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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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605350 No.605350 [Reply] [Original]

>having gf
>not using public transportation
>using consumer debt

All of you will never make it. If you live simply you can do a 20 year stint wage slaving and NEET for the rest of your life after that.

>> No.605358

I agree. And my energy/ motivation dwindles as time passes by. I am in uni now at age 22 and I think I will reach the end of the line by 40. The only way to be a carpe diem NEET after that is to refrain from all these things now. But it is not something you should do when you do have the energy man, come on. All these things make life what it is. I assume you are like me and we can't into this stuff because of some messed up shit within us. For me it is energy. I feel like a scavanger in mad max, always only doing things where I get energy. It's quite inconvenient.

>> No.605359

>Tfw when my girlfriend pays for drinks, more than half of the bills, and let's me drive her car whenever I need it

Don't make up excuses for the fact that you have no car and get no pussy.

>> No.605363
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>not having a gf

Do you even decrease marginal housing costs and increase household wage pleb?

>> No.605366

Women create more problems than they solve. Even if they do pay half the bills, they will cost you more than you get because of all the shit they just have to have.

>> No.605369
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>Women create more problems than they solve. Even if they do pay half the bills, they will cost you more than you get because of all the shit they just have to have.


>> No.605378

You clearly have no experience. Not edge, just practical experience, both my own, and what I have seen from friends and family. 100% of them are either forced to spend vast sums of money on stupid shit for show, or their wives leave them.

>> No.605382

Most people are stupid fucks. They mismanage their finances and waste money stupid shit. No doubt they also enter relationships and act like faggots.

Relationships (in my experience) are easy. Just fuck the girl, ignore her moodiness, and occassionally go out. The most expensive shit I've ever bought for my gf was a $10 musuem ticket.

We've been dating 10months btw.

>> No.605383
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Not really. GF, cars, pets, house, kids are just more sources of problems and irritation. If you eliminate this from your life it becomes way easier.

>> No.605384

Your family has terrible choice in women. Since you said 100% of them, I would probably blame that on bad genetics. You were doomed before you were even born, bro.

>> No.605387
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I have both of these things and I am actively trying to eliminate them from my life.

>> No.605389

In summation, women are not inherently money sinks. Most men simply mismanage. Yes they do like to buy loads of stupid shit. No it doesn't have to be with your money.

>> No.605390

You're trying to get rid of your car and sex?
May I ask why?

>> No.605394

I'm not talking about dating. I'm talking about marriage. You don't get to see their true feelings until they are entitled to half of what is yours and get to keep it if they kick you to the curb (of your own house). Plus alimony. Plus child support.

>> No.605395

>cant stop having sex
>cannot Into Sell car

Dude maybe you are the problem, if you cant manage this, Then you cant have a good telationship

>> No.605402

Again you just have terrible taste in women. You know how to avoid alimony and child support? Simple. Find a woman that makes as much as you do. I know what you are thinking: "I'm a sperglord, I could never find a woman both attractive and successful!". Guess what? You're absolutely right. That option is only available for non-autists.

>> No.605405


Because the car is used to sit in traffic and the pussy has filled my apartment with pointless shit and robbed me of all personal time.

>> No.605407


I have a girl in my apartment and I need the car to get to work. I feel the pathetic suburbanization of my life occuring outside of my control.

>> No.605411

>throw gf out
>get a job where you dont have to do a Moses to get there

Profit and all that

>> No.605414

Here in the UK public transport isnt very cheap,i just sold my car and got a motorbike instead,costs hardly anything to keep it on the road and goes like shit off a shovel

>> No.605418

Then don't get married m8. If you stay slim, hygienic, and have moderate money, you won't have any problems dating into your 40s or 50s.

>> No.605430

Having a gf isn't that bad. It has it's negatives but overall, if she cooks, cleans, sucks your dick and brings the salary home, you shouldn't complain.

>> No.605431

>Missing out on your best years
>Trying to catch up later when your body is breaking down and everybody has already a cemented group they belong to + all the decent chicks are taken
0/10 .

