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6003231 No.6003231 [Reply] [Original]

> Founder of NEO
> Developers of NEO
> ICO price $2
> Current price $8.50 so only 4x approx
> 35m Circulating Supply
> Extremely low Market Cap
> Considered the Google of Blockchains
> Hasn't pumped yet cause no one knows about it yet
> Only on Huobi and OKEx which means you should get in before it goes mainstream
> Main-net Q1 2018
> (Doesn't mean much but so you can get an idea of how much potential there is on this coin, Ian Balina said that it could easily do a 100x)

Without a doubt, the comfiest pick of the year.

Nebulas (NAS)

>> No.6003312
File: 26 KB, 640x800, mago.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nebulas and Magnalis = Best Gems of 2018


30 cents pre-ico right now


>> No.6003418

Are you saying it's currently .30?

>> No.6003426

Where do I buy it?

>> No.6003431

I'm not really keen on Magnalis desu

>> No.6003552

I bought it on Huobi

It's a crap exchange, which is good, because it will go parabolic when it hits the big ones

>> No.6003555

Had my eye on this since earlier today but it keeps climbing like crazy. I don't know whether to hop on and face getting dumped on or wait for a dip and lose out potential gains. Fuck I wish I'd bought earlier

>> No.6003657

Huobi or OKEx

>> No.6003677

Can't blame you, I bought in at 8U$$

If there is a 10x in January, this is the one >>6003555

>> No.6003698

price estimate though?

what does it even do

>> No.6003719

One of the best projects out there. Ridiculous that literally NO ONE is talking about it. I think no one actually knows about it that's why. This is the kind of coin that once it hits mainstream exchanges or mainstream media, will go up at least 20x just for a start.

>> No.6003896

It's a search engine for everything blockchain related, the most technical white paper on the market right now

Big partnerships are a given when it hits the mainstream media

>> No.6003985

go read their white paper anons, these guys know their shit

>> No.6004061


Thanks anons

>> No.6004082

you are shilling this awfully hard, makes my spidey senses go off

>One of the best projects out there.
I took the bait and viewed this project, it looks like shit. Going to rule this as coordinated shilling.

>> No.6004288

For once I agree, this will literally be the biggest thing online in 20 years.

Price is still very low since it's only on Huobi, when it hits better exchanges it'll go parabolic.

>> No.6004362

lol ok.
Ian Balina who reviews a lot of projects just called this x100. He NEVER gives a project a x100 potential but did for this. Not saying he knows everything but he knows his shit when it comes to whitepapers and projects. You don't like the idea then fair enough, but I'll screenshot this comment and get back to you in a few weeks.

>> No.6004400

Did you read the 60 page white paper in 5 minutes? Ok

It's just up 50% in 24h now so
>stay poor

>> No.6004999

what is current supply?

>> No.6005265

35 mil circulating supply

>> No.6005309

No info on circulating supply but it's 100m max

>> No.6005382

How does a burgerfag buy this?

>> No.6005535

I bought on HUOBI

It's a shitty chink exchange, but it's in English at least

>> No.6005556

See, I caught you lying.
I scrubbed through this video. Nowhere does he call it a 100x project.

My shill geiger counter is registering high numbers

>> No.6005602

the idea behind nebulas sounds legit retarded
but what the hell Ill throw a grand in it just for the luls

>> No.6005605

Yep, better than OKEX, Put 4 ETH in.

>> No.6005818

This has been trading since august, what changed?

>> No.6005850

It's not in this video, it's in a video that is literally called top crypto currencies for 2018 that can do 100x

Why are you shilling so hard against it?

>> No.6005892

Let me guess: token sale has been closed recently and you want us to buy your heavyass ico bags

>> No.6005929

I'm not. Believe it or not I want to buy in, I just need you to convince me. I'm calling you on your bluffs so that you clarify them and show me the truth.

