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6012438 No.6012438 [Reply] [Original]

So the entire crypto market cap is 817 billion. I think it has a lot, I mean a LOT of room to go before this thing fuckong tanks.
Here's why:
1. The .com bubble (most comparable bubble throughout history) was 3-5 TRILLION at its height.
2. There is definitely a lot more hype from media than usual because of bitcoins run to 19k, and you do always see people talking about it, but when do you actually hear people-normal, regular people(you guys often forget that we are a very small circle of autists on here)-say, "yeah man I just bout muh bitcorn yesterday. Gonna be worth a million one day"?
3. The .com bubble was only really available to people with a lot of money built up, and it was harder to get money into the system. Crypto is so fucking easy to buy that a 10 year old could do it. Compare that to buying stocks in 1999. A fuckton more money will be funneled into crypto, just you watch. I mean think about it, think of all the fucking boomers who have millions in their s&p 500 nest eggs, who we haven't even touched yet.
4. Minor detail, but the value of the dollar has decreased. The .com would be 4.5 to 7.5 trillion.

If I had to give a prediction, I would say the market cap has until 5-6 trillion maybe around 2020 or so.

What do you think /biz/raelis, am I a delusional retard who is going to loose all his money or am I on to something here?

>> No.6012542

it will be 5 trillion Q2 2018

>> No.6012596

wasn't it 10 trillion when you adjust for inflation?

>> No.6012652

at the rate its going this is very possible

>> No.6012674

Yeah logically it seems like 5t is easily possible. It at times is just hard to believe life would work out that well for all of us.

>> No.6012681
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You probably are pretty close. Chances are it will last thru 2020, but it's safer to expect it earlier. Get disciplined and pour every dollar you can into this. Make smart gains, and have your exit plan in place ready by eyo 2019.

>> No.6012708
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>> No.6012773

99% of the shitcoins that you are investing in today will go to worthless eventually, never forget this. Promises will be broken, teams disbanded. It's a matter of time.

The question is, which few are going to survive. The ones with actual real world usage. This is why coins like Ripple are doing so well.

>> No.6012782

I agree that is hard to believe. My portfolio rn is what i would make in 2 years at my wage cuck job and i did this in 2 months. Fucking crazy. If I have this whole year to trade before it bursts i hit 7 figures easy. How is this possible?

>> No.6012829

This is an important note. Some people will consider it, and some wont. It's for that reason that I think the bubble will pop between 5-10t, assuming regulatory bodies don't kill it beforehand.

With that, we got 2-4 years left. Let's make the most of it.

>> No.6012836

So you basically have hype chart right before your eyes, you know EXACTLY when "institutional investors" got in and you also know when it got "media attention". hmmmm....

>> No.6012854
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If a global financial crisis occurs, do you think crypto go down with it or instead become a digital form of gold?

>> No.6012856

>all bubbles pop at the same time
>i-it's not gonna burst yet, believe me

That's not how it works, and it's definitelly NOT that easy, specially with credit card company and countries blocking it.

>> No.6012901

i hate to burst all of your bubbles but this shit is going to be done in a month or two.

>> No.6012909


Because stocks are in real companies and this is in something that has next to 0 tangibility in the real world

>> No.6012930
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>> No.6012942
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>Mfw I realized the december dip were the bear trap

>> No.6012949

Good point. It's why I try to hild backbone coins (like eth) and coins with a clear business model and dividend (kucoin, coss). Other coins I only buy if I think I can flip in a month.

>> No.6012963


fuk u sdsdsdsdsdf sdfgdh

>> No.6012969


>> No.6013008


>> No.6013010

I think you're a shit.

>> No.6013034


>Crypto is so fucking easy to buy that a 10 year old could do it.

i'm 30 and i can't work any of this shit out.

>> No.6013056

The dot com bubble is the closest thing we have to compare this to. I don't think anyone here really believes they are exactly equal and will run the exact same amount of time before they burst, it is just a relevant data point in a see of data to consider.

Really there are too many variables to consider to predict it accurately and the best we can do is a rough rough estimate. I'll start taking profits when i hit 6 figs to be safe, but bitcoins resurgence this week I think is a good sign. It grew exponentially, fell exponentially, then recovered. I don't think we are done for a while yet.

>> No.6013062

but if a crypto goes down 80 percent in value the developers won't be going bankrupt.

>> No.6013075

where does the money come from?
normies are already on it
banks wont touch it
big hedge funds wont touch it

Are u niggers even thinking this through

>> No.6013077

if crypto become regular money, wich almost already is. there's no bubble, only decentralized bank account.

>> No.6013097

She already did.

>> No.6013125


>scamming is good because the scammer gets money at the end!

>> No.6013169

god damn u

>> No.6013184

actually a good question

>> No.6013207


memes aside what do you guys think would happen to the world's economy if the crypto bubble burst at something like 5tn? New great recession/depression?

>> No.6013211

no what I'm saying is that crypto is different from stocks

>> No.6013248


>> No.6013350

Yo chill

>> No.6013456

fug :DDD

>> No.6013458

this guy gets it


>1. The .com bubble (most comparable bubble throughout history) was 3-5 TRILLION at its height.

Most of this money is institutional. Hedge Funds, pension funds, endowment funds.

There are a few hedge funds in crypto but 99% arent touching it. Let me know when Rentech starts buying crypto.

There is also 0 pension/endowment funds buying crypto.

This severely limits the amount of wealth the bubble can soak up.

>2. There is definitely a lot more hype from media than usual

I agree, but this accelerates the bubble doesnt make it last longer.

>3. The .com bubble was only really available to people with a lot of money built up, and it was harder to get money into the system. Crypto is so fucking easy to buy that a 10 year old could do it. Compare that to buying stocks in 1999. A fuckton more money will be funneled into crypto, just you watch. I mean think about it, think of all the fucking boomers who have millions in their s&p 500 nest eggs, who we haven't even touched yet.

see my first point.

Lastly, during the dotcom bubble there were actually many real stocks being traded that had lots of revenue and amazing prospects going forward.

Is there a single crypto company that makes a cent of revenue? And how does that justify anything above and beyond a trillion dollar market cap

>> No.6013525

People call me crazy but I can seriously see this going to 20 Trillion. Crypto will basically become the global decentralized stock market, traded 24/7. This is way different than a US dotcom bubble. Tons of the shitcoins will go down low or to 0, and you will see a lot more real companies popping up like VEN, REQ, CRED etc.

>> No.6013587


>> No.6013593

There must be a handful of crypto's that have revenue now. Many will by the end of 2018, like at least 20

>> No.6013608
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Dotcom bubble was way less volatile than crypto, I guess, and people was more careless than today.

What happened to NASDAQ in 5 years happens in 1 day on Crypto, normies with college debts have no balls for that.

>> No.6013654


>> No.6013660

I disagree with your third point. It was easy to sign up for an etrade account and trade dotcoms on margin. But your larger point is still true; that there are many more potential retail buyers. More regions of the world have surplus wealth to invest and the interweb has reached just about everywhere. Its a whole damn planet this time around.

>> No.6013692

>he thinks banks will use the XRP coin


>> No.6013901

Short term it wouldn't matter because people wouldn't trust banks regardless, but in the end up

>> No.6014010

Op here, probably different address bc I'm a filthy phoneposter with multiple tabs in incognito.
Some people have brought up that this is bigger than the U.S. .com bubble, and I can't believe I forgot that point. Crypto spans the entire world.

