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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 199 KB, 723x1024, monero-1505185532555-723x1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6005936 No.6005936 [Reply] [Original]

*moons an unknown percentage*

>> No.6005981
File: 444 KB, 1080x1306, 1515129618625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm good senpai

>> No.6006125


>> No.6006197

Will normies ever "get" Monero?

>> No.6006283
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"why do you need privacy if youre not doing anything illegal lol youre not a criminal right sweetie? then you shouldnt have anything to hide hehe"

>> No.6006298

Keep it quiet. Don't want too much people to be jumping on this one yet. Need to still accumlate more :)

>> No.6006385

found the pedophile

>> No.6006391

YES orange id

>> No.6006393

I like this meme thanks anon
mind if I repost it? I'll give credit of course

im 12 btw

>> No.6006402
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Fuck yes they will. Andreas is starting to stress the importance of privacy if crypto is going to continue to grow into mainstream:


Skip to 17 minutes. He's not talking about Monero specifically, but shilling a coin isn't really what he does as an educator.

>> No.6006435


>> No.6006481

Looks like another dip correction from the last time BTC shit on it.

>> No.6006553

Why is it trading for more than 600 dollars in korea?

>> No.6006564

I say this all the time but frankly I'm too poor to accumulate any more.

>> No.6006626
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>> No.6006641

I'm mining this shit on free electricity and haven't yet reached the payout limit. It had better moon eventually

>> No.6006653

this happened before right around the epic BCash PnD... bithumb hit 700$ monero, no joke.
guess this is a good old money laundering moon.

>> No.6006667

the koreans are ahead of the rest of the world in understanding how important monero really is
also they pay like 20% over the odds for fucking everything (check every KRW pair)

>> No.6006688

Because everything in Korea is traded higher. Look at any crypto.

>> No.6006719

Mining hurts so much now after the difficulty increase. Normies please go back.

>> No.6006725


>> No.6006826

You wouldn't be saying that if you mined sumokoin instead of monero

srsly that that thing probably made some people rich from mining alone before the last bullrun

>> No.6006852

my dad works for 4chan hehe gl

13 now btw

>> No.6006887

>you wouldn't be saying that if you were mining when it was easy
I was you retard, it now no longer is. I don't understand the point of your post except for the shameless shilling.

>> No.6006919

Thread theme:

>> No.6006962

Looks like it's probably coming back down a bit actually. But knowing how it went last time I'm not fucking touching it.

>> No.6006968

I know this feel I need double my current hash power to mine what I was getting 3 months ago. It's fucking bullshit.

>> No.6007028

well considering the usd value went up more than 2x you shouldn't be complaining right? t. fellow miner

>> No.6007138

Wrong, because the current value of the coin is meaningless unless you're cashing out.

>> No.6007143

Sumokoin is like Monero but they've sorted out the bullshit mining algorithm

>> No.6007190

If by like you mean a pajeet clone without the devs or community then sure.

>> No.6007193

The value is fine, I just want more coins. And I have some stuck in a dead pool so I'm kinda chapped about that. Only half way to the minimum withdraw and at the rate they find blocks it'll take at least a couple months of mining to pull out.

>> No.6007291


iktf, been mining 2 weeks on nanopool and will take over a month to reach the payout minimum, probably longer due to difficulty increase.

>> No.6007331

ah i know that feel. btw supportxmr is switching to a min payout of .1 soon

>> No.6007374
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>> No.6007509

so no one will see me jerking off

>> No.6007537

fucking order wont get filled on binance am i retarded? Are sells satisfied on a FIFO basis? If i up the price by a little bit more than what others are selling for, shouldnt it just go to me???

>> No.6007551

>XMR starting to pump, DON'T FUCKING MISS IT ANON!!!

