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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5956444 No.5956444 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5956497

we re going parabolic ETHS the name making moneys the game

>> No.5956569

god damn these gains are too much

>> No.5956665

These 0.06 REQs feel so comfy

>> No.5956936

Tfw only bought 300 at 4 cents because extreme poorfag

Still happy but fuck

>> No.5957623

>tfw bought 2200 at 18c and day traded to 3000
I mean.. it feels kinda good but I wish I'd just bought 30,000 at 4c.

>> No.5957726

We are still in a correction wave, sell at the peak and get out, it's going to dip.

>> No.5958036

what the fuck? why did it just instantaneously jump over $1? god dammit I sold part of my stack last night thinking the update would be lackluster

>> No.5958040

Na fuck that. If you didn't sell above 0.0115 don't bother imo. Too risky.

>> No.5958070

$1 is new floor

>> No.5958145

Lmao, don't sell coins you think have potential.

>> No.5958152

120K at .04 - /BIZ - best outlet for financial advice on the planet!

>> No.5958154

I have a really heavy day ahead of me and i’m missing out on sleep while typing this. Thank you for shilling me this coin, i’m so fucking happy right now.

>> No.5958176

It was oversold... $.95 and $1 or anywhere between 5500 and 6000 sat is floor... this is the right price.

>> No.5958391

Should I sell at a dollar or let it sit overnight? Not sure what to do.

>> No.5958489

I'm wondering the same thing.

>> No.5958543

>tfw literally made $100k just following the most spammed coins on /biz/ at the time

>> No.5958566
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Lads, I can't handle these gains...

I've literally become paranoid that some personal calamity or accident will befall me now that I've made it.

Anyone else make over $400K in a month and start fearing for their own lives?

>> No.5958603

One does wonder if /biz/ creates these pumps through its own FOMO. Are whales powerless to stop us?

>> No.5958634

the direction of that R would be going backwards and up not forwards and up, shit meme

>> No.5958705
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>One does wonder if /biz/ creates these pumps through its own FOMO

/biz/ doesn't have enough liquidity power to move a market this large now. That only works for small cap pump and dumps.

This is new money and large investors. Just saw a 400K REQ buy order get gobbled up.

>> No.5958750

Yeah but they might kickstart some shitters that big money then takes closer notice of.

>> No.5959011

g-guys i was at $2.7k now im at $2.1k

>> No.5959154

>Its still falling


>> No.5959184

9k now 7k feels bad

>> No.5959290

i've been in since $0.07 but i still fucking wojak because i could have sold at $1.20 and bought back in right now

>> No.5959341


>> No.5959409


>> No.5959461

green id's = the rocket keeps going

>> No.5959476

The floor is actually 55 cents.

>> No.5959516

good thing i am green

>> No.5959526


>> No.5959527


>> No.5959612

Floor will be around 95k imo.

>> No.5959685

Here we go again!!

>> No.5959702

If Green ID we go to 2.50 eom

>> No.5959782

Let it sit -- patience will bring the big gains. Seriously, this shit is going to $5

>> No.5959818
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Never happy. I bought 250k at 0.05. Told myself I’d buy 1 mil at 0.03 and it never went there. I should be happy, not the case

>> No.5959829

I am a green ID so you can trust my gainz

>> No.5959842
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Tfw dont wanna wait that long

>> No.5959866

seems like it's cooled off
still staying in the 90 cent area is pretty nice

>> No.5960050
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the floor is under $1 REQ

>> No.5960085

I would be fine with a $0.90 floor honestly. gives me time to get my shit together and buy more REQ before it goes to $5

>> No.5960096

id color check

>> No.5960145

Wait till it gets put on Huobi

>> No.5960153

no, but have you ever considered a little "risk off". You have to be aggressive when you are poor, but it pays to be more conservative once you are rich. That 400k could turn into a lot of money in a GIC over a lot of years. And then it's much safer and locked away.

>> No.5960171

>not green


>> No.5960275

>from 10:00 on the 6th GMT+8 time
should already be on there m8

>> No.5960353

Selling now, i'll buy back when we dip.

>> No.5960380

sorry that's a CD outside of Canada or something similar

>> No.5960382

I hope one day I can actually consider being less risky with my money.

>> No.5960422

>when we dip
it went from $1.20 to $.95 anon


>> No.5960430


I think trading begins in 5.5 hours at 18.30 (GMT + 8)

>> No.5960509

75% req 25% icx will January be good to me

>> No.5961117
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Who penis eREQ here?

>> No.5961423
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>Go to bed when BTC still wasn't done fucking every altcoin
>Down $15k
>Dream that REQ had made me a multi-millionaire, and for some reason some /biz/ Chad faggot had a REQ tattoo
>Wake up after 4 hours
>Check blockfolio expecting to have gone down another 15%
>Suddenly I'm up 30k
>See REQ at $1.02
>First time above $100k

We're gonna make it, aren't we?

