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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3 KB, 228x221, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5984169 No.5984169 [Reply] [Original]

Hope you are HODLing. London Letter just released a report with a buy up to $1.

>> No.5984374

the hell is London Letter?

>> No.5984568

Shhhh. I'm buying all the way up to $5.

>> No.5984714

seriously, what the hell is London Letter

>> No.5984820


Letter published by the top 100 BTC wallet holders. The letter is only distributed to some 500 people.

>> No.5984897

Holy shit it's going up fast

>> No.5984963

They didn't want to listen.
This will be 20x by the end of month. 100x (or more) by the end of year.

>> No.5985071

ok found it @ https://londonletter.org/

>> No.5985093

I agree, maybe not 100x because BTC going up too but, 30x easy.
Been holding since the dip.

>> No.5985224

fuck fuck fuck im so close to fomoing in, at least its not above a dollar or in the top 5 volume right?

>> No.5985260
File: 45 KB, 811x361, batcb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're underestimating the partnerships Eich will announce this year. Think Enterprise Ethereum Alliance all over again, but with BAT. Except this time there are millions more people listening.

>> No.5985337

Just buy and shut up or cry in a month

>> No.5985343

Don't worry it hasn't begun. Buy all the way up to $5.

>> No.5985345

Okay yes, 100x since even facebook is researching nowadays.

>> No.5985372


>> No.5985427

BAT is still well within "bargain of a lifetime" territory IMO

>> No.5985504


Ethereum changed my life in 2017. 2018, I will retire thanks to BAT.

>> No.5985516

Im so tired of cucks buying the coin of the day without whitepaper, website or anything just because is 10 sat. But when the fucking creator of javascript and firefox create a product with a real use case and has possible aliances with facebook and the biggest youtubers they completelly ignore it.

Well, for some to make it many have to lose money, they can't say we didn't warn them.

>> No.5985556

ok it looks like people might be taking this london letter thing seriously
glad i'm holding 20+ btc worth :D

>> No.5985558

Sold all my XLM for this, don't let me down

>> No.5985599

Holding 10BTC worth. Plan on retiring sometime this year.

>> No.5985603

Does this coin actually have a future or are you just a bunch of niggers?

>> No.5985661

You're an idiot and you deserve to lose the money.

>> No.5985721

Can't tell if troll or not.

This is literally one of the only coins with a future. I'd hate to see your portfolio and the vaporware shitcoins you're holding.

>> No.5985725


>> No.5985767

BAT seems like complete vaporware. LOL!

>> No.5985830

Opinion discarded.

>> No.5985849

Fagbook is that away

>> No.5985953

Go bad to the stinky linky thread

>> No.5985959

>Mozilla Software
>Netscape, AOL
Vaporware lmao

>> No.5985962

Get off this board.

>> No.5985987
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>> No.5986118 [DELETED] 

Nigger! Get off this board.

>> No.5986119

$10-$20 within the next 3 months, heard it here first.

>> No.5986135

Why the fuck would anyone use Brave when they could use the superior browsers they're used to? And why would anyone willingly subject themselves to ads raping their mind when adblockers exists?

>> No.5986186

fucking sell wall

>> No.5986224


Is this coordinated FUD? You obviously have no idea what your talking about and who the CEO of BAT is.

>> No.5986235

Just try it. Adblocks use too much cpu and sometimes don't even work properly.
Also, I'd love to get paid if I watch ads.

>> No.5986280

I'm aware of whomstd've Brendan Eich is. What I'm asking is why would Chrome users (normies) abandon Chrome for a meme browser, and why would Firefox users (patricians) abandon Firefox for a meme browser?

Why would anyone use Browse when FF has adblock? What is the point of BAT? Do you really expect retards to hear "woah dude you can get paid literally fractions of pennies to watch these shitty ads!" and switch over to Brave?

>> No.5986282


Because allowing ads would make you money. Read their shit. BAT unfucks advertising and makes it legit, and both content creators and watchers of said content profit. The mindset and so on behind this is rock solid and genuine.

>> No.5986338

>Why would anyone use Browse
Brave, not Browse

>> No.5986380



>> No.5986383

It's a solution to the adpocalypse, simple as that.

>> No.5986467

There is going to be people who want to see ads and get paid, period.

I was mining Ethereum on 5 gpus making 1-
eth/month for a year while it was at $10.

