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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6009754 No.6009754 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6009817

I bought POE at 150 sats then sold at 300 :(

>> No.6009822

I maxed out all my credit cards on chain link three months ago. I'm 20k in debt and I destroyed my credit score. Current value of folio is 80k. I still haven't sold a little to pay my debt

>> No.6009865

I sold drgn at .23 cents and just bought back in.

I want to kms

>> No.6009874

I'm a nocoiner

>> No.6009896


Smart boy

>> No.6009940

Wanted to put 20% of my portfolio (10k) into raiblocks at 17 cents. Decided against it at the last moment because of “huge” 100 BTC sell wall.

>> No.6009947

lmfao I hope this isnt a LARP

>> No.6009959
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I don't really have faith in crypto and feel like the market might crash any day and I'm afraid I have not made it yet

>> No.6009967


I sold all my NEO around $7 literally a day before big moon mission started, after holding it for months at a loss

I sold 1.8mil xvg, then FOMO'd back in for a lesser position, ultimately selling at a loss and moving on, back in August when it was 150sats. I held none.

>> No.6010005

I have 20k DOGE I mined in 2014. I forgot the password to the wallet.

>> No.6010030


I am 100% in one coin, and I'm not in profits.

>> No.6010037

bought iota at 4$, didn't sell at 5$ :(

>> No.6010042

If i hadn't spend all this crypto on useless things like car, clothes, electronics would have at least 40k more :/
This seems just like me when it dipped month before christmas xD.

>> No.6010062

I have a greedy fucker, father. I probably made enough, but I want moar.

>> No.6010097

You have 80k link? Damn respect

>> No.6010117

anon, i know you are confident but i am genuinely concered, what is your back up plan should link fail?

sell some and pay your card off, dont play around with this shit my dude

>> No.6010129

Last night I went over $75K in gains (thanks to REQ and DBC). Original investment: $425. To celebrate, I fapped in the shower this morning...but it was to visions of my SIL, not my wife. If I get to $500K, I'm going to divorce my wife and marry the SIL. She runs marathons and is really tight. Still figuring out how to the kids to adjust to all this. Plan in progress.

>> No.6010143
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i never read whitepapers.
i barely know how a blockchain works :1

>> No.6010149

I withdrew 2 ETH to buy a new iPhone and Macbook

>> No.6010183

I'm getting greedier each passing day.

I don't want to hodl for months let alone years, I want to gamble and see numbers grow like it's a fucking incremental game, even thought I know patience pays.

I take 30 minutes walks each day, inhaling every 4 steps and exhaling for the next 4 steps, just to calm down.
I'm fucking trying to keep it together, anon, I swear I am.

>> No.6010271

I have concrete evidence that XBY is a total scam, but CCR made me swear not to tell, threatening to send his pet Hungarian autist after me to eat my face while I sleep if I do

>> No.6010307
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Made more than 10x in the last week. Now i get steady 5-10% gains but i still want to chase a new 10x for some reason. I want the rush again of just 10x my money in a few days instead of slowly doing it over 2 weeks event though i know how retarded that is.

>> No.6010322
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kek I assure you it is not

nah only 73k it was above a dollar last time I checked might be back down

>> No.6010339

I have no idea what I am doing.

>> No.6010384

I bought XLM this morning and sold it earlier in a panic thinking BTC was on the way up. I tried to cut my losses ($2k down) and now I'm just sitting here kicking myself.

I've never panic sold in the 7 months I've been in this market. Maybe I'm in too deep, guys.

Still made $15k this week, so I need to look at the bad over the good.

>> No.6010386

sold 50k reddcoins at 50 sats

>> No.6010401

I knew about HUSH fork back when it was $2 but I didn't tell you.

>> No.6010426

same I want enough capital to travel the world for a year whilst trading a decent enough stack.
So 20-30k £££ would be nice. Gone from 2k to 9k this week

>> No.6010432

You’re the reason we all suffer as alt holders when btc pumps

>> No.6010445

Damn, did you all-in on a coin or what? How did you hodl all the way to 10x and not sold at like x5?

>> No.6010488
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I'm at $600k, never read a whitepaper and have no idea what a blockchain is.

>> No.6010504
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I'm aware. I've brought great shame to our family on this day.

>> No.6010554

You are forgiven.

>> No.6010646
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No i was holding 3 coins. ETH, XRP and XLM since under .20 sold both at ath and currently in VEN and ETH. Ive always been patient so far and had pic related until my sudden 10x. Now that i made so much i keep thinking about throwing 50% of it into some shitcoins to try and get another 10x or more. I cant stop thinking about it even though it is literally gambling my money away.

>> No.6010708
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found the psycho-max amongst psychos and psycho-lites
>we will be addressing you as 'Senator' in 15 years mark my words

>> No.6010732

i sold my trx i bought at 195 for 250

>> No.6010760

I keep defending LTC in all the threads here b/c I bought a bunch at $30 to $70 , but now I'm so fuckin tempted to sell and succ more ETH + altcoin dick

>> No.6010800

That'd be amazing if you're someone who can cope well with the stress of trading. I don't think I would enjoy travels to the fullest if I were to trade in the meantime.
Those are amazing gains mate, did you daytrade or something?

>> No.6010827

>Told my Mom that I´ve made $650 from $250 in 3 days
>Tells my grandma, sister and brother


>> No.6010864

based. you are my hero, i will become you

>> No.6010895

Don't worry lil anon, when i first started BTC dropped from 4.7k to 3k
Yet now even that I missed most long term ups, im like 10x return on my investment.

I personally only go for short investments, just set your mind on staying on green every day,
and only go for big coins not some memes.
Try to not worry about not maximizing by selling to early, you are good shorting as long as you stay in greens every day,
unless you want to become one of wojaks then try to chase about those "maximum profits" lol.

