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File: 3 KB, 200x200, ethereum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6015951 No.6015951 [Reply] [Original]

It's always been moving up for me and i got in fairly early. BUT HOLY FUCK IS THIS BORING.


>> No.6016076

pedo shitcoin with an already over valued market cap
good luck bro

>> No.6016203

its the only coin worth hodling.
super consistent, good tech, and no memery

>> No.6016206

Its up 50% this week.

Go gamble it away on shitcoins if you need some excitement moron

>> No.6016236

It is almost as slow as bitcoin because it is almost as strong as bitcoin. People can dump money at shitcoins all they want, but they will eventually come back to bitcoin/ethereum every now and then.

>> No.6016268

You're a fucking moron. Sell and chase your shit coins and post your pink wojacks when it's $5000 a coin

>> No.6016292


I mean ETH should replace BTC soon or later. Market cap of ETH is less than $100B, which basically implies ETH is HUGELY undervalued comparing to likes of XRP and BTC.


>> No.6016381
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>> No.6016450
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ya you better get your hands on that juicy FIAT my dude

>> No.6016523

That Economist cover from 1988 still freaks me out. Im not much of a conspiracy guy but a dead on 30 year prediction

>> No.6016532

All of our altcoins were paid for with Ethereum and the ICO owners constantly cash out the Ethereum. Ethereum made the next generation of crypto and can't moon because of the constant downward selling pressure. It's a safe hold but you are losing massive gains by holding it.

>> No.6016576

it's easily going to 2x in the next month or two
Casper will lock up tons of coins

>> No.6016604

Kek if you're not in ETH right now you're going to regret it.

Get in.

>> No.6016607

Downward selling pressure? you know it was $430 a month ago, right?

>> No.6016634

It's a coin worth a long term hold. Keep half invested in it while you trade the other half on shitcoins

>> No.6016669

alts are risky, it's essentially gambling that requires constant attention
ETH is guaranteed steady gains
I bet lots of people regret not buying bitcoin when it was worth 1k too

>> No.6016683

and, of course, this

>> No.6016752

If you sell right now you are actually retarded. compared to btc and other shitty altcoins, ethereum is so fucking undervalued. wouldn't be surprised to see 2k$ by february. honestly best coin to be in and it is serving as the backbone for this whole shitcoin bullrun as well. txs/day hitting ATH every day. Casper right around the corner. someone knows something and is pumping it

>> No.6016774

Yeah man I do. Eth should be way more than 1k if it didn't have that selling pressure. Check a ratio graph since June. I 2x my stack in seven days last week in altcoins, you 2x your stack in six months in ETH. It isn't even in the same universe.

>> No.6016823
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>> No.6016850

I think ETH will hit $5K by the end of this year. I mean all tokens flooding into the market, like FUN are all based on ethereum technology.

>> No.6016864

>i'm bored of making money

>> No.6016889

meaning that when the shitcoin wars cool down people will "cash" out on things like bitcoin/ethereum and maybe choose more 2-3 other coins to hold.

>> No.6017079

Touche, it is a classic risk/reward scenario. I dabble in alts but just seems so risky compared to eth

>> No.6017096

Honestly I'm amazed this isn't 2k. No logic for it not being that high. Look how much the crypto market soared, and it's pretty much all on the back of eth based tokens now. This shit is getting sent all over the place. You'd think it would be in high demand, but I guess for each block that is sent introduces more ETH to the ecosystem than the fees in the transfer, right?

Vitalik needs to get off his ass and implement proof of stake and cut down the inflation, and we will fucking rocket to 5k. I thought he said proof of stake would be here by December, we need it now.

>> No.6017192
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price discovery happens 'sometime' this month

>> No.6017230

ICO days are over. I think this is why it didn't move and even dropped a lot between June - November but it seems that the amount of new ICO's today aren't nearly enough to put a dent in the price with how the volume is going now. We are mooning baby.

>> No.6017354


totally agree. the ICO market is becoming saturated already and when POS comes around with people locking up coins to stake, good god I can't even imagine the upward g-force

>> No.6017367

Yep. Im currently running an Alpha Casper FFG Testnet node. Im already validating and staking on the Testnet. This code is an absolute work of art and will change everything. I honestly see $10k+ Eth easily this year.