>> No.6014049

I am the only one in my workplace of 100+ workplace who even knows how to buy crypto. The bubble is pre-pop when 50% of them hodl and advertising is featuring the kid who got rich in crypto as a meme. This has a long way to run.

>> No.6014107

It will be 2-5 trillion. Agree

>> No.6014120

He's so cuututeeee <3

>> No.6014122
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>> No.6014180

this made me comfy

>> No.6014207

Ripple is a scam...sorry. BTC,LTC ETH, DOGE,Monero, bitzeny, Mona etc will still be around.

>> No.6014215

What if global financial crisis occurs just a week after the crypto bubble burst?

>> No.6014244

Another thing to consider is that NASDAQ was mostly us and crypto is global.

>> No.6014253

I just want to know if we'll see another large correction soon.

>> No.6014343

Really good question. Someone who's smart, please elaborate on this.

>> No.6014501


yep. uitility coins are here to stay. For now I am only in ETH, utility erc20s (coins that have demonstrated clear dividend models or some underlying consistent stream of cash flow) and a few outliers that will forever have a niche (monero, xrb, iota)

>> No.6014600

1. Plenty of hedge funds are playing with crypto. Not sure why some posters implied otherwise, this is common knowledge, do your research.
2. Unlike the .com bubble, crypto is a global phenomenon and a lot more people have access to it. So it still has the potential to balloon much, much further.

>> No.6014674


>> No.6014725
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sucks to suck.

>> No.6014741


>> No.6014781

What would happen during burst of a bubble? What it has to happen to make that bubble burst? Please someone give me an abstract explanation.

>> No.6014785

Seriously. This.

Beginning of November, the entire crypto marketcap was $200 billion.

Now it's $800 billion.

You've got 6 months before the crash. That doesn't mean the end of crypto, it means the end of normiebux and the end of random shitcoins 100x'ing.

Good coins will survive, shitcoins will die, and bitcoin will die with them.

>> No.6014864

All the money in your alts will be worth FUCK ALL

>> No.6014885

How do you think the crash will affect the top 10 coins?

>> No.6014895

3. Because of technology, information spreads faster which increases the speed of the bubble bursting.

>> No.6014927

exhaustion of bitcoin buyers would be a good sign of a bubble tops.

>> No.6015018
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>> No.6015097

That's an easy one.
You trust the blue one, the red one used to have a black person's voice and listened to hip hop music on Sonic Adventure 2.

>> No.6015171


>> No.6015173

my prediction crypto goes down massive, but the pick will end up being 100x more from the peak of the bubble. like bubble pop at 3 to 5 trillion
and a recovery to 20 40 50 trillion. The normies who lost will say fuck bitcoin, but the neets, either shifted to good coins or sold and bought a shit down back at the bottom will then go on to become multimillionaires/ billionaires.

>> No.6015202

Damn, if Q2 marketcap is 5t then that meme line is accurate..
It feels more like time attack for me now since there's only a little time left.

>> No.6015482

Where's the non-fag of this image?

>> No.6015544

Plenty of time left. The entire planet is in on this bubble.

>> No.6015560

Something I've read in a few places: People are citing 7t because of .com Nasdaq crash, but this is actually a global market. Nasdaq is mostly traded in US, but crypto is traded everywhere on earth. So there might be way more money coming into this than .com. It's definitely going to crash one day though, then it will be time for the microchipping and demon rape.

>> No.6015761
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>> No.6015830

Big money is still to come, don’t forget we’re the 1% early adopters.
A lot of comments saying hedge funds, big investment firms not touching crypto but they will as soon as there’s a regulated gateway in. Look into QASH, in talks with Goldman Sachs etc. look at the team behind it. The best is yet to come guys

>> No.6015962

Fuk u


>> No.6016024

Idiots itt only idiots

>> No.6016223

Don't forget the chinaman. Loaded and loves gambling more than sex or drugs. Ni hao wealthy China man!

>> No.6016740


Remember the May 17 pump? You prob don't because newfag... But remember how crazy steep it looked? Now look at it... It's a tiny slope.
Doubtful. We're closer to institutional investors. Literally everyone is talking about/buying crypto. It's terrifying

>> No.6017048

>and bitcoin will die with them

I was almost taking you seriously

>> No.6017154

if you cant see media attention phase you are either newfag or dense. 2-4 months 1.8-2.4 T Mcap

>> No.6017165

Intuitional Money will enter Crypto when regulation enters and ICOs replace IPOs. This won't help crypto NEETs invested in shitcoins.

>> No.6017220

>I am the only one in my workplace of 100+ workplace who even knows how to buy crypto. The bubble is pre-pop when 50% of them hodl and advertising is featuring the kid who got rich in crypto as a meme. This has a long way to run.

Problem is we aren't in Korea or China so we can't tell how the big the bubble is over there.

>> No.6017253

This post is a discussion I expected

>> No.6017274


ya'll got anymore of dem burtcoins?

>> No.6017395

From what I've heard from people I know, the bubble is non-existant over there.

>> No.6017493


>> No.6017561

You aint seen shit yet. Soon (very soon) 1,000,000,000 chinese people are going to catch wind of this and pump chinkcoins into the stratosphere.

>> No.6017674

The other thing is that the actual bubble is smaller than CMC reports since scams like Paccoin can make billions in paper value that are counted in the total market size. At least the IPO scams of the dot com had to involve accredited investors. The actual amount of money that has entered crypto so far is small. I think there is a ways to go before this bubble pops unless there is some kind of major compromise (government intervention, compromise of a large chain like Bitcoin or Ethereum).

>> No.6017876

That's actually a REALLY good point. Nearly all of the normie scam coins that have 1 trillion coins and a .10 price probably don't have THAT much money in it. Honestly the market cap could be closer to 400B not 800B when you get rid of so much of the scam money that isn't real market cap. Even Cardano which isn't a scam, is not worth nearly what it's market cap says. It only does 269 mil volume a day. That means you can't even cash out $26 mil without dropping the price, so it is extremely illiquid. NEM is even worse with 16B market cap and 79M a day in volume. basically any scam coin is worth 1/20th of it's value at best I'd say, if people actually tried to cash out while it's not being manipulated by the whales/founders

>> No.6018070
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>> No.6018154

the funny thing is 10 year olds (maybe up it to 12-13) CAN figure it out. They have been raised within the technology so it comes so easily.

>> No.6018215

>is there a single company that makes a cent of revenue?
revenue is a thing of the past buddy.

>> No.6018328

It's going at least 10x higher than dotcom in inflation adjusted dollars, about $40T.
That's because there's much more implicit leverage. Every time you buy something with eth/btc and eth/btc rises that thing rises quadratically.
There's nothing equivalent in stocks, people would have to value facebook in eg. google stock and buy google stock to buy facebook

Then there's the fact that it's global. I wouldn't be surprised at $100T

>> No.6018473

Suck my ass you stupid cunt

>> No.6018518

there are way too many reddit retards in here just like another thread yesterday wtf is going on

>> No.6018609

On this point, what sort of volume/market cap ratio do traditional non-dividend yielding stocks exhibit on a daily basis?

Isn't price volatity related more to thinness/thicken of order books than market cap? I wonder how crypto exchange order books compare to stocks?

>> No.6018721

I'm not sure about this. Anecdotally, kids don't know dick about how to use a computer, unless it's an ipad.