>> No.6007589


fuck nanopool with that 0.3 shit

>> No.6007594
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>> No.6007617

wtf this coin is so mysterious

>> No.6007704


it's possible to want private, untraceable transactions that are perfectly legal. for example, paying off a mistress so she doesn't ruin your marriage. completely legal. but you would want to do it in a way that is private.

having said that, i would never get married, but i came up with that example on the fly.

another example is when you buy something embarassing but don't want it ever being traced back to you. for example, if you bought a sex toy or a sex doll, but want absolutely no record of that purchase ever existing, then you can use monero and pay a vendor who accepts xmr. it's not illegal to want some degree of fucking privacy in your life. maybe i want to fuck a silicon doll instead of waste time and money with real women. then i would buy said doll with monero.

you stupid low IQ, normie faggot unimaginative NIGGERS just can't come up with such examples because you live in your gay little bubble.

>> No.6007711

Its the next evolutionary step in digital cash. Public ledgers were necessary for proof of concept and will continue to have use cases, but for individuals privacy currency is the way to go.

>> No.6007774

Or you don't want the niggers at the corner store to know your networth. Same reason you don't flash the contents of your fiat wallet. Privacy matters!

>> No.6007890

"Would you show the pizza guy your last decade of bank statements?"

>> No.6007930

I've been using supportxmr. I somehow broke my login though and can't change the payout threshold any more though unfortunately. I'm pretty sure I didn't change the password but if I did I don't know it and am unable to reset it.

Personally I'd want as large a payout as possible but I'm stuck on 0.3.

>> No.6007956

I actually make a point not to, that way I can hear if any niggers break into my house.

>> No.6007979


Your examples aren't great because people will still try to morally shame people who have a mistress or buys sex toys, to de-legitimize XMR.

A good argument is to say that it gives freedom to people living in countries with oppressive governments.

>> No.6008072

No a good argument is that no one lets random people look through their banking/credit history whenever they feel like it.

>> No.6008104


Normies don't care if authority figures look through their records because it helps catch terrorists.

>> No.6008105

if you contact them with your wallet address they might be able to fix it. it's a great site

>> No.6008164
File: 161 KB, 728x1484, 1469856898804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it to late for this run?

>> No.6008218


we've been bouncing between .022 and .025 for a while now so you might be able to catch a dip

>> No.6008232

Yes. Having a public ledger for daily transactions is as idiot as having a website that lets anyone check your bank account balance/history and on top of that giving every cashier a business card with its number.

>> No.6008238

>not at least 50% in monero

>> No.6008289

Monero will EXPLODE the next minutes or hours, and maybe it will run for days or even one week or so!

>> No.6008328

Um... it's not authority figures we're talking about here.

>> No.6008349

See >>6007956. Pizza guy is like the sketchiest possible customer service rep normies interact with financially, and public blockchains mean the "decade of bank statements" is accurate (since it's not like normies would ever use multiple, well-separated wallets in a BTC world)

>> No.6008351

I looked into contacting them once but their support page just opens the generic monero mining irc channel on freenode. Gay.

>> No.6008361
File: 76 KB, 725x483, pwnd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goooooood morning Tokyo...!

>> No.6008371

I think you did a bad quote there anon.

>> No.6008385

Fuck, I meant >>6007890

Yeah thanks.

>> No.6008455

It fucking better

>> No.6008535

Even just letting everyone know how much money you have is fucking retarded. Everyone here always talks about not letting ANYONE know about your crypto gains, EVER. But the reasons for this don't extend to everyone knowing in the future?

Enjoy getting shaken for shekels by family, friends and beggars.

>> No.6008651

Thanks to intel a lot of computers will get pwnd soon, maybe a little monero to decrypt those files...

Plus cryptojacking makes monero the most resilient network in the entire cryptodonkeysphere

>> No.6008707

>tfw minexmr 1XMR minimum

>> No.6008760

Absolutely right. As far as normie persuasion though, many don't have enough money to know what the big deal is. Hell, even plenty of /biz/raelis post about disclosing gains because they don't know any better.

Getting robbed by sketchy pizza guy because he noticed you just bought a new TV is much more primal and relatable. That's how you sell a private blockchain.

