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6048890 No.6048890 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6048951

4.4k LINK marine reporting for duty.

Sir feeling comfy sir

>> No.6048969
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I did

I was just retarded and didn't go all in and didn't put enough in.

Still comfy with with the gains so far

>> No.6049020
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>> No.6049097

i just bought 400 links about 20 minutes ago

am i going to be feeling pink or green in the near future?

how long do we hold

>> No.6049124
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yeah, more like
>I'm eating all your burgers

>> No.6049146

at least 2 years anon. you sitting on about 40k right now

>> No.6049166
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>tfw i fucking listened

>> No.6049183
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>how long do we hold

>> No.6049196

1 year

>> No.6049199

thx - im guessing binance will still be around? i dont know wtf im doing

how to hold for 2 years?..

>> No.6049200
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LINK actually has just barely been keeping up with the market. I don't really understand the recent hype. It's always been a long term hold and no, jumping around #80-#100 on the top 100 does not count as mooning. Every single coin on that list has gone up in value because the market is growing. This is not specific to LINK. You will know LINK is actually growing when it moves past it's position in the top 100.

I feel really bad for people hyping this up for short term gains and lying to people about the hold they're in for. LINK is a long term hold and you'd be looking at selling 2019-2020 at the earliest. This will not moon to $100 in a few hours.

TLDR; If LINK's relative position on CMC is unchanged, that means it is moving slower than the average coin on the market.

>> No.6049210

If you keep posting these shops of me I'll dump on all of you.

>> No.6049293
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oh nooo he's going to dump more linkies on us. ALL OF US. MORE STINKY LINKIES! NOOOOOOOOOOOO. NOT FAIR.

>> No.6049310

u dirty fudder stop shitting in the streets

>> No.6049331
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>> No.6049335

Most comfy photo in biz

>> No.6049350

1 year minimum and you should look into getting a hardware wallet to get it off the exchange. nano ledger s is on back order right now btw so you have to wait till march 25th to get one. I already paid for one so i am just waiting for it to come when they start shipping them again. if you were to buy one right now it would actually be cheaper since then wont charge you a shipping fee

>> No.6049374

High IQ post

>> No.6049382

Jacob is playing you all noooooo don't chase or buy at ath!

>> No.6049412

$100 by end of year, get on or stay poor

>> No.6049478

Trezor can also hold LINK.

>> No.6049516
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75k linkies here. If I sell 20k will I still make it with my 55k remains?

>> No.6049533
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>> No.6049585
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i dont see link as a companion app?

>> No.6049642
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I listened.

>> No.6049645

>Near future

Fucking norrmans

>> No.6049671

Yeah, which is a good thing.

Don't you see the game is moving from hype to anti-hype? Older investors are growing tired of all the hype being thrown their way and are becoming more cautious. I notice this with myself as well and I have only been investing since half a year ago. I can't be bothered by all the new ICOs thrown my way, even though I realize many of them could be an effortless 5-10x. I have a strong gut feeling that my consolidated portfolio will be able to weather any potential crash the best way possible. I picked out good disruptive tech coins with little or no competition in their area, or at least substantial first movers advantage. Luckily I built my portfolio up to a very nice value in the past several months so perhaps that's the reason why I can't be arsed to chase hype coins anymore.

Once the mania levels out, only the projects which make any semblance of sense will stay on. And those that have a loyal ecosystem to propel it, when needed. CND and LINK are in my opinion one of those. CND due to their analysts/predictors, which will always earn money - and LINK because of the general community. Anybody who held link through late Oct/November will certainly not be shaken out by a potential 50% dip.

One more thing - the amount of attention LINK still gets for being almost 4 months old should be rather telling in that case. Which other coin can say the same? Do you all still remember OMG, BAT, ZRX, ODN, ARK? For most of these, the current situation is total radio silence compared to early fall.

Why the fuck am I even writing this post.

>> No.6049672

You dont need a companion app

>> No.6049764

>Why the fuck am I even writing this post.
Good sense. My investing strategy is similar. Most coins are not going to make it in the long term, so best choose something that is truly innovative and will grow without speculation to fuel it.

>> No.6049769

Don't listen to this guy he's trying to fuck you over. If you send it to the ledger eth wallet without the companion app you won't be able to access the link. You need to connect your ledger to mew.

>> No.6049790

what other stuff are u holding

>> No.6049814

anon its an erc20 token so you would use my ether wallet (MEW) to store it. MEW would then sync up with your nano ledger s

>> No.6049985

its ERC20 token so you can store it in your etherium wallet.

>> No.6050055

From 7500 to 7800 range ive dumped nearly 100k tokens on you guys lol

So easy

>> No.6050227

Besides CND and LINK - KNC (Kyber), ETH and BTC make up the majority of my portfolio. I have smaller stakes in HST and ELIX. ELIX is more of a coincidence. I bought several thousand back when it got out because I liked the idea, then forgot about them because they were in my rarely used wallet. Was pleasantly surprised by its growth, now I am following the project closely to see whether I still like it.

Disclaimer: While I think these are all strong projects, I cannot guarantee they are good entries right now due to incredible rallies we have seen. Though KNC for example is only about 1.5x ICO price in ETH. In USD, if that matters to you, that's about 5-7x, based on ETH prices at the time.

