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5960093 No.5960093 [Reply] [Original]

How do I win at this shit? It feels like I keep fucking missing everything, losing money on shit, etc... I just want to win ONE FUCKING TIME. How do, /biz/? I have about $5k in Binance right now split between TRX, FUN, and XRP. Goddamnit. Just help me win, senpai. I'm so sad.

>> No.5960139

fuck me im down 70% on this

>> No.5960154

You bought all shit meme coins you idiot, buy icx and hold long term

>> No.5960156

Go all in on Qtum and hold, big news this month huge partnership(s) to be announced. You'll remember me and wish you had listened, screencap this.

>> No.5960173

why did u not sell tron at peak moon today lmfao

>> No.5960183

APPC has hit the floor and it's a brand new coin. Go balls deep in it and hold.

>> No.5960186

The only way you could possibly be losing with those 3 coins is if you literally invested in them yesterday. Man the fuck up and wait it out. When bitcoin goes up alts go down

>> No.5960196

thanks for paying my share bro

>> No.5960209


Put 50% of your TRX into LUN, trust me on this one.

>> No.5960230

Buy anything and wait. Don't fuck about.

>> No.5960231


>> No.5960239

buy something and don't fucking touch it for a few months.. you're going to fuck yourself over because you fomo'd

>> No.5960271

stop buying meme coins

>> No.5960305

I'm all in on BNB guise
> Working product
> True demand for it
> Embedded into one of the biggest exchanges

>> No.5960330
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>Nothing but love in FUN my dude

Join us

>> No.5960368

This is what you fucking do and the newshitters still can’t do it properly. Buy, wait a month, wait a few more months, then wait longer. If your coin isn’t up after a month, you bought a literal shitcoin and that’s something you need to learn from. God, impatient newshit normie faggot cunts.

>> No.5960396

#1 --- Do not over-trade. Limit yourself to 5 trades per week max.

#2 -- Research the fucking companies/coins/tokens. Look at the team, the whitepaper, the tech, the idea. If its shit, its shit.

#3 -- /biz/ is for ideas for more research. Its not for buy recommendations.

#4 -- Up or down Binance makes money. For this reason I'm long BNB and expect it to fucking shatter the moon into dust.

#5 -- SUB, STRAT, TNT, QSP -> They are solid fucking ideas. I only need one to succeed.

#6 -- NEO, BNB, WABI -> Relationships are more important than oxygen in China. Only one of these coins needs to have the right contacts in the CCP to BTFO all the other alts.

Pay attention to this dumbass. I know what I'm talking about.

Now fuck off.

>> No.5960454

Sell everything and go into DBC

>> No.5960467

Everyone here is shilling shit with a high market cap that isn't gonna make you much money. If you were smart you'd be in on Simple Token OST. Low cap. Platform release in a few weeks. Almost touched $1 but is now on a good dip.

Also new exchanges, rumored bittrex, in the next month.

Tencent is invested in this, you should be too. Get in early on something for once

>> No.5960486

>meme coin

Go spend even just 30 minutes researching. The gambling market, especially in South East Asia is huge.

>> No.5960507

>Relationships are more important than oxygen in China

>> No.5960535

go 50/50 neo and gas. thank me later

>> No.5960539

stop being a fucking faggot who listens to people on forums and figure out what coins are good or not for yourself.

here's a starting point: if it's a clone of bitcoin that is only "faster" or "better" but offers no distinct feature or use case (e.g. bitcoin cash), then fuck it, do not invest.

>> No.5960857


OP here. Sagely advice, my rich brothas. I will follow this. I'll just HODL these three and until the end of the month and see what happens. I have 15k TRX, 4262 FUN, and 500 XRP.

Should I diversify more? Keep them as-is? Buy one more (like ICX) and keep an equal spread between 4 coins? What did you guys do to get rich?