>> No.6005948

Robin Hood is called "Robin Zhong" in chinese your stupid pajeet. Obvious scam

>> No.6005962

>Token Sale ended

Kyskysjsksysskksy not buying
To anyone considering buying this: DONT. Just save that eth and put it towards the next promising ico, you're already too late for this one. Saged.

>> No.6005990

wait a nigger shilled this?
forget what I said, Im out

>> No.6006076

Also "Aero Wang" kek...

Aero = Air -or- Flight
Wang = Cock

Would your really invest in a coin which is produced by "Air cock" -or- "Flight cock"?

>> No.6006225

yeah was considering but its way too late

>> No.6006440

It's not in that video man, its on this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4Nb-NCwUH0
Token sale was $2. It only did 4x from ICO price so it's still super early buddy. no one is buying any bags here since it hasn't even dipped lol

>> No.6006977

Thanks man. I went in a bit.
I don't care that this is much higher than ICO, seems like it could at the very least 2x

>> No.6007015


other than their website, which is fuckin awful, where can I find more info about this? There is no social media other than a bitcointalk post made 2 days ago from a newbie account.

There is even an unchallenged comment in there openly calling it a scam.

Their 'Senior Developer/Marketing & Sales' Larry Levine is found on LinkedIn, but only has experience as a sales/public speaker. Zero development experience.

Johannes Vogel also listed as a 'senior developer', found on LinkedIn with ZERO development experience, only finance and management.

Steve Barton can't be found, maybe because of his very common name, but I suspect he doesn't exist.

This screams a scam, prove me wrong.

>> No.6007282

Look, it doesn't mean that Ian Balina is like the god and he knows everything, obviously it could go south no one knows. But the team looks legit, he seems pretty confident from his research, mcap is pretty average (given todays numbers) and its only on Huobi and OKEx, so in other words, the regular joes have yet to even hear about this coin and once they do then 2x is an easy target. You can get out at 2x no worries, but I think this can go really well.

>> No.6007293

>Considered the Google of Blockchains

How's that, if it's not even functional yet?

Assclown chink shill.

>> No.6007401

thanks just bought 100k

>> No.6007419

No this is a legit scam. I just sent them 1 ETH hahaha fuck me.

>> No.6007513

>Anonymous (ID: ACrDxLtI) 01/06/18(Sat)18:36:31 No.6007419▶
>No this is a legit scam. I just sent them 1 ETH hahaha fuck me.

wew lad, didnt even bother to email kev@magnalas.network

>> No.6007558

ok I get it, nebulas wants to be the bluebook for blockchain projects, and wants to be bribed by blockchain projects for favorable rankings using the token it creates

clever chinks

Hey nebulas, is this shitcoin a shitcoin or not?

>*yellow hands rubbing together* why of course its not a shitcoin, dear gwailo! *eyeing bribe from shitcoin developer* our carefully constructed algorithm has determined it is a completely legit project!

Thanks nebulas!

>> No.6007681

Reminder to self to check whitepaper

>> No.6007883

Why the fuck no one pays attention to this.
also I highly doubt any of these guys had to do anything with neo.
That chinese Robin Hood has only 69 followers.
And Aero Dick? WTF
anyone who buys will get chinked

>> No.6008003
File: 78 KB, 750x1153, IMG_1172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks untrustworthy

>> No.6008049

the price could go up, but i did watch a video and the chinks are anti get rich quick and they are creating mechanisms so people are compelled to use coins.

chink didn't get too specific about what method it was, inflation? Does anybody know.

Kinda killed my boner to be honest familia

>> No.6008340

Cryptonigger shilled this guys you have to be quick because this guy is influential

>> No.6008486


>> No.6009041


First time a gook has been anything other than pure greed. I admire them and hate them

>> No.6009087

Still think (blank) is a better project and has more potential
Honestly (blank) might go to $250
Mfw comparing to eth and it's only $8.03 with 4x total supply...