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File: 3.17 MB, 2209x2921, chainlinkpepepainting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6008299 No.6008299 [Reply] [Original]

Get ready anons

Your iron hands are going to be rewarded very very soon. Sooner than you realize.

I'm about to cum buckets knowing what I know.

>> No.6008360

Spit it out then faggot

>> No.6008370
File: 86 KB, 697x388, LINKshittylogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me what you know anon. My hands are made of steel.

>> No.6008386

motherfucker lets go talk to us

>> No.6008398
File: 92 KB, 1439x900, 1513206285998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you have only 16k and can't afford more

>> No.6008411

>Another larping faggot

Iron hands? LINK is one of the easiest holds out there these days.

>> No.6008419

you should keep it to yourself anon. the anticipation is worth it

>> No.6008466

>buy ath

howbout no

>> No.6008493

I doubt you know anything but I'm holding either way. Actually I appreciate you larpers back when the fud was real bad in Nov, and I was getting pretty stressed some of the larp helped cheer me up

>> No.6008507

Go away you stinky linkers

>> No.6008527

Would any whale be so kind as to round off my stack with 30 LINK? It's killing me...

>> No.6008622
File: 7 KB, 219x230, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You autistic larping fagget, have fun holding some Indian poo bags.

>> No.6008750
File: 48 KB, 1000x800, 1511754880085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd hate to be a no linker. Assblaster isn't the only one that is in the know.

Listen to what he says. It's going to make ripple fomo look like nothing.

>> No.6008920

sent :)

>> No.6009004


If sergey is a "made man" like I'm beginning to suspect and assblaster suggested in his initial thread there are probably a ton of people in the know and they've been backing him and smartcontract for some time.

Somehow he became a renowned expert in smart contracts and oracles, even though as far a I can tell theres nothing in his resume to suggest he should be the one name dropped in Klaus Schwabs book, interviewed for Capemagi, etc., etc. It's very strange how he made that leap.

>> No.6009062

Autistic genius.

>> No.6009097

Convince me and I'll buy 20 ETH worth

>> No.6009130
File: 98 KB, 645x773, 1514741810505.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hands were already rewarded. Already made twice my yearly wage since I went all in at 20 cents.

>> No.6009137



>> No.6009162

This is such a funny meme. The best part is some people actually think it's real and invest their life savings into it. Master troll problem?

>> No.6009199

Only got my first 450 linkies today but want more whens this news coming?

>> No.6009200

How much time do we have anon. I will grab more if you can share some knowledge.

>> No.6009230
File: 365 KB, 1881x643, 1514889358879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6009233



>> No.6009285


lol you are in for a dissapointment m8, but just keep holding. Main net this quarter. Sergey's gonna do another blogpost in Q4 December 2018 too.


Yea but an autistic genius with connections he acquired somehow.

>> No.6009308

you know about the FB partnership too huh?

>iron hands until 2020

>> No.6009314

All the link shilling has made me gay on Sergey

>> No.6009328

you have nothing to loose but your chains.

>> No.6009361
File: 270 KB, 1868x836, 4432452345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here ya go. This guy "AssBlaster" knows some shit that we don't.

>> No.6009392


Check the wayback machine archives of the smartcontract website. This confirms before 2016 smartcontract was not focused on oracles like they would become.

>> No.6009396

Why disappointment anon?

>> No.6009451


assblaster's good, but the a real good read is the post on r/cryptocurrency, plus one of the commenters comments who knew shit (don't post the pasta)

>> No.6009478

You guys think I'm larping.


>> No.6009516

Link has a high marketcap. All it can do is 20x at best. You call this a good coin?

>> No.6009523


They don't let much out. That may change but they aren't focused on retail investors.

>> No.6009636

Right I'll hold for however long just need to wait for some other shit too moon to put more in

>> No.6009662

I want to get I on link but I'll only have a hundred bucks to play with next week. I feel like I would be better off stacking XLM

>> No.6009721

Well come on dude, post the link. Reddit's search function is fucking garbage.

>> No.6009785


>> No.6009868

ahhahaha are you still shilling this shitcoin?!?

imagine shilling this shit for weeks maybe months on end. meanwhile some normier schmuck buys cripple @ 0.24$ because he thinks "hey thats cheap, imma buy" and then he goes offline for 4 weeks, goes online again, presses "sell for market prize" and he realizes WTF i made X10 profit "crypto is so cool i will tell my other friends".

meanwhile you suffer with your shitcoin deluxe. hahahhaha can you imagine being such a guy

>> No.6010137

Screen capped. I'll add it to the collage at the end of the year.

