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File: 1.01 MB, 1242x807, 23414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
59560999 No.59560999 [Reply] [Original]

Spanish Doubloon Edition

>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

>Bullion dealers
https://libertycoin.com/ (US)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
https://www.silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
https://www.luciteria.com/ (Other rare metals)
more at:https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

>Numismatic search

>News and graphs

https://findbullionprices.com/ (US)
https://eu.compare.pm/ (EU)
https://www.gold.de/aufgeldtabelle/ (DE/EU)



>Nitric acid, magnets, and ping test

Previous Thread: >>59553495

>> No.59561055
File: 44 KB, 502x502, 666.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

henlo Australian

>> No.59561098
File: 444 KB, 1600x1200, Filters.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to filter the VPN used condom collector.

>> No.59561155
File: 28 KB, 640x516, 1682634017049730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Said the bitch" - Anonymous

>> No.59561178
File: 309 KB, 1337x675, casascius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently worth $96,202,648.

You could have bought one in 2012 for about $4000.

>> No.59561223
File: 6 KB, 409x113, Screenshot 2025-01-07 124012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know how I can filter him? He's annoying and not relevant to me and just disruptive

I found the filter setting, just need a pattern. Hopefully not one I have to update every thread.

Also would like to block all replies to him

>> No.59561249

That's the problem with trolls. Even if you mute them... unless everyone else does too, the conversation will still be dominated by reactions to them.

Garbage. People can't just leave others alone

Killing discourse is evil

>> No.59561266

I did, and I have PMs. But I am better than you, and my life has more value.

>> No.59561286
File: 1.22 MB, 772x818, kos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep on stackin
ignore iqdelet and associated trolls

>> No.59561299

How you filter is by filtering his most annoying words. Your filterlist will gradually increase in time and thus you won't have to filter ID's each new thread.

>> No.59561315
File: 411 KB, 1101x1075, 209384_207411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am

>> No.59561321

start with "bitcoin" no need to bring that shit up in /pmg/

>> No.59561336

You’re the fag that’s been disproved in almost every thread, and your need to invade other boards to shill your shitcoin confirms to everyone that it’s a scam. How’s that £4000 loss today?
Up to 90k and back down to zero by 2026
Standard Ponzi

>> No.59561362
File: 180 KB, 768x1152, 99baa45f-82c2-4d69-a0f2-d5d2c82dccea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its quite ok. I happen to understand the balance of the world and how it works to the extent that these evil people will receive their punishment for their actions.
And as for Iqdelete.. well, hes getting bullied here and laughed at and called a bitch day in and day out and what does he get for it? A couple of cacao beans and plastic wrapsheet. I myself consider existence like that a punishment of the highest degree.

>> No.59561399

big coin convention or something? does indeed sound fun

>> No.59561424

>how to filter once filtering enabled:
1. highlight the ID (color bubble)
2. click triangle at end of post number
3. select filter from drop down
4. check last two boxes or whatever works for you
5. refresh your page

I don't think you can block all replies to him, but just blocking his id and the few ids he jumps to makes a world of difference

>> No.59561537

Reported for off topic.

>> No.59561584
File: 758 KB, 720x1280, 1736188951311824.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they didn't come to /bant/, but you all decided to migrate back...

>> No.59561600
File: 85 KB, 914x960, 1735826269316360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reported for announcing a report (i didn't actually do that).

>> No.59561618 [DELETED] 

This thread is about precious metals. Not about reporting people.
Reported for off topic.

>> No.59561673
File: 1.62 MB, 1170x1292, IMG_9A2D97EE932F-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine getting copper bars for your birthday during a copper shortage.
Am I the luckiest man alive or what?

>> No.59561726
File: 352 KB, 500x410, silverdoge2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59561757
File: 334 KB, 1700x2200, 2025 FUN Floor Plan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biggest on of the year!

>> No.59561826


>> No.59561980

>TFW no friends who will rip wire out of people's homes for me
Feels bad. But I kid! Are those rolls sorted?

>> No.59561994

happy birthday!

that looks awesome! take some pictures maybe? i might have to try to go to this next year.

>> No.59561998
File: 75 KB, 1000x1000, 55037243241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have this little beauty heading to me in the post right now.

>> No.59562060
File: 3.57 MB, 800x3600, Fallout New Vegas Stacker Chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody below 10oz is not even a raider.

>> No.59562097

Somebody actually needs to make a copper chart seeing as Gold and Silver is becoming unafordium, It will be the only option for people getting into the metals market too late.

>> No.59562127

Quit trolling

>> No.59562133

A new copper mine in Arizona USA inches closer to opening. https://www.tucsonsentinel.com/local/report/010225_copper_world_permit/az-grants-air-quality-permit-copper-world-mine-project-enviro-group-calls-it-dangerous-gift/

>> No.59562165

I think these things are maybe a little too nice to stacklets. I tend to believe the hyperbolic scenarios that are at the heart of the economic woes we are facing and people with 20 ounces will do nicely compared to someone without any silver. But I think you will still be a long ways away from retiring. I think investments like silver and GME are things you will want to make the most of.

