

Actually pretty funny if you think about it. I have enough money stashed on my bank account to not have to work for 2 decades, I am still a university student. Think its time to move to asia.

>> No.609206

These pictures would be funny if the girls were actually laughing

>> No.609212
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>> No.609215


Here in the States (with some exceptions) I'd say that 24k a year is the absolute minimum you can live on. Anything below that is just poverty basically, living in a closet and eating government cheese.

I've decided that I simply can't live below 30k a year. It fucking sucks.

>> No.609221


net or gross? Also it obviously depends on where you live. In the midwest, where you can find a studio in a hip area for 500 a month is a totally different situation than living on either coast.

>> No.609223
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>It fucking sucks.
Work fucking sucks!
I can deal with government cheese and powered eggs just fine.

>> No.609232

For me? About 15k a year meets my current needs with very little luxury. If I wanted luxury and maybe some vacation, 25k a year would be my max.

>> No.609233

The hell? I live on about 18k. Rent ~550, insurance ~150, gas 80, food 170, health insurance 120, utilities 60.

I live in downtown los angeles.

Rest of the expenses are car repair, vet bills, and a few occasional spending like concerts, hanging out with friends, etc.

I'm looking at my books and I spent more in 2014 but that was because I went to school half of the year. Now I work full time so I'll have less costs (no tuition). Probably 15k this year.

>> No.609240

15k after taxes?

>> No.609246

Yes post taxes. But if you only make 15k, you only pay about 10% on the last 5k (first 10k standard deduction + 1 exemption). If you include payroll tax and state tax, you probably need to gross 18k to have 15k post-tax.

>> No.609253

Yeah, basically 200k in index funds with a 10 percent return.

>> No.609254

10% is too high, at least if you don't plan on working. 4% is pretty standard for a safe withdraw rate.

The first 10k is tax free, and the rest can come from long term capital gains or qualified dividends, I think they are tax free up to ~30k. So if you are living off index funds you can pretty much ignore federal tax.

>> No.609255

Do you have a roommate?

>> No.609257

Yeah, I live with a sibling. If I was alone I'd probably rent a room in a house a little off the city, those tend to be pretty big and not too expensive.

>> No.609258

ive read that in order to live a comfortable life as a single guy you need 70k.
If youre married 100k.
But it shouldnt be a problem if you combine your salary with your waifus salary.

>> No.609267

My understanding was that all capital gains were taxed.

Can you give me any overviews on tax rates for short/long term and other holdings?

>> No.609271

This is for the US, btw.

I believe the brackets are s a tad bit higher for 2014.

>> No.609423

I live in San Luis Obispo, which is horrifically expensive rent-wise, and I could easily make it with 17k a year. Probably even less because I wouldn't have to buy books. Even then I could move back to my home state, Arizona, and probably only need 14k or less.

>> No.609424

>70k to be comfortable
>more than 4 times as much as I need
Literally what the fuck are these people buying?

>> No.609430

After tax as a bottom-dollar amount, $18,000/year. This includes a car. Once the student loans are paid off, $14,000. If I didn't have a car and no student loans, $11,000.

Currently, I spend more like $22,000/year but there's a decent amount of waste in it.. eating out, shopping, road trips and so on.

Midwest, all-white small town, have my own studio apartment, zero crime, don't live in a white trash area. Soo.... inb4ghetto.

>> No.609452


goddamn uk jb

~10k due to property taxes

>> No.609471

Far left. All day.

>> No.609479

I couldn't live on under 100k EUR a year. Because that's what I earn now.

>> No.609513

What the fuck are you spending it all on?

>> No.609518

The usual. Vacations, alcohol, girls, partying. And of course I put aside some into savings and investments.

>> No.609524

Last month was 7.85 USD, on average around 20 USD per month, so I say around 240 USD a year.

Hint: I live rent free, food free, services free.

>> No.609535

I have about 10grand in relatively fixed expenses so I would say 20 grand to live comfortably without a whole lot of doing stuff. I of course aim for much much higher

>> No.609631

Must be nice..
I work and I live free too.
But I pay the cable ~ 100$
I pay for my cell phone ~ 50$
I buy lunch everyday during the weekdays ~ 65$/month
Paying school loan ~ 250$
And I make about 1600$ a month after taxes.
I am trying to put in about 500$ a month towards my loans, and put my tax refund towards it. should be done in a year or two.
But Even before I do that.. I have spent about 500$ in food/going out/shoping in the last two weeks.
I've no idea how anyone can survive on 20$ a month.
even with free food and living quarters.

>> No.609637
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There are levels of survival we are willing to accept if we don't have to work.

>> No.609716

>a single guy you need 70k
So, 90% of the people living in a 1st world country arent comfortable? Doesnt make much sense Anon. Especially if that after taxes. Then its even further from reality.

>> No.609737

It's not really jailbait when they're legal.

