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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6022745 No.6022745 [Reply] [Original]

This is your chance to intelligently prove your coins' worth. Here's what we're gonna do:

Write your coins name.

Write 3 pros.

Write 3 cons.

Comment on someone else's post either on your coin or any other coin and tell them if you agree or disagree with their pros and cons and provide actual arguments. Let's see if /biz/ knows shit or not

>> No.6022809

I'll start.


Pros: 1. Clear use case.
2. Being used by a huge amount of big banks.
3. 200+ employees including swift execs, yahoo execs, etc. Basically a really solid team.

Cons: 1. The company =/= XRP the coin
2. Extremely centralized.
3. Possible that people realize XRP is not connected to Ripple the company and its value goes down to the dumps.

>> No.6022903

Pros: Best advisory board in crypto when it comes to getting media exposure and capital. Team meets deadlines. Would fuck their lead programmer until my dick fell off.
Cons: Unoriginal idea. Useless utility token based on the biggest shitcoin of all time ETH. 2020 before the platform has enough users to make the token remotely valuable.

>> No.6022947

So you're basically saying don't buy this?

>> No.6022959


>> No.6023081
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1. Transparent Dev Team
2. Going to work with COSS / BitPay
3. Binance already has 2.5Million MGXL


1. ICO website is slow
2. Have to wait until June to trade
3. 5G Mining is a gimmicky term for "let us use your data as a node"

it's still going to moon though

>> No.6023142


Pros: 1. Face of privacy in cryptocurrencies.
2. Hasn't been pumped/dumped means stable growth for the forseeable future. Expect it to survive when the bubble pops.
3. No blocksize limit.

Cons: 1. High transaction fees. IOTA can do the same shit for 0 transaction fee.
2. Hated by governments. Could be outlawed.
3. No standard voting system.

>> No.6023230
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1. First mover in decentralized smart Contracts
2. Infrastructure token that will serve as a middle man for large corporations
3. Staking tokens in nodes will provide dividends

1. No marketing
2. High token supply
3. Unclear valuation, the synergy of staking, demand, network fees, and supply is uncertain at the moment.

>> No.6023467

Bump. I like this thread.

>> No.6023593


>> No.6023613

Piss off you curry Pajeets

>> No.6023704

How your link bags, kind sir?

>> No.6023838

bump fags

>> No.6023904

@ girl in OPs picture
Hey have you seen the size of my ripple?

You've seen my bit, but have you seen my BAT?

>> No.6023945

What the actual fuck

>> No.6024045

is the ico up?
where can I invest?

>> No.6024111


ico starts in april @ 60 cents each

pre-ico is live right now @ 30 cents each

once binance is trading it, it'll moon hard

>> No.6024112


>> No.6024305
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best memes
proof of stake
it just werks, straight up decentralized currency, no extra bells and whistles

not taken seriously because meme logo
high total quantity and high inflation rate
only on bittrex

>> No.6024385

I hope I can retire with this

>> No.6024473

Bumperini bumperino!

>> No.6024541

Would you mind creating a page about this over here: https://www.thecryptowiki.org/Main_Page with the pros/cons and other details you might have?

Seems like an awesome project. Would love to read more on it in detail.

>> No.6024738


>> No.6025075



Among the best partnerships in crypto, rivaling ETH

Over half (potentially >90%) of the circulating supply will be locked into nodes Q2 2018 (will fucking skyrocket the value)

Korean exchanges on the horizon, confirmed by CEO

Actual tech behind their coin hasn't been disclosed
Fuckhuge sellwalls (some are speculating this is vechain creating momentum)
Unprofessional "non-whitepaper" https://cdn.vechain.com/vechain_ico_ideas_of_development_en.pdf

It's still going to 150$/Q2 2018 100% though.

>> No.6025156

>Over half (potentially >90%) of the circulating supply will be locked into nodes Q2 2018 (will fucking skyrocket the value)

Seems like a solid hold because of this. But this also means they own >50% of the coin themselves?

>> No.6025534



>> No.6025851

"no extra bells and whistles" - literal definition of a shitcoin. it has nothing to offer beyond being Yet Another Bitcoin, a clone of things that already work (BTC, BCH, LTC)

>> No.6026165

Daily reminder that Doge coin did 4 years ago what this and similar coins do now.

>> No.6026237


Basic Attention Token (BAT)


1. An actual use-case for the coin that goes past "store of value" and an ability to move it around. This could help normal people who would have otherwise had no interest in cryptocurrency.
2. Incredibly great team with a mission. I think they're not just in this to make another coin and get rich quick off the ICO, but rather will promote their idea through the coin and browser and adapt to whatever comes at them.
3. Has respect from Coinbase already, and it seems likely it will be trade-able there. I think this will bump the dollar value significantly.

1. (IMO this applies to nearly every coin) No real sense of what the value of the Coin/USD itself is. I don't understand how any of these coins should be worth more than $0.01 if they're often just bits used to store data on blockchain. BAT has an advantage because it's supposed to be used to pay content creators and ad publishers (and supposedly people who watch ads, but I do not "believe" this), but I still don't see how the number makes any sense when it's literally a toll on a distributed database, and the coins number in the millions/billions and can also be split up into infinitesimally small figures.
2. Brendan Eich got fucked up by SJWs before, and I'd worry that the same thing could happen just because his name is on this.
3. Getting people to change behavior (e.g. use their browser) is an extremely high barrier to entry.