>> No.605456
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>trying to catch up later when your body is breaking down
>implying I don't know how to properly use steroids

>> No.605493

>ITT people who haven't had kids yet

>> No.605550

Some people win relationships and some people lose- if you always lose don't play

>> No.605578


what will the other wage slaves think!

>> No.605598

>implying any man focused on his goals cares
What you advocate as "simple living" is not simple living at all. Its basically an alternative to /fit/s cocoon mode, which of course is pure idiocy because connections are some the most important things one can have.

Foregoing a gf, social events, not having a basic econobox car and not leveraging just to be able to live a NEET lifestyle 40+ is just as stupid. Man only lives once, what kind of a retard would intentionally not try to make life better for themselves and experience what it has to offer? Pitiful.

>> No.605607

Nice opinion there, man. Please consider the alternative that different people may have different values.

>> No.605615

This board is about making shekels and getting the best out of life. What different values? Knowing that you get only one life, whats the point of squandering it?

>> No.605619

>getting the best out of life
I mean that for different people this part is different. For me, getting the best out of life would be:
- be able to live in relative comfort (internet, shelter, alright food)
- have access to a home gym
- not have to work
- not have to interact with people
indefinitely. Now what a life that would be.

>> No.605623
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>absolutely disgusting.

>> No.605626

You are never going to make it, fucktard

>> No.605628

>Internet first priority
>not have to interact with people

You must have a sad life, dude

>> No.605629

Here's a simple plan for you to fulfill most of those conditions.
1. Go to Norway
2. Commit serious crime (for indefinite detention)/ less serious (for trial period).
Lets see what you get:
>be able to live in relative comfort (internet, shelter, alright food)
Got it.
>have access to a "home" gym
Got it.
>not have to work
Got it.
>not have to interact with people indefinitely.
Got it, considering solitary.
If Breivik could do it, so can you.

>> No.605660

I used to. Now it's different, I've turned most of it around. Finishing a top school, got an amazing job lined up, a gf, got fit, etc. Long term future plans are all in check.
However, I realize that I miss those times a lot. Being able to spend days playing WoW, getting up whenever, not having to do anything/be responsible for anything. The only thing I look forward to in life is gambling with stocks once I get some disposable income (and covering it up as investing).

>> No.605662

That sounds like a great plan but it requires huge balls.

>> No.605669


Maybe if spending your entire life in a cubicle is your idea of a good life.

>> No.605690

you ungrateful little bitch.
There are third world workers in sweatshops that would kill for a chance to sit on their ass and type shit on a computer on an air conditioned room 8 or so hours a day.
Youre probably not even qualified for that kind of job anyways.

>> No.605744

Oh, well, you must be so cool and suave, what with all your knowledge and experience at not getting completely fucked over by a woman yet or watching as every single male that you know gets the exact same treatment.

>> No.605748

The singularity is coming. All we have to do is survive another 30 years and we'll probably all be immortal and wealthy in ways we can barely begin to comprehend today.

>> No.606296

>There are third world workers in sweatshops that would kill for a chance to sit on their ass and type shit on a computer on an air conditioned room 8 or so hours a day.

Spotted the free market faggot there

>> No.606849

Oldfag here

What OP says is partially true. Those who fucked around in their younger years are way, way behind someone like me, who aggressively pursued, education, career, etc. And, that gap only becomes wider over time. By your 40s, you can achieve a very good measure of financial independence, if not complete FI.

But, the big "fuck you" that life has in store for everyone that is pursuing NEETdom is that a life of idleness doesn't work, long-term. Even the guy from ERE is back at work these days, as are many other early retirees.

I'm not sure why - maybe after 20 years of working, you're so maladjusted that you can't deal with life without massa's whip hand hovering above you. Or, maybe it's just a human need to be busy. Truth is, it doesn't really matter.

One piece of advice. If you start pursuing FI, complete it as quickly as possible, even if it means a lower lifestyle. The longer-term your plan is, the more likely it is to fail since fatigue and depression will take it's toll.

>> No.606862

I've never met a woman that actually cooks real food
american women eat out daily

>> No.606863

semen disposal is a big problem in my day-to-day

>> No.606895

Whenever I get down about little things my gf does this kind of thing bucks me right up.