>> No.6017408
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>> No.6017461

get ready to buy eth when BTC goes for one last bull ride

>> No.6017475

Invest in magnalis nigga

>> No.6017527

people trying to FOMO ETH literally keked

i hold a small portion of ETH. it aint gonna skyrocket up until they iron out the txs issues theyve currently got going on. until its scalability is improved, people will continue using this as a commuter currency like litecoin

>> No.6017665
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increase my ETH stack by 2-5 per day in this bull market, goal is 1k ETH.

>> No.6017671

how does the staking work? if i stake 30 eth what kind of returns will i get? and have they mentioned when it might go live?

also, how is the staking? is it a hybrid pow/pos like they said? i think i remember reading they were only going to stake on like 1 out of 30 blocks in the beginning

>> No.6017721

>Sell low.
>Master Buterin makes an annoucement.
>Ether skyrockets in value.
>Try to be patient, but then finally FOMO buy high at ATH.
>It dips.
>Try to be patient, but then finally sell low.
>It skyrockets.

>> No.6017731

Shut the fuck up retard. BTC and ETH are for hodling not mooning.

HODL 50% BTC, 25% ETH, 10% XMR, and the rest into shitcoins

>> No.6017741

All the dumb "smart" money is going to go "heh, bitcoin is a scam!" ethereum gonna be heavily shilled soon enough

expect to see commercials and boomers flood into ethereum

15k by bubble's end Q4

screencap this

>> No.6017833

Huge newfag

>> No.6017847


lol there isn't even bitcoin commercials

why the fuck would there be an eth commercial lmao wtff was this guy thinking

>> No.6017863
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The economist is the stupidest magazine ever written. They failed to see WW1 coming. They just say random BS and hope it comes true, and sometimes they're right and sometimes they're wrong.

>> No.6017870

To understand the impact of Ethereum just look at this


>> No.6017874

I really don't understand why you guys think that just because altcoins are made on the Ethereum network will raise the price of eth. When you are buying eth you aren't investing in the network, you're investing in the coin. You can buy and sell more Altcoins with BTC than you can with ETH. If I sell my altcoins for btc, it'll raise the price of btc, NOT ETH.

Its a very fallacious mindset you guys are into.

>> No.6017880

ETH is the kindest crypto ever to me does nothing but slowly moon.

Bought at 350 (I'm an Oct fag) and again at 400 and now it's sitting past 1000. It's my reserve currency. All my shitcoins gains go ETH. Started with 36 ETH and now my total is equal to 90 ETH.
ETH all the way.

>> No.6017924

boomers watch fox news and cnbc

wait until you see commercials to buy crypto then and then you know the bubble is in full swing and you have a month or two to get the fuck out

>> No.6017940
File: 67 KB, 774x600, D11ED4A9-526D-4F72-8770-32D998E8D6B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its blowing up right now cuck boy

>> No.6018021


Shitcoins have massively outperformed eth for 4 months. Even btc the dinosaur has beaten the shit out of eth.

>> No.6018050

Yes, sell it and buy my hot picks

>> No.6018106

if eth died all these altcoins would cease to exist you fucking retard, what part of them being on the eth network did you not understand? i can't take the normie brainlet influx anymore i'm going to bed just crash and get these retards out of here please

>> No.6018108


when you are buying ETH you are literally investing in the network you dumbass. If more people use the network, demand for eth goes up. do i really need to show you on a fucking supply/demand chart. Also, you clearly haven't heard of decentralized exchanges built on top of ethereum. Bitcoin is a zombie coin right now on life support. The only reason eth pairs haven't fully taken over is because the stubborn centralized exchanges are slow to adapt (and they probably lacked the foresight to see this shift even coming). you do realize that people don't even send bitcoin from exchange to exchange anymore right? trading for muh sats is a dying breed buddy

>> No.6018117

People who hold more than 20% in eth might as well buy municipal bonds.

They cream their pants over a potential 2x, Jesus what losers.

>> No.6018175

That =/= altcoins dying and eth mooning.
If altcoins die or everyone sells altcoins, btc will raise a lot more than eth.

>> No.6018189

you think this is gonna last forever?

Shitcoins are a meme and the meme is ending soon

>> No.6018238
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lmao corecucks never change

>> No.6018246

preach! what is keeping BTC alive right now and when will this eth shift happen?

