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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6018401 No.6018401 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we pretend it's 2025, the bubble surprisingly hasn't popped and we've all made it

> Link: 500$

>> No.6018450


>> No.6018463

>ITT pretend fairyland

>> No.6018497

Fat Sergey's wild ride isn't over Linkie.

>> No.6018573

So I never bought any Link because for once being a Bittrexfag payed off. Was it really a scam?

>> No.6018577

>ethereum is 1m a coin and all alts are worthless, all apps on the ethereum network use ether instead of shitty sidechain tokens due to ether stability and value

>> No.6018621

you guys aren't fun. Some celebration is in order!
we've all made it! Lambos, hookers, still living in your mums basement, what could be nicer?

>> No.6018747
File: 113 KB, 2048x2048, coss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember the 6 gorillion coins lost in the holoCoss. HoloCoss museums opening soon in a city near you where you can explore the blocks of all the poor coin souls we lost.

>> No.6018777
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> OP

>> No.6018801

Nigga I'm one ore 10x gain from hitting 1M USD, i'm gonna make it before June, ETH and OMG will ensure that by at least eoy

>> No.6018898
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>yfw DBC is $50

>> No.6018962

the year is 2025

us gov takes 1 dollar bills out of circulation because inflation and 5$ is the new minimum. Also got rid of pennies, dimes, nickels - fuck that noise.

>doge: unironically 5.5$

>> No.6018971
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>yfw in 2025 after going all in on OMG

>> No.6019125

Bancor is literally unstoppable.

>> No.6019166

Made millions on SohpiaTX, feels amazing

>> No.6019267
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Getting in Upfiring now and about to comfy af in 2025. See you there old sport.

>> No.6019303

If dbc reaches 50 I'm buying a country



>> No.6019307

kek, just wait and watch faggot, idgaf about 2025, this is the year i cash out 1m

You're a cuck if you believe you'll win big on shitcoins

>> No.6019319
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can you believe it was 30 cents at one point?

$400 MGXL is comfy as fuck

>> No.6019433

I can't believe the rebrand into Dogecoin Dark saved XVG.

>> No.6019451

Boomers have taken control of all coins. in 2020 government issued a new "Boomer-affirmative currency action" protocol, which states that all cryptocurrencies shall be transferred to boomer accounts immediately. Boomers refuse to use cryptos due to "not wanting to lose money on transactions". This kills the blockchain movement.

>> No.6019534

LINK would still be $500 even if crypto bubble has popped, because LINK isnt even about crypto. Its going to link banks, bonds and stocks to smart-contracts. Really ETH and LINK would have more survivability then any other crypto.


>> No.6019610

>2021 XVG slumps to one sat while other privacy tech moons
>2023-4 retro memes become the new memes, such wow
>2024-25 XVG flips back to Dogecoin Dark the logo is Doge with glasses on, the kids love it and make it moon one last time before its forgot about forever
>Dogecoin becomes the world reserve currency by 2026

>> No.6019788
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>m-m-my link bags are going to make me money

>> No.6019814

Bet you don't even understand what a oracle is and think its something to do with the matrix.

>> No.6019937

>Tron: $16000

>> No.6019970
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>my coss.io deposit has finally made it
>dash is now worth a gorrillion dollars
>takes another 7 years to cash out

>> No.6020057

He who holds the 1 true coin determines mankind's fate

>> No.6020114
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>> No.6020227

I kind of see Chainlink pointless in the long run. Anything worth a fuck will be already running on a blockchain in the next 5 years. There are better cryptos than link at getting blockchains to communicate with each other.

>> No.6020257
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why wont this shitcoin moon?

bought in at 52k a few weeks ago and ive been watching all these other gains, #6 mcap and all it does is go sideways, i feel like such a retard holding this


>> No.6020269

Chainlink isnt about getting blockchains to communicate with each other lool. You really have no clue on what it even does do you.

>> No.6020357

There won't be dollars in 2025 lmao

The no-coiners will have burned them for warmth by then

>> No.6020453

No, but it can. Oracles apply api data to smart contracts. Most contracts can be executed without 3rd parties so really I don't care much about it.

>> No.6020539

Haha you fags I'm fucking hot Asian shemales while wageslaves need to get up to work lmaoooo

>> No.6020554

> DBC 0.45

>> No.6020629

I died of fucking cocaine abuse.

>> No.6020644

What are you talking about, smartcontracts NEED third parties facilitate the datafeeds. Chainlink will REMOVE third parties so it can be done in a trustless/decentralized way.

Anyway don't invest and you can fomo in when its $50 each.

>> No.6020692

yeah man, i'm just going to keep staking these bitcoins for my grandchildren. love from dubai.

>> No.6020822
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>> No.6020909


>> No.6021005

Its 2025, XRP is the only crypto. All other cryptos are banned. All financial institutions have adopted XRP, each XRP token is now worth $220,000

>> No.6021161

I am now a Tron billionaire