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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5980212 No.5980212 [Reply] [Original]

Am I meant to take this board seriously? Literally every thread is just some shill that bought a fuckton of shitty coins and is trying to get other people to boost his bank.

I can't take anything I read here seriously at all.

>> No.5980248

i agree and i still sit here refreshing for hours.

>> No.5980293

No this board is trash. Confirmed by the fact PAC coin is being shilled here today. Every single forum for crypto is the same way though.

>> No.5980312
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yes it's shit, go away now, pleb.

>> No.5980313

Just have to learn to sift through the shit. Plenty of good advice mixed in with the bs. *Refreshes page*

>> No.5980319
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Unfortunately so do I. I have a hope I might find something of actual value in a sea of absolute shit.

/r/cryptocurrency is pretty good though.

>> No.5980322

I have been here a year and I used to think like you. But slowly and surely I was able to discern the scamcoins from the gold. I now have this board to thank for turning me onto neo and raiblocks among others.

you will learn

>> No.5980335

>Am I meant to take this board seriously?
No. But after a few years of 4chan you learn how to distinguish Pajeet shit from the real deal. You can actually use this board to make money.

>> No.5980376

Just buy some coins and make some money, nigger.

>> No.5980377

It is certainly trash but you get a couple laughs and also you get to know the "mainstream" cryptos that are being pumped by anyone

>> No.5980401

Not true. Comb through the garbage. There's still gold in the shit.

>> No.5980437


its because of the occasional semi nudes

>> No.5980500
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The day I found the nugget that is Bazingacoin I knew I was gonna be rich!

>> No.5980647

/biz/ is a tool and based on your post you haven't figured out how to use it yet.

>> No.5980740

if it gets posted daily and has a stupid fucking name like bazinga coin and has next to no replys stay away
if it gets posted daily and the thread has community such as FUN,REQ,ICX DYOR but most are legit
if it gets posted for the 2 times and doesnt sound like complete pajeeting and has a handful of replies expect to see that thread again 2 hours later with hundreds of replies with FOMOing left right and centre
the gems are easy to spot because they dont have pajeet shit all over them
buy high sell low, good luck and good trades