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File: 94 KB, 500x764, Japanese-Tattoo-Designs-For-Women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
597823 No.597823 [Reply] [Original]

This concerns the business of tats.

So my friend is about to finish her tattoo apprenticeship. I know tats, have plenty concealable ones myself and all are quality. She is quite good and wants to open a shop in a nearby town with an older partner. It is a university town in Mississippi that has no tattoo parlor. The closest places to get tats is a town 45 minutes away and the artists there are average at best.

I am considering dropping about twenty grand on her business to help get her started. What should I charge on interest to her and is it a wise decision.

Related information, she is very sent and beautiful so that might draw in business. She has a good personality, obviously skill at her trade, especially portraits, and is well connected socially in the town and comes from a socially respectable family of military and police.


>> No.597824

Sexy* not "sent" damn auto correct.

>> No.597828

Getting the city to approve will be a hurdle if its a small conservative town. Usually they will tell you some bull shit on why you can't open a tattoo shop. Before even thinking about anything else id check with the city to see if they would even allow it.

>> No.597830

We have not been discussing this for long. Still in the early stages. Good point. I'll look into it.

Hopefully this is where her family and my family could help. My family is relatively well connected in the town with ties going to a few judges and city council. Hers is as well. Hopefully, this will work in our favor if this pans out.

>> No.597842

Why don't you open the business and have her as employee.

>> No.597846

Supply and demand baby.

As long as there's students, there will always be demand for tats. Do it

>> No.597848


>> No.597853


or open as partners, or 60/40 that shit.

>> No.597856

I don't have that much cash and I want to assume less risk. Sides, I already have two jobs, family and a separate career path in the financial industry I am building, this is a side deal to help a friend out that I think has potential and make money without being too distracted from my other business.

Exactly. With no nearby competition as a plus? Heh

>> No.598086 [DELETED] 

Is your friend business- and marketing-savvy? If not, become so yourself and do the majority of the work running/marketing the business so your friend can focus on doing what she loves. Put some money into it and get a decent % ownership in exchange for the money + helping the business grow while she focuses on inking people.

>>597842 and >>597846 have the right idea.

>> No.598110

sounds like you should offer a convertible note or whatever

she get shekels now with whatever interest rate you agree on but if her shit goes well, you switch it for equity instead of getting your cash back

if i'm understanding it correctly, less risk than just tossing money in for an equity stake, but more potential reward than the weak interest you'd get on a loan

>> No.598184

If you truly believe you want to do this to help a friend give her the money.

If you can't afford to do that you shouldn't be involved.

>> No.598190


having been down in that neck of the woods I have to ask, is there even enough people in the immediate area to support this type of business? Mississippi really doesnt have much of a population outside the water front and what population it does have seems to be spread out in a town every 10 miles or so of 5-10k people. She needs to figure out things like how many tattoos per day they have to do in order to pay the overhead, if the demand cant exceed the cost its a no go. Basically you need more info and a solid business plan to start thinking about this investment.

>> No.598264
File: 167 KB, 676x673, 1419378132760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tattooing isn't a very financially rewarding career path. So don't expect a massive ROI or a quick ROI. Many tattoo artists and uninformed clients think mediocre art is really good, when it's actually just mediocre. The only tattoo artists who make "pretty good" money are the ones with decades of name recognition art and those who get their own tv shows.

The two immediate red flags to me are Mississippi and college town. Miss. is the 49th or 50th poorest state in the country, meaning less disposable income for frivolous things like tattoos. Secondly, college kids in college towns like tattoos but not many college kids have money and will get a regrettable tattoo in someones kitchen for $40.

In my opinion, this is a bad investment. If you choose to follow through, make sure you have an iron clad contract that you get back your money when the shop goes out of business.

>> No.598265
File: 8 KB, 236x214, imgres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What the fuck?

you think rich people get tattoos?

the lower the income area the better

>> No.598305
File: 299 KB, 500x375, 1304376955947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you realize you posted a picture of a millionaire rapper covered in tattoos, and then implied rich people don't get tattoos? Are you really that dumb!?

>> No.598625

Both high and low income get tats. Where they go to get their tats is different and therefor the quality.

>> No.598661

Still throwing your money in the toilet but IDGAF ain't my paper to burn.

>> No.598662

Eh, you raise good points. Many will get regrettable tats with low money. Seen it happen a lot. However, it's a UNIVERSITY town. Lots of rich kids too and lots of wealthy farmers kids. Too top that off the town is growing and home to a Baxters2 factory.

>> No.598666

he is an entertainer of poor people

>> No.598681

Here is the question, how long do you think it would take her/them to pay you back?

>> No.598704


Kill yourself edgelord

>> No.598730

I don't think it's a good idea. From your description, it seems business will fail or plateau. You are taking all the risk, she isn't.