The early adopters of Brave/BAT are going to be the ones who benefit most from watching ads when the price goes 100x this year.

Also, you have to opt in to watch ads. All ads are disabled by default, no need for add-ons.

>> No.5986468

adblock solves the ad problem.

>> No.5986514

shit this is smart. hahaha so there are going to be desperate FOMOers watching ad after ad chasing cryptogains?

>> No.5986579
File: 69 KB, 939x526, batwar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not for content creators. The digital ad industry is a broken industry that affects publishers, advertisers, and users. In a world where facebook and googles main revenue is ads, and they take 95% of those profits without giving to the content creator, there is a problem. Eich is going to save the world like he did many times before.

I hope you all make it.

This board is retarded. I'm going to Reddit.

>> No.5986592

some websites make you turn off adblock to access their content. Brave doesn't.

NGL I downloaded Brave today and I'm already liking it. I'm excited to see where it goes.

>> No.5986655


But yes, there is going to be people that see the value of BAT right now, and now it's potential. You can't spam watch ads or bot them either. There is a model in place which you can read about on your own that prevents fraud and doesn't spam the user with ads.

>> No.5986671

If you'd step out of the aspie bubble that is 4chins you would notice that a majority (vast majority) of people either dont block ads OR unblock then for 'content creators' they like. Brave would also get you paid for doing this.
>doubting Eich

>> No.5986706

you probably use internet explorer baka.
Switch to Brave and change your life.

>> No.5986712

interdesting. desu i don't know anything about the ad industry. Aren't there very wealthy ad suppliers at the moment that would fight tooth and nail to prevent something like this from going mainstream?

>> No.5986812

>t. TRX holder

>> No.5986853

direct link to the report if someone missed it:


>> No.5986892

Ad suppliers are almost literally raping their clients, take a look at google add rates or the money streamers get. The also censure ads as they fancy to push their narrative. BAT is a solution to both problems

>> No.5986914
File: 15 KB, 363x338, dan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks /biz/. I went all in earlier thanks to you.

>> No.5986938

Google and Facebook dominate this sector, however they can't change their model, because it would be bad for their company and stock.

See pic related here. >>5986579

Eich also goes over the problem here:

>> No.5986952

so you're telling me if i buy BAT, Eich is going to cuck Google?

>> No.5986996

FFS, I wish I could put more in this

>> No.5987042

He has cucked many big companies before, he will do it again.

>> No.5987056

He cucked Microsoft IE with an even bigger monopoly. The guy has changed the whole internet already 2 times.

>> No.5987148

It just seems like Google is the uncuckable. How can one man take on such a putrid leviathan? Not even Eich could pull that off.

>> No.5987154
File: 244 KB, 870x870, Eich2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at his forehead.
>you underestimate his power

>> No.5987178

I just bought 10k BAT

don't fuck me faggots

>> No.5987234

Dont worry its going to 10k in 24 hours

>> No.5987244

>buy muh browser plugin

>> No.5987250

This really is my Custer's last stand here. I need this to go well

>> No.5987258

haha guys we got another one

>> No.5987276

Dump it

>> No.5987303
File: 1.28 MB, 1520x760, bateich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has the forehead of our great Vitalik. Eich is /ourguy/ 2018.

>> No.5987322

nothing compared to vitaliks forehead

>> No.5987345

Dump it

>> No.5987380

I really want to invest but the volume and the price are dissuading me. I can't help but feel like I've already lost my golden chance to get in.

>> No.5987399

Bought 511. All inn'd with what little I have left. Fingers crossed this pans out for me or else its wagecuck4life for me.

>> No.5987412

I like Brendan Eich on the sole basis that he created JavaScript. Babby's first coding experience for me and a ton of other people.

>> No.5987423


volume is moving up fast. Market hasn't picked it up yet

>> No.5987425

Dont cry in 1 week when u see this coin at 6 dollars

>> No.5987436

This coin will never moon

>> No.5987439

powerful Teutonic aesthetic. This forehead resonates with me. I think I'm a believer in BAT now.

>> No.5987446

Mooning right now, last chance

>> No.5987482
File: 14 KB, 600x434, 608ddd1a094847aed429d54b586c0609alcoholicsanonymousaddictionrecovery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S-stop Anon...I need this

>> No.5987486

>never moons

>> No.5987488

I'm thinking I got tricked again

>> No.5987513

Me too. Am poorfag and could only put in $100 when bat was .35c. Am I gonna make it?

