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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 77 KB, 813x879, dragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6008444 No.6008444 [Reply] [Original]

We hittin 5 dollars by tomorrow and from there the moon. Get in while the gettin is good

>> No.6008585

Can anyone explain to me why Dragonchain deserves to be $4.40 at this moment in time?

>> No.6008615

ICOs coming up.

>> No.6008625

Because they have 300 ICO application forms and 150 waiting to be approved. Think of when Ethereum was around $15. What drived it to $1k was ICO demand.

>> No.6008759

They are also a USA-based company with USA KYC so for the first time, US residents will be able to invest. Think of how many normies will pile in. They are also making it extremely easy, see this page https://dragonchain.com/kyc/ - with 1 KYC id, people can invest in as many ICOs as they want. Ehtereum is Windows, DragonChain will be like the Apple of blockchains. They will make everything easy for normies to buy ICOs.

>> No.6008768
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got about$4k of this coin at 40 cents. this is literally the comfiest hold of my life. I feel no fear because I am soooooo far up. Thanks early DRGN shillers I literally love you

>> No.6008820

$100+ before eoy. One of the best holds there is this year.

>> No.6008833

Yeah I was a fool I wanted in on this from the get go but I missed the price I wanted to buy in by 5000 gwei, I should have just paid the premium and bought in like I wanted to.

>> No.6008890

Get comfy with me brother. No pajeeting 'round these parts. Even at $4.40 it's a comfy buy

>> No.6009018

And yet when there's a 5% dip, you'll see people say how bad a decision their investment was. Gotta have patience. I just bought in, and I'm not selling until $40

>> No.6009046

Whoa. Holy shit. This is buttery music in my ears anon. I am unironically going in with 10 btc right now.

>> No.6009074

oh ya I am not selling any time soon. I will comfy hold in my cold wallet accumulating my slumber score.

I truely think this coin will be top 10 at least, if not top 5, within the next 6-12 months. It's literally the only america approved ICO coin - and america does not fuck around when it comes to investing and developing apps.

>> No.6009084


>> No.6009194

Age old question, is it too late?

>> No.6009244

Not even close, like buying ETH at, like, $10 right now.

>> No.6009249

>tfw you missed the ico

>> No.6009304

I just bought in after doing my own research. I'd recommend you do your own but, from where I see it, it isn't even fucking close to being too late.

>> No.6009337

>what is supply
brainlet retard

>> No.6009415

holdin 150. will i make it?

>> No.6009466

I was either going to all in on this or DBC (unironically)

>> No.6009499

What? While I think he's being a little optimistic, if DRGN reached ETH's current marketcap, it would almost exactly 100x the current price (just like ETH's $1000 is 100x $10). I don't know if it will actually go that far (I think it'll come close) but the comparison is reasonable.

>> No.6009601

Are they re-branding cos the name and logo don't seem that great

>> No.6009765

personally, i think it's awesome

>> No.6009962

The logo is great because it sets it apart from all the "future tech" logos that everyone is using right now. Part of branding is recognition. No one will look at it and not know it's dragonchain

>> No.6010124

This fucking coin was sitting around .70 for ages, I didnt buy it because of the stupid logo, forgot about it for a week, now it's fucking 4.35. Ended buying SPHTX instead at .27, still JUST.

>> No.6010297
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I knew it was going to be a hit and I fucked up and waited too long cause I'm a lazy retard.

>> No.6010414

This , from the beginning i thought it was a 10 year olds coin

Didn't realize it is the real deal, now i refuse to buy in this expensive. When i know fags bought in at like 2 cents

>> No.6010462

Your loss. It's like buying ETH at 10 dollars. This won't have a red day for weeks.

>> No.6010608

Guess I'll jump on it. gonna have to wait for my fucking bank to open though.

>> No.6010685
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Sum freshly made OC

>> No.6010720

nigger there are 10 coins that i have heard about being ETH at 10 dollars. They can't all be true

ICX is one, ENG is another, VEN, ADA (God tier)

They can't all be true ><

>> No.6010954

Crypto total market is going to 1.5 trillion and this coin is going to at least half of ETH's current market cap.

>> No.6011027

Not understanding $20 per DRGN is still a sub 10-billion market cap. 10 billions marketcap on DRGN is STILL 17 times lower than the value of Disney itself.

>> No.6011149

Muh bad logo meme. Enjoy missing out

>> No.6011176

platform for side-projects and ICO's. Think NEO.

>> No.6011203
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>> No.6011220

Look at the roadmap and whitepaper bro, this thing will likely 10x from here in the next few months. 2.5k dragon hodler here, not gonna sell it for a long time.

>> No.6011239

got this bish at $2.50 cuz I didn't wanna deal with PajeetDelta and then I missed the news that it hit KuCoin. Still bout to 2x

>> No.6011368
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Sum freshly made OC part 2

>> No.6011403

If you hold DRGN, you earn a slumber score. The higher your slumber score, the bigger your discount on ICO's launched on DRGN.

