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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 114 KB, 1200x873, DS9BCX6XUAAGPhk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6072589 No.6072589 [Reply] [Original]

The Lamden train hasn't left the station yet. We had a comfy thread earlier and a lot of people are rightfully frustrated with having to use etherdelta to trade. Here are some tips:

Create a wallet on ED and set the gas price to at least 24 or higher if you want to pay more/wait less
*Withdraw eth from anywhere into your newly created eth wallet address
*Deposit eth from your eth wallet into the ed wallet using the command on the left
Select tau from the top left dropdown box
Set a buy order or buy a sale at market price
After a successful trade, *withdraw tau from your ed wallet into your newly created eth wallet on ed using the command on the left
*Transfer the tau from your newly created eth wallet to any erc20 wallet using the command on the left

That should cover it. The key is patience. Every action is a transaction so always monitor it on etherscan and refresh ED after it shows as confirmed. Make sure you set the gas price to at least 24 or 25 and keep a few eth in your address to cover the tx costs

>> No.6072663

lamden tau in binance wallet
i repeat tau in binance wallet

>> No.6073285


>> No.6073448

>imagine a comfier hold than lamden tau.

>> No.6073523
File: 49 KB, 1003x469, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ED sucks.

>> No.6073884

Huh? Really? Show mee

>> No.6073969

thats not eds fault that all eth

>> No.6074040

go look at binance wallet on etherscan

>> No.6074093

What's the addy

>> No.6074106

post it nigga, if you not lier .

>> No.6074173

isn't on Etherdelta you nigger

>> No.6074193


>> No.6074267

look up the contract brainlet

>> No.6074337

You forgot the part where every step takes 3 hours to complete. Fuck EtherDelta.

(that said, I suffered through the process and and bought 4k when it was $1.30. So, arguably worth the torture)

>> No.6074361

I can’t you bastard!!!

>> No.6074407

Are you actually retarded?

>> No.6074439

lol thats just idiots that bought when ico was ongoing from the exchange..

>> No.6074451

What in the....what does this mean???

>> No.6074475

wish and ctt are ok too. have lamden though too.

>> No.6074495

Oops, I was talking about BBT at $1.30. I bought some TAU too but I don't even remember the price I paid.

>> No.6074500
File: 183 KB, 1600x900, binance tau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's less than 6k in there. Let's not go too crazy.

>> No.6074508
File: 37 KB, 237x441, 1504825441413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5.9k tokens

wow it's nothing

>> No.6074601

Radar Relay was just contacted and they agreed to list Lamden TAU

>> No.6074638

How much TAU do they really need to hold to list it though?

>> No.6074848

TAU isn't on etherdelta, admittedly this is a great shill tactic to create hype.

>> No.6074913

It is available on etherdelta, just isn't officially listed so you won't find it in the list.

>> No.6074979

when is this fixed?

>> No.6075011

I don't care if the cure for AIDs was on EtherDelta, I would still not use that shitty exchange. Fuck EtherDelta.

>> No.6075088

admittedly i hope you kill yourself

>> No.6075166

When/if etherdelta lists it. Right now they aren't listing any new tokens at all, until their own ICO finishes.

>> No.6075212

TAU is also available on Idex for those of you who want Ether Delta but without the garbage

>> No.6075458

Thanks, I'll take a look.

>> No.6075813

The Lamden Telegram group is pretty good for news. TAU will be listed on radar relay and delta sooner rather than later.