>> No.5987529

It was around 4800 before BTC rush u mong, it dropped all the way down to 3k. It's going to shit itself again once BTC awakens.

Stick to the coins that don't get affected as much during BTC bull runs.

>> No.5987554
File: 64 KB, 825x564, batnextlevel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When volume picks up we're going straight to $5. This is what moon missions are made of. At $5 the fomo will set in for coinbase and it will take us to $20. Screencap this.

>> No.5987634

This coin hold well compared to others when it moons you brainlet. Also, BTC is dying fast.

>> No.5987659

>BAT on coinbase

>> No.5987685
File: 611 KB, 322x322, 1510681023107.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hodling, and just bought more. comfiest hold of 2018

>> No.5987695


>> No.5987754


>> No.5987781

I hold no TRX. Nice try, though!

>> No.5987787

Brainlet here, I keep autistically checking my worth since I bought it like 20 mins ago and it keeps dropping. What is happening? It says that the overall coin is growing.

>> No.5987791


There you go sweetheart

>> No.5987915

blockfolio is being a little bitch and wont let me add my new BAT into it... freaking updates!!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.5987951


>> No.5987958

Blockfolio has been a total POS for a solid week.

>> No.5987973

you are losing out to whatever the exchange is comparing it to. BTC and ETH are both mooning atm

>> No.5987998


>> No.5988025


What do you think the partnership consists of? What other purpose does Coinbase serve? What could the partnership be, please explain.


>> No.5988041

Thanks anon. I used BTC on Binance and I was getting real worried that somehow life was fucking me yet again.

>> No.5988126
File: 90 KB, 612x491, IMG_6345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 btc in bat
tfw only holding 1 btc in bat
Will I make it, anon?

>> No.5988198

Yes, you will 50x this year.

>> No.5988199

shh anon, this is where normies lose their pensions

>> No.5988275

just fomo'd in with my xlm funds in this
I believe in xlm but can't ignore a guy who has a bigger forehead than jimmy neutron

>> No.5988338

how are you going to lose your pension on BAT? It's literally going to be worth $500 per token in a few years.

>> No.5988457

am i stupid for not investing because i wouldn't watch an ad in exchange for fractions of a cent?

i mean i see it's a great idea BUT would enough adopt it for it to be worth what some are claiming?

>> No.5988476
File: 88 KB, 1556x887, batcup2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not being all in on BAT for 2018.

It's like some people don't wanna make it.

>> No.5988548

I’m actually worried about this as well. I trust the platform and the team but I’m worried about the competition. Google won’t just let it happen, and I don’t think the fact that the same guy behind Brave was behind Firefox will matter to most people already locked into their browser of choice. Feels like how nobody uses Bing. I also can’t see how any payment for ads would be enough to incentivize people. Someone convince me otherwise. I think this is really likely to survive a crypto crash but I have my doubts in other areas

>> No.5988589

Point is that you actually have a choice. No other isp or cable provider gives you a choice whether you want to see an ad or not. Youtube lets you skip but only after watching the start of the ad.
If nothing else, the fact that you get to choose is groundbreaking.

>> No.5988592

This is one very few projects that has already working product, allstarm team and they guy behind Javascript and Mozilla Firefox. This dude is going to deliver huge fat deals in the near future that will pump the price as fuck.

Every time a new bigger website starts partnership with BAT there is a price pump. Now imagine the amount of websites out there.

>> No.5988601

Early adopters are the tech savy ones, the rest follow. Everyone smart already switched to Brave.

>> No.5988603

You still watch ads daily even with adblock.
/biz/ so dumb these days
Get in faggots, look at his forehead.
>His neocortex is bigger than my dick.

>> No.5988625

/pol/tards and their MAGApede legions will adopt it because it's run by BASED gay-basher Brendan Reich and it's anti-Google. You'll get popular twitter figures advocating for it, and with a dedicated userbase, normies will slowly flock toward it.

>> No.5988638

This, think Ethereum Enterprise Alliance on steroids, with a million more players in the market.

