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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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601097 No.601097 [Reply] [Original]

I own and operate a reclaimed grocery store. Damaged expired, didnt sell well, spilt on etc. We put a price tag on every single item. As one anon said in an earlier thread, it's ridiculous. I need a way out. Also marketing tips, we're the only store of our kind in the VAST area. Looking at ShopKeep. They have some cool videos. Buy a Bluetooth scanner, receipts printer, cash reg etc

>> No.601100


Could you point me to the other thread, this sounds interesting.

>I need a way out.

Not profitable or too stressful?

>> No.601101

Our system for pricing things may actually be the best way to do it, considering the amount of different things we get. BUT if there was a system that consolidated the two

>> No.601103

Can you give me more details my good sir? You're the only store of your kind in the vast area can be misinterpreted, it's also the digital-globalized age as well, that should be taken into consideration.

Give me more general details and I'll help you anyway I can, advice wise.

>> No.601104

We're in the black, give or take. But i was referring to this system we have, we do all our specials by memory. (Buy one get one etc.) if we hired a new cashier the customer would get fucked

As for referring you to the thread, idk

>> No.601105

What are you looking for? We are the only store of our kind in our area of the state

>> No.601106


aight, I'm assuming don't have the capital for a barcode system...

Different colored tape in the price gun?

>> No.601110

We have that capital, sure. Theres counter barcode scanners at every register. Problem is integrating it with everything, including inventory

>> No.601116 [DELETED] 

my other problem is people think we're some kind of food pantry or you should only shop there if you're poor.

People don't know that we sell perfectly good non expired cereal for $1.50 a box or 16oz energy drinks for 75 cents. Its a really cool store.

We put up a billboard with our price compared to walmart of a cart of goods. It was half the price. I realize though that nowadays people are blind to advertising, it being so over saturated. We do wonders with Facebook as well, we've tapped that crowd.

>> No.601118

thats easy - its a grocery store or what?

>> No.601120

Reclaimed. Meaning we get shit thats not scannable, Meijers, hy-vee, great value, albertsons brand, shit that doesn't even have a label

>> No.601123

tl;dr I'm asking about pos systems and marketing a small business, faggots

>> No.601127

ok so heres what you gotta do. ever heard of a zebra printer? anyway, you can use that to print barcodes for your products.

then you just have to sticker them during the stocking phase.

as for marketing, are you a franchise? how obvious is the reclaimed portion of your branding?

how far away is the closest real supermarket?

>> No.601128


you could always make up your own barcodes and load them into the system.

>> No.601139

If you have a bunch of products with different barcodes and you dont need to keep track of inventory that way why dont you have a custom PLU system?

You can enter it into all the systems under a new number range, have a number range for the general price the product corresponds to, and for stuff that has to go quicker add a second PLU sticker to it that applies a discount.

If your employees cant handle adding stickers to cans when doing inventory or punching in a set of numbers you might need to stop getting the disabled to work for you.

>> No.601165

Look for a group of unemployed actors, including one up-and-coming guy, and this script they've all read about a guy in a Chevy Malibu with a dead alien in the back of his car. Volunteer to let them shoot in your store for free.

>> No.601194

ok I've read all of ypur "input"

So far its been a big "fuck you." To my intelligence.

Here's to hoping someone can actually help me out

( i know how modern pos works, stop. I'm loooking for real shit. Also new marketing techniques, assholes.)

>> No.601202

>But i was referring to this system we have, we do all our specials by memory. (Buy one get one etc.) if we hired a new cashier the customer would get fucked
>tl;dr I'm asking about pos systems and marketing a small business, faggots

>So far its been a big "fuck you." To my intelligence.

Well the first real big "fuck you" to your intelligence would be that sentence you gobshite. You came on here asking for imput on things involving POS and marketing. You didnt mention things you have done that have been successful or that have failed or if you have done anything at all and just came here for LOL BIZ HALP.

If you're 'in the biz with a biz' you should be smart enough to treat all of this with some kind of scientific method while at the same time being able to keep your business afloat. If you dont want both good and bad input maybe you should fuck off from the screen and hire a consultant you cheap goon.

>> No.601204

(one more thing, this is a store i run with my own two hands.alll of it. From the shelves to the walls. I. Built. It. You kids rhrow around the word . Put in a drop ceiling with your owm two,hands....its a lot of work

>> No.601218
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>> No.601223

I have never seen someone defend /biz/ on anything in the 3.5 years I have been here. Bravo son have a dollar

>> No.601239

how do you expect anyone to help you with you being so vague. if you dont share what marketting techniques you do employ how can we tell you what you should be doing.

>> No.601243
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>> No.601274

Easier said than done

>> No.601663

I gave details. I asked what other details were wanted