>> No.6018256

And once staking kicks in, the supply is going to dry up very quickly.

>> No.6018538


Hey brainlet. You are allowed to sell shitcoins if the market cools down. I could even buy eth if I wanted to.

Jesus you're fucking retarded. You've missed out on tons of easy money.

>> No.6018708

making it undervalued

>> No.6018818


Or it's properly valued. If it were undervalued it would've woken up by now.

Why are you creaming your pants over tiny gains? This isn't a sports game where you have a loyal team. Sitting in eth the last 4 months lost you tons and tons of money.

>> No.6019006

You think there will be a hard fork when proof of stake hits? I figure that is a major enough and controversial enough change to warrant a hard fork. How much will it be worth we finna get rich over here niggas.

>> No.6019128

No, all the miners see the incentive to move to PoS and they have known this is coming. Now they will just Stake and make even more without a ridiculous power bill

>> No.6019375
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>> No.6019477


if you need more than a 10000% gain per year, kill yourself

>> No.6019777

I run the forth largest mining facility in Iceland. We are happy to move to PoS for ETH and migrate all of our machines to alternative cryptocurrenices. Its really a win/win for miners.

>> No.6019948
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holy shit fuck off LARP

>> No.6020167

Screencap this. Come back in 6 months. Tell us how those shitcoins are doing. You're too cocky and too spoiled by the alt run. This feel should be setting off alarms in your head that you need to profit take and move in to something more stable.

>> No.6020234


Past gains don't matter. ETH isn't growing like that ever again. Fucking idiots with emotional attachments to their coins.

>> No.6020281


How is your fucking ETH doing vs the market since JULY?


Like dogshit??? YES! So you literally had 7 months to trade shitcoins or BTC and make bigger gains, AT LEAST.

>> No.6020344

>posting on /biz without lurking for more than a year

You wont make it

>> No.6020350

I really like ETH, actually. A fun thing to do is invest a bit of your paycheck every few weeks in ETH, let it grow a little bit while you look into ALT coins on the ETH network, and then invest your ETH.

ETH and alts coins go hand in hand. ETH seems like one of the most reliable hodl.

>> No.6020424


kek. All these newfags tricked into believing bitcoin always outperforms ethereum. They are in for a rude awakening if ethereum does a repeat of early 2017 (to a less extreme extent obviously with market cap being higher)

>> No.6020607

It all comes down to fucking risk and reward. I hold ETH because I lost a bunch of times in ALTS. I gained a shitton but also lost. Holding ETH has always just been positive. Whenever the market crashes, ETH moves down WAYYY less than everything else, and steadily goes up.

With updates from Vitalik this is just going to grow. I'm comfy in ETH to make gains, I'm not the type to chase moon missions. But if you want more quick gains, then jumping on hype is prolly better lol?

>> No.6020777

2018 for Eth will be what 2017 was for Bitcoin. There's a high probability it will reach 2000 by mid-year and 5000 by the end. You should hold.

>> No.6020851


All coins besides those found out to be legit scams or shut down will see overall appreciation this year thanks to the potential trillions of dollars worth of dumb and smart money yet to enter the market. Just hold whatever you feel is right, play the day trade game but only with what you can spare, if you truly desire quick gains and if you are confident. Otherwise expect bull market with traps.

>> No.6020857

the awakening is happening as we speak it'll double by end of Jan

>> No.6021210


Do you want to be the idiot that sold Bitcoin at $1,000 one year ago? Because that's who you are about to become.

>> No.6021356

You should look into the occult a little 18 is a really important number. It's 18 = 6 + 6 + 6. Also 88 is an important number. But, I don't know, I don't care about it all that much. Only that sometimes the numbers line up in surprising ways.

>> No.6021508 [DELETED] 

If you use the sign up link below the first 100k people (currently 89k so be quick) get $500 credited to their account which can only be used to reduce trading fees. There is a quick survey you need to complete that basically asks what features you want for the exchange it takes less than 1minute, at the end it says you need to then like them on social media but you don't actually need to just click the button that says activate or something similar. Worth the 1 or 2mins it takes just in case the exchange ends up being worthwhile. upcoin.com/?ID=9ef2e799

>> No.6021532

You should actually move back gains into ETH