>> No.6018783


>> No.6018784


>> No.6018871

AMD microdevices has a market cap of 10billion (smaller than cordana, tron etc. lmfao)

they do 630million a day in volume

>> No.6018874

Twitter at 18B market cap does $456M volume a day. Tesla at 53B market cap does 1.8B a day. Typically you can cash out 10% per day of the volume with zero effect on price. 25% is doable. Compare this to Cardano, NEM they do about 1/4 the volume of twitter and tesla. But bitcoin, litecoin, ripple, eth do a lot more volume so they are actually more liquid than these stocks which is quite impressive

>> No.6018880

Your quadratic arguement makes no sense. Just because you bought a shitcpin with BTC doesn't mean the price of the shitcpin goes up when BTC rises.

>> No.6018894

That could be true. I'm 29 and knew a shit ton about computers back at that age but that was from having lan parties and everything being genuinely harder than it is today

>> No.6018935

>Not sure why some posters implied otherwise
Because they are nocoiners that want crypto to fail.

>> No.6018947

sorry meant 63million**

>> No.6018949


>> No.6019024

some of them might even be paid to say these things here

>> No.6019165

Supply and demand right? Suply up, price down, demand down, price down.

The supply's already capped (for most coin anyway)

IF the demand start dropping en masses, the bubble'll burst.

Now you wanna get USD for your coin before the burst because it's gonna be bringing down ALL the coin for sure. Then, you can buyback the coin that survive and start picking back up.

TL DR buy high sell low

>> No.6019338

technical explanation is right now crypto is in what economists call a "rational bubble".

Normally assets (stocks, bonds, housing) are priced by their expected future payouts (dividends).

When dividends rise prices of stocks rise, and when they fall price of stocks fall (overly simplistic but true)

crypto pays no cash value to hold. The only reason to hold crypto is because you expect the price to rise in the future so someone will be willing to pay a greater price for it than you did, giving you profit.

WHEN that expectation changes, and investors start to believe that people wont be willing to pay a higher price for crypto than they did, the rational bubble comes to an end and the floor falls out of the price

>> No.6019373


Dot.Com is a shit model to compare crypto to. It crashed because people were doing free work, giving away free content, maxing out credit cards & schilling for loans, pyramid companies, not paying for people's work, copyright infringement, rampant piracy in hope of a world of free economics. This model is STILL apparent in the world today. We give away FREE content for nothing. No credibility, no respect for the original creator. That's a shitty model.

That's why it crashed and has failed.

We are all honestly making a better world. People actually pay for services & make transactions with each other in this shit. Look at all these KUCOIN shills that work. It's the transmission of cheap, fast and authentic information. People pay for content and support good projects. THIS IS KEY and why crypto and blockchain is the future.


>> No.6019383

How long does it take to move $100,000 from BTC to USD? How long will a market order sit open in a crypto crash? People were still buying up tech stocks during the dotcom bubble.

>> No.6019389

Not necessarily, bitcoin is the ultimate shitcoin and most of us would be fine with bitcoin having 0 market cap

>> No.6019430


>> No.6019581

nothing would happen except there would be a lot of people crying on biz bout how they should have cashed out yesterday, i don't think that qualifies as a depression

>> No.6019641

What this guy said, the graph looked the same in July when I bought. Didn't fucking matter. Still doesn't fucking matter.

>> No.6019643

ya and what would happen if somebody tried to sell 1 billion dollars worth of bitcoin for cash??????

>> No.6019652


>> No.6019673


>> No.6019739


>> No.6019751

Crypto is nearly impossible to buy tho so normies can't into it. I have to get my roommate to help me who's in CS. This fact will keep it from getting too high

>> No.6019760

If only the coins were real and were some kind of super battery

Also if you personally don't reply to this post you'll end up with aids

>> No.6019831
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What exactly happens after the crash? Are moon missions going to be a thing of the past???

>> No.6019851


>> No.6019860

Everyone ws raised with technology and no one can figure it out

>> No.6019864


It's basically the same, people today create pajeet coins, on the .com bubble they did the same with websites, people thought it was hard to create a website, so they invested in all new commercial websites, same shit is exactly happening with coins.

>> No.6019888
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The crypto bubble is like the Dot Com.



>> No.6019897

Stop crying

>> No.6019928


>> No.6019967

You have to consider the TOTAL market cap - that is, including coins that aren't circulating.

>> No.6019969


>> No.6020041

if you don't reply to this post your snakey will not wake up tonight

>> No.6020086

Op yes it's easy for a normie to buy and hold coinbase coins. Wallets, sending, receiving exchanges, and Altcoins are NOT easy at all. You have to be computer savvy. Most normies are not. Besides it's not normies that move these markets.

>> No.6020151
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You faggot

>> No.6020220
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>> No.6020249

Love how this nigger basically confessed that he participated in a Ponzi scheme and how people were idiots.

>spent 150 millions in parties and booze
>2 years later it bankrupt

>> No.6020288


>> No.6020295

"IF" crypto does crash, will it bring everything down with it like the dot-com and real estate crashes? Or would no-coiners be unaffected?

>> No.6020536

I think crypto will have at least 10 major crashes (bitcoin dropping more than 50%) before the big crash that stabilises the market and finally allows crypto to be adopted as a means to buy and sell good. In the long run, bitcoin will die out but owning an entire bitcoin will become a collectors item. (Conservatively) I think we will see a 10 trillion USD market cap before 2020. Most of the crashes we see in that time frame will be due to attempted regulation on the crypto market. I think it will become a lot harder to withdraw large amounts of money from crypto.
With all that said, If you believe in the future of crypto (as you should) I think we have at least 5 years to make megabucks off dumb money flowing into the bubble.

>> No.6020557


>> No.6020587
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>Flooz was meant to be online currency that would serve as an alternative to credit cards
>online currency


>> No.6020650

It does, there's nothing that keeps prices chained to dollar value if there's no dollar pair. Someone would have to sell an alt for eth/btc into an existing bid to keep the price constant in dollars.

>> No.6020762
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>Most of the crashes we see in that time frame will be due to attempted regulation on the crypto market

this is what i'm thinking, once this shit really starts getting out of the Illuminati's hands and huge chunks of the worlds liquidity is moving into crypto, they will come at it with everything

I think airtight end to end encryption and total privacy are going to be key "fundamentals", once ZOG is coming after your coins, you are going to want to be comfy and private

this why I'm long monero

>> No.6020959

Probably. Shitcoins will be washed out, there will be gains for those that hold good coins with strong hands but probably nothing like the gains we're seeing right now.

>> No.6021063

Wow you're right. For _existing_ orders on an order book, if BTC goes up, those shitcoin orders don't magically get updated to a lower BTC amount, so temporarily the coins are worth more. Market forces should fix this, but when no one knows how to price this stuff, it's just one more factor pushing prices up. Very interesting!

Thanks for replying

>> No.6021131

I was the guy you replied to but I lost my ID/ signature

>> No.6021284

digital gold for sure

>> No.6021291

I dont think there is much contagion or interconnection between crypto and the rest of the financial sector.

hedge funds/big banks/pension funds are largely uninvolved. and so are boomers who control the housing market

>> No.6021492

> Is there a single crypto company that makes a cent of revenue?
COSS and Kucoin are revenue generators that also pay dividends.

>> No.6021502

Don't forget that even Goldman fucking Sachs is creating its own exchanger. What a time to be alive.

The jews are going to trade their own USD for our meme coins, pumping more money into this industry.

>> No.6021565


Lick my ass

>> No.6021610

I'm retarded. It's a trading desk.

