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60594 No.60594 [Reply] [Original]

Is college a waste of time and money? Just curious, anon

>> No.60728

No it is not. The only people who preach that shit are English majors and other idiots who get retarded degrees and are surprised that they can't find jobs with their terrible credentials. Go to college. You aren't special and neither am I. We need a degree to get a decent job and live a decent life.

>> No.60748


No anon it is not. Work your ass off and get good grades to get yourself an upper tier of considered applicants, do projects that benefit the school so they put your name and face out their as their image and network at every opportunity inside the community and out in mostly the field you're interested in. Or you could listen the majority of students in college who just skate by like they did in HS and don't take advantage of every opportunity they get. Do everything you can to win and use 4 MOTHERFUCKING YEARS wisely to craft yourself into a worthwhile human being.

>> No.60765

Wow im literally none of those descriptions. Im in shape and not ripped.

Anyway, no its not. Unless you have grand start up idea and the reckless ambition to fulfil them (which if you are questioning right now, you don't, but could develop those skills later).

Undergrad doesn't really matter, just get a 3.0 and study what ever, write at least one 4+ page paper you won't be embarrassed of later. That will get you a job somewhere or the skills required to go it yourself. Then if you want you can go to grad school, which is where shit actually matters. It dosnt even really matter if you are best friends with powerful people, coming out of undergrad everyone assumes youre a low 20 something with no real experience anyway. So fuck it, go to school, do well, and have a good time. Something is waiting fro you on the other end.

>> No.60809

It depends entirely on your field.

Do you not learn any meaningful/employable skills? (Most actually do)

Is your degree just a stepping stone to the Masters/PHDs that the field actually requires for careers? (Psychology, for example)

Are not actually going to do your coursework and learn your field's material?

Are you not going to do any internships in your field between semesters? (Schedule permitting)

If the answer to any of these is yes, then you may find getting just a bachelors a waste of time.

>> No.60833

If it's for a marketable skill, talent or unique knowledge, absolutely not. If it's for recreational degrees, aka, adult day care, it absolutely is.

>> No.61408
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I think the reason people think college is a waste of money is because those that go in and do not get some sort of trade skills (learning how to work with cars/computers/machining/teachers/medical field) and get bullshit like women's studies but this is just off some 19 poorfag going to college and getting in debt.