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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 236 KB, 1141x900, odn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5970678 No.5970678 [Reply] [Original]

This is going to be massive.

>> No.5970718

fuck me im down 70% on this

>> No.5970732

Geez what a horrible ad

>> No.5970740

Hell ya bro. We moonin

>> No.5970772

that's what you get for buying at ath, fucktard.

>> No.5970780

agent blaster prepare the assassassination

I have deposited 2 obsidian in your account

assination is a go

copy that agent blaster. alpha team has your back over

>> No.5970791

Holy shit, an app that lets you message other people. Why hasn't anyone thought of this?

>> No.5970825

It's confidential messaging. Snapchat doesn't have that, or a token you can use to send people. It's actually a really good idea. It's ODN, look into it.

>> No.5970860

>But its 100% anonymoose now
>Finally can sell my drugs without the pesky feds on my tail.

W/e, I dropped like $100 for this ico as a meme

>> No.5970910

Now my gf can finally send me nudes without them going all over the internet!

>> No.5970972

nahhh u can still screencap the message and spread it all over 4chan like youve always been doing buddy <3

>> No.5971027

where buy, tell me fags

>> No.5971113
File: 698 KB, 981x857, 1515137663198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a messenger, a platform they built a messenger on. Cryptokitties and Ethereum are different things, OSM and ODN are the same way.

>> No.5971216

Lmfao. VERGE VISP messasing already does this better and for free.

RIP Obsidian.

>> No.5971269
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>> No.5971276

I know coins don't follow common sense but ask yourself this:
>Does this thing really need a blockchain?

Come on. The latency can't be that good if it runs on a blockchain. Enjoy waiting for your messages.

here are secure chat applications people actually use
>Jabber with OTR or OMEMO (very good, decentralized, federated)

Jabber costs N O T H I N G to use and already works.

>> No.5971301

big if true

>> No.5971375

Off chain messenging. This ain't no crypto cats congestion Status.im

>> No.5971378

>an app that lets you be degenerate or pass information to unpatriotic weasel journocrooks to undermine our leaders
Wow fucking ban it, fuck drugs and fuck anything that can be used to harm the Trump administration or our troops.

>> No.5971389
File: 926 KB, 1760x1024, Obsidian_Messenger_-_Comparison_Chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The messenger is just the premier dapp; it's proof of concept for a platform with built in end to end encryption. Plus the Obsidian messenger doesn't even cost anything to use.

>> No.5971397

it's peer to peer you mong. a small amount of odn is required to send messages

>> No.5971409

I smell curry ITT

Care with this shitcoin biz

>> No.5971442

Just use whatsapp lmao
Or pgp encrypted email

>> No.5971467

L M F A O go shill ur scam coin somewhere else u fucking jeets

>> No.5971477

This fucking comparison.

God I wish whatsapp utilized blockchain technology.

>> No.5971506


>> No.5971509

FUD more /biz/

>> No.5971588
File: 1.11 MB, 1870x1024, xd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We don't need more bullshit chat standards. Jabber runs on top of XMPP which is already a standard for web communications.

>> No.5971589

>comparing ODN messenger to whatsapp, a centralized messenger owned by the biggest kike data mining corporation in the world, Facebook.
>nice just sold 100K

>> No.5971679
File: 617 KB, 1242x652, EBCC41C2-69E7-4D89-9067-A3719E0CE43D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never been so comfy

>> No.5971807
File: 335 KB, 1022x847, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The messenger is just the premier dapp; it's proof of concept for a platform with built in end to end encryption.
read the comment you're replying too
>derr why would I buy ETH if Animal Crossing did Cryptokitties better

>> No.5972543
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>> No.5972664
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>btc pairing

>> No.5972824
File: 265 KB, 1006x802, 1513637814003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ waits till its on bittrex to buy
see you at 10 dollars friendo

>> No.5973253






A fucking messenger?

Like uh... Facebook, Snapchat, Wire, Signal, Telegram, WeChat, Vibr and the dozens and dozens of other chat clients?

> hurrdurr, this one is private

Mate, encryption already exists.

Wire has it by default.
Signal has it by default.
Telegram has secret chats.

FFS, even iMessage has strong encryption that the fucking FBI couldn't even get into when they demanded Apple they let them look at a terrorists phone.

Why the fuck would this EVER be useful?

>> No.5973325

fine i just bought 300 of those

>> No.5973343

u really took time to write this week FUD?

>> No.5973345

>He still think ODN is a messenger

>> No.5973398

Because it is decentralized. Facebook could have a backdoor you don't know of. With odn everyone is responsible for running the network and maintainers get rewarded for executing applications on top of the platform (incentive to run servers (masternodes))

You people are absolutely retarded if you don't see value in this coin.

>> No.5973440

And top it off, the masternodes are SERVERS running odn apps. The messenger relay is just a microservice masternodes can run. Next to that microservice, other applications will be built on the platform.

>> No.5973495

> I have come to receive a lot of gold, at a valuation of 10.000.000 united states dollar, mister Rogers, and I want to share my wealth with you. If you send me as little as 400 bazingacoin, I will write up the papers to send the gold to you, and it will be coming your way in a couple of days

>> No.5973526
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Markets full of dumb money anon, I've tried. Now a days people think the word decentralized is a buzzword. Trying to explain the difference between a dapp and a platform to them is like pulling teeth. We just need to let the technology speak for itself