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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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5999924 No.5999924 [Reply] [Original]

I'm FOMOing so fucking hard right now.

I'm taking out a 10k line of credit but it gets approved on Monday. Then I have to do a wire transfer which takes another day.

I was going to put 90% into ICX but now it's going up without me.

Tell me I still have time....
Tell me not to worry because there will always be other moon trips I can go on.....

>> No.5999988

Yes you still have time, it will only moon after I sell it.

>> No.6000316

fuck that numberr

>> No.6000332

who are you?

>> No.6000525

Dude dont fucking do this youll be buying the top of the alt boom

>> No.6000567


I thought icx was supposed to boom in Jan?

>> No.6000573


>> No.6000601

>10k credit
Jesus Christ don't play with money you don't have. In this market you can make it with a ridiculously small initial capital.

>> No.6000675

but people keep saying icx is going to moon?

Even if it does dip it will just go up higher later right?

>> No.6000747

shhh people like this deserve to lose money lmao

we'll see news stories of people who took our a second mortgage and lost it all on altcoins

>> No.6000759


>> No.6000812

Can you please just explain?
How is this a boom? I thought this will be the new normal?

>> No.6000867
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ICX will moon, but what's stopping many coins from doing that right now is that Bitcoin is starting to make a return. So there may be a delay, it's all a bit risky right now.

Just buy some BNB (doesn't crash like the alts when Bitcoin goes up), ICX, and keep some in Bitcoin.

>> No.6000894

Also dont ever forget the most important rule, only put inyo crypto what you can afford to lose.

>> No.6000913

I don't care if icx crashes a little bit, it will just go up higher later

>> No.6000945

I just want to thank you in advance for lining the pockets of those of us who know what we're doing.

>> No.6000963

your chasing gains that have already been made

buy low marketcap coins with huge potential not billion dollar shitcoins

>> No.6000965

Yes, it is not Verge or Tron. It isn't a P&D coin. It might have dips, like every coin, but its going to be constantly going up more than down, and after the end of January, the skys the limi-- the moon is a destination.

>> No.6000988

Holy shit just explain what you guys are talking about

>> No.6001043

but icx is supposed to up go in Jan

>> No.6001063


>> No.6001090
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Well, here's the thing... At some point soon Bitcoin will break past its ATH, causing alts to crash like never before. So, be safe and keep some BNB and Bitcoin on the side, that way you can make some gains through it and buy alts on sale.

>> No.6001114
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You are literally taking out a loan to FOMO into the ATH of the biggest alt bullrun in the history of cryptocurrency you fucking mongoloid. Now go take out a mortgage to buy tron nobraincoin and fucking lameden

>> No.6001120

You are using a bunch of legit words....but they are all out of order.. like you just learned them all and are spitting them out just to get them out.

>> No.6001164

ICON has a supply of 800 million tokens contrary to what coinmarket says. Thats 8x the supply of ethereum. That's an insane number.

>> No.6001177

that means it's going to go up right?

>> No.6001218

Don't listen to the FUD, but take my advice. >>6001090

>> No.6001260

Fine, divide the price of ETH by 8 then, hell divide it by 16 just to show you it doesn't matter. This thing is extremely undervalued and it will be until it goes up 10x.

>> No.6001298

So you think it will go down?
Why do icx supporters claim it will rise

>> No.6001352

ICX will properly moon quite a bit at the end of this month, but in this game everything can change in a second.
you sound like you have no fucking clue about what you are doing, and therefore you should not play

>> No.6001363

If everything stays on course yea, but this is the highest it's been. It's always risky to buy at the ATH. But with that said, I bought it when it was 2$, and I just doubled my holdings while it was mid 7s..

I think it will but I'm not telling you what to do with your money.

>> No.6001515

People don't care if you profit in this. The price won't rise. They want a temporary rise from you buying in to make a profit. That's the game dude. That's why we shill.

>> No.6001638

I hope this thread is a joke. You will make nothing and you'll be lucky to break even with your retarded loan.

>> No.6001759


But Koreans are going to buy it like crazy, no?

>> No.6001768

ICX is still under ATH dummy.

>> No.6001776

I have faith in you anon, get some ENG
And wait for a dip for ICX

THese fags are being lames, no one knows if the price will increase by alot
but chances are... with release coming out ICX will do numbers

>> No.6001781

100% it is a bad idea to take out a loan for this. I believe in the coin and have a lot in it. I think it will go way up. But you sound unsure, let it go, there have been 100s of coins to make people rich before this and there will be plenty after, don't feel pressured and rushed into one thinking it is your only chance.

>> No.6001872

lol by what .20??? Thats nothing, in the grand scheme it basically is the all time high, I still think it is going to go way higher, but that doesn't change the common rule that it is risky to go in at the ATH.

>> No.6001896

>and there will be plenty after
Do you know this for sure?

What if this is all a temporary gold rush and it's nearing its end?

>> No.6001950

Then cash out now and run. If this is the last one, and its coming to an end, it is all coming to an end and the coin won't matter either.

>> No.6001972

i think we have a good year left

>> No.6002064

People seriously invest money they don't have in a volatile market? Please tell me people aren't this stupid. OP I've made over $10k right now and I only started a month ago with a few hundred dollarinos. Don't be stupid, make smart investments

>> No.6002181

It won't dip lower than were it's at you idiot. It won't dip lower past the previous high after it moons you idiot. Idiot.

>> No.6002307

People already did that with Buttcoin, fomo'ing in at 19k and panic-selling at 12k.

>> No.6002339

Man, as much as I have into this coin, and as much as I want everyone to buy it so the price keeps going up, I really wish you didn't have any. You are the worst.

