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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5959334 No.5959334 [Reply] [Original]

Any gals here? Crypto seems to be a total sausage fest but I wanted to see if there were any other girls on this sub.

Bonus: shill your girly coins and share your trade secrets

I like to look at the coinmarketcap website and scroll until I find a coin that makes me giggle. Now holding 80% FUN and 20% OMG.

>> No.5959382

why did you buy this shit? jesus h christ

>> No.5959444

Tits or gtfo

>> No.5959472
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I saw an article about bitcoin but I thought it was too expensive so I bought some cuter and cheaper coins as an early Christmas gift to myself. My money has already doubled so I'm pretty pleased.

>> No.5959485

Of course there are girls here. We don't talk about it because this is pretty much r9k. I hold OMG, XMR, XRB, XLM, NEO, and ARK. I don't need to giggle when I have money.

>> No.5959670
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Are you sure? Because it seems to just be you and me here.

>> No.5959773
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fellow girl here. I buy lots of Titcoin because tits or gtfo you fucking whores

>> No.5960152

>I don't need to giggle when I have money.
Wouldnt a lot of money be a reason for happy giggling?

>> No.5960170

FUN is a good longterm hold

>> No.5960189
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>be girl
>invest in crypto
Literally so much FUN OMG

>> No.5960243
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What. Ether.

>> No.5960282

I browse but I’m pretty risk averse in general...I mostly just have ETH and I occasionally invest in an alt and then sell. I invested my alts back to BTC today when it went up and I’ll probably reinvest in something else with it on binance when it stops increasing

>> No.5960300

My gf occasionally browses /biz/ but rarely posts. She has some NEO and Qtum. I told her about this place though

>> No.5960311
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>> No.5960357

also kekd

>> No.5960443

I'm a girl too but can confirm no giggling.

I'm mostly into chink coins, probably because I'm part chink.

>> No.5960553
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>Doesn't matter what your gender as long as you have FUN

Seriously it's the best crypto out there

>> No.5960556


>> No.5960895

Omg I am high as fuvk and this had me laughing for like 10mins straight holy shit

I love making stupid money and shit posting with you guys, god damn

>> No.5961284
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>> No.5961355

i'm not a girl chromosonally but i do have big heavy breasts. they're triangular, like samosas.

>> No.5961382

Can't tell if this is a larp or not. If it was a guy they would be saying how many bigboobscoin they have. Im concerned

>> No.5961390

We have some FUN gals over in FUN:)

>> No.5961561

Are you mixed asian-white?

Asian-whites are hot. But westernized asians are the hottest.

>> No.5961645
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Christ, where the fuck are you all stupid cunts coming from? Can't take all these pajeets and normalfags flooding in anymore.

>> No.5961660


>> No.5961704

Are you Mayli?

>> No.5961821

Fuck me how can you take the bait so hard fuck you you faggot and lurk moar

>> No.5961866

I own 10000 vagcoins, next moon mission guaranteed! Everyone stick a load in the vag!

>> No.5961871

Nope. I'm asian-asian from poor 3rd world country with chink heritage.

Who's that? Surprisingly close to my Chinese name though.

>> No.5961916
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You really have an eye for detail huh anon. I haven't lurked 4chan in quite a few years...moved to lolcow and reddit. This place was the same old shit every day. When I last frequented, /biz/ threads weren't even about crypto. But once you enter 4chan you always come back...or so they say.

>> No.5962077

do you have BigBoobsCoin (BBC) tho?

>> No.5962232

With the triggered roastie crying to the mods yesterday to ban people posting sluts I know they're here. There's too much money to be made right now, it's drawing them in.

Yer a fagit.

>> No.5962324

I'm a chick.
>Antshares at $3.50
>XLM at $0.03
>RPX in at ICO $0.03
>Shift at $1.25
>UBIQ at $2.55
>dainty hands, iron af

>> No.5962329

Girl here as well. Do you also have a penis? If not you should leave now.

>> No.5962413

I have a feeling you're from a Southeast Asian country.

>> No.5962692

wanna cone to singapore? i can show you my gains

>> No.5962901

Heh, "poor 3rd world country" narrows it down pretty fast. Planning to go to China this year for studies though. Gonna get back to mah roots!

It's too hot in Singapore, but the food's really good! I'll probably go back there just for F1... if the championship gets exciting.

>> No.5963046

I really hope you're joking about the last part.

>Westernized asians are the hottest
Leave right now.

>> No.5963239

xrb, xlm, stinky linky, req, ven, icon, fun and trx for that easy $$$

gonna buy me some man slaves with all these gains

>> No.5963339

>gonna buy me some man slaves with all these gains
Hello I'd like to apply for the position

>> No.5963370
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Sausage holders please exit this thread.

>> No.5963415

Oh, Hello, Pajeetette !

>> No.5963431

Sorry, I'll see myself out. Just leaving this present as a suitable thread theme. Have fun ladies.

>> No.5963516
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>tfw you're left holding bags from roasties while they make off with your money

>> No.5963575

I have a feeling we come from the same country, but my country is not really that poor compared to the other ASEAN countries.

Nigger, westernized asians are the hottest. They have the beautiful physical attributes of asians, but with western slut mentality.

>> No.5963605

heehee i actually bought trx because it was the cheapest coin on binance so I could have a MILLION little tronnies heehee

but now i sold my tronnies and i dont know what to buy anymore !! >:(

can you guys help me! ??

>> No.5963640

Malaysia boleh

>> No.5963743 [DELETED] 

If you're smart you sit on ETH/LTC and chill for couple days then dump it all into COSS when you've made some gains. Back into ETH/LTC if COSS dips. Buy XLM dips if you have guts. Ignore everything else.

>> No.5963804

my daddy said eth is a shitcoin for niggers tho anon. are you sure?

>> No.5963863

Lol'd at this

>> No.5963947

I'm a gay male. I got DRGN because it has the cutest logo. Highly recommend 11/10 coin :).

>> No.5963990

fairly certain this is a /b/ rule

>> No.5964231

Fellow grill here. Been in crypto since July. Just don't post about being a girl when I post because obvious reasons.

Dainty hands, iron af - I'm gonna start using that

>> No.5964281

any crypto whiteknights want to pump BUN for me honey? I've been sitting in losses and would love a pump

>> No.5964489
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I'm a grill. I tried to cam for bitcoin back in the day but I ended up getting distracted talking to neets about magic the gathering instead of showing tits.

Now I'm an unironic autist and crypto is literally all I think about.

>> No.5964595

Dont steal the alpha girl's quote you scrag.

>> No.5964615

Do any east coast girls here want chill in bed all day together researching coins?

>> No.5964817
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so the larpers have reached /biz/

>> No.5964854

tits & gtfo