>> No.6021639


>> No.6021678

>"It's a bubble! GET OUT!"
>"It's a bubble! GET OUT!"
>"It's a bubble! GET OUT!"
>2011 + 2012
>"It's a bubble! GET OUT!"
>2012, 2013, ... 2017
>"It's a bubble! GET OUT!"

Yeah, the ride will stay for a while.
The game might change abit long the way but the entire blockchain technology aren't vanishing.

>> No.6021679

You retard, there's a bubble every two fucking month.
Look at a fucking chart, reach ATH, lose 40% value, bullrun to ATH*2, 40% collapse, 2*ATH again, collapse 40% again...

Bitcoin is doing in two months what others, local, slow, limited hours, KIKISH markets are doing in YEARS.
Crypto is what a free market looks like, and bitcoin is gold.

>> No.6021742

whats a trading desk

>> No.6021767


>> No.6021977

An exchange with commission fees ranging in the dozens of percents of the transaction, that isn't instant but takes several days to happen, and with no transparency whatsover of the order book and transaction history.

Basically just another method for the kikes to make goyim work for them.

>> No.6021986

kuckoin for the cuck


>> No.6022135


DotCom crashed because there were no assets behind the high valuations. Just a bunch of code. Kinda (exactly) like crypto.

I like Ripple, I think it solves a real world problem. With that said, should it be worth more than Pfizer? I don't think so. Therefore, accepting that, we are in a bubble.

>> No.6022440
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prove me wrong

>> No.6022520

this is false, because most of the volume quoted is from one crypto to another.

>> No.6022650

This is all true but eventually one time will be the last time.

>> No.6022832

t. normie idiot

>> No.6022865


>> No.6022878

t. pajeeting no-retort faggot

>> No.6022995

I dont think 800,000 bitcoins, or over 80% of the entire traded volume, are going to get stolen again. So no there will not be another mtgox crash.
Bitcoin still in infancy.. Market had zero liquidity.

Try gain new coiner.

>> No.6023094

this will happen again to bitcoin. That's because people will be buying ripple instead aww yiiiis

>> No.6023129


>> No.6023144

real question is how will we know its over vs just another month long drop like in septemeber and july??? How do bubbles pop? Everyone just starts selling quick as fuck??

>> No.6023162

fuck you hillary

>> No.6023199
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Is this shit going to crash, i dont have a good feeling about this

>> No.6023212

ffffuuuuuu niggeerrrrfeerexjsjcjd

>> No.6023338
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>> No.6023436

comparing crypto market cap to stock market cap is apples to oranges. when a stock bubble pops, there is a floor, because you actually own part of the business. when a crypto bubble pops, you don't own shit, there is no business, and negligible underlying utility, the coins are only worth what someone is willing to pay for them, and your 800 billion USD market cap could turn into Zimbabwe dollars over night.

>> No.6023500

Ref for @kucoin


This exchange is blowing up atm and could be another Binance with explosive growth with its own coin(KCS)/coin burn so it's a good idea to join if you haven't already! But yeah just thought I'd chuck it in here. This could be a great long termer to funnel profits into seeing as the house always wins you know

>> No.6023514

The only way we survive is if they get real world implementation before it pops.

>> No.6023568

lol you fucker

>> No.6023574


>> No.6023575


>> No.6023618

yes its going down

>> No.6023662

Its totally different though. Bitcoin pumped so hard the last few months a proper correction was inevitable.

>> No.6023677

Ghana (The country) is about to put 5% of it's currency reserves in Bitcoin. If you don't believe me research it yourself.

I think this year we are going to see a new narrative play out where cryptocurrencies will be recommended by financial analysts as part of a balanced portfolio.

>> No.6023749

i think you truly don't understand that circumstances can be different and that meme lines don't always predict the future.

enjoy being poor you fucking moron.

>> No.6023944

It's 1%, and that's going to be $500-$600 million. And yes, others will follow suit

>> No.6024267

Who else gets more depressed each day when they realize they won't make it before the crash.

>> No.6024309

6 mo is plenty of time to make it to lamboland brother

>> No.6024331

Not on a current 10k. Not without luck in shitcoin roulette anyway.

>> No.6024351

6 months isnt enough time for those of us who just "hold" and dont day trade.

>> No.6024387

Excuse me you are correct it is 1%.

>> No.6024439

You just need to find 7 coins that 2x. or 12 coins that 1.5x

>> No.6024470

Yeah, one after the other without any bad guesses that at best hold steady but more likely knock you back. I'm not saying it can't happen, but it'll be hard.

>> No.6024526

Gold, collectors item, something like that

>> No.6024555


>> No.6024635
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people comparing the market caps of the dot com bubble are retarded. REMEMBER MARKETS ARE FRACTALS SO YOU NEED TO COMPARE GROWTH RATE NOT CAPS WHHHHHVVAABAMXKFK

>> No.6024703


Eff u ahole

>> No.6024739

F u

>> No.6024830


>> No.6025017
File: 100 KB, 1024x768, thoughtful ket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are alts in a bubble right now?

>> No.6025165


Truth. I'm probably one of the most optimistic people about crypto but at the rate things are going you'd have to be a literal moron not to see that the current rate of growth is not reproducible and not self-sustaining.

2018 is going to be a bloody year. There's still money to be made, but the end stage of this are most coins (including BTC and BCH) crashing and burning. Plan accordingly, and don't rely on exchanges for trades they will only screw you over and run to Mexico. Smart investors will survive, but this requires making careful, conservative investments and planning.

Be safe guys.

>> No.6025251

I'm voting for trump if this market stays intact for one more year.

>> No.6025411
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lol this guy didnt reply himself.

>> No.6025448

she's dead already you piece of a shit

>> No.6025593

crypto fluctuates independently of other asset classes, for whatever reason

Which is why more institutions are going to be looking at it to make up for diminishing returns on conventional assets

>> No.6025687

I put mohney on dem bitcorn in one of them fancy machines. I gone b rich sumday.

>> No.6025735

was forced to reply to this thread. thank god my mom will survive

>> No.6025736


If the market crashes because of the SEC then the market wasn't worth anything in the first place. The government will be perfectly capable of regulating it because the government still regulates the Internet and the power lines that feed nodes with transactions and electricity. And both ISPs and power utilities demand payment in USD.

>> No.6025743

Not really related, but what is with crypto under the new tax bill? Is trading from one crypto to another now taxable income?

Pls respond

>> No.6025755

Clearly. No working product Indian shitcoins are in the 100 million cap range. Think about it

>> No.6025781

How did I fall for this shit again

>> No.6025792


I don't think so, really in a practical sense you only have to pay taxes on what you cash out because that's what the government sees.

Once you turn money into *coins it's essentially a black hole to things like the IRS. Hence their battle with Coinbase over user data.

>> No.6025861


>> No.6025927

We're probably seeing a stock market crash in the next year or two so I imagine this will go with it. Miraculously the next black president will fix everything in the first 100 days, how convenient.

>> No.6026044
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if you're day trading you're liable for all those transactions and should have a second source of income to cover the gains taxes on each transaction, or you'll be forced to liquidate your coins to pay the taxman

Made worse by the fact that if you liquidate before hodling for at least a year it's taxed at your income bracket level. Tracking your transactions aren't as hard as you might think, you can export your trade history to platforms that will calculate it for you, cointracking.info is one such example. Crypto may be reclassified as like-kind (doubtful) in the future due to media exposure, normies might cry about it if they ever get smart enough to flip coins (even more doubtful). Due to my understanding of the tax clarifications I'm just gonna buy into solid coins that are likely to survive a crash of the market and hold until I can reap long-term capital gains.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong in any way. As always, DYOR

>> No.6026062
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On one side I think it's happening the same as in dotcom bubble, but that was US based, had regulations, ordinary people couldn't buy IPOs and later invest 'small amount of money, like you can in crypto' and totally different than crypto, even though vaporvawe companies went to shit and it crashed.

