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600845 No.600845 [Reply] [Original]

How do we save the euro?

>> No.600848

All countries should go back to their own currencies.

>> No.600849


Kick the Southern European countries out obviously.

>> No.600857

Make euro exclusive to germanics.

>> No.600861

Get rid of PIIGS. get Norway on board.

>> No.600874


Gas the Krauts, inflation differential now.

>> No.600889

You cant save it those fools in European union will get their shit slapped soon.

>> No.600901

elect each nation's equivalent of margaret thatcher

>> No.600904

keep printing dollars and the euro will look fine

>> No.600912

Kick out South Europeans and Slav shits.

>> No.600926

This is the Euro's final form.

>> No.600956

It's falling because of imminent ECB QE fucknuts. It's meant to be weak.

ECB needs to have a long hard look at its monetary policy though. It's clear that 'one size fits all' thing they are doing is kill. Peripheral countries (the PIIGS in particular) have a different structure to their economies than the core (Germany/France) and so need different monetary policy.

Central banks in Europe are special in that they are central banks that are not allowed to do much central banking. It's hella weird.

>> No.600996

So much ignorance in this thread.

The Euro is collapsing, as the ECB wants.
Inflation is near 0%, oil is sub-60$, which could drive inflation even lower.
The ECB inflation target is 2%. So yes, the €/$ exchange is helping driving up inflation.
Also, QE should start soon.

One of the I in there is Italy, which is the 3rd by GDP in the Eurozone. S-Spain comes 4th.
So, if you believe those could exit the Eurozone, keep dreaming.

It will never be part of the EU, nor Eurozone. Not until all their oil is extracted, their sovereign wealth fund goes from 800bn$ to 0$, etc, etc.
Norway has no reason to enter the EU, nothing to gain. It only has to lose, specifically its autonomy over agriculture policy+import duties (even though it has been disastrous: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norwegian_butter_crisis))

>> No.601009



>> No.601038

There's no saving to be done. The German 10 year is 161 bps below the U.S. and euros will be enjoying cheap money for a while. U.S. took its medicine from 2009-2013 and will have comparatively high rates and growth prospects for a while.

>> No.601361

So since we're speaking about the Euro, how likely is it for Greece to leave it? New elections etc. will anything happen?

Should Greece leave the Euro, what happens then?

>> No.601368

Invest in the euro while it's low. I just dropped 500 dollars into around 410 Euro yesterday and I'll probably put another 500-700 when I see it getting to its lowest.

Investing in it will both help the Euro get back up and also make you some money.

>> No.601371

Shouldn't a strong US economy help Europe and China?

>> No.601410

Why is the euro so shit? Is it better to have lots of small scale currencies?

I would like answers to these questions.

>> No.601459

How low can it go? Is 1:1 possible, or is it more likely to rebound?

>> No.601461
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I hope it disintegrates so that we can go long with currencies that will replace it.

(especially whatever currency Germany adopts)

>> No.601477

Apparently Schäuble talked in 2011 with the C
Greek Finance Minister about Greece leaving the Eurozone and going back to the drachma.
But Schäuble was swayed by the Greeks to keep them inside the Eurozone.
The german politicians are now stating that the Euro could handle Greece leaving, since they have now more financial safety nets installed.

>> No.601493

This is great for me as my investments in USA rised about 14% last year thanks to EUR/USD alone. S&P rose more than 10% too, so 20-30% profits do not require much as eurofag. I am looking forward to 2015 as even a better year than 2014.

Finnish faggot

>> No.601621

Greece shouldn't leave the Euro, simply because I own their gov't bonds. As do plenty of German banks.

Oh, yes. I'm enjoying this too.

>> No.601667

Germany is getting fucked by every poor Country in the EuroZone. They should not try to copy the USA and their States. The people in Europe are way to diffrent. I hope the Euro crashes and everyone minds their own business

>> No.602695
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>> No.602920

This year is gonna be ridiculous. Seeing as US interest rates will be going up while ECB starts QE (it doesn't even matter if they start it or not, just talking about it is enough), the USD/EUR will probably be at parity by the end of the year. If you are a europoor, buy some USD denominated funds and take that shit to the bank.

>> No.603014

if you didn't see this from five years ago, why are you trying to trade? i literally called this out five years ago and even posted about it on forexfactory.com

>> No.603063
File: 45 KB, 317x293, i bet the Wales did this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do we save a sinking ship

>> No.603212

so... what should I do with my euros?

>> No.603237

Buy Yuan

>> No.603254

smart people on biz, thats rare

>> No.603259
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The answer is obvious, buy Greek banks!

>> No.603975

Invest to US market. Even by buying low risk dividend aristocrats will make you 10% profit this year plus EUR/USD which is going lower all the time, so in the end you are making about 20% annually in euros with no risk at all.

>> No.604285

Buy Greek bonds, if you love risk.
GGB 2017 3,375% returns more than 13% yearly.

>> No.605342

Lol no. Start shorting Greek drachma.

>> No.605364

Wow, you saw the value of a currency dropping after it was clear that a shit ton of countries who use it wont recover and that a truckload of eastern europeans 2nd world countries will join the EU.

Are you the prophet Mohammed?

>> No.605372


>> No.605391

>How do we save the euro?
Destroy European Union, destroy NATO alliance, destroy USEU market blockade, lower taxes, enter into Eurasian union with Russia, open free market environment worldwide, profit.

>> No.605409

>free market in commie Europe

Not going to happen

>> No.605412

I know, I live there, let the slaves stay slaves then I say, I am getting myself out of that garbage, real estate market is dead at the moment, still waiting to get rid of the rest of REIT portfolio, that was a very fucked up investment, ROI in recent years down to 3.5% after taxes, who has the time to waste? I don't, fuck this shit, I make this in a good week on the market, why should I even bother with renting out properties?

>> No.605416

Don't you want to buy some commercial properties in the Eastern Europe? I will give you a special discount. And also, if you stay here for more than half a year, you can lower your personal income tax to 15%, isn't that a good step?

>> No.605540

No thanks, I'll stay with dumping my euros to leveraged US index ETF.