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File: 19 KB, 793x461, toto-neorest-750h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6025869 No.6025869 [Reply] [Original]

Who else getting one of these once you've made it?

Just came back from Tokyo and this was probably the best thing of the trip.
It legit feels like getting a rimjob from Poseidon himself every time you've finished shitting. Hnngg

>> No.6026000

More crypto. There are no gains until i can take it all out and live off passive income.

Imagine spending 5 ETH on some fucking toilet. In 2 years when ETH is at 25k and youve taken a thousand sweaty shits into some shithole there will be nothing but regret.

>> No.6026029

how long did you spend in japan?

>> No.6026052

if you think that's great, you should come to mumbai and check out our streets.

>> No.6026102

this. this is why i shit on streets.

>> No.6026234
File: 245 KB, 1000x600, 1608_special_TOTO_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 week in Tokyo 1 in Kyoto.
The fucking lid opens by itself when you come in the room and greets you. Then after you are done it actually licks your asshole.

>> No.6026238


>> No.6026269

underrated kek

>> No.6026308

You can get a toilet seat that does the same thing for 10% the cost. Its called a Washlet I have used it and its epic.

>> No.6026331

Invest in an ICO like Magnalis:

or Buy shit on TigerDirect/Overstock

>> No.6026388

well played

>> No.6026398

hell yeah. recently bought an apartment and i'll be getting one of these put in as soon as it's built

that way i can eat my girls ass even if she hasn't showered that day

>> No.6026408
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based pajeet

>> No.6026459

are there any toilets connected to the blockchain

>> No.6026476

i want to invest in onaholes once i make enough gains to justify not buying more alts

>> No.6026495
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>> No.6026581
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>that way i can eat my girls ass even if she hasn't showered that day
Didnt even think of this, actually a really nice plus. I can't fucking wait, just need a 2x to cash out 10k (and keeping 990k).

>> No.6026594


>> No.6026619

when i was in afghanistan there were like squirt guns attached to hoses attached to toilets we were apparently supposed to spray our assholes with because those stupid kike cocksuckers didn't want to pay for toiilet paper? i dunno. the toilet paper was like a handful of dirt anyway and completely useless. so i just used paper towels and clogged those motherfuckers until they overflowed and...enjoy the lake! assholes. proper toilet paper isn't too much to ask for. anyway im not sprayign my ashole with a hose. then what? i'm goin to sit there and drip dry for 10 min? i did a few times..the first time. lesson learned. what do you do?

>> No.6026681

Wash hose next to the toilet is garbage, I have tried it and you end up spraying shit everywhere. The Washlet that I shilled has warm water come gently spray you clean, then a warm air dryer comes and dries you off. I will buy one someday.

>> No.6026712

where do i buy this coin?

>> No.6026737
File: 95 KB, 600x784, 3f3302c2-450e-11e7-935d-dac9335a3205_600x_135748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has a build in blow dryer, so after it is finished licking your ass it starts to blows it with hot fresh air. This fucking thing also sucks in the air surrounding the toilet and filters it so the room doesnt smell like shit.

>> No.6026748

yeah it's dehumanizing. reminds me of rambo. no one wants that. what's the price of this asshole drying toilet?

>> No.6026816

Online or at a plumbing store.
They are pretty epic, all you do is push a button and it does the rest.
>pajeet hates him

>> No.6026848

I've been living in Japan for the past few years now. These toilets are amazing.

>> No.6026906

i'm sold. bye the end of the year i'll have enough shekels to start blow drying my asshole.

>> No.6026983

Fags. I go shit once a week. And take 2 wipes and I'm done. This would be a horrible investment for me. You fat shits probably shit after every fucking meal. Disgusting

>> No.6027022

probably because you only eat once a week, peasant.

>> No.6027316
File: 337 KB, 1200x630, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I go shit once a week

DYEL? I bet I could crush your bones with my left hand.

>> No.6027357

Is that Janoy Cresva?

>> No.6027408

you should wipe more times you shitstain

>> No.6027442

>t. 90 pound skeleton

>> No.6027708

Not skeletor just constipation and not a shit slob. I just can't go shit everyday unless I take laxatives

>> No.6027792

crypto isn't going to fix your broken asshole. dunno what to tell you. go to church tomorrow. get right with the Lord. maybe...he'll fix your asshole.

>> No.6027814

Well technically you don't need to shit before using the spray function. You could jsut go in and get a qucik rimjob before work or something.

But this thread wasnt really supposed to be about toilets. Do you have anything better to spend your gains on?

>> No.6027957

Lol you're genius

>> No.6027963

Medfag here, not sure if serious, but that is no laughing matter...Either you sit on your ass all day combined with a shitty diet (no pun), or there's some serious problem in your GI tract.

>> No.6028011

Use fiber, fiber blend and psyllium husk mixed together with juice. Better and healthier than stragith laxative

>> No.6028042

Hahaha this faggots asshole doesn't work

>> No.6028079


Wow it has a 3d tornado flush O.o

>> No.6028654
File: 125 KB, 485x597, pooinit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no robot toilet for me