>> No.5988655


>1 billion tokens
>1 token = $500
>$500 billlion market cap

anon i...

more like $10 max, but thats ok bought 400 at $0.59 so that would do

>> No.5988683

There are talks of a plugin (almost confirmed) or even native integration in firefox

>> No.5988704

comfiest hold for 2018. Look at that fucking forehead. We are going to $50 by 2019

>> No.5988727

you really don't think the advertising market is worth $500 billion? Brave will, unironically, be the #1 browser in the world within a few years. Think of the normie migration from IE to Chrome. The same will happen from Chrome to brave.

Chrome will be the cuck browser for retards who fell for the corporate overlord meme. Brave will be the new cool browser. This is literally undeniable.

>> No.5988734

Po.et is better

>> No.5988774

literally same price

>> No.5988845
File: 545 KB, 1362x1366, batmeme13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is marketcap


>> No.5988919

hodler here.
what u bois estimate the new bottom line is for this bitch? i wanna accumulate more

>> No.5988923

Yep. Brendan is also literally cucking google by using their chromium engine for the Brave browser. Google spends all the money on engineering teams, Brave shows up to take their lunch and bang their wife. This guy is an unhinged madman and I’m glad to be invested in him.

>> No.5988936

Dude i'm balls deep in BAT with my XLM money, I'm just saying that we are moving sideways in the same way as we would in XLM fucker

>> No.5988960

$1 is the new bottom. Did you not see the London Letter?

>> No.5989008


Not guna lie anon, i'd shit myself if it goes to $500 a coin, that means i would have 200K with 400 coins, ima hodl that shit but realistically right now i cannot see it doubling bitcoins market cap. I will be happy with glee if it does but i just can't see it.

>> No.5989010

This. Man is a genius.

>> No.5989062

It will be $50 EoY. Could reach $100 with Coinbase and Fomo.

>> No.5989102

Let's pray it'll go to 1$

>> No.5989112


i'll not hold my breath but i hope you are right

>> No.5989188

Bittrex wallets are still offline, once they go live we will see $1.50 in hours.

>> No.5989199

Confirmation of a plug-in/native integration with Firefox would be massively confidence-inspiring. I also think /pol/ has a ton of leverage as much as that pains me to admit it. That brings up the issue of the alt-right latching onto it which could be exploited by the media but I don’t think that’s very likely.

I just turned my TRX (stupid I know, I managed to get out at at almost entry my entry cost) and turned it into ICX. I’ll have to wait a bit before I can get more fiat into the exchanges, should I turn some of my ICX into BAT? Got about $10k in ICX right now (I don’t think in sats yet). Also thinking about ENG if anyone has information on that as well.

>> No.5989308

Each new website added to BAT coop will be treated as a new partnership. There will be a snowball effect pretty soon. Youtube and Twitch already on board. People don't know that yet. Yet...hold my little pajeets and enjoy the ride

>> No.5989321

Just dumped 1/3 of TRX ($1200) and all on BAT

>> No.5989341

referred on normies losing money on vaporwave shitcoins like trx

>> No.5989408

If some big youtubers who have been outspoken about demonetization made some videos about BAT and monetizing youtube using Brave browser and BAT that would be amazing.

>> No.5989431

My TRX is way up. Starting to dump for stuff like BAT. Time to escape

>> No.5989473

Phillip Defranco is already one. It's only a matter of days before he starts talking about it on his channel.

>> No.5989584
File: 272 KB, 640x780, 1508911790068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont remind me of trx. I knew it was bullshit but I wanted to catch more shekels

>> No.5989619

100% on BAT. It’s all or nothing for me with this project.

>> No.5989632

Has anyone shilled /pol/ about this? They love the guy and it wont be bad to have some more money on the anti-SJW side

>> No.5989643

This. He's verified. I sent him $25 in BAT. So didn't many others. He will give us a mention soon enough. Hopefullly you guys manage to buy before he does because then there's no brakes on this train

>> No.5989660

This is a good idea

>> No.5989754




>> No.5989757

honestly it'd be smarter to go to people who have been demonitized by Youtube.

>> No.5989833

BAT is moving sideways ever since. It never had its pure LIFT-OFF yet like TRX or XLM/XVG

>> No.5989887

Lets do it. I'll go make a thread right now.

>> No.5989911

Gate.io might be the ideal exchange seeing as Bittrex/Binance aren't taking new users. Has Chainlink aswell.

>> No.5989919

I'm with you.