It's a good way to get future ICO's cheap. They're also a big company, and have to approve ICO's so only legit ones will get launched.

>> No.6011446
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DRGN sleeps, will be $5bn by 2Q

>> No.6011559

further to add, this will catch on with normies due to the disney association and it looks cute so lots of teens who made snapchat a massive hit will buy into this when more word spreads, just like they did with those cheap coins.

>> No.6011633

Hope so, holding 25k comfy DRGNs

>> No.6011767

Funny, I sold all my shit on Bittrex like 4 days ago and sent everything to KuCoin. Put half in Dragon and the other half in DeepBrain.

Both are like 30-40% up

>> No.6011934
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Last one ok I suck at this pls make more memes

>> No.6011948

Remember in GoT how the dragons were like tiny and just eating small pieces of meat and shit for a long time? Then by like season 6 or whatever they are melting entire armies?

Think about it....

>> No.6012004

wrong title. Anyway make memes we deserve ir

>> No.6012010

i had 0,04 eth, threw it into the ico, im now sitting up 0.4 btc... not bad

>> No.6012026
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wtf i love dragons now

>> No.6012097

Gonna regret not buying in when its up 50% next week
Use my kucoin referal if you arent on it already https://www.kucoin.com/#/?

>> No.6012161

Bro it could do that EASILY. Americans will be able to participate in ICOs. Do you have any idea how much money that is?

>> No.6012169

Could end up being performer of the year for 2018. An american ico platform where you're rewarded for holding. Throw in the disney connection for easy shilling and it sells itself.

>> No.6012267

Me too, but Im glad I got in at 12k sats or about $2.05
I think it could go higher than $10 this month especially with all the new registrations on kucoin

>> No.6012292
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Correct title

>> No.6012337

ICX and DRGN and maybe STRAT

>> No.6012402
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>> No.6012466

Can you post those measurements in the same currency?

>> No.6012491


>> No.6012558

And ICX too tho
Muh bags
Mainnet release on 24 January

>> No.6012590
File: 77 KB, 280x400, 1394973657778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dragon chain is a shitcoin and the only reason why (((disney))) is "supporting" it is because the kikes who run (((disney))) are going to pump and dump just as hard as the developers

>dragon chain does not bring anything new to the world of cryptos
>its literally the TRON of the US: a huge fucking scam perpetuated by faggots with sweaty palms who bought into this coin and are losing their shit because they already picked out their lambo color scheme

so bring on the "oh but" and "but disney" bs. i'm sick of dragon chain and the faggots that shill it here. You're going to lose your money: GOOD. Next time don't invest in a shitcoin and do your fucking homework for once


>> No.6012591
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>> No.6012672

>trying to get cheap drgn
>The Eth genesis address that bought 1,000,000 usd of dragon hasn't moved any
>The team is receiving their tokens over two years
>a project like this takes years to reach its full potential

>> No.6012685
File: 26 KB, 415x356, 1395062762847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its time to start considering suicide. I've never seen a more obvious "i'm scared shitless" tell

>> No.6012699

also KMD could actually be a good buy right now. All of their projects are about to consolidate into a single product with a new, unified whitepaper.

It's a privacy-focused platform including its own DEX, dICO, and coin tumbler.

Not shilling, just giving you a heads up. Will be a long hold though.

>> No.6012705


>> No.6012763

>strawman attack
literally grasping at straws

>> No.6012788
File: 40 KB, 562x437, 1395294075993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the team is receiving their tokens over two years

lol at you my dear faggot...so naive.

at the speed that the crypto industry/markets are moving, do you honestly believe that those developers will even be there in 2 years?

you're going to get pumped and dumped, enjoy getting financially raped pajeet

>> No.6012799

scared of what though? The first big part of their product launches in 2 days. Their headquarters is literally down the street from Bittrex.

I'm just havin fun

>> No.6012841

I'm waiting on my eth to arrive on kucoin to buy a small chunk of these fucking coins

>> No.6012872

Vitalik or some smart ass on the Ethereum core team bought in...
follow the biggest out transaction, after two transactions it arrives at the dragonchain token sale! 3600 ETH = $3.6mill investment https://etherscan.io/address/0xba0249e01d945bef93ee5ec61925e03c5ca509fd

>> No.6012889
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stay mad shekelstein, when you hear the boots coming up the steps, i'll be outside next to the paddywaggon with my hot chocolate laughing

>> No.6012898

its hilarious when low IQ poltards let their delusional beliefs influence their financial decisions. i.e. selling XLM pre-peak because they think it promotes white genocide, avoiding "jew coins", etc. stay poor larpers

>> No.6012939
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>im just having fun

yawn ok

>> No.6013016

>the cofounder of xbox
>the assistant manager of the FBI
>disney employees with over half a decade of experience

You're delusional

>> No.6013021
File: 448 KB, 455x395, 1395291895566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello faggot

delusional beliefs: jews control the finance industry

then equally delusional belief: jews are losing their shit because they know their days are numbered

get fucked i hope you get swatted bernie bernstein

>> No.6013067
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try harder

you won't escape the rape lol

>> No.6013241
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All of your arguments are speculation with no basis or ad hominem attacks.