>> No.6002340

YES! That's the crypto spirit! Always always always gamble more than you can afford to lose!

>> No.6002404
File: 131 KB, 535x798, IMG_1920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're minting 400M coins to replace the erc20 tokens everyone is holding now, you fucking mong.

>> No.6002503

Couldn't this lead to a second GFC? If the crypto market crashes then people won't be able to pay back the loans they took out...

>> No.6002725
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See pic related

>> No.6002787

Just neck yourself faggot cuz I'm right.

>> No.6002859

First of all, you're a fucking idiot for taking out a line of credit to trade. You might as well have taken that money and gone to the casino you tart.

If you don't have the money to trade go get a fucking job and save money to invest.

You all are fucking idiots.

>> No.6002864

Why are you this way?

>> No.6002894

Yeah, this could definitely happen :/

>> No.6003106

You talk bullshit, I called you out for lying and you went emotional. Kill yourself.

>> No.6003202

hahaha, look at your posts, see who is emotional, dare I say angsty??

and what exactly did I lie about?????

>> No.6003396
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>Dont buy ICX near ATH

>> No.6003571

kekeeke you're an evil cunt

>> No.6003751

It is the ATH in my eyes because I don't think .20-30 matters at all for this coin, I think it will go up. BUT that doesn't change the rule that it is not a good idea to buy at the ATH. It's not a good idea to put it all on 27 in roulette, but if it hits you are still making money.

With that said, you obviously have no idea what you are talking about, because if you did, and believed what you said, you would be panic selling right now, seeing how its dropped another .20 while you were making a fool of yourself. OH THE HORROR!!! SELL SELL SELL!!!!! AN ENTIRE 20 CENTS!!!!!

>> No.6003918
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>It is the ATH in my eyes because I don't think .20-30 matters at all for this coin
Yeah because you're dumb. It's sideways consolidation place a stop loss underneath the channel if you're a faggot or watch it. It's a price entry since it's been doing this for the past weeks and it's done it post ico. Daily charts signal huge bull pennant of the first wave with lower lows. and lower highs until consolidation period where it should boom when volume decreases to a point. Also, since it entered with a positive, this should come out with a positive. But you know, I don't know what i'm talking about.

>> No.6003955

If OP has iron hands for more than a couple weeks then I don't see the problem. Also, buy some AION.

>> No.6004014

>But you know, I don't know what i'm talking about.
Now you are starting to get it.

>> No.6004075


>> No.6004105

It's a number, go back to /b/

>> No.6004111
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>> No.6004237

Also I think the thing that is really confusing you, is that you think ATH means past and future. When it really means so far.... Just thought I would throw that out there for you, so don't worry the price will go up, good luck out there man!

>> No.6004564
File: 30 KB, 700x394, 1489187915060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man you're dumb haha. So why don't you take your own advice and sell your position and re-enter when you think its good since you're telling anons to fuck off.

>> No.6004997

What advice????? What are you not getting???
Listen, I tried being nice, but you really are a dumb piece of shit. I bought this when it was at 2$ then even bought more at 6$ and bought more at 7$.

I don't care, I know it is going to go way up you fucking retard. That's why I said .20 doesn't matter to me.

BUT BUT BUT, here is when I lose you, it is right now, very close to the highest it has been. While both me and you think it will go up, it is never a good idea to buy when it is at its current high.

When I first said that, it was at 7.85, while you were scrambling like a fucking idiot trying to fight your way out of rolled up carpet it went down to 7.60.

So who was right????? If who ever wanted to buy, just waited they could have saved by just letting the market do what it always does.

Is any of this making any sense yet??????

If not, please cash out now.

>> No.6005291

Idiot! Hope you dont have a family. They dont deserve to get screwed over with this recklessnes. If youre going to take up a mortgage, bet on something that is better short AND long term. ICX is good, but its already high compared to other.

>> No.6005721
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>. I bought this when it was at 2$
So what I bought at $1.40 you idiot, you're giving bad advice
>BUT BUT BUT, here is when I lose you, it is right now, very close to the highest it has been. While both me and you think it will go up, it is never a good idea to buy when it is at its current high.
Because you're a speculator and don't do your hw in terms of charting, why are you being such a sperg?
>When I first said that, it was at 7.85, while you were scrambling like a fucking idiot trying to fight your way out of rolled up carpet it went down to 7.60.
Whenever you place a buy order you're already risking, you set your risk parameters using a stop loss and you fuck off. A percentage dip of 5% is nothing compared to the gains, why are you so stupid about risk management and chart analysis?

>> No.6006153

>So what I bought at $1.40 you idiot, you're giving bad advice
I literally never even gave out advice.....The only advice I said was don't take out a loan do do it, but I think its a great coin and will go up...

Dude, seriously, you are trying WAY too hard to prove you know what you are talking about to win an argument that doesn't exist.

Give it a rest.

I thought you didn't understand this whole time, but maybe I am wrong. Tell me where I am wrong..

1.This coin is very close to the highest it has been.
2.This coin is going to go way up very soon
3.This coin will go up and down by .10 .20 multiple times but will always trend upwards.
4.Don't take out a huge loan to get into crypto

PLEASE, tell me where the argument is so we stop running in circles, unless you don't have one and just want to regurgitate a bunch of stuff you read to impress a bunch of people you will never meet.

>> No.6006311

You're an idiot, go away dude. Just hodl and make your gains and shut up, you're in no way knowledgeable about charting to know what the fuck you're talking or to give advice to people.

>> No.6006357

I feel sorry for you so I will tell you how to win, take your 10k and buy DRGN op.