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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 16 KB, 500x230, Stellar-Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6056893 No.6056893 [Reply] [Original]

Ok Anons. Yesterday I told you we were at Ground Floor for ICX. Now I'm telling you that we are at Ground Floor for XLM.

I don't need to regurgitate all the reasons why Fundamentally this is going to be a massive coin in 2018.

Let's just get to why XLM is sitting on the launch pad ready for liftoff. It's a very plain and simple reason and based on normie/herd psychology. It's under $1 still. It currently sits at .69 Cents and the only other coin in the top 20 sitting under a dollar is TRON.

Anything under .75 cents is Ground Floor. This won't last much longer. Good luck anons

>> No.6057574

Prepare for Ripplers to flock to Stellar when they learn it's made by the Ripple founder. Also IBM. It will be seen as an "early ripple" and the boomers will come pouring in.

>> No.6057659

KIN is joining the stellar network

For those who didn't know, KIN = KIK

>> No.6057716
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>ground floor
>coin is top 10 already

but ya i have about 15% xlm or so

>> No.6057750

One of many to come.
Little known fact about Stellar is that it can support payments for dapps.... like Ethereum

>> No.6057861

Dude... Top 10 coins will be getting the most attention as the normie explosion accelerates. MSM was shilling XLM last week: CNBC & Bloomberg. The heards are coming and you better stock up now. CNBC called it the biggest crypto of 2018. This means EVERYTHING to normies.

>> No.6057868

This has been my least comfy hodl. I got in at ~.80 and again at .64, when can I expect a moonshot for christsakes

>> No.6057918

Been buying the dips, selling the tops.

I think it wont move to less than 4000 now, all looks good.


>> No.6057936

Dude..... you need to rethink your strategy. Buying at .80 is not smart. You need to get in before something takes off. That time is now with Stellar.
Also stop measuring alts in USD

>> No.6057946

I don't disagree which is why I have 15%. just past ground floor now, guarantee there are noobs holding xlm already.

>> No.6057955

Look at what is happening on binance. Price is artificially low, huge sell walls, and they've disabled withdrawal.
I think binance is trying to scare people into selling to help whale friends of theirs accumulate.

>> No.6057990

No man... noobs are selling Stellar
See >>6057868

>> No.6058140

Wallet maintenace is totally normal. Especially when Stellar was top volume only a few days ago. Volume is pretty low right now relatively speaking. Doing wallet maintenance now only makes sense. Better they do it now before the next run starts.
The only people they're scaring are normies. I am putting you in this category.
Whales are accumulating and taking advantage of a normal exchange process of wallet maintenance.

>> No.6058185

they are doing it for a week now... feels fishy as fuck

>> No.6058276

I think it's fishy, been like this for too long. I'm not complaining though, it's an excellent chance to buy up more.

>> No.6058288

>Ground Floor

What are you even saying? ICX was sub $4 a couple weeks ago, and lumens was around $.30. Not saying they won't go up, but it's too late for any miraculous (x10) gains

>> No.6058330

>tfw can't decide between XLM, ICX, and LINK

Is XLM going to be like BNB/Binance but for FairX? Will this fucker see $10 at EOY?

>> No.6058333

Stellar isn't going anywhere until 5-6 days. You guys are still in correction. ICX has been ground floor for a week. Blow it out your ass faggot.

>> No.6058368

He's saying that the price of Stellar has found support and is done correcting from the previous rally. Many indicators support this. This means the price will not drop substantially anymore and that you should be buying with confidence you aren't catching falling knives.
How new are you??

>> No.6058392

Just buy all three, those are top notch coins imo

>> No.6058434

Remember when Xalm was sitting sideways when it was at 1000-2000 sats? This is Round 2 of accumulation, boys.

>> No.6058453



>> No.6058458

No xlm is going to be used in every transaction.... basically how eth or btc is now...

You buy in USD》xlm》 crypto of your choice

You will buy any alts with USD and they use xlm in the background for how fast and cheap transactions are through it...

If fairx takes off think of the volume going through Bitcoin....

>> No.6058486



>> No.6058497

Only have 1 ETH to spare atm, might as well go all in on one for now.

>> No.6058568

Same Anon.

I am no way shilling for kin, but I dropped only 70Usd total on it two weeks ago for 200k. It's well below .001c. buying in as it's this low isn't an awful idea.

I've already 2.5xd

>> No.6058726

How the fuck can Cardano have twice the market cap of Stellar when Stellar is closer to an actual product, has FairX coming, and a much better team of all-stars working on it? Makes no sense. I sold all my ADA today, there is no way it can hold #5.

>> No.6058760

you made the right call, tehres literally 0% chance you wont make significant gains in 2 weeks time

>> No.6058796

Aight fuck it, I'll go all in on XLM again. I originally had $300 in it at 0.30 and sold at a dollar. Guess its time to come back

>> No.6058858

retards need to understand what functional programming is and how much better it is than imperative programming before you can talk about cardano. fucking cryptochads.

