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6064191 No.6064191 [Reply] [Original]

who else getting extra greedy with all these crypto gainz?
everyday i want more, it doesn't matter if i make 1k or 10k in a week, it's just not enough and it's too fucking easy.
it's devouring my soul, i didn't use to care so much about money but now i'm getting fucking pathetic. i check memedelta every 5 mins and crypto is my only interest now
am i the only one who got so lost?

>> No.6064319
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me too. but im willing to take advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity and sell my soul for a year to be set for a long long time.

also buy Payfair

>> No.6064372

lol too relatable....

But yeah, me too OP...

>> No.6064446

I want to kill my self. Crypto has consumed my life and i want out despite insane fains, but cant mostly due to fomo

>> No.6064512

Just make a few mil and buy whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.6064686

the more i try to "make it" the more distant it feels. 1k to me was a fucking paycheck now it's just pocket money to swing some shitcoins
i'm a fucking void of greed

>> No.6064752

if i'm not making 5k/day i start getting anxiety

8 weeks ago i was nearly broke

>> No.6064815

I can totally relate to this. It's just numbers on a screen.

>> No.6064902

Please tell more, where did your initial funds come from then. How much did you start with?

>> No.6065037

How do I even get in on this? I bought some bitcoins a few days ago and came on here and every thread is about a different currency than the next. Honestly I'm confused.

>> No.6065090

Same here. Lost contact with reality and even friends. Now i understand why it's a sin in religion

>> No.6065121


>> No.6065229


dude this insane market wont last foeve. Make the most of it. set a targe. when you hit the target cash out and forget about crypto.

>> No.6065253

it's going to be so, so awful when it's over. even if i make out like a king, it will be the worst

>> No.6065256

I'll be happy when I have enough that I can cash some out so I don't have to worry about money while the money I leave in grows more.

>> No.6065374

i love making money for Germany, as they will get half and more of these gains :)

>> No.6065379

My target is my school loans (about 60k)

I'm afraid of cashing out once I hit that because I am then losing out on potential future gains that far outweigh the interest I am paying on the loans

>> No.6065384

damn, reflected on it myself, the whole sin in religion thing. Really opened my eyes on the 7 deadly sins.

>> No.6065387

I keep getting greedier as I get more depressed because I want enough money ASAP so I can quit. Can I do a 3x this month? That's what I need.. Suggestions for a 3x portfolio this month? I was thinking about all in on that new low mkt cap coin added to binance

>> No.6065436

this, gonna be a recovering addict

>> No.6065467

i know that. i already "made it" for what i was telling myself just 3 weeks ago. the feel of "not making it" grows the more i make it lol

>> No.6065518


I have the exact game plan for you, not trying to shill but I've went all in with what I got (15k USD) on DCORP, a low market cap. Hopefully it will 3-4x so I can leave the crypto game and live normally again...

>> No.6065578

can u imagine going to hell for the sick gainz in crypto lmao?
we about to get meme'd in the afterlife

>> No.6065610

how much do you have?

>> No.6065644


i should probably share some of my gains with friends and family, redeem myself

>> No.6065672

welcome to life lads- ever wonder why literal billionaires, people who can afford anything, still push and push for more? Once you get a taste, you will never stop.

>> No.6065675

"make it" so hard that you won't reach not making it mode no matter what happens to crypto

>> No.6065731

mates, zclassic will go 3x from here. its not a meme.

>> No.6065853


in what time span?

>> No.6065858

Around 180k right now and i'm just a college dropout

>> No.6065920

by end of january. were one tweet away from parabolic.

>> No.6066131

If you think so, most jobs also consume yourself and you have really less gains, so i dont think that you have to worry, just dont spend all your day thinking about money.

>> No.6066174

I'm making money to fuel the race war, my emotions do not matter.

>> No.6066249

How are you planning on fueling it?

>> No.6066288

I know this feeling. I'm getting irritable and anxious and FOMO drives me to want to do nothing but research cryptos and get more gains. this is our shot though, gotta take it

>> No.6066296

mounted machine gun lambo death squads

>> No.6066558

I love you

>> No.6066566
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Seriously tough, I'm a lurking currently but I was wondering if any of you actually knew how to spot the right crypto currency to invest in or is this board filled with shillers and shilled with a few lucky guys in both sides?