>> No.6008762
File: 136 KB, 560x577, 1515025308595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

monero should and will be top 3 after btc and eth. it has real use and real edge

>> No.6008776

>Thanks to intel a lot of computers will get pwnd soon
Doubt it. A patch is being forced out on every platform, you'd have to go out of your way to avoid it.

>> No.6008821


>> No.6008897


tell me about the donkeysphere?

>> No.6008963

Jesus it would take me roughly 6 months to mine that assuming there is no difficulty bomb.
My only hope is non-reference cooler Vega cards hitting the market before Mar.

>> No.6009053

I bought all of mine well below $250 but i want to sell and buy back in to hold more long term.

What do you think will be the top?

>> No.6009189

This but people are hypocrites, they agree everybody should abide to the rules until they are held accountable to one. Suddenly the rules are to strict and do not need to apply anymore. -
- "As long as it does not happen to me it's ok"
t. normie normingtong

In addition there are also valid points for privacy but people do not care until something happens that affects them.

>> No.6009197

xmr won't ever have real world usecases that aren't illegal

>> No.6009206
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What's wrong with that?

>> No.6009227

I would not sell right now expecting a major dip. That 0.0255 spike on Bittrex was the opportunity, if you didn't luck into it just forget it imo. Have a look at what happened between 3AM on the 26th UTC and 2AM on the 27th UTC and tell me you think selling right now is a safe idea.

>> No.6009283

Depends if crypto actually makes it as a whole or not. I think it will if it does. But if it doesn't then nothing other than BTC ever will anyway.

>> No.6009353

>Just sold half my monero stack for VeChain
Meh it's prob ok, lots of potential for projects, spreading risk is always ok. Masternodes will push up the price by itself imho

>> No.6009369
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Drugs are some of the most profitable industries desu look at Escobar's cocaine empire.

At least it's a cryptocurrency used correctly

>> No.6009419


we're getting cucked so hard by these pools. difficulty increase will make approaching these limits basically asymptotic. I hope I make the 0.3 eventually and then if it's still worth it by then ill dip to a pool that actually lowers payout limits

>> No.6009492

After bulletproofs goes live and Tx costs are cut hard they'll probably be more willing to drop the min payouts.

>> No.6009585

It dipped from 0.024 to 0.022 for a day?

It also dipped further from 0.024 to 0.020 on the 5th of Jan. Today is a spike all the way up in a straight line on bittrex charts

>> No.6009758

Yeah but just a few days ago it was fighting non stop to get above 0.025 and finally broke through and was holding around 0.026 or something before BTC did its thing again.

I'm just saying it could be correcting back up towards where it was and not to expect it to go back down for a while yet. Though it could.

>> No.6009789

Oh your first sentence was about the dip/correct I was talking about. Yeah that was caused by Bitcoin too, which is why I think it might be a similar correction here.

>> No.6009802


I made 50+ xmr from mining. Just gave up as the difficulty is very bad right. But whatever. XMR is my strong hold.

>> No.6009860

I never had the equipment to make that much, and only got in around mid this year. Still kind of shit to get crushed by normie miners like this though.

>> No.6009911

When you say "caused by bitcoin" what do you mean by this? A rise in bitcoin causing a fall in alts/xmr??

I trade back into usd using bitfinex most of the time anyways desu

>> No.6009965

So why isn't arbitrage more of a thing then. Why don't I just start sending my coins to Korean exchange and selling for profit

>> No.6010006

Yes. Bitcoin went up and made alts all bleed out, after it was done XMR quickly made a recovery, even though BTC didn't fall back down.

>> No.6010050

Don't you think if it were that easy people richer than you would be doing it? Tx times are the main stopping force, though with the spread in Korea it'd probably be safe if not for..whatever reason is stopping it.

>> No.6010089


XMR is 'trusted' like bitcoin (it will hold more than shitcoins in the event of a market-wide panic) but also it isn't subject to a lot of bitcoins issues like their forks and civil wars

comfy af

>> No.6010133

Yeah it's truly the best coin out at the moment. I'd go all in except I'm trying to play shitcoin roulette to make more money to put into it later.