>> No.6050241

How does it feel linkies that we will be at 10$ soon guaranteed with this nice steady organic growth? We will make it 100%. All the shitcoins mooning and one of the best projects still behind, laughable.

>> No.6050320

What will you guys do with all that money? I hope something meaningful

>> No.6050415

Take over the world, obvs

>> No.6050428

i bought this for .15 like a month ago...

>> No.6050605

Deluded LINKies actually think this isn't just yet another pnd.
See you at ground level soon LINKboys.

>> No.6050691

tfw only had enough money to buy 900 back at 60 cents :(

>> No.6050718

13k Linkie marine! Not selling for 2 more years! This token will skyrocket by then. An absolute madness!!!!

>> No.6050744

Look at that dump. See you guys at .60 lmao -40% in 2 minutes sergeys dumping on you faggots

>> No.6050808

Will live in peace and teach others to achieve it

>> No.6050887

The more fud I see here the more I trust this is a token that will moon and beyond!

>> No.6050889

>feel bad that I missed out on ICO
>realise the price is still below ICO
Not bothered lmao

>> No.6050937
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>-40% in 2 minutes

nolinkies are getting so salty they need to resort to straight up lying, sad!

>> No.6051136
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Fucking beautiful

>> No.6051161

go fuck yourself. LINK's rank was 100+ just a few days ago, it's 85 right now.

>> No.6051387

Finally buy clothes for the Gentlemen i am

"Tips fedora:" maddam"

>> No.6051421

Thoughts on any of the new platforms popping up? ICX / XLM?

>> No.6051475

>hes not already in both

>> No.6051600

>What will you guys do with all that money?

I actually have a lot of link and will wait long term gains, may sell 1k at $100 but being honest I may not sell until much much higher....

Basically taxes will fuck me since I have a lot of LINK

>> No.6051771

I'm comfy in both friendo, those two and link for my longterm hold. thxforreadingmyblog

>> No.6051779

i would rather be taxed on 1 million dollars earned than never earning 1 million at all

>> No.6051831

I have am in the 2018 holds starter pack trifecta too. I just need some side capital to go moon hunting with while these three sit in the oven cooking the gains

>> No.6051864

I love the idea of LINK hitting $100, but it sounds so fucking absurd...at the current circulating supply it would mean a 30 billion market cap....I mean, it's plausible, but shit would need to go very very smoothly...

>> No.6051892

the fud was so strong and I enjoyed laughing at linkies when it struggled to get past 25c, now I've only got a few hundred links at $1 when I could have bought thousands if I'd listened to the memes and bought in at 15c.

>> No.6051940

Standartenführer reporting in

>> No.6051960

so that larping faggot last night got me to buy in at 6300 sats

it dropped to like 6100, I got justed, but put in a sell order at 6400 and went to bed. now its at fucking 7800

>> No.6051986

I like ICX, but I don't feel like going into it at the moment. I might miss out, but oh well.

>> No.6051995

are you retarded? do you even understand that how revolutionary project chainlink is?

this is minimum 100 billion marketcap project

>> No.6051998

still a good time to buy this shit?

>> No.6052018

it's all fun and games, until you're missing out on gains.

>> No.6052019

we are portfolio bros then! what else are you eyeing?

been watching BAT over here, I think people will flock to the idea of making passive income on ads they're going to see anyways, and the browser for mobile is flawless on my android, not shilling.

>> No.6052045

Yes. It will never be this cheap again

>> No.6052046

Why did you do that? That's retarded

>> No.6052218

>this is minimum 100 billion marketcap project

If somehow that is correct we could probably see $250 LINK sometime next year

>> No.6052252
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I listened, just not hard enough. I only used 20% of my portfolio and invested the others in safer coins. Only x5 when I could have x7.

Got fudded out by Sergey's months disappearance, /biz/ got the better of me. Atleast I stuck the other 80% on fairly smart coins.

>> No.6052273

Don't forget that total supply is 1 billion tokens

>> No.6052409
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>> No.6052427

Want to withdraw from binance but the fee is 10 LINKs. Potentialy over 500 dollars in the future. Shit sucks.

>> No.6052691
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Last chance to get in boyos

>> No.6052765

pretty much, my fomo is pretty strong but not enough to liquidate a substantial portion of my eth to buy more link. Gonna be part time wage slaving soon to spread out my portfolio so I'll just use that fiat later.

>> No.6052990

We'll I'm up 320 percent since December so let's define moon, short term, and long term; otherwise stop being a dirty smelly fuck

>> No.6053034

Who is STINKIE NOW reeeeeeeeeeeeeee f u biz facccccckkkkkkk

>> No.6053054
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>> No.6053093

You sound like me. Got a solid amount in 9 coins that any of which could go 20-100x. Don't even care if the rest go to zero (which they won't)

even if one coin pops this year I'm set

>> No.6053232

Its been a month of new users who bought shit xrp, and trx. Those that made gains are starting to understand crypto, what it does, and its potential.

They want to get into quality projects and some are just now seeing how great link can be.

>> No.6053556

t. brainlet

>> No.6054098

sell them to me pls