Trying to understand that shit by browsing this board but I don't learn much. (If there's something to learn at all).

>> No.6066584

Yeah that's what i'm trying to do. Also a job is just a routine from 9 to 5 and when you finish you just relax and forget about it. Crypto on the other side is 24/7

>> No.6066651

Protip: THEKEY

>> No.6066655

It's actually made me less greedy after I realized money doesn't make me happy. I used to get excited when I was up $1k or depressed when I was down $1K. Now I swing up/down 5 figures throughout the week and I could care less. In all honesty, I don't know what to do with my money. I'm probably going to pay for my nephews' college since I probably won't have kids.

>> No.6066720

LINK you fucking mongoloid

>> No.6066732

Mostly shilling, but you can spot opportunities.

Sure things (given time for hype to build) are projects that have useful features that differentiate from what's out there, preferrably a working product, and low market cap.

These coins are usually on low volume exchanges. Eventually the potential to move to a big exchange causes them to explode.

A good example of this is Raiblocks. It just went through the cycle. It is now down because it's already confirmed to go on binance, but once the announcement was there it exploded.

>> No.6066756

Niggers is it too late to get into crypto? I have about 1-1.5k to invest not going all in all a single coin, thinking of splitting the 1k into 2 safe coins like ETH or LTC or Bitcoin and gambling the other 500 on shit coins. Is this a decent strategy? Please Halp I want to put a dent in the ZOG.

>> No.6066772

You have the right mindset anon

>> No.6066811

its because this game can only go on so long and were all making the easiesy money we will ever make lol. its not greed your just smart enough to realize you better take advantage of this shit anon. I just got to 22k from 1.5k and im freaking out trying to get at least 100k by the end of this month.

>> No.6066817

ICX and XRB are safe bets this month

>> No.6066825

Forgot one other way to guarantee money.

HODL. You pick a few good projects that will probably always be around (XMR, ETH, and probably BTC) and you just hold on. Buy dips dont sell.

These coins always take a breather and then charge back. Monero just repumped, Eth is pumping now, BTC we'll see if it comes back (i think so once alts crash)

This strategy wont get you rich over night, but it will get you rich over a month.

>> No.6066854


same here. I will go for 100k, than cash out 30k.

>> No.6066864

People said it was too late to buy bitcoin at $10, $100, $1000, $10000...

So do you think it's too late? When people like you are still showing up to buy?

Nah, we've got a long way to go.

>> No.6066891

If you have the money to buy a few bitcoins, just throw 1 BTC in any of the top 50 coins on coinmarketcap and you will easily 3x your investment by summer.

>> No.6066918

Yeah I understood that it was the last big thing.
Yeah I noticed that I fucked up by throwing a computer where I had the info of my wallet with like 2000 dogecoins that I bought for nothing back when it came out.

>> No.6066935

>tfw im at $100k right now but wont cash out.

THe problem is, the more you make, the more you can make. I'm up $2k today just because I had $100k this morning and a 2% bump puts me there.

The compounding is very real and very hard to let go of. I just hope to fuck I sell if I ever hit 2 commas

>> No.6067123
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I'm on /biz/ literally all day everyday. It's rough and I can feel its taking a toll, but I'd rather do this much more than anything else. We're going to make it.

>> No.6067124

100k is not impossibile in a month If you get early on moon missions.
Once you reach the 6 figures it's much easier to multiply your mememoney

>> No.6067237

It's a new coin, google it

>> No.6067278

Crypto isn't going away. You faggots need to learn that economics is changing.

>> No.6067314

I was thinking FUN/DBC for shit coins honestly DBC seems to have a lot of hype and has been pretty steadily green the past few days.
Well looks like I'll be dumping 400 into ETH tonight, 250 into bitcoin and 100 into DeepBrain, if things go well I'll buy another 250 of Bitcoin next week and maybe another 200 of ETH. Lets get rich anons.

>> No.6067368

Same here mate, I go on 30 minute walks every day, trying not to think about crypto.