If you score you will try but in long run you will not,
due to being to scared of losing all this money you could earn in mean time...

Link won't fall that easily and even if it will it won't fall very low there is some real value behind it, unlike some memes...
But agree he should start to slowly pay back those loans maybe try to use 5-10-15% of weekly profits to payback them?
Also I'm sure it isn't his only capital, and he didn't invest all in one coin. Now did you anon !?

>> No.6010906

Speculation has always been seen as gambling and sinful.

Am going to hell for these gains.

>> No.6010913

Im an angry, hateful little man. I'm a cockroach who got a glimpse of heaven.

>> No.6011086

Sold 1000 Oyster Pearl at 1,32 USD . :(

>> No.6011125

I recognize paradigms in pink wojacks and pepes and use them to influence all crypto related decisions

All my crypto knowledge comes from your shitposts and it's working out pretty well so far

>> No.6011487

Thanks for the encouraging words mate, they count.

>> No.6011817
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u cool anon

>> No.6012251

Dude just sell enough to cover the debt I know you're greedy but YOU DID IT you did what you wanted to and you're still going to grow exponentially but if LINK starts to turn downward or this whole bubble comes crashing down you wanna at least have paid yourself back from that loan so you don't have to toil till you die to pay it off. I know a guy who did a similar thing with BTC right before the $4,000 dip, he did the classic genius buy high sell low strat and now he's fucked over bad.
Seriously anon don't be stupid

>> No.6012356

should have bought more UFR earlier :C

>> No.6012552
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You seem like youre not a brainlet like me. How bad did i do by going 65% VEN and 35% ETH with only 1.5K ?

>> No.6012598

I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing and just buy stuff and cash it out later...
This is the 5th time I start with $100 in BTC just because I love gambling. the 4 times before it went to $90-140k before I got bored, cashed out and put it into my a savings account to the other cash I don't give a fuck about.

>> No.6012673
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Sold 2,000 ETH @ $3
Sold 30 BTC @ $500

>> No.6012857
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I can barely use a computer
I just throw money at the magical internet money machines and now I have got more money LOL

>> No.6012880

I've got my portfolio locked into 4 solid Q1 picks. But my hands are starting to shake watching all these shitcoins moon around me.


>> No.6013065

I'm going to miss every moon mission because bittrex, poloniexx, c-cex, bitstamp, gate.io haven't verified me yet. It's been like two weeks now...

Thank god for binance

>> No.6013194
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Get on Kucoin brother


>> No.6013202

woah $5 down the drain

>> No.6013236

I'm the anon behind most of the Bazingacoin threads. Some other anons have joined in but I posted the first thread and 90% of the threads since.

>> No.6013273

I fucked a black guy and it wasn't that great.

>> No.6013317

I keep expecting Kucoin to make my deposit within an hour. I am having difficulty containing my anger when they fail, yet again.

>> No.6013354

im the anon behind 95% of link threads since presale
i scammed all the looser /biz/tards into my shillcoin and going to dump it to the ground in an hour

>> No.6013377
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I must confess, brother.
I'm shilling my KuCoin code:

>> No.6013564

I have been on my laptop since last nitr waiting for LTC to go on a run it when up only to 280 FML missed the qtum and ZCL run

Ima about togo fap

>> No.6013656


I shill for VEN and I don't own any. am i sexually confused or what?

>> No.6013669

I own POE right now

>> No.6013702

Confession: I am a poorfag who leeches on you fags to use my kucoin code.


>> No.6013885
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After shilling Tron during yesterdays drop and telling people to HODL, I sold all my positions, bought BNB and made up for all of my loses. Am I going to be forgiven father?

>> No.6014091

Gtfo with that shit, it's 3AM and I need to sleep soon

>> No.6014136

I'm here just for memes

>> No.6014250

I always looked down on pump and dumb groups. I want to be rich though and sold out. Turns out, it’s a pretty comfy group.

discord gg/aB7GbB7 (add the period before the gg)

>> No.6014252
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I cashed out all of my buttcoins at 5k started from scratch again last week.

>> No.6014254

I shill for kucoin


>> No.6014363


I can sympathize with this feel. Took two fucking hours to deposit LTC.

>> No.6014381


kek I did the same thing but with 15k on my credit cards at the end of November

My portfolio got up to $160k (I had a bunch of verge and reddcoin around the mooning times lel) and I already cashed out that original investment and paid that shit back, get on my level

>> No.6014902

I fucked 24 women in '17. Mostly fatties from bumble and tinder.

>> No.6015031

Better than the countless crypto rich anons who whine about being rich yet lonely and bang whores.

>> No.6015282

I came here to shit on everyone and now I'm about to put a couple of thousand down on REQ or BAT if it dips.

>> No.6015647
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I went all in on enigma.

My portfolio is only about $2500 USD though.

Does diversification matter for me?

>> No.6015667

I'm a shill

>> No.6015801

What is BAT going to be worth someday? I have like 364 I bought on a whim.

>> No.6015866

Hello, me. I did nearly the same thing (same amount of capital too) I have like 700 and want 1000-1200 but I bought in pretty much on pure hype.

>> No.6016144

I losed my day profits of daytrading scalping VEN

>> No.6016186

Shorted BTC just before the breakout, REKT for 1.4btc

>> No.6016475

I haven't forgiven myself for selling 30k omg for 70 cents father :(

>> No.6016522

Sold 200k COSS for 5.9 cents,
I only sold to increase my COSS stack. I 7x but COSS 20x. fucking crypto.

>> No.6016524
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I bought 35k TRON at a little over .055 cents, then through a series of panic selling low and buying high I lost 10000 of it like an even bigger retard. My only hope now is trondogs, please father forgive me