>> No.5960886

This, if you want to feel better wait till it goes down a little lower, bnb always wins

>> No.5960921

if you gonna buy one more do urself a favor and get Gas

>> No.5960955

Yeah I'm waiting on this correction to get more
Do you know something about the coin burn?

>> No.5961014

why would they need an obscure imaginary coin that's a hassle to obtain just to gamble when they are doing it now no problem?

>> No.5961032

all in XLM
delete blockfolio/delta
come back in 3-4 weeks and enjoy your win

>> No.5961084

We all just hit a 10x win. How did you miss it? It's not too late tho

Related: cryptodealer.io/blogs/news/10000-to-100000-in-30-days

>> No.5961088


>> No.5961121

because it's built on top of decentralized technology

>> No.5961328


Dude...this is a great read, thank you. It really puts all of this into perspective. I'm still so new to this shit that all of the things this guy hits on as "bad" are exactly the things I fall victim to.

So next question... what do you guys think of the

HODL? If I was to hold two or three, do you think there are better hodls than this? I'm keeping on Binance for now since everything generally seems to move up on there.

>> No.5961373
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>> No.5961429
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Okay, biz. I've come to the realisation that I will probably never make it unless I git gud at daytrading.

Buy low, sell high. How?

>> No.5961473


OP here. You should actually check out the article this dude posted >>5961084

We have a similar portfolio. It's sagely advice for us both, I think.

>> No.5961515
File: 32 KB, 591x320, Literally MS Paint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5961608


OP here. I need to glue this fucking picture to my screen so I never forget. I'm such a goddamn normie with this.

>> No.5961689

Stop saying OP here. We can tell by your id.

>> No.5961717


This is honestly extremely good advice. Warren Buffet knew his shit when he said "Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful." The best time to buy coins (that you have decided are good, verified by your own extensive research) are when they are at their lows, doing fuck-all, making you wonder why the fuck anyone would buy this piece of sideways-trading piece of shit right now.

>> No.5961735

read up on bnty

>> No.5961768

>PaJeet detected

>> No.5961778

You don't want it just once anon. You're a greedy fuck who wants it continuously and that's why you chase literal shitcoins in the hopes of winning the lottery. Play it safe and go for the coins that will steadily make you money. Lumens and icx are good for this

>> No.5961815

I heard that whitepapers are bullshit and each coin is trying to end world hunger or something

>> No.5961828

Maybe :>]

>> No.5961852


Try actually reading one, sounds like you haven't

>> No.5961915

Meme or not, I swear this exact pattern happens with every crypto moon

>> No.5961938


Yeah, you're right. I'll definitely reposition to 2-3 solid picks and hodl.

>> No.5961989

I held BTC for years.
Stop trading and hodl. This is a bull market, just avoid scamcoins
>tiny violin

>> No.5961996

its not a meme. it happens because people are scared its go to leave with out them and they keep buying in at ridiculous prices, then smart people sell everything they have leave with profits.
If you want to buy soemthing but are afraid of missing out on moon mission, tame yourself and wait 24h the price then is likely acceptable and less than what you would have paid otherwise.

>> No.5962035


So are TRX, XRP, or FUN scam coins? I feel like all three are solid hodls, but if there's somewhere else I can position myself that's steadier/safer, I'd rather do it now.

>> No.5962076

I'm not smart enough to understand them so I don't bother, but I'm smart enough to know confirmation bias when I see it, judging from the amount of people who claim to read whitepapers but then get fucked anyway

>> No.5962116

this is fine but put no more than 20% into long shots or you will miss the upward trend. If you are afraid of some of these market caps go look at some of the publicly traded companies. The market cap potential is huge.

>> No.5962187

Investing in FUN is investing in blockchain for gambling. As a Vegasfag ill tell you first hand how exciting that fucking is. You cant fucking lose in gambling if you are investing in the house. The only thing that could fuck up FUN is if the team turns out to be incompetent as fuck or someone develops better tech while also having better connections. I dont see either being a possibility at this time.