>> No.6026312

>Getting people to change behavior (e.g. use their browser) is an extremely high barrier to entry.

Have you read the roadmap? Why I'm BULLISH on BAT is because BAT will be releasing integration into every other browser. Brave is just their first product.

>> No.6026677

Sorry, haven't done any research into BAT.
>An actual use-case for the coin that goes past "store of value" and an ability to move it around

What is the use? Good writeup though.


>> No.6027262

This is one of the best threads I've seen on biz recently. Can we get some more people in here?

>> No.6027676


>> No.6027834


>> No.6027908
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Don't want to let this die, but definitely goes to show how uneducated I am about my own holds. All of us should be able to ramble this off for all our coins!

>> No.6028065
File: 41 KB, 640x621, 4PBo7Fp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chain Link
1- Solves the Oracle problem
2- Sergey is a literal genius and doesn't stoop to hype marketing, not a p&d like most shitcoins in the top 100
3- No cons
See pro 3

Check em

>> No.6028128

please dont fall for the scam, their 'ethereum developer' got his education from freecodecamp

linkedin com/in/steve-barton-208b8382/

>> No.6028220


- solid project and dev team. Basically they want to create a platform in which everyone can deploy their own blockchain in seconds connected to the ark mainnet via smartbridges. A working ethereum.
- very fast transactions (a block every 8 seconds) and desktop and mobile wallets
- very low marketcap

- its price doesn’t moon, but it’s pretty stable (so no tanks either)
- the marketing team isn’t the best in town
- long term hold

>> No.6028289


Pros: will make you a fucking millionaire
Cons: won't happen until Q2 2018

>> No.6028375

Ripple isn't a crypto currency.

Fees are getting reduced either Q1 or 2. Monero is is a top 3 coin.

>First mover in decentralized smart Contracts
What is Ethereum? Link is an ERC20 token for Christ sake.

Want to buy some when the price dips. Its over hyped as shit rn. Walton is still pretty cheap and its the same use case with a product. I want both, people in these camps fucking hate each other for w/e reason.

As someone who uses ad blocker all the time I really don't care about this token. Even if it is successful, just not interested.

>> No.6028424

1. Clear use case
2. Being used by a huge amount of big banks.
3. 200+ employees including swift execs, yahoo execs, etc. Basically a really solid team.

1. All the pros are lies
2. It's a scam
3. Couldn't even think of a third -- I guess it must be pretty solid

>> No.6028546

This is the most even-handed LINK "shill" I've ever seen, gj OP


-Market cap still only 15m, quadrupled in three or four days
-Excellent branding
-Marketplace that threatens both legit marketplaces like Amazon, Bitbay &c. And DNMs as well

-Only on UrethraDelta
-I'm more excited about the token than the project. I don't know if other investors will be similarly ruthless.
-if Metamask doesn't take your money, Terry Liu just might

>> No.6028636


- Holding reduces fees by 50%, reduces sell pressure and adds constant buy pressure
- Free air drops for new coins
- Very easy to swing as undervalued and heading to $50-100

- Only sold on Binance,
- Heavily tied to number of users of volume of transactions on Binance
- May not be the number 1 growth rate in a day

>> No.6028649
File: 12 KB, 500x428, cardano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cardano Protocol, ADA Coin


1. PoS mining called Ouroboros, developed by IOHK

"Ouroboros is the first proof of stake protocol that has mathematically been shown to be provably secure, and the first to have gone through peer review through its acceptance to Crypto 2017, the leading cryptography conference. The level of security demonstrated by Ouroboros compares to that of Bitcoin’s blockchain, which has never been compromised."

2. Charles Hoskinson, who was a major developer of ethereum is the mastermind behind the project and has already made a huge established in South East Asia, and most importantly Japan where they have coined Cardano as the "Ethereum of Japan"

3. One of the most extensive and peer reviewed whitepapers in crypto history.


1. It's totally overvalued right now

2. Still way way way early in development

3. Victim to the pump and dump groups

>> No.6028897

Would you guys mind if I took the pros/cons posted here and compiled them on a website like this?

>> No.6028956

This has been a reliable long term hold for me, I’ll always stick onto this because although it doesn’t moon a lot, it doesn’t tank as much as other shitcoins.

>> No.6029122


- Allows websites that do not have any income source to get an income source (for example sites with illegal content etc), also it's not like ads where some countries pay more. Each computer with equal CPU is equal
- Allows privacy junkies to get the only actual private and 100% secure method of storing stuff on the internet
- Team rapidly expanding, marketing is getting better and the team is in the process of making the whole concept more "normie-friendly"

- Can be blocked by adblockers (although this is not a big deal, not a lot of people use adblockers)
- Developer is anonymous
- Governments may want to crack down upon it eventually if people store CP and stuff like that on the tangle

This is both an ERC20 token and works on the IOTA tangle. It will attract both fans

>> No.6029272 [DELETED] 


Cheers m8

>> No.6029384

I just hold one of those so I get whole coins when I buy alts. Its worth it

>> No.6029712

>This is your chance to intelligently prove your coins' worth
>Let's see if /biz/ knows shit or not
suck my fucking dick you massive faggot