>> No.5961715

Nah, REQ will plateau until Q3. Check these digits.

>> No.5962114

What digits, fag?
You think mainnet release won't at least have some hype and fomo? Get outta here with that bullshit.

>> No.5962553


>> No.5962699

Omg!! Req is destroying all the market right now

>> No.5962781

mainnet will put us over 5$ at least you street shitting fudder

>> No.5962965
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good idea to sell soon and buy back when prices cheaper? Surely cant keep going up!

>> No.5963006

thats fomo talk

>> No.5963067
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Reminder: REQ to have staking rewards more than likely :)

Going to live off this and my link pool dividends.

>> No.5963098

I need XLM to hit $1 so I can sell 1000 for 1k and buy 1k REQ

>> No.5963132

Is this gonna be like Ark where I failed to get enough to get sweet gibs.

>> No.5963142
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it wont stay above $1.10 short term, better to sell soon and buy back when its corrected itself.

>> No.5963151

By the time that happens you'll be buying 500 REQ

>> No.5963180

I agree but am far too scared to do that.

>> No.5963229

You might be right, but I'm not going to sell my XLM now before the Fairx news actually hits

>> No.5963264


i usually have the same thinking pattern, but i sell at lets say 1115 and get scared as shit when it reachs 1113 and buy back in for like 20 extra REQ lol

>> No.5963374
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>before the Fairx news actually hits

But anon, FairX is already news. It's not news when they announce something everybody already knows. The market has already priced itself for a FairX partnership.

>> No.5963377
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Definitely easier said than done Anons. I have yet to actually do it, I just get mad when I dont.

>> No.5963400

It hit like $1.17 earlier and then went down. But I missed my 7k sat sell order by like seconds. Now I am scared but also FOMOing the swing. Its a complex feeling. IDK what to do anymore in this game. Normal rate of growth I usually make profit maximizing decisions. With Crypto I just sit there confused and get rich.

>> No.5963406

>I have yet to actually do it, I just get mad when I dont.
This. I had my finger on the sell button at 115k on that middle 5 minute candle the first time it got there and pussied out. Holy shit the sick regains I would have gotten.

>> No.5964199

why does everyone try to day trade crypto? just hodl unless you know wtf you're doing,, or sell 25% to reduce the risk and then buy back in

>> No.5964246

we did it guys. buy 20x on etherdelta day 70 faggots

>> No.5964260
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Pssssst. Here's a tip kid

>> No.5964277

About damn time req got another pump wave

>> No.5964297
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>About damn time

It's not even a week since the last 300% pump.

>> No.5965016

What's that

>> No.5965351
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Stinky Linky here. Happy for you guys, albeit a little annoyed that you guys covered the price distance between us so fast. I loved both REQ and LINK but I only had enough money to invest in one. We're both going to make it!

>> No.5965909

there's two kinds of /biz/ spammers: Pajeet and NEET. Pajeet picks up random garbage to try and dump on you, NEET makes threads with autistic walls of text about the technology and use cases. They're both repetitive, but it's easy to spot Pajeet since he doesn't really know anything about his own garbage, doesn't care about nerding out, and doesn't have anything to actually talk about besides a few prepared points; pajeets threads are almost immediately repetitive. If you're just slightly above average intelligence you can make this distinction readily. Pajeet will take your money, NEET will help you make it, albeit not without potential bumps along the way.

>> No.5966175

Is it too late to enter req?

>> No.5966194

The marketcap isn't even a billion yet.

But if you want to gamble on getting in cheaper, go ahead. But you might have to buy in at $1.50 instead.

>> No.5966281


If REQ even lives up to a portion of it's potential, $1 req is going to seem like nothing come end of year

see https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/6f7ca2_96ffee2e91f14af3bbbcecdbc7aee3b1.pdf for a well done report of the massive potential

>> No.5966506
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Don't let emotion get in the way, if you're unsure about something, just hold. You may get gains faster by selling, but you might also miss out on future gains. Slow and steady always wins, fast tissue paper hands lose 50% of the time.

>> No.5966618


Also, you're fighting against hundreds of algo bots and whales. Most people get fucked trying to swingtrade.

>> No.5966646

Only been into crypto a week
this is the first succesfull moon mission
I'm excited

>> No.5966750

Now is the time to realize that the price today, tomorrow or one week from now means jack shit.

You put that shit on MEW, lean back and don't touch it until 2019-2020. Then you either cash out a very rich man, or live off the dividends that the PoS will produce.

>> No.5966889

i can smell your newness

>> No.5966946

lol jokes on you I would totally watch that
that would be hot lmao

>> No.5966969

Desperate and hopeful.

>> No.5967009

>literally says they are new
well don't you just have the keenest senses.