>> No.5989925

That's why it will have a lift-off.
Something that has already mooned can't moon again.
Something that hasn't mooned can moon.

>> No.5990014


>> No.5990069

>watched video
it's going nowhere

No one going to install this shitty browser then fuck with stupid tokens

>> No.5990183

How big is your stack BATmen? 20k here. Tough to decide between accumulating BAT, REQ, QSP, 0x, and LINK desu

>> No.5990328


>> No.5990395

Correction, 177.
Bought xlm at .5, sold half at .95
Buying BAT with profits

>> No.5990450


>> No.5990548

Quick breather back into the 60's. As we did in the 50's and 40's. Won't last more than a day or two boyos.

>> No.5990579

rebounding nicely from that little dip!

>> No.5990633

>tfw crypto is a big meme
>tfw none of us are gonna make real money
>tfw the bubble is about to pop and we'll all lose everything

>> No.5990647

Noone is going to remember little dips when it'll hit $1 pretty soon...then moon partnerships after partnerships.

Thanks londonletter.org for shilling this today to the wider audience

>> No.5990665

>tfw shut the fuck up

>> No.5990704

This coin is obviously going to moon but waiting on the past month has been frustrating. been waiting for a signal to jump back in on it.. .
signal received!

>> No.5990727

the truth hurts, I know.

>> No.5990746

just bought 21 BAT, sold my ICX gains to get it

>tfw poorfag

>> No.5990769

Pump it

>> No.5990772

i'm going to have no room for day trades if i keep hoarding long term holds like 0x and bat

>> No.5990774
File: 137 KB, 1344x580, roof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought in at this current dip at 4k but there is a roof over us

>> No.5990962

oops, i mean 63 BAT

>> No.5990966

day trading is bad though

>> No.5990977
File: 369 KB, 2000x1000, o-BRENDAN-EICH-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's pump it to 4600.

>> No.5991053

I'm with you anon. Hopefully us poorfags will someday make it.

>> No.5991093

whats your portfolio anon?

>> No.5991205


>dat cranium

You have to be a fool or just hate profits not to invest in anything this guy touches.

>> No.5991246
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1508086857848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1'060'000 and still accumulating.

>> No.5991278

>You can feel his brainwaves just looking at his cranium.
>Superior brainwaves.

>> No.5991311

Like 50 XLM and now about 70 BAT. My daily cap on Bitpanda is 50 euros, so I'll purchase 50 ETH the next 8 days as well, for a total of 500 euros invested in crypto. I'll diversify that into stuff like XLM, BAT, and FUN. Hopefully one of those will someday moon.

>> No.5991348

let me give you a quick tip


thats all

>> No.5991439

You're going to be loaded senpai

>> No.5991499

I'm not sure anon. I was planning on buying coins with a generally low price, and QTUM is already at ~70. What makes you think it'll take off?

>> No.5991630


one of the mistakes I made as a poorfrag is diversifying too much. I made 3x off of XLM, made 3x off of TRX, but it was only like 40 or 50 bucks each. Had I put all my money on just 1 coin I wouldve made hundreds

You can diversify when you have a lot of money and are scared to lose it lol

>> No.5991767

>are scared to lose it lol
The probelm is that I'm already scared to lose it. I'm a crypto noob, and if I put all of my money into one particular coin, there'd be a good chance that I'd lose it all. I know it's high risk/high reward, but I feel like if I buy a few coins with good potential and hold them for a few months, at least 1-2 of them will moon and I'll have some actual capital.

>> No.5991890


Can't lose with BAT faggots, I have all my crypto money in this which is like $300k .

>> No.5991934

a few things

>QTUM Core wallet pays dividends as long as you keep the wallet open on your computer, as a proof of stake
>one of the advisers is speaking at a big event about crypto
>has the inside track in China, rumours about Alibaba (not like that TRX alibaba rumour) integration
>partnering with Chronicle
>GHOST FROM TRUE CAPITALIST RADIO is shilling quantum all broadcast

now as a good investor like yourself youre like "okay, what is the technology behind it, thats what makes a crypto valuable"

>blockchain is updateable, no need to hardfork
>Smart Contract technology, which is integrated into the wallet
>better than ETH technology
>QTUM is its own token, isn't on the ETH token anymore

Its 70 dollars but im telling you, it will go up and up and up. Its a long term HODL though so you won't see massive gains for a bit

>> No.5992160

Well, you convinced me. The fact that apparently they're shortly announcing an partnership doesn't hurt either.