On other side, it's having real life use and saving banking industry potential billions. Not to mention COUNTRIES are making partnerships with technology and supporting it. There are also millions of different use cases.

Whatever happens, it's going to be spectacular. I'm going to be ready anyway, but I'm rooting for it to last at least 1 year more.

There really are way too much shitcoins worth 100m$+. We'll see. On one side I think it can reach 10t$ and crash, on other side I think there is a real probability we'll see 10t$+ and for whatever reason, it will just begin to run.

This is currently supported by normies and probably few big institutions already, but mostly normies with a lot of money and traders.

>> No.6026070

nice argument

>> No.6026122

fucking hillary

>> No.6026133

fuck you bitch

>> No.6026143
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Why does everyone think that this bubble is going to burst, and even if it does, burst so hard that nearly all the money will evaporate out of the market?

Crypto is literally the future of money. As more and more people get educated they are going to say fuck fiat and buy crypto instead.

Aside from that, the US Dollar is probably going to hyperinflate way before crypto disappears.

This whole economic system is a bubble, why is nobody talking about the fact that fiat currency itself is a bubble? Why bother cashing out from one bubble into another?

>> No.6026162


>On other side, it's having real life use and saving banking industry potential billions. Not to mention COUNTRIES are making partnerships with technology and supporting it. There are also millions of different use cases.

Just because a country engages in business with a certain technology doesn't necessarily mean it's legitimate. Think of all the pension plans Madoff burned to the ground at Lehman Brothers. That was real money, real things cities and states expected to be there. Then one day it wasn't.

>> No.6026181



I've watched this yesterday and it's incredible how similar the circumstances are.

But as I said, dotcom and crypto technology really don't fall under same category when it comes to real life use I believe.

The hype is the same, but the actual use of crypto is A LOT more valuable than making a fucking .com website lol. And we are just beginning to see the start of companies and people rushing in with their projects.

I'm completely split on this and what we can expect and when.

if someone can explain it better, please do so.

>> No.6026196

Fuck you!

>> No.6026203

>I'm a plebbit tier fag and have been conditioned to accept my wage cuck existence so I can support a society that hates me so when presented a way out I reject it.

That's basically every Bubble Screamer.

Crypto will crash and then recover. Just a bigger little longer version of what it normally does every fucking week.

>> No.6026249


>> No.6026261


Sure, but the thing is if the USD hyperinflates nobody will be able to afford Internet service so *coin transactions will grind to a halt. If the entire economy collapses (a real plausibility), cryptos don't survive.

>> No.6026276


Will look into this example. Ty, the more I learn the better I feel about situation.

I began trading with crypto and was never in finance, so I'm complete newbie when it comes to events in past and right now.. so just making assumptions.

But it's funny how I was never in finance and economy and ever since I began trading and making nice money, I suddenly wanna study economy because I find it so incredibly fascinating lol.

>> No.6026282

Economic cycles do happen. Look at the growth in altcoins man. Look at those charts on literally the top 200 on cmc. Tell me those are fundamentals.

>> No.6026347

Jesus Christ everyone in this thread is a moron.

Crypto is not in a bubble. It CAN'T be in a bubble, because crypto securitizes the currency itself and floats against bitcoin alone.

Yes yes yes there are worthless shitcoins valued at an arbitrary price for no reason other than perception, these kind of coins can retain value forever as long as enough people are willing to buy and sell them, providing liquidity.

This is the first chance at a perfectly efficient market system, and I couldn't even imagine how we could do it until it was already here.

Here's a test: imagine for one day, the dollar didn't exist. How would you measure the value of the crypto market? If the dollar say, in 2020, fell to 1% of its current value, you know one coins marketcap could be in the quadrillions, right?

If there is a fungible and liquid replacement for the dollar, now there are multiple measuring sticks. The only reason we can imagine value in dollars is because we can imagine the purchasing power of a single dollar, but this is only anchored at this time due to government controls.

Crypto is siphoning out the trillions pumped into stocks after 2008. They had to print it to save the dollar, and did it in a way so only certain assets hyperinflated. Then they were gonna crash the equities values to remove the printed money. We are stealing that before they can erase it.

Ffs use your goddamn brains biz you made me money in trying to help you here

>> No.6026382

fuck you

>> No.6026437

Can you elaborate on the second half of your post?

>> No.6026470

Yeah but dollar will never fell and crash, it has its cycles like for the past 2 years that it was rising and is now correcting again

>> No.6026562

Agreed, but as a whole I don't see the entire market crashing altogether - shitcoins and those who are dumb enough to buy them will die off in the event of a bubble pop. Much of that money would flow into the survivors (most likely BTC, ETH, etc.).

The giants of crypto would get affected too but not nearly as much as the shitcoins.

>> No.6026603

>Even Cardano which isn't a scam
You were making a good point but then went full retard

But of course the actual market isn't actually worth 800 billion. Most of the market is made from bitcoin, which we know is overvalued, ripple, where half the coins are owned by the creators, and ethereum, which again we know is overvalued.

Only newfags who got in the last couple months and don't know shit spew this bubble bullshit.

>> No.6026629


Bernenke printed trillions of fucking dollars, but not like Germany pre-ww2. They created the money digitally through asset purchases, raising the market value of those asset classes, but the money hasn't flooded the system because people in those markets aren't cashing out nor using the equity in their homes.

Before this happens they have to remove all the excess value that was magically poofed into existence, by crashing the market, but now there is crypto which is siphoning all the excess wealth that was not produced, and is incorrectly perceived to exist. Once people realize that saying you have a bunch of wealth doesn't mean you do because wealth is produced, not printed.

If Yellen has figured this out she should be pissing herself. BTC was timed perfectly and was the best weapon imaginable against this last resort risky plan called QE.

>> No.6026709


The more you read into finance the more you realize how fucked cryptos are at the moment. The best historical precedence for cryptos was the explosion in financial services in the early twentieth century, which culminated in the 1929 stock panic. To be clear we still use the financial services created during that era, but most of the original ones did not survive the crash.

>But it's funny how I was never in finance and economy and ever since I began trading and making nice money, I suddenly wanna study economy because I find it so incredibly fascinating lol.

That's because cryptos are undergoing the same period of growth and tribulation stocks were a century ago. Everything that is happening now has happened before, it is why the SEC exists.

>> No.6026718

The only shitcoins I have bets on at the moment are REQ and ARK. Everything else is in big boys like ETH and XMR. I think I'll probably be ok.. I hope so.

>> No.6026745

Look, I'm still hoping to cash in big in crypto, but the dollar is backed by the entire force of the United States army. Crypto is propped up by perceived future value, yet has almost no use as far as a currency goes. I fully believe in the technology and idea behind some of these projects, but we have people here betting a few thousand to cash out 1 mil in like a year. It's literal insanity and this bubble could pop any second. Pretty much we only have two options going into Q2 or Q3 2018, cash out, or be prepared to hold onto legitimate project coins that will come to fruition in 1-5 years time. Good luck anons, don't be dumb.

>> No.6026779
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Hey, I unironically got an econ minor a few years back, but I'm not familiar with markets. Could you explain the asset purchases/asset classes you're talking about? And which 'certain assets' that hyperinflate and the ones that didn't? Equities values?