>> No.6067383
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>> No.6067469

The more it's in the green the more is risky. You have to buy on a downtrend and then wait for a cyclical pump.
This usually works with every coin unless you're buying some chad Coin that won't dip for weeks

>> No.6067490

When the alt bear market comes around there are going to be more wojaks than we've ever seen before.

I wouldn't be surprised if we saw some actual /biz/ an-heros.

>> No.6067576

I guess FUN would be my better bet then.

>> No.6067731

Does anyone else have nightmares where you check blockfolio and see that your whole stack is down some huge amount like 80%, then you wake up and check it irl and it's the same as before you went to sleep or at a new ath?

>> No.6067811

Go for It If you want
Always keep an eye on the news, rumors and roadmap. This market is 90% hype and vaporwave

>> No.6067881

Its an unprecedented opportunity for enormous wealth generation and little real risk if you arent retarded. Thank god you were born at the exact right time to participate and profit from this utter madness.

>> No.6067885

That's some next level shit

>> No.6067933

For how long though. How long is this ride gonna last.
Thats the real question.

>> No.6067955


I have dreams about insane gains, and when I wake up and see that my shitcoins havent mooned I feel physically ill.

>> No.6068015

Hey anon. We're going to make it.
It's not just greed. Some of it is greed, but not all of it.
Much of it is the drive for freedom.
We hope crypto will free us from the burden of toil. We realize most workers are glorified slaves and we want out of the underclass.
Not because we despise them or want power over them.
Just to enjoy freedom.
As every born human should, and very few will do.
I don't like money, I'm a fucking artist.
Thinking about money makes me uneasy.
But before crypto is was worrying about it 'all the time' without even realising.
I'll try to make it big, then leave.
I'll be able to not count, just breathe freely.
Like when I was a child,
like we all should, be very few will do.
We're going to make it..

>> No.6068018

Doesnt matter dude, just cash out occasionally and keep your shit diversified. If you think it could blow up at any second then you really should be storing part of your gains in fiat.

>> No.6068074

How does this work

>> No.6068093

Do you mind me asking what sources you used to find that? It definitely looks like a legit opportunity.

>> No.6068106

I wish this market was 90% vaporwave. In fact why isn’t there a vaporwave coin yet?

>> No.6068118

>tfw the cant cash out meme is real

>> No.6068161

No need to cash out, its not that much of money I have in.
Got in with like 1500$, its 10000$ now...
I plan on archieving 150.000$ this year.
The more I have invested, the easier it is to make a lot of money.
I certainly know what I am doing though, but the market needs to be like it is now for at least 1-2 years... (ofc there is a crash about to happen sooner or later, but thats how it is)

>> No.6068216

Wow. Truly inspiring anon.
I guess that's what i was looking for

>> No.6068356

Sites about ICOs like ICOdrops and some other

>> No.6068558

When do you all think you'll get out of it? I'm thinking at least a million before I exit

>> No.6068759

Holy shit anon you might be' onto something. Just copy and paste the ethereum source code and change the name to v a p o r w a v e c o i n and you're set for massive gains

>> No.6068786

thanks, I noticed that one after googling the coin

>> No.6068898

Cross board inter-memeing. I like it my friend

>> No.6068941

Happening to me too.

I pulled my ada before the crash and am sitting at 10k in btc just waiting to drop it into something good.

I am playing around with about 7 other coins holding a grand each and another dozen with 100.

I keep finding coin purchases I forgot I made and they aren'r even on blockfolio like COLX.

>> No.6068989

There is some deep shit ITT

>> No.6069107

Crashes from alts pumping last a very long time. Nearly a year. Don't get caught trying to hold alts through a big crash. You want to be in btc when it happens because btc doubles.

>> No.6069489


Freeing up the soul is something I am very much interested. Would be amazing if crypto and a tokenized future can break our chains.

>> No.6069918

>thought I was gonna cash out at 50k
>thought I was gonna cash out at 100k
>thought I was gonna cash out at $250k

Currently at $375k and I said I'm gonna cash out $10k tomorrow but I don't know if I can.

I keep thinking about work tomorrow and how I'm going to fucking hate it. If I just get $1m this year I can be done for good and focus on what I'm going to do

Is this what they meant by you can't cash out?

>> No.6070011
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Correct answer