>> No.5992276

yeah I own about 5 QTUM, its about half my portfolio but I have been making money on it.

>> No.5992353

QTUM has far more nodes than ethereum, making it the most decentralized blockchain. And it can handle 10x as many transactions

I'm all in for tonight

>> No.5992386

A question though
>QTUM Core wallet pays dividends as long as you keep the wallet open on your computer, as a proof of stake
Do I need to do anything in particular for that, or do I just literally have to keep the wallet open on my PC? Also, how big/small are those dividends?

>> No.5992469


it's 6.5% annually. Slightly more than NEO/GAS generation

>> No.5992595

Should I hold XMR or BAT?

>> No.5992607

realistically, how much for 1 BAT in a few weeks and EOY?

>> No.5992698


>> No.5992743

$50 EOY, no troll. This is coming from someone who bought ethereum at $10.

>> No.5992744

optimistically, $10000 per token. Realistically, something much less extravagant. Maybe a modest $800 per token

>> No.5992778

Xmr is for when you retire from trading, stable as fuck, as it should be, but not good for making money

>> No.5992913

>optimistcally 10k

bruh, at 1 billion circulating supply that would make BATs market cap 10 trillion dollars, that isn't going to happen in our lifetimes. theres only 80 trillion dollars in the world right now. Even 800 is stretching it.

>> No.5992940


I'll take it

>> No.5992948

stay delusional.

>> No.5993052

I'm bullish thinking it will be $50 per token, maybe even $100 given the the amounts of stupidity and Fomo the market as been showing recently. Suggesting; $10,000, do you even supply and marketcap?

>> No.5993156

Im thinking at least $25 by end of month

>> No.5993226

if your portfolio was just ICX and BAT, what percentage should be in each?

>> No.5993241
File: 53 KB, 829x681, feb 6th.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With coinbase, we could see $100.

>> No.5993246

I'm being a little goofy because I haven't slept. Obv. it won't reach 10k. I'm surprised you guys think 50 is reasonable.

and $25 by the end of the month? Is this trolling? I was trolling, but are you also?

>> No.5993276

Thank you for this pajeet. See you on the moon.

>> No.5993289

Lol muh browser plugin

>> No.5993299

ICX is a scam.

>> No.5993371
File: 84 KB, 1556x905, batcup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

95% BAT, bat hasn't moved yet. The rocket is fueling for the biggest move crypto has ever seen.

When the cup and handle forms on this daily, we will be seeing 100-200% daily.

>> No.5993422

goddam. fucking bag mcgee over here

>> No.5993598

I'm getting JUSTed here

>> No.5993691

thanks for buying my bags

>> No.5993700

Literally bought at ATH
Thankfully in the green thanks to FUN and XLM, and buying on the dip as well
Still upset though

>> No.5993768


that's what you get for buying at ath

>> No.5993773

t.impatient autists

>> No.5993776

no problem, I'll hold until 2x at least. That should be monday ;)

>> No.5993975


>> No.5994144

You are not made for crypto, you are alsmost guaranteed to take a loss when buying a rapidly moving coin, give it a bit.
This is a mid-long term hold anyways.

>> No.5994252

Should I sell my ICX and put the proceeds in BAT?

>> No.5994282

sure bro, stop fomoing

>> No.5994351

why is there no volume at all for this shit?

>> No.5994382

no news yet

>> No.5994411

it's a memecoin. Nobody gives a shit. There are like 4 or 5 dedicated pajeets shilling this coin non-stop, and I'm one of them.

>> No.5994462

what fucking news could there possibly be, you fucking idiot?!?

>> No.5994505

$2/BAT possible, any more than thta would take a miracle.

>> No.5994531

Because bittrex wallets are down, thats where all the volume for this coin normally is.

>> No.5994550

I bet you're a cripple shill too.

>> No.5994568

.00005000 btc when

>> No.5994582
File: 49 KB, 292x293, 1495014217896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you getting your transfers daily? I made deposits on ETH like 3 days ago and its still gonna be another 4 before i see it. What the fuck gives?

>> No.5994624

jesus christ you fucking TA faggots are the worst

>> No.5994683

Everything else has been pumped already. This is the only one left. And it just so happens to have a God programmer behind it.