>> No.5962274

their team is top notch man times are good.

>> No.5962293

>fun colors id
there is also edgeless

>> No.5962362


Fellow Vegasfag, actually. I think I'll split TRX with FUN and put a bit more into XLM & ICX. That'll be my final choice to hodl for the month.

>> No.5962364

just hodl you fuck

>> No.5962442

Buy high sell low brainlet

>> No.5962454


Heeding this advice ftw

>> No.5962576
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>Being a Vegasfag and not investing in the future of our community
Nigga wat.

I hope one day we get in early to the blockchain that will change vegas gambling.

>> No.5962835

Times New Bank (TNB) on Binance at 21 cents. The Chinese will fomo to the stars. Charlie Shrem is an advisor his coins (Cindicator, Viberate) don't go down.

>> No.5962902

Free $23 in BTC on Kucoin with this referral code!

>> No.5962990
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>> No.5963085

When people are saying they're losing crazy money, I can only imagine they're doing this

>> No.5963136

brainlet here when you sell where are you supposed to put the coins? (do you find a stable alt or what)

>> No.5963178

or do you keep it in eth/btc

>> No.5963248

I prefer liquidating into ETH since its pretty stable and accepted on every exchange

>> No.5963921

Quit fucking with it and leave it!!! Guarantee you'll profit,

>> No.5964249


I know I know, I fix'd it. I'm in for 5,000 FUN. I'm a believer. #vegasstrong, bitches. 702!

Iron hands anon, they'll call me. They'll say damn, look at those iron hands. He ain't never moved them hands.

>> No.5964391

holy fuck you have the most retarded portfolio. Stay poor

>> No.5964893

I had spent a lot of time researching day trading / candlesticks, to be disappointed that for even the most basic exchanges I would need minimum $3,000 (and be registered as a student), not to mention the day trading rule (how can you practice/learn day trading executing 3 trades per 5 days)

I was very happy to discover Binance (although I am super late) and see that I can use it to learn day trading. I have executed 31 trades so far, and have turned my $50 into $89 in two days.

Right now with my volume being so small, I have been able to enter/exit very easily on dips / highs. Where I have been happy to get a 1% return on a trade repeatedly, I know that with higher volume my strategy would not be viable. Right now I am a complete novice, and these questions I have are a long long way away, but for perspective / preparation I hope to gain a better understanding:

For crypto day traders here, at what point in your account did you start to run into issues with volume?

Are there any people here who day trade crypto with an account larger than $50,000?

How much do you put into your trades on average?

What kind of returns are you looking for to be interested in the trade (>5% always?)

Do you (nearly) exclusively trade in the highest volume cryptos for that day?

Any books / sites that helped you improve/learn day trading would be much appreciated!

>> No.5965126

>What is a white paper?

whereas now you basically have to just trust online casinos that they're not rigging the odds against you, funfair games are trustless and you can know for sure that there's no shady fuckery happening.

>> No.5965226

drop trx desu.

XRB's pussy is about to pop imo

>> No.5965228


Alright, y'all. My updated portfolio which I will not be touching for the month:

- 5k FUN
- 5k TRX
- 1k XLM
- 500 XRP
- 110 ICX

Let's see what happens after a month. Thanks for your input and advice, richfags.

>> No.5965508

I'm a novice too, started with 1 ETH a two weeks ago.

I've made 19 trades with an average gain of 0.015 ETH each. Tiny gains but they all add up to about 0.29 ETH, so I'm 29% ahead.

Yet I still feel like I don't know what I'm doing.

>> No.5965960

Their course any good?

>> No.5965973

Have the same choices with a bit different distribution, anon, we will make in February

>> No.5965984

You have to hold, if you're retarded and sell when it's down you deserve to lose your money.

>> No.5966039

What are the crucial indications of dropping hodl and moving onto other coin while not daytrading?