>> No.6058871

I figured 1$ was possible, have sold everything now.
Reminder that growing demand will be counteracted with increase in supply, more coins will enter circulation now after this explosive period

>> No.6058872

Dude this is old news.

>> No.6058885

Because Cardano is literally normies: the coin. They eat up the bullshit about how scientific it is.

>> No.6058890

I'm assuming you mean XLM right? If I had an ETH to put in each for sure I'd coast without a fucking care in the world. I just don't want to get shafted by FOMO

>> No.6058917

lmaoooooooo. you ever write a line of code anon?

>> No.6059004

I didn't think so faggot

>> No.6059095


>> No.6059112
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>> No.6059172

i have a lot in stellar, but if the goal of xlm is to be an intermediary between fiat and (insert coin of choice), why would you want to view xlm as a coin with investment potential if you need a stable coin worth to make reliable transactions? i mean, if it is just a go between to link crypto coins, where is the value in that for stellar? is it in the fees associated with that? if so, that isn't necessarily something a lumen is providing, but rather fairx.

>> No.6059186
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>> No.6059231

Dude you may be a programmer but you don't understand crypto. I checked the Cardano roadmap and saw how fucking long this is going to take before it is done and I know how ADHD crypto investors are, they will NEVER wait that long, Cardano is a promising project but it will not hold #5 for long. I sold my great gains so far from the moon. Better gains will now be made in other coins until it is closer to ready.


Read this, Cardano is about to hit that desert-like bottom of the J-curve.

>> No.6059290

That's what they said about xrp, idiot

>> No.6059473
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because billions of people around the world will buy at least 1 in order to send tens of thousands of dollars for 60% less and instantaneously.

I invested in XLM because it will revolutionize the way people do remittances. I sent 10k worth of xlm the other day and it was instant between exchanges. Amazing technology.
>hurdurrr its instant anon because its a shitcoin that no one uses

well, its in top 10 coins in market cap and they stress tested it for 2.3 trillion USD worth in 24 hours

BTC and ETH are so fat right now because people buy them first in order to buy alts. Fairx.io will allow normal people access to other alt coins as well as allowing fiat pairs for the remittance market that can be transacted instantly.

People freaking out here are just poor faggots who think losing 5k from a small dip when they bought at the top discredit that it rallied in insane amount (like 300%?). I got in sub 20, holding a shit load. I didint manage to sell at the top and didnt want to fuck with swing trading so im am just in hodl mode, not really caring and numb to how much of my gains I have bled. But honestly, this coin will fuck other btc, eth, and ltc when it allows alt coin pairs and fiat pairs.

>> No.6059654

I got 4,4k 3 years ago when they were giving it away for free. Fucking money out of thin air. What is the target price?

>> No.6059820

i understand the technology and know about why it is a good project, but i'm trying to understand what will make the price of the actual coin go up, not necessarily the profits associated with fairx charging a fee for the service of using xlm as the intermediary between two currencies. i know it has great value in the service it provides, but why is it a coin that will grow in value? if you are running fairx, why would you want the value of the coin to grow, outside of inflation?

>> No.6060093

I see lumenaries still don't understand how coin supply and market cap work

>> No.6060225

explain then high horse faggot

>> No.6060299

i guess what i'm trying to say is that i am starting to feel that the value in the company and the project of fairx resides outside of the xlm coin entity, and that the real investment growth will reside outside of the coin xlm in those entities where the profit will land. the profit doesn't seem like it will be associated with the actual coin itself. xlm is solely the coin's value, not fairx. am i missing something here?

>> No.6060714

Yeah it does seem to be holding strong in 4000s now which is a good sign, but where the fuck did the volume go? It had 30,000+ when it was mooning, now 4000 on bittrex.

Seems whales made it their playground, and until they return, we aren't going anywhere

>> No.6060807

By the way, I interpreted your post OP as "buy XLM... AND TRX ALSO!" which I had XLM but bought TRX now since it was discounted over 50% from ath two days ago. Working great so far, thanks!

>> No.6061059

Bad interpretation. Tron is a scamcoin and once normie interest fades this will disappear. You are late to the party.

>> No.6061192

Even though it's high it will still get better percentages because it has good tech and coming partnerships. Hold some bazinga instead and see which one rises faster.

>> No.6061246

usd is the only thing that matters when bitcoin dies like the dinosaur it is.

>> No.6061248

w-why is it falling

>> No.6061365


>> No.6061392

Ready for blast off!

>> No.6061729


shrug. up 25% in like 20 minutes.

>> No.6061893

Hope you goys got your XLM in stellar wallets and have your inflation set.

>700k bag yields me ~144 XLM a week
>XLM gives me $~100 a week

>> No.6061932

>misinterprets a forum post
>invests in coin under false pretences
>up 25% in 20 mins from a mistake

I love this market

>> No.6061935
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dude tron doesn't have a product. the dev does nothing but shill. It's great if you can ride the wave but it's not a safe investment

>> No.6061950

wait what

>> No.6062002


Lmao. Yeah OK, I sold and took my profit. But more AION on the dip instead.