Thanks anon.

>> No.6026792
File: 36 KB, 620x387, 32579A29-61A8-419F-9B08-D6E6E08DEC9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this post

>> No.6026809

I wish this "backed by the army" meme would die. The Russian ruble was backed by the army and it didn't do dick, Russia still had run-away hyperinflation.

Bad government policy will fuck up your currency, period.

>> No.6026814

At the end of the day the US could just say "na, we're sticking with the dollar lol" and that'd be it.

>> No.6026846

Our army is way bigger than theirs, and we have more allies.

>> No.6026879

Our (((allies))) only utilize help in one direction.

>> No.6026894

It's all about finding the Google, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon of crypto and hodling. Then flipping the shitcoins while we reach that market cap bubble.

>> No.6026913

Japan doesn't even have an army, but the yen has held up better than the ruble in the 90s

Where is the correlation between army size and inflation?

>> No.6026919


No no no

I studied finance and economics, you have to think more arbitrary and see what is unique about this situation.

In 2008 we were three hours away from losing the currency. There was an emergency meeting and the last resort plan was, as always, print a shit ton of money... but how can we do it without hyperinflating in 2 years? We don't need more MONEY, we need more ACCESSABLE LIQUIDITY

So they just increased market valuations artificially instead so that equity could be used to create more debt, and therefore money that appeared to remain valuable. But at some point the artificial wealth has to be taken out of the system before people realize it's not real, and crypto is ruining this plan, stop measuring of crypto is "bubbled" or not in dollars, purchasing power relies on maintaining illusions.

>> No.6026935


Sure, but if the US financial system collapses so does the supply of money into BTC. It's a mutual relationship that relies upon each other. This is where the crypto bubble crashes into reality.

>> No.6026947


>> No.6026954


No they cannot ffs it has to have LIQUIDITY

>> No.6026971

VEN/QSP for ultimate moon in coming weeks/months, REQ is a good pick aswell or XLM if u wanna be a pussy and wait till later on this month for a quick 3x

>> No.6026989

My understanding is the US has lots of ways to starve Russia economically and has been doing so since WW2. Japan has been a really good trade partner & our ally somewhat recently. If Russia was the badass on the block that nobody messed with, there wouldn't be (nearly) as many sanctions. I say nearly bc even Napoleon was dealing with British embargos at his peak of power

>> No.6026990

fuck you

>> No.6027003



Especially if bitcoin becomes so slow that people still believe it's worth real value but can't do a bank run on it, it is literally gold!!

>> No.6027035

>In 2008 we were three hours away from losing the currency
Please explain. I was too young to pay attention to what was happening back then.

I know a few of the banks nearly collapsed and they printed money to bail them out. But how does that equate to "losing the currency" ?

>> No.6027086

Buy lmc

>> No.6027100


What was the method of creating accessible liquidity? That isn't Money? Be specific please.

> They increased market valuations artificially so equity could create more debt.

This is exactly what i mean. It is so generalized it sounds like you're bullshitting

>> No.6027109


>In 2008 we were three hours away from losing the currency.

No, we were three hours away from some major banks dying and the FDIC having to issue script then telling Congress to print a bunch of money to cover depositors. This was considered more expensive than just bailing everyone out with TARP. QE evolved from this because if the government is buying literal garbage why not buy things that aren't garbage (US Treasury Bonds).

>But at some point the artificial wealth has to be taken out of the system before people realize it's not real, and crypto is ruining this plan, stop measuring of crypto is "bubbled" or not in dollars, purchasing power relies on maintaining illusions.

Sure it does, as does BTC's price. If people can't buy bread with BTC or use it to pay their phone bill then it's going to drop with everything else. BTC is just another web-based service, and web-based services rely on infrastructure that is maintained by things like AT&T and Edison who demand payment in USD. Ultimately one of them has more staying power and that's the one people actually need to keep around to do BTC trades in the first place.

>> No.6027134

If you think our entire economy isn't propped up by the army enforcing the petrodollar in the middle East for our "allies" you're insane. We would be a third world country if we didn't force people to trade oil in the USD

>> No.6027191

kill-a-kill yourself

>> No.6027200



lol there's a new record every week in the market and they say the bull market can last 5 more years

Houses are back to pre bubble prices but first time home ownership has never been lower

C'mon look around you, using govt. treasuries they have slowly inflated everything except actual wealth

>> No.6027227

Japan didn't export their entire production economy to gooks in China. The US became a service economy in the mean time

>> No.6027230

got so many screencaps from this thread for when the bubble pops ou delusional fuckers

>> No.6027253


>> No.6027256


HODL until then.

>> No.6027267


>Especially if bitcoin becomes so slow that people still believe it's worth real value but can't do a bank run on it, it is literally gold!!

In that case the exchanges are nonoperative and people are left with a toxic asset. If people cannot redeem the value of their asset for anything (be it a good, a service, or USD) then it is worthless. If I invest all my money into Gamestop gift cards then Gamestop closes due to a computer malfunction, I effectively have no money. Similar events occurred during the 1929 crash.

Again this isn't to shit on cryptos in general, the tech is good and it'll be here 50 years from now, but not in it's present form. The fact that BTC can't scale is proof that it is completely broken, consider that even Gamestop can offer a better financial service than BTC right now because there are no transaction times (and trades can be fully anonymous, as gift cards are not regulated).

>> No.6027308

I was in despair all day thinking about how this will all crash soon, but the USD crashing before crypto will be a God send to us, because crypto is hedged against the entire world economy, and is more liquid. There's still hope after all.

>> No.6027326

I actually think Trump is going to do everything he can to keep the market going and going, even if it crashes to a depression as soon as he leaves office. But i agree; we're already overdue by normal standards.

>> No.6027355

>it’s not a bubble because things are overvalued

>> No.6027360


this thing has no top, literally

and it's just at the point when a few normies are starting to get in

it will take a couple of years for the crypto market to even become mainstream

until then, all aboard the rocket ship

>> No.6027378


Or cryptos crash with USD due to the amount of available money draining away. Supply and demand. If all currencies except crypto are worthless, then cryptos are rendered worthless too as the supply of buyers crashes. Again, supply and demand.

>> No.6027399


Money is always that, but that isn't always money. Cmon

Seperate the function from the conceptual item itself

>> No.6027402


>> No.6027403

>as gift cards are not regulated
t. brainlet

>> No.6027417

>Aside from that, the US Dollar is probably going to hyperinflate way before crypto disappears.
One of the only hopes. If USD hyperinflates before BTC bubble pops then people will turn to BTC.
If you don't know who Clif High is then I suggest you watch this video.

>> No.6027488

>Especially if bitcoin becomes so slow that people still believe it's worth real value but can't do a bank run on it, it is literally gold!!
It's not a bug, it's a feature.

>> No.6027498


There are other crypto built on bitcoin!!!

If they are liquid and easily fungible and btc is not liquid, but both maintain perceptual value, than they would remain stable!

>> No.6027504

What are some examples? I'm essentially asking you to help define the terms you're using with actual examples.

>Accessible Liquidity
>Market valuations inflated
> Equity could create more debt
>Asset Purchases/Asset Classes
> Equities Values

>> No.6027533

Ah yes. The /pol/tard who literally believes we're in constant contact with aliens affecting our emotions with ray guns.

>> No.6027535

>C'mon look around you, using govt. treasuries they have slowly inflated everything except actual wealth
It's like a certain tribe moves in and takes all the wealth. Happens every time.