Wait until normies hear about Firefox ceo coin. They'll go nuts.

>> No.5994686

Coinbase CEO literally spells out he will list BAT, and everyone puts their focus on Ripple.

>> No.5994749

imagine unironically thinking that people will start using Brave as their primary browser. Imagine!

>> No.5994777

Where the fuck is the moon op reeeeeeeeee tricked again I went all in aaaaaaaah

>> No.5994826
File: 5 KB, 392x707, batlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny isn't it. Partnered with coinbase.

What services does coinbase offer, other than buying crypto with fiat? Ill wait.


Retards on this board can't put 2 and 2 together.

>> No.5994848

BAT said the browser is just one segment of what it's doing. It's moving into many products.

>> No.5994883

someone gonna answer this?

>> No.5994895

Yeah sure. that will totally happen. Literally what the fuck is this clown of a human being promising to do for y'all retards. Face it. You bought into a huge scam and you're now rationalizing your mistake.

This is a shitcoin and you're going to lose all of your money. I would laugh at all of you but you're not worth the energy.

>> No.5994952

don't use coinbase

>> No.5994971

Normies use chrome/Firefox without adblock you stupid fuck.

Brave has adblocking built in. They'll notice a difference immediately and even if they don't it'll draw them back to brave subconsciously.

Greed is also an aspect. Imagine getting paid just by browsing.

>> No.5994995

>You bought into a huge scam and you're now rationalizing your mistake.
Not even man. It's hedge fund backed (polychain capital and others). You haven't looked into this coin.

>> No.5995012

>24 posts, not worth the energy

>> No.5995028

Bought at 4000. Let's go.

>> No.5995029
File: 914 KB, 1619x2024, IMG_0251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frontal lobelets when will the learn?

>> No.5995047

Short answer: I was a retard. The 50 euros were apparently the monthly max volume. So now I said fuck privacy, I wanna get rich, and got verified.

>> No.5995065

>calling Eich a scam.

It's like you're actually retarded.

>> No.5995085
File: 253 KB, 653x533, 1512514210739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>40 fucking posts by this ID

>> No.5995130

Do you need Brave to buy into BAT?

>> No.5995189


>> No.5995198

>Was the one who cucked Microsoft out of Internet Explorer dominance.
>Learned from the mistakes that Netscape made when challenging 'the beast', and made Mozilla succeed.
>Is ready for Google.

>> No.5995207

Where are you verifying? I don't see any options in my settings

>> No.5995356

Are you on Bitpanda? Just go to the verification tab, third from the top, then it's right in your face how to do it. I did it through my phone and had to show my passport to some pajeet with shitty german, but it only took a few minutes.

>> No.5995392

Also created the concept of browser extensions.

The man is truly a visionary. He got where he is through hard work unlike the lucky guys like Zuckerberg.

>> No.5995405

Where will bat be in 3 years im about to pull the trigger, the brave broswer kills the whole idea for me, when will then be compatible with chrome ie mozilla

>> No.5995458

>Is ready for Google.
What did he mean in this?

>> No.5995523

when they announce it, it will be too late for you to buy.

>> No.5995552

How much will 2200 BAT make me EOY lads?

>> No.5995607


>> No.5995614

Brave/BAT is designed to choke Google out of their ad revenue, while appropriating Chromium Code, so that in time most chrome extensions will be compatible. To use a metaphor; Brave going to eat Google's Lunch as it Fucks Google's wife.

>> No.5995630

the great flippening.

>> No.5995651
File: 500 KB, 500x357, 1465449407165.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no its coinbase for me. I'll probably switch tho if i can, is that how things work, you can move your wallet to another account?

>> No.5995652

Can't verify my identity, tfw two years later I'll be sitting there realizing I could be slaying hot bitches if only I had my passport or if only coinbase accepted scans

>> No.5995670

Brave is a chromium fork. It's likely already finished and they are just waiting for permission to launch.

Firefox did a clean slate with extentions and now Chrome extensions are compatible with Firefox. So Firefox is done as well.

People who uses ie AND use ie extensions are in the extreme niche.

See how everything is happening nicely?

>> No.5995705

I bought 50 shares of BAT will I be a proud lambo owner in the future?