Women who bring no value to your life outside of a wet hole to stick it in don't deserve commitment or emotional attachment.

>> No.606932

My wife was like that.
You need to cultivate and let them grow into the role sometimes. She now does some kick-ass ratatouille and lasagna.

>> No.606943


so any situation where there is a possible worse situation is acceptable?

>> No.606980

ITT: delusional married men with sever buyers' remorse and women unable to formulate an argument beyond "edgy"


>you have to hold out the fiscal black hole while you house-train your bitch
that is literally what you are implying right now
fuck that
learn to make your own ratatouille

>> No.607047
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>wanting to work a job where you feel like a wage slave
>wanting to be miserable for 1/4 of your life with the goal of being lazy afterwards
>not socializing with friends and colleagues over drinks
>assuming everyone has public transportation
>denying yourself a meaningful relationship that will help you grow as a person
>tfw some people actually believe in doing this

5/10 made me respond

>> No.607072

Along with women who cook, I have never, ever seen something that could be described as a "meaningful relationship"

The only people who called it that are the ones that lied to themselves after it had ended.

>> No.607098

>Having kids
Im so sorry anon

>> No.607104

>having gf

You can just get a whore once a month and not deal with the headache. You will spend more then 300 a month on food and entertainment

>> No.607153

Say what you want, it does actually work as advertised if you can stomach it.

>> No.607159

>wise man gives advice
>not a single reply
lel /biz/

>> No.607183

>And only a single fuck was given that day

>> No.607188

I'm sorry you've never seen a happy fulfilling relationship, anon. they are out there though, i promise you that. Couples tend to be happy with one another when they are best friends in addition to bf/gf or husband/wife

>> No.607191

> jelly natty detected

>> No.607193

filthy liberal

>> No.607194

enjoy being four times more likely to be involved in a fatal collision compared to car owners

>> No.607200
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>Im so sorry anon

>believing the corporate propaganda that has it you should spend less time on family and more time on business/consuming
>letting the mudslimes and other retarded, barbaric, prolific breeders continue their lineage and become the majority
>wanting to wind up in a nursing home with nobody to check in on you because all your friends are dead

>> No.607205

I'm so sorry anon

>> No.607226

sick fallacy of relative privation, bro

Fuck off, Ray. How many of your 9001 predictions are right? Five?

th-thanks, feminism

Enjoy your sti's and having no emotional connection

That's okay there, Buck. Now get out there and inseminate someone.

>> No.607252

>not having a gf with a job to decrease rent/mortgage
Chivalry is a small price to pay.

>> No.607610


>> No.607634

>My parents have been married for 35 years.
>They started a business togheter and went from pretty low class to comfortable as fuck middle class.
>They had me
>They are still disgustingly in love 35 years later

They exist, they are rare

>> No.607636

20 years is a long time. I wanna retire in a couple of years.

>> No.607683
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I love how a board called Business & Finance has such a fixation on having nothing to do with business, having no finances, and can somehow call that 'making it'. I don't know what your bar is.
The people I know who are living your definition of 'making it' are either homeless or pathetic and soon-to-be-homeless.

>> No.607698

Its amazing how much better people would do in not just business, but everything imaginable if they could just pick their head up and keep it there.

>> No.608134
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>having rent/mortgage
>using costs to justify attaching a human leech to yourself
>making children to die for Israel
sorry Mr. Shekelstein no can do
next you'll tell me to get a credit card

>> No.609943

Do you honestly think peoples values are homogenous? I'm honestly sick of this bullshit mentality of not squandering your life. YOLO is complete bullshit. Even if you live life for the moment and do every arbitary goal you wanted in life, you may still feel empty and void at deaths door. Having a girlfriend, friends, family, a house, able to go on holiday every year. It's not a fucking ticklist for happiness. Fuck, I used to be like >>605660 and be content with my pathetic life. It's only due to societal pressure that I've tried to make something of myself and got many of the things deemed socially desirable and nessesary for happiness and you know what, I still don't feel happy. I just want to be content with things like I used to be.
Life isn't worth two shits and your never going to be truely happy. Just learn to be 'ok' with the way things are at best.