>> No.6027574


They aren't, at least not in the same sense financial services are. I can walk into a Gamestop and sign up for their rewards program without a social security number or ID since they don't use Visa (at least the last time I checked). From there I can cash into the system with no fees and cash out at a gift card cash terminal which are now inside most grocery stores (10% fee is shit though, but that can be avoided if I buy games with my card and return them for a cash payment).

Also it's certainly cheaper to do Gamestop giftcard trades, because the only expense is the postage stamp. It's probably a bit faster than BTC too. Even if GS forced me to buy a game with every trade that's still probably cheaper than what many people pay on exchanges.

>> No.6027583

>it’s another retard thinks QE is bad whilst buying POW coins

>> No.6027647 [DELETED] 


>but both maintain perceptual value

See, this is the problem, if peoplecan't cash out of BTC due to a massive systemwide slowdown then they are going to assume it's worthless because functionally it would be to them. Likewise if the global economy crashes the amount of new money into the system decreases, thereby naturally decreasing the demand for BTC thus naturally lowering the price.

BTC can't escape basic economics or human nature. It's not magic.

>> No.6027648

As someone who enjoys browsing /pol/, there are way better jokes you could have made that were at least accurate

>> No.6027673

A US economic crisis usually has less affect on other currencies like the yaun or yen for example, so the gooks are like a hedge against total ruin because you can trade coins for gook wealth faster than USD to yaun for example. I'm still bearish but still dreamin.

>> No.6027687

Gift cards are just limited prepaid credit cards backed by the very same USD, brainlet

>> No.6027714

Look up his wujo vids and get back to me

>> No.6027777
File: 41 KB, 186x241, ick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he actually link you a video about aliens controlling us

>> No.6027801


Depends entirely on the specific crash envisioned. If the US economy shits the bed then so does demand for international trade, thereby deceasing the value of other currencies.


No shit, but you can also redeem gift cards for cryptos if you first wash it with USD (either through literal cash outs at a cashier or through paypal or some other method). This is very popular to do and it is why the US government is considering regulating them.

>> No.6027802


Hahahaha you don't understand money

Something can be absolutely useless but worth value if someone else will pay for it

LIQUIDITY! It can be benchmarked for valie if OTHER PEOPLE IMAGINE that OTHER PEOPLE IMAGINE it has value!!!

This is the trust blockchain still needs, the illusion of future spendablitiy powerful enough people don't think about it!

>> No.6027810


>> No.6027846

Anyone know what ranjeet meant by this?

>> No.6027848


>but both maintain perceptual value

See, this is the problem, if people can't cash out of BTC due to a massive systemwide slowdown then they are going to assume it's worthless because functionally it would be to them. Likewise if the global economy crashes the amount of new money into the system decreases, thereby naturally decreasing the demand for BTC thus naturally lowering the price.

BTC can't escape basic economics or human nature. It's not magic.

>> No.6027861

Watch the video for yourself

>> No.6027875

Don’t be rude man

>> No.6027890


>> No.6027929


Can we PLEASE be a bit more skeptical of "market cap".

1) Something like 40% of all bitcoins in circulation are irretrievably lost, unaccessable or gone forever in the Gox collapse, but these are factored in to market cap for some reason.

2) There are no direct crypto-to-fiat trading pairs except for ETH and BTC. But for some reason people quote the market cap of REQ in dollars. It should be quoted in BTC.

3) The Nasdaq composite at the time of the bubble had companies like Intel and AMD that have existed for decades and are now more valuable. The only comparison are certain components of the index like pets.com

4) I could create a shitcoin with 1bn coins, get it listed on a shitty exchange and buy one for $1. I would have just added $1bn to the market cap.

You guys really need to start ignoring market cap if you want to succeed. You can seriously FUD yourself out of a great opportunity because you think the market cap is already too high. Or you could FOMO into a shitcoin because the market cap is low and you think it's got room to grow.

>> No.6027932

>No shit, but you can also redeem gift cards for cryptos if you first wash it with USD (either through literal cash outs at a cashier or through paypal or some other method). This is very popular to do and it is why the US government is considering regulating them.

It's almost as if crypto brings the unregulation and I'm actually surprised you're too much of a brainlet to understand this.

>> No.6027945

Okay I’m about 80% sure you’re just trolling now lmao

>> No.6027959

Fuck you

>> No.6027964

(>>6027802 was originally a reply to this post >>6027848 which I deleted due to a typo)


>Something can be absolutely useless but worth value if someone else will pay for it

And if the supply of "someone else willing to pay for it" decreases, say due to an economic crash, then BTC's price decreases accordingly. Now you're avoiding basic supply and demand.

>LIQUIDITY! It can be benchmarked for valie if OTHER PEOPLE IMAGINE that OTHER PEOPLE IMAGINE it has value!!!

So you're saying BTC is not chained to the laws of supply and demand because of pure hype and speculation? It's almost as if there is no real value behind BTC other than public perception, rather than actual utility. You're essentially claiming BTC is worthless and has nothing backing it.

>This is the trust blockchain still needs, the illusion of future spendablitiy powerful enough people don't think about it!

So it's like every other currency, service and tradeable good in existence? Your post contradicts itself now.

>> No.6028056


Equity is owned value measured in currency, not currency. When you buy a new car they will only do, say, 80% loan to value, meaning you need to pay 20% upfront and pretending it didn't lose value off the lot you would have 20% equity.

If banks are worthless they cannot issue new loans to create money because the ratio of how much liabilities they possess to their equity (now 0$) creates something called insolvency, bankrupt, broke, whatever you wanna call it

But banks are needed to turn the artificial wealth created by driving up asset prices into actual money in people's pockets by issuing loans, which they cannot do if people don't think banks are still valuable creating their market cap value

C'mon does nobody understand money???

>> No.6028086


Crypto brings regulation if anything. The government doesn't get smaller, it's only a matter of time until the IRS and SEC figure out BTC and move in to crush it. Which they can as the US government can just tell businesses not to accept USD for goods or services, which they can monitor through the FCC. This would hurt BTC's utility and crash it into the ground.

That's not to say they will or would, but they have the capability. Again see the fight with CB over their user date.

>> No.6028125


>> No.6028130


Idiot I'm saying QE was intelligent as hell since it's tricked everyone here apparently and it only worked if people didn't realize what it did, but bitcoin was even more intelligent of a way to make it backfire

That's why bernenke and Yellen look so baffled all the time

>> No.6028182


If you have a fucking tin can that Elvis signed, why is it worth more than a normal tin can, and what determines the market value.

>> No.6028232


>> No.6028286


Because Elvis is dead meaning the supply of Elvis tin cans is capped, while the normal tin can market is growing. However, BTC is always growing due to miners and there are new shitcoins every day. Supply and demand.

(on that note my Dale Earnheart Sr signed soda bottle is worth about $5 for the same reason. Tragically I cannot create more of them, because Dale Earnheart Sr is dead)

>> No.6028300

WHAT IF... Crypto isn't the bubble but blockchain is? There are far too many useless coins out there. It's like if you wanted a haircut and the barber said, "No, I only accept barbercoin" or if you park your car and have to pay with parkingcoin.
Too many useless coins exist just for the sake of having BLOCKCHAIN or SMART CONTRACTS.

>> No.6028337


Not a crash of just one currency, and you can't say that at different prices demand would remain linear, the variables change

In an economic crash bitcoin would be flocked to

Money cannot have backing! It's always psychological!