>> No.5995722

should I drop my money on this coin? or is it too late

>> No.5995737

twitter.com/binance_2017 @NvidiaAI #AI
$ZOL = $XDN = @Goldmoney = $1,319.63

>> No.5995776

People are boarding we are leaving with or without you

>> No.5995782

probably not anon

>> No.5995818

This coin won't even make it off the shore.

>> No.5995828

What is the best exchange for this? Cannot make a bitrex account.

>> No.5995840


>> No.5995866

guys I'm literally getting ads on Brave right now. What the fuck is going on. This is a scam. Brave does not work properly. How do I fix this?

>> No.5995869

there is still time if it is under $1

>> No.5995894

Then fuck off back to your icos with scam devs and no working product.

>> No.5995919

there's like a lock checkbox somewhere you have to enable. Sort of like private browsing but no-ad browsing.

>> No.5995923

Watcha mean? I store all my coins on desktop wallets, not on any website. You can just transfer any coins you have on coinbase on any other wallet you want.

>> No.5995934

Binance isn't accepting new users either if you dont have account there. A friend I was talking about it had to use https://gate.io/ (Has Chainlink too)

>> No.5995964

Click the lion in the top right and enable the proper settings.

>> No.5995971


The hipster larp board is this way >>>/mu/

>> No.5995976
File: 1.13 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20180106-154538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine 1 million normies getting push notifications of BAT

>> No.5995978 [DELETED] 

Want to get fucking rich and get the meme lambo get in! >discord< ZQa6nD We got solid daily signals 50% gainz! No SHIT! Get in or stay poor

>> No.5995980

>tfw my ETH transfer has been pending for the last two hours
I'll never get anything done today at this rate.

>> No.5996001

thats what I was a bit confused about but you just clarified things, i'll probably even out on a desktop since im just starting out

>> No.5996009

Click the Shield icon in the top right. It looks like a lion.

>> No.5996033

It blocks ads that are derived from tracking software, less hostile ads that are just 'there' don't get blocked.

>> No.5996042

1 of very few coins down over last year. Sad!

>> No.5996065

Dude, that is a ninehead. Big-brained Nibba right there. I haven't seen a forehead that big since reynad

>> No.5996108

I'm going to bump this rocket up to 100 shares. Hopefully these gains help me invest in muti rocket missions in future.

>> No.5996141

Yea ok Pajeet, probably Big Hindu Pump Group. They pump a coin up before hand, then sell it off as they release the pump to retards.

>> No.5996210

Question /biz/ I just bought 300 on Binance and want to transfer them out to MetaMask, only thing is it takes 15 of them to pay the fee which is 5% of all my coins. Is it worth to transfer them out or should I hold on the exchange like a dumbass?

>> No.5996250

>only thing is it takes 15 of them to pay the fee which is 5% of all my coins. Is it worth to transfer them out
You answered your own question.

>> No.5996272


Nucoiner out out out out out

>> No.5996343

I have Ad Control set to 'Block Ads'.

ok great. So i have to just look at these god awful ads even though I downloaded the browser speciifically to avoid such a thing. Shit browser 3/10

>> No.5996377

Best wallet for storing BAT?

>> No.5996414


>> No.5996422

Any ethereum wallet, it's an ethereum token.

>> No.5996425

Cough cough bullshit cough cough..

>> No.5996463

ok, you've shilled me with your personal blog, i'll put a few in. thinking of switching over to Brave. last time i switched was from IE to firefox in 2004. like pottery

>> No.5996488


>> No.5996489


>> No.5996498

Get in before 4300

>> No.5996503

Holding them on the exchange then, solid. Not worth losing 10% of my coins to the jews.

>> No.5996508

Atleast Google doesn't get a front row seat while you masturbate.

>> No.5996699

Google is great though. Why should I care what they know about me. they're on my side.

>> No.5996735

goy, plz

>> No.5996828

They already know everything about me though. What else could I have left to hide?

>> No.5996908



>> No.5997011


>> No.5997101

If you need an exchange for buying BAT, uphold . com works nicely. They were the only exchange that could somehow process the idea that a person can currently live outside their country of birth. It seems they also have some partnership with Brave/BAT as Brave is featured on their homepage.

>> No.5997510

Big Daddy Eich

>> No.5997565

Sold off some TRX, and non performing stuff to get almost 3000 of BAT.