>> No.6062040

Heh.i also own KIN. These retarded weak hands keep selling their 50k stacks if the price goes up a hair. Frustrating.

>> No.6062053


>> No.6062151

I dont have much xlm so I wouldn't be making any I assume

>> No.6062289

>5 or 6 days is now considered a long time to wait for explosive 2-3x gains that would have taken years in traditional investments.

What a fucking time to be alive. This is like whatever the opposite of a nightmare is.

>> No.6062298

1% a year, but free is free.

>> No.6062352

I love that someone actually learn from /biz/'s best strategy of buying high and selling low. There is literally no faster way to make money

>> No.6062413


you get pay outs each week

>> No.6062424


Yeah shit is crazy. The problem with being stuck for 5-6 days waiting is because you probably missed out on a million dollars whle doing so

>> No.6062508

I can't. Its been stuck in binance for a week.

>> No.6062639

same. beginning to think to sell what i have left with FUN which i bought at 347 and buy xlm

>> No.6063270

because you will need to purchase some xlm to trade pairs. A small fraction of xlm is destroyed when you trade a fiat pair or alt pair. So if I understand correctly, 1 xlm would allow thousands of dollars worth of trades and allow the possibilty of doing an alt pair like CND for ICX or whatever combination you desire.

>> No.6063298

I know the feel, but I'm trying not to be greedy. When I see that I was up 120% when I went to sleep and am disappointed I'm only up 130% when I wake up, I realize it's time to back up and appreciate the insanity of these gains.

>> No.6063365

FUN is about to moon, no meme. You sell and it will go up, I am trying to get more FUN right now. Get it soon.

>> No.6063411

I bought 1000.
How will I be doing eoy?

>> No.6063521

at least $5 I believe

>> No.6063563

just need XLM to hit $175 USD and then I can pay back my loans. Almost there!

>> No.6063629
File: 38 KB, 877x276, xlmuse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw goys, here is where XLM is way different from XRP

While XRP use is optional, here, we see a 3rd party using Stellar network who tells us the use of XLM is required

I dont understand the DDOS protection use however

>> No.6063703


>> No.6063828

you don't seem to understand just how seriously normies take MSM

>> No.6063860

There's a cost of 1 satoshi per transaction, this prevents DDOS attacks by putting a cost to every transaction they make to try and overload the system. These fees are given to coinholders via inflation

>> No.6063898
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>> No.6063944


>> No.6064007

I would buy but i dont want to sell my other altcoins. I dont know which one is gonna moon next. :/ (IOTA, Waves, ICX)

>> No.6064030

Or not one satoshi but .00000000001 or however many zeros fee. The absolute minimum

>> No.6064220

ya the stellar fee, its tiny, i sent my XLM from bittrex to my nano ledger and the cost was like next to nothing

>> No.6064349

trying to hit .7 on binance

>> No.6064493

Gonna be hard with the asshole whale there

>> No.6064523

please refrain from talking in ether measurements

we dont do that.

>> No.6064580

4200 satushy

>> No.6064645
File: 168 KB, 1242x2208, B8FDC5EA-84F4-42DC-9419-023BA0D57791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y’all should get out before it swings. My buddy who works for wellsfargo said they were acquiring ripple soon now as well.

>> No.6064810


>> No.6064851


One of the faggots was in here last night. He said they don't intend to let the price fall any further though.

>> No.6064912

Ground floor? It's going even deeper faggot


>> No.6065033

That's def what is happening on binance right? I see these massive sell walls get posted often. How is one dude cucking the price like that?

>> No.6065154

The wall blocks all higher sell orders and swallows buy orders, driving the price down when weak hands sell

>> No.6065298

let that faggit lose his bags to buyers who want to make money

selling now is stupid

>> No.6065834

The price is literally 4 cents higher on Kraken and Bittrex compared to Binance. There's a 300k lumen sell wall up that continues to move. FUCK THIS WHALE.

>> No.6065950

(((HE))) is just abusing the wallet downtime, its still down right? Otherwise arbitrage would delete his little gayme

>> No.6066691

Yes. Still down.

>> No.6066800

that would be great. if Binance got their shit together, mine would be there already.

>> No.6066863
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>> No.6066980

so its advantageous to snatch some up while i can on binance no?

>> No.6067036

I'd say so, it's crashing again tho.

>> No.6067108

one guy or several. they have a lot of coins and people need to buy that up before price goes higher

>> No.6067610

As much as I like XLM, ICX is guaranteed to at least 2x come Jan 24th.

>> No.6067618

So when is Fairx.io supposed to launch?

>> No.6067658

The node for it is live right now , just happened in the past few hours. It's a good sign for the official launch

>> No.6067714

Because this thing used to be $0.02. Some people have millions of them.

>> No.6067774
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i really hope xlm will be $3,50 or something
i dont need to make it i just want some extra spare change as a poorfag student

>> No.6068197


>> No.6068243

Ethereum fucking everyone in the ass

>> No.6068470

It doesn't even work.