>> No.6010175

no arbitrage circle available. ie the exchange allows you to deposit monero, convert it into bitcoin, but then not allow you to withdraw that bitcoin. so you are stuck on the exchange with "bitcoin" unwithdrawable. so people convert back to an alt to get out, which is withdrawable.

this is second hand knowledge though.

>> No.6010185

>character assassinations

Hi Shareblue.

>> No.6010246

>showing everyone your bank account


>> No.6010288


>Saying someone who self-identifies as a Fluffy Pony lacks edge is character assassination.

>> No.6010498

I feel like this is the same with litecoin.

One of the oldest alts with a big support base who have HODLed for years

>> No.6010502
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>implying we were talking about Fluffy Pony being an edge and not the technology itself

>> No.6010753

True TX costs are what's keeping the min payout so high. But for good reason, to withdraw .1 it costs .02 in fees to send which sucks so I try to keep my withdraws at about .26 or higher.

>> No.6010904


>Implying we were talking about what you were thinking about rather than what I was thinking about

>> No.6010946

They could just send it with a 0.003 fee desu. But yes, that is the issue. That's also why I'd rather just set a 10.0 limit and then drop it to force a payout when I want it to minimize fees. Or maybe 1.0 just in case shit goes badly.

>> No.6010968

Sold 1/6 of my monero just now at 408 usd and i called it right so far it's dropped below 403 and looks like even further aswell

Not much but I'll gain like 0.0xxx monero just playing around with it for now dont like day trading too much

>> No.6010983

To be honest his explanation fits the original post a lot better than yours does.

>> No.6010989

Oh, so you lack reading comprehension.

>> No.6011008

This is heading downward for the foreseeable future, I'd sell and buy back tomorrow morning

>> No.6011021

nice pnd

>> No.6011040

Yeah that's cool, good work anon. I'm just too skeptical to make a trade like that on this coin personally, but if it works out for you (which so far it has) then great. When XMR moves in a big way it tends to hold pretty steady I've found. Like, I don't expect it to dip all the way back down to where it shot up from.

>> No.6011098

New meme: "Letting your wife see your bank account? LOLZ"

>> No.6011286


This smug plushie pepe is growing tiresome.

>> No.6011459

Hmm maybe I'll do that then I trust my Pool in not getting burned. They've been around for years so I doubt they'll exit scam especially when there are exchanges mining on it.

>> No.6012044

get ready to post some wojax

>> No.6012285

I got out anyways lol i was watching the walls

>> No.6012400

Back into XMR with profit?

>> No.6012513

sorry bro my minecraft servers are now monero servers

>> No.6012546

Yup although only a fraction

>> No.6012614

Been there many times trying to make a big flip and then pussying out as it doesn't crash as fast as I thought it might. Better than getting back in at a loss because of the trading fee or worse though.

>> No.6013066

A bronie coin. No thanks

>> No.6013083

Highly addicting and oddly unsettling

Fucking Amanda B Johnson, she looks like she got hit by a car

>> No.6013146

Then fucking buy one and make some good photos, holy shit stop complaining ass

>> No.6013485
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enough with your baby penny tokens.
watch uncle monero.

>> No.6013764


What did he mean by this?

>> No.6013926

You are me

>> No.6014389

There's a bigger screening process in korea before you can start trading on an exchange. A friend of mine made an account, and sent 100 LTC over there back in june. It was easy to make an account and easy to deposit into a wallet. When he attempted to trade he got a message stating you need to submit your korean social security number and other korean photo id's before trading. Now his 100ltc is stuck in the exchange, he can't even withdraw it.

Not saying it's impossible to do arbitrage, but to see maximum profits, you would need a korean national to cash out in korea, then change the currency back to usd, then send usd back to america, then buy more coins. And considering it takes days to buy coins and days to sell coins and days to wire transfer those funds. It might not be worth it