>> No.6010147

Can I borrow your crystal ball?

Muh hindsight trading kys cuck

>> No.6010167

Slow and steady wins the race brainlet.

It doesn't matter really. Chase your pumps. Do you. Don't come around with your folder of pink wojaks in a week. You will have no sympathy from us

>> No.6010257

Are you saying he's a Goodfella, like he's a good guy?

>> No.6010281

Ty <3

>> No.6010356
File: 68 KB, 581x569, 0239 - HAN5tM7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


stop pressing my buttons!

>> No.6010399
File: 7 KB, 212x238, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is 10k LINK enough to make it? It's all I can afford anymore.

>> No.6010545

Hold until main net is running.

>> No.6010618

its because he is Satoshi Nakamoto. SN

>> No.6010627

>hurr ur coin sucks because this theoretical normie who got lucky got some gains on XRP

>> No.6010743

I bought 500 links at 1.15, will i make it? Poorfag and brainlet:(

>> No.6010816

When is Mainnet coming??? I dumped my link at $0.5, have since 10x'd my stack and wanna get back in.

>> No.6010835
File: 447 KB, 1252x1500, 1512845655213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am either victim of the most elaborate pump and dump scheme or a buyer of the best token ever made.

>> No.6010889

1k is enough with the info we have
Congrats anon, you're going to lamboland 10 times over

>> No.6010890
File: 566 KB, 629x454, 30F9336A-EB2C-42BA-9F38-FBD54FB67A53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6010945
File: 488 KB, 500x667, link beat it chick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what the average cripple bagholder actually believes

>> No.6010994

jokes on u, LINK is a chad coin

>> No.6011082

So let us hear what you have to say

>> No.6011181

I can't and I won't. Q1 is my hit. If you can't put two and two together with all the info available out there then I dunno what to tell you anon

>> No.6011549

Any price predictions for eoy?

>> No.6011602


>> No.6011720

OP doesn't know shit

>> No.6011842

I have 30k link. I can either buy another 10k link right now or hold it in ether. Is 30k enough to never work again in a nice neighborhood?

>> No.6011880

Funny how overlooked this is. Phi digits confirms

>> No.6012433
File: 155 KB, 600x850, 1512391242014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does chainlink not have an anime girl cheerleader yet?

>> No.6012753

Can anyone actually explain to me why corporations would use ChainLink over just implementing a blockchain on their backend? Seriously, why the fuck would SWIFT use tokens already floating around on 4chan when they can keep everything internal?

>> No.6013070

Decentralized==no central point of failure/attack. Are you 12 years old that you have to ask that question?

>> No.6013224

Stfu you pajeet you got .002 eth max . You gotta go back now

>> No.6013244

i bought 300 a week ago today friends
ill never be able to afford the amounts you guys do but i hope it can help me one day

>> No.6013359

Is this one of the most elaborate shills to scam me out of a lambo or will I be truly making it with 3k?

>> No.6013568

It's likely an elaborate shill. Don't fall for it. I did but I put my money everywhere

>> No.6013570

Are my coins safe on binance? Or will they steal them as soon as they are worth a gazillion dollars?

>> No.6013728

General rule of crypto. Never keep your coins on an exchange or anything you don't personally have the private key to. Buy a ledger nano s with your gains

>> No.6013733

should i split my coins up into different wallets on mew? how do i keep this shit safe ahhhh

>> No.6013859
File: 138 KB, 768x1024, 1514753025434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For my shitcoins, I'm holding ENG, REQ, FUN, TNB and ODN.

Should I switch my FUN to this?

>> No.6013971

Nano Ledger S

>> No.6014456

Well, just pulled them out into my ledger
Damn chink jews and their 10 LINK fee, but I guess it's worth the peace of mind knowing that my precious won't be seized when the Chinese govt deems fit

>> No.6014621

You can't hold everything on a ledger unfortunately. You can hold the main coins and a few different wallets that are typically etc-20 wallets, but a lot of decent coins can't be held there.

>> No.6014675


You don't even know the first thing about ChainLink. Either do some fucking research or don't buy.