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File: 141 KB, 380x285, bazingashit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6018540 No.6018540 [Reply] [Original]

1. zero info on the team

2. shit website that looks like it was made in an hour by a 12 year old

3. "Bazinga" is literally trademarked and owned by Warner Bros. (not that these pajeet streetshitters care since they are just looking for a fast buck)

4. the concept of the coin is being "paid to write comedy". Jesus christ.

5. zero potential for any legitimate partnerships or growth in the future

If you buy this literal pajeet shitcoin scam, you deserve to lose your money, i have zero sympathy for you.

This is a fair warning for all you nucoiner normies, don't listen to any bagholders shilling this trash.

>> No.6018641


Apparently it's only "BAZINGA!" all-caps with exclamation mark, not bazinga the word.

>> No.6018715

everyone here knows bazinga is a scam , i went on their slack and it was bunch of stupid nigerians in it no mememing biz fags

>> No.6018756

i just like to brap post in all the bzc threads and it makes the pajeetshill really mad

>> No.6018974
File: 165 KB, 1024x1024, 4CBA737D-E000-42EF-A8CA-39A43C7437F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, BAGzinga is a scam. Stay the fuck away from it.

>> No.6019192


not only stay away but report it to the police
this is organised fraduelent

>> No.6019350


report all Bazingashit threads for begging

that's all it is, third world pajeets begging for money

>> No.6019517



>> No.6019671

Hi, BZC shill here. Im not pajeet and i don't get paid I just think typing like an Indian is really funny plus the word bazinga makes me laugh.

>I make 4+ threads a day
>I reply to every bazinga thread i see

I really should be getting paid for this.

>> No.6019709

Bump, fuck these street shitters

>> No.6019808

so basically you're a faggot

>> No.6019815
File: 147 KB, 1300x960, educated-farmer-working-on-laptop-in-farm-village-salunkwadi-taluka-FG25F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically, kill yourself.
Just end it, man.

>> No.6019872

Keep making hourly counter Bazingashit threads

>> No.6019906


Normies are fomo soon BZC my friend

>> No.6019988

BZC x10 soon friends to the moon for lamboland

use my Kucoin referral

>> No.6020007


>> No.6020009

1. zero info on the team

2. shit website that looks like it was made in an hour by a 12 year old

3. "Bazinga" is literally trademarked and owned by Warner Bros. (not that these pajeet streetshitters care since they are just looking for a fast buck)

4. the concept of the coin is being "paid to write comedy". Jesus christ.

5. zero potential for any legitimate partnerships or growth in the future

If you buy this literal pajeet shitcoin scam, you deserve to lose your money, i have zero sympathy for you.

This is a fair warning for all you nucoiner normies, don't listen to any bagholders shilling this trash.

>> No.6020059


>> No.6020069

Reminder that bazingacoin is made by the same guy who made Ethereum blue (now called BLUE), neo gold, bitcoin red and all that garbage
He was bragging here not so long ago about making 100k/month out of scamcoins, and described his method as 'taking money from the retards'
All those threads you see here in catalog with pictures of hot girl "asking" if they should be investing in this obvious scamcoin are all him.

NOTE: He always says things like "is coinbase any good" or "I'm got 2k", wonder why he does this? Quite easy actually: he wants you to think normies are after this obvious, obscure scamcoin and you will get mad gains. Avoid at all costs.

>> No.6020146


Im 100% not this guy and I pitch bazinga coin 50 times a week. Stop spreading FUD

>> No.6020192


Mods ban bazingacoin for the win pls

>> No.6020199
File: 59 KB, 1920x1080, Triggered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6020241

Rampant faggotry like this scamcoin

>> No.6020308


>> No.6020362
File: 117 KB, 300x225, IMG_0184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6020387

I fuck you mothers. She is a whore.

>> No.6020716


>> No.6020781
File: 197 KB, 673x900, 1479004205725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. zero info on the team

2. shit website that looks like it was made in an hour by a 12 year old

3. "Bazinga" is literally trademarked and owned by Warner Bros. (not that these pajeet streetshitters care since they are just looking for a fast buck)

4. the concept of the coin is being "paid to write comedy". Jesus christ.

5. zero potential for any legitimate partnerships or growth in the future

If you buy this literal pajeet shitcoin scam, you deserve to lose your money, i have zero sympathy for you.

This is a fair warning for all you nucoiner normies, don't listen to any bagholders shilling this trash. Norton, TrendMicro and Mcafee detected background keylogger installer. DO NOT GO TO THIS SITE.

>> No.6021507

still more honest then ripple
good luck with those "big partnerships" always around the corner faggots and your non-coin that is centralized as fuck and not even mined. fucking arbitrary scam coin fundraising for ripples other blockchain products that the real (slight) interest is in.

>> No.6021677

Dirty team

>> No.6022235
File: 384 KB, 683x356, 01222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