>> No.6013440
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>DRGN chart

>> No.6013567

Lmao you got shilled bad only ICX was good out of your list

>> No.6013633

this thing deserves a market cap in the top 20. At least its a working product with customers

>> No.6013721

Some investment firms will invest in it if it's a top 20 coin.

Also remember coinbase is offering erc20 investing for institutional investors. That's 10 billion dollars and some of which will go into dragonchain.

>> No.6013765

>tfw you ignored the shills and only managed to get in at 2.17

>> No.6013770
File: 142 KB, 1037x1107, IMG_20171212_125250_217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$1 Billion market cap.

Congrats for all of you who hold. We have a very bright future ahead of us.

>> No.6013792

These guys are next to Microsoft/Amazon/Disney HQ in Seattle. Have a feeling some big partnerships will be coming our way in 2018.

>> No.6013892



>> No.6014283
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Pic taken from the website dragonchain.com.

>> No.6014354

guys is it too late to buy in?

Won't this dip soon?

I am holding bnty and xlm and I don't know what to do. I could deposit more money but it won't be available until later on

>> No.6014403

It's not gonna dip, only slightly retraces as people take profits. It's realizing its true value as it has had no marketing.

>> No.6014430

we are sooo getting on bittrex

>> No.6014445


what will it go to? do I sell my bnty? I don't think bnty is stopping....I think I need to sell my xlm...

>> No.6014448

Look into lifeid ico if you want a free tip. Up to you to find out why it's valuable.

There's that's my public service since I got drgn for free and made a shitload.

>> No.6014546
File: 384 KB, 808x805, 1510449746812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get out of XLM for DRGN for comfy steady gains because XLM was going too sideways
>hour later
>XLM moons

>> No.6014577

sold my xlm off at like 80 cents after it was unable ot re-reach a dollar.
If i had to value this coin, I would say its worth 10 dollars a coin. so you could easily double your money in about 2-3 weeks.

>> No.6014609

When you need a kucoin account reply with your eth adress and get a few tokens if you use my code


>> No.6014673

Fucking pajeets use your brain for once. Buy this fucking coin or stay poor.

>> No.6014753
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What I like the most is the team is very professional. They always answer "we are not legally allowed to talk about exchanges" to questions related to binance/bittrex.

But DRGN still managed to reach $1B market cap on KuCoin and EtherDelta. Imagine what would happen once we're listed on binance & bittrex.

>> No.6014983

Soy incubators and roasties have to invest in disney

>> No.6015118

Logo and name are perfect
They went balls out and separated from the boring competition

>> No.6015168

I didnt buy at 0,30 because someone posted a pic of retarded roastie at DRGN promo stall when they were starting out

>> No.6015178

This coin doubles by EOM DragonChain logo on the lambo?

>> No.6015196
File: 39 KB, 938x571, 2009-09-11-eonemsix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only coin 100% of /biz/ supports

Feels good man...

Nah, just kidding I didn't invest a cent

>> No.6015227

Can someone explain to me how Dragon will beat Ethereum? If everyone has already started developing on Eth.
first mover advantage

>> No.6015272

>the everyone will only use eth for some reason meme

>> No.6015395

Fuck thats a good pepe. Thank you.

>> No.6015442

>only a small chunk
>hating money this much
Not gonna make it

>> No.6015481

Is that the weird ass worm thing that crawled into Neo's bellybutton in the matrix?

>> No.6015489

answer the q or stfu

>> No.6015556

>tfw 100s of percent in profit because i invested before the curve

>> No.6015633
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You missed out on dragonchain. Get in before it's too late.

>> No.6015636

literally at 20x so far and only gettin better

>> No.6015687

>only 2200 dragons
>that dragonlet feel

>> No.6015701

Eth doesn't have regulated USA icos

DRGN created a functional work account in some weird way that the SEC can't do anything about unless they rewrite their laws and has lawyers and everything

>> No.6015775

It doesn't need to beat ethereum. It's useful on it's own for allowing americans to easily participate in ICOs.

>> No.6015818

Where can I buy this - that has registration open?

>> No.6015835

Agree. Sphtx gonna have similar pattern too drgn. Sinilar for WISH

>> No.6015871

kucoin.com use my ref code ;) 25ucs

>> No.6016013
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jojo the dragon will dominate all.

>> No.6016114


Whatever you go for me using that, it's yours. May there be karma to you according to your deeds.

>> No.6016167

Everytime Game Of Throne airs, normies will be loading up on dragon chain. lol

>> No.6016429
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>> No.6016652
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>tfw I bought half my stack at 0.70 and the rest at 1.40
pretty comfy atm