Even if it's backed by gold, its not the damn gold it's that you believe you can get gold for it, it's psychological still

A bank note is the a placeholder for symbolic representation of an abstract concept

How do you all work your whole life for a thing you don't understand

>> No.6028440


I have a rare shit but it's not worth anything, the supply is really low

Why is Elvis shit worth more than my shit? Seriously, you think all values and prices only derive from supply and demand?

No wonder QE worked so well

>> No.6028580

Market cap is dumb to begin with because it assumes all coins are for sale all the time as far as I can tell. A coin can go up 10 billion in market cap without 10 billion dollars worth of purchasing power moving it there, then you let it hold for a week and suddenly that's the stable price.

>> No.6028602

Good points

I agree with you except on the second point. On Kraken for example you can buy 10 cryptos with fiat.

But yes, the "official" market cap doesn't show the real market cap.

>> No.6028603

Late adopter cope.

>> No.6028611

Point two is somewhat untrue though, depending on the exchange there are other coins that have fiat pairings.

>> No.6028678

>barbercoin" or if you park your car and have to pay with parkingcoin

that's what we call shitcoins...some tokens like POWR and dentacoin are imo borderline bullshit, but I can still see their potential. i think a lot of people underestimate the potential blockchain and smart contracts have though...it has the power to make a shitload of jobs obsolete. eventually the whole world will run on it, so we have a LONG way to go.

>> No.6028709


>Not a crash of just one currency, and you can't say that at different prices demand would remain linear, the variables change

Demand would be linear because the vast majority of the world's wealth is tied up into traditional currencies, so if the majority of the world's wealth is rendered worthless overnight everything people would normally buy things with (say, BTC) also takes a hit. This happens because people would have less money to buy things (like BTC) with, causing the price to plunge accordingly. Supply and demand.

>In an economic crash bitcoin would be flocked to

No it wouldn't, more likely people would run to the banks to cash out so they can store it under their mattresses. This would precipitate cash flow crises within banks, which either leads to banks going bankrupt (and the FDIC issuing script) or hyperinflation if the gov't tries printing their way out. In either case the value of peoples' savings nosedives and their ability to buy BTC is diminished. BTC's price declines accordingly. Supply and demand.

>Money cannot have backing! It's always psychological!

No, money can be backed by things like police and militaries enforcing it's use amongst merchants which creates utility. This is why BTC was created in the first place, as a means to avoid this situation by creating a way for people to anonymously trade using blocks they've mined. However, this system completely breaks down when BTC can be bought or exchanged for other currencies, because in that case it's price is now tied into a state-backed currency even if it wasn't designed to be. Which demonstrates the limits of BTC's ability to remain an anonymous store of wealth as more and more people try to get in on it and construct services around it, services that tie BTC into the state-backed currencies and police.

>> No.6028760

The more scams there are, the more likely that there will be regulation. Pumping and dumping some crap NASDAQ stock is illegal, but crypto is unregulated so there are basically no rules. People actively promote their PND groups all the time now on /biz/. Enough people getting ripped off, or large exchanges failing (Gox) and you will see some regulation.

It takes one person, one congressperson, one senator, that is all. They will ruin it. The UFC was no holds barred. John McCain didn't like that. One person. The UFC now has all sorts of rules.

Some person in a position of power will eventually have a their dumbass nephew or son or daughter get ripped off and all of a sudden you will see senator Patty Murray's dumbass being interviewed on CNN, the new expert on cryptocurrency and how it is in need of heavy regulation.

>> No.6028771


It's the same thing with anything else, say Beanie Babies. On their own they're just toys that are not regulated, but people built exchanges around their perceived value. Some people going so far to list them as taxable assets so they could get a tax write off, which is also where people had to bring them into court rooms and divide them in front of Judges during divorces. BBs were percived to have value so people built ties between BBs and the state, which eventually led to the SEC investigating Ty Warner and taking him to jail for tax evasion.



How could such a thing happen? Because people perceived BBs to have value so the state walked in to manage them as people were using them in ways neither Mr. Warner nor the IRS had not expected. Everything that happened didn't happen because the currency's manager (Warner who takes the same role as miners), the exchanges (usually Ebay and Paypal), or the government (the IRS) wanted it to happen but because regular investors/buyers abused their asset past reason. And the end result was everything melting down and BBs becoming largely worthless when people realized they're just a bit of fabric and not a good store of wealth.

>> No.6028856


>I have a rare shit but it's not worth anything, the supply is really low

Then there is no demand for it and it's not really rare because anyone who wants one can quickly buy one at a reasonable price. Again, supply and demand.


Not even. Just wait until someone at a company tries investing a pension fund or similar into BTC and creates a lot of people who suddenly don't have pensions. As stupid as that notion is, this is how the subprime crisis unfolded.

>> No.6028870

The pennystock market has looked exactly like the shitcoin market for decades...

>> No.6028887

You seem like you know what you're talking about.

In the event of a depression-like event, what asset classes do you consider to be relatively safe?

>> No.6028972

But even in the 2013 mt gox crash you had ages to get out near the ATH. It took over a year to bleed out.

>> No.6028985

Water, tobacco, ammunition, canned goods.

>> No.6029057

Investment-class assets please. I'm not going to buy $50,000 of baked beans

>> No.6029087

With such a slow bleed I'd probably be a holder desu. Actually if it dropped like a knife I'd be a holder too...

I'm so fucked man.

>> No.6029099

This shit will continue so long as there are more and more ICOs to speculate on. Considering it takes about 5 people and a week to make a whitepaper for an ICO I'm gonna say there will be no shortage of those. It's not like the dot-com bubble where it took thousands of people and months of regulatory discussion to launch an IPO.

>> No.6029117

That isn't likely. Pension funds have strict investment rules. Mortgage backed securities "were" regulated. Crypto is not.

>> No.6029132
File: 105 KB, 601x597, 1515289490585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you going to trade your "investment-class assets" to (and what are you planning to trade them for) when civilization collapses? We're in the end times. Get right with Christ.

>> No.6029151


The only 100% "safe" investment are US Treasury bonds. It ultimately boils down to utility and how often people use a thing - for example food, guns or airplanes. Looking for a crash proof thing won't get you much since due to supply and demand as everyone cashes out the amount of buyers dwindles crashing prices, but this allows for cheap prices so you can buy the dip.

Note: BTC is NOT a good investment because it has little practical utility outside of buying illegal drugs online. A utility that is fast dwindling as states (like California) move to legalize and tax drug sales. Though I expect cryptos to eventually break out of this, but a lot of blood has to spill first so people can build a not shit coin from the ground up and have a way to manage third party services built around it.

>> No.6029201


Depends on how things go. It only takes one auditor making an assumption and getting something wrong. Which is something that is very likely to happen with BTC assuming it hasn't occurred already, since BTC is so new and most auditors are crusty boomers who barely know how to use excel.

>> No.6029234


I'm not looking for a "crash proof" investment. Rather, something that is going to hold its value relative to other investments.

Ie will Gold decline to a lesser degree than Amazon stocks? And can I then sell my gold to by a larger % of Amazon stocks once the bottom has been hit?

>> No.6029250


You are valuing another countries currency using the one hyperinflating, how could you accurately know the value? Measured in dollars they would seem to be getting insanely valuable

>> No.6029329


This is what people don't realize. There will be an influx of very serious money. Individuals are having discussions with their financial advisers right now about adding crypto to their portfolio. Because money talks and 1000% gains abosoloutley can't be ignored.

>> No.6029331
File: 29 KB, 364x404, IMG_6941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please explain in brainlet terms. I'm too slow to understand this fully