>> No.609817

I'm a Britfag I've estimated a minimum of £7k/$10k if I was renting,but since i still live at home rent free i can live off £2k/$3k a year,and that's with all my needs provided,I don't waste money on pointless shit,I got a motorbike instead of a car which costs a fraction of the running costs and still gets me around,got no debts or anything.Do you faggots even frugal?

>> No.609864

70k sounds about right.

i live off of 44k with free rent. save half my paycheck. its not fun.

70k bare minimum in los angeles for a decent apartment and decent car

>> No.609867

cry more, richfag.

>> No.609868

>44k a year

Both of you, get out.

>> No.609942
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rich to them, like a new car that you bought used

>> No.609949

Absolute minimum is about 12-15k per year here in Tacoma, Washington. I have a friend that lives off 18k, he goes to concerts and eats out occasionally so he's not a total hermit. I think he also goes to food banks and his cellphone is on his sisters family plan. I made about 38k in 2014 and I live fairly comfortably, saved 5k and bought a car for 4k.

>> No.609960

Minimum I need is probably 15k...luckily I have 40k in the bank and earn double that (post tax).

Still not enough though. I want way more. Don't know if I'll ever feel at ease spending extravagantly, but id like to be able to

>> No.609985

calling BS on this but I guess it depends on your lifestyle and how far outside the city you live in, since if you live in LA you are either making absolute shit-tier wages or you don't know what to do with all your money

>> No.609986

even with heels the ass is absent

no thanks

>> No.610027

$7k net per adult in Prague, Czech Republic.
That is with roomate(s) if single, or with a GF.

>> No.610462

~$21,000 if we exclude debt
Texas, no roommates (I hate roommates).

>> No.610697

My house, vehicles, etc. are all paid off and I have no debt. I could probably get by on ~$15k a year if I really had to. Property taxes, homeowner's insurance, car/motorcycle insurance, and health insurance run me about $6500-$7000 annually, utilities run me another $3000 / year so that's ~$10000 a year right there. I figure if I was extremely frugal then I could get by with $5000 per year for food and other necessities. That wouldn't leave much of anything for discretionary spending money though.

>> No.610714

(Nort of Czech rep)

>> No.610787
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I make 84k and I'm nowhere near comfortable. Denver is retarded expensive nowadays though. It used to be a shithole in the 80s. You've got to constantly watch your finances and investments. Plus you have to constantly be learning new shit just to keep up.

>> No.610791


welcome to the middle class. Shit sucks.

>> No.610897

Hermit finfag reporting in.

I live on 5k eur / y. According to the GDP anon I should be needing 4.5x that.

60% goes to housing
30% goes to food
The rest pays for electricity and internet

And I don't even dumpster dive or eat bad. Steak or chicken erryday, healthy diet with enough meat.

> impossibru

Nah. Learn to cook, walk everywhere, no drinking or other lame shit.

>> No.610973

Well lets look at the basic costs of living
Rent £600 PCM for a small studio apartment
Food lets say you can make do on £4 a day if you don't go for anything not essentials.
(When you say after taxes are they just point of earnings taxes or all taxes?) We will skip council tax
Electricity ~£55 PCM
+Water rates

Probably a minimum of £10k ($15k US) for basic subsistence.

>> No.610978

$0, I live at home with my parents

>> No.611004
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>> No.611028

$55,000 to live comfortably. I live in Minnesota.

>> No.611042

If you live in Hilltop then sure. I live in South Hill and the cheapest studio apartment is $1100/mo.

I read fucking hate this area.

>> No.611057

5400€/pa after taxes if I want to sustain my current property and live with minimal heat/water/electricity/internet/food/hygiene.
I'd not 8or just rarely) use my car, but still pay taxes/insurance on it, because I lucked out extremely with my insurance contract- otherwise I'd just de-register the vehicle and park in my parent's garage (I assume they'll be fine with that). Health insurance is a bitch. Due to earlier cancer and some other medical adventures it's just not cheap. Didn't include pension fund.

Currently I spend not more than 9450€/year on myself. Doesn't even feel too frugal. I live with my girlfriend. Lucked out with the rent, I'd think.

In a way I romanticize frugality, so I could probably survive happily with much less, but I earn more than enough, so why not spend a little more, too (within reason)?

~80% of net profits above the 9450€/year go into bonds and stocks. I plan to move a chunk into real estates when the opportunity comes. What remains rests in my bank account.

>> No.611060

round 700$ for utilities in my flat
300$ish car
800$ food
500$ insurances
200$ extra stuff

so around 2.5k a month which is 30k

>> No.611071

I do live on hilltop actually, the east side is even more cheap. South hill is fucked, you couldn't pay me to drive on or around meridian on a daily basis.

>> No.611074
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>800$ food

>> No.611095



wtf has this world come to

>> No.611110

You're forgetting the cost of rent every month.

>> No.611113

I live on 11k pa in aus.

>> No.611125

Get rid of the cable.

>> No.611129
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