>> No.59562234
File: 614 KB, 783x942, 1736271309980477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59562245
File: 3.92 MB, 1920x2933, lolol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Copper Twin

>> No.59562475

What is this? I've been gone since mid-2022

>> No.59562637

he was here then, but hadn't got his name yet.

just a spam troll shilling against silver.
I think it was in 2022 when he got the ID
at random. It's been his name ever since.

>> No.59562704

I got rich by not buying silver, you can too!

>> No.59562708
File: 318 KB, 1633x678, IQDELET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He got the nickname because one of his ID's came up with this in conjunction with him spamming his retarded takes.

>> No.59562744

And half the posts in every thread are financial incels seething about him because he's rich and your jealous....lmao you even screenshot his posts

>> No.59562806
File: 22 KB, 365x365, Smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IQlets seething over StackChads

>> No.59562846

The idiots who lost 80% in an obvious silver scam?

>> No.59562863
File: 1.28 MB, 4000x3000, SilverChud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you say silver? I love silver!
An ounce a day keeps the bankers away

>> No.59562879

this stack look so huge the way the pic have been done, but i counted and in reality there is "only" 1000oz in there. Still a gorgeous sight.

>> No.59562895

An ounce a day keeps wealth away. Lmao not nit happy or rich person invests in silver

>> No.59562901

How many ounces do you have here?

>> No.59562903

Lmao 1000 ounces isn't shit. There's 60 billion ounces sitting unwanted in warehouses

>> No.59562964

he posted a picture to brag about how rich he is. the picture was taken on a public beach and had a sign for foot jobs and several used condoms.

>> No.59563042

Ah, okay. I definitely remember those posts
>There's 60 billion ounces sitting unwanted in warehouses
Do you niggers post the same shit in every finance based general?
It's literally stinky paki tier, to just sit around and copy+paste the same lame shit

>> No.59563055
File: 115 KB, 626x626, pepe-frog-wears-kings-crown-smiles_1250486-2157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Entertain me.

>> No.59563287
File: 343 KB, 1200x1200, Gcv-VnxXQAA88eD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to make our move on Salt.

>> No.59563318

Some poor bastard has to dust off all those panels every day because of wind and sand.

>> No.59563320
File: 626 KB, 1578x1080, SALT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59563328

HBD anon, nice pic

>> No.59563358
File: 198 KB, 1024x1024, OIG4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59563475
File: 128 KB, 900x1600, WhatsApp Image 2025-01-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why so many seething shills lately, bros? this used to be a slow comfy general.

>> No.59563601
File: 666 KB, 1080x1568, Screenshot_20250108-002603_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59563665
File: 1.05 MB, 2001x750, 1727217498715823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59563780

>wizard supply

>> No.59563846
File: 427 KB, 1000x1800, silver-supply-2024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just made an updated version, inlcuding recycled silver and compared the world population to G20.
Still holds up, I'd say.

>> No.59563854
File: 20 KB, 610x284, silberadler_5_dm_muenze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just for comparison:
The German 5 DM coin was made from .625 silver between 1951 and 1974, containing exactly 7 grams of silver.
You can still buy them near spot price.

>> No.59563860

Lmao you are so dumb. The supply is 60 billion ounces. That's how much exists sitting in warehouses in bars and sitting in some incels greasy hands. Yall keep losing money based on your faulty understanding of reality it's akshully funny

You are only off by a factor of 60

>> No.59563866

Plus, no one wants silver except some poor retards and they don't have any money, plus if silver doubled annual supply would go up 10 fold they would just mine more....?conclusion you done goofed and got scammed....lmao i told you 10 years ago

>> No.59563878
File: 678 KB, 2186x1160, Screenshot 2025-01-08 at 09-52-01 SILVER SUPPLY & DEMAND The Silver Institute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The supply is 60 billion ounces.
The table clearly states the supply coming from mining and recycling, a.k.a. production.

>sitting in warehouses in bars and sitting in some incels greasy hands
Industrial use of silver is a thing.
Demand slightly exceeds production.

>Lmao you are so dumb.
Thanks for playing.
Filtered :)

>> No.59563905

Yeah it's a purposely misleading chart you made up to pretend silver is rare. And ignores the existing supply of 60 billion ounces.

You are off LYING) by a factor or 60.?.lmao enjoy your losses you earned them

>> No.59563927

the fun part about investing is your moral character and your knowledge often has nothing to do with the outcome.

plenty of scumbags win the lottery
plenty of saints go broke.

>> No.59563954

In this case it did , maybe coincidence....maybe G_d doesnt like liars. This scumbag is lying to convince others to to prop up the silver ponzi scheme. But karma is real?...lmao he lost 80% himself and can't understand why,,,,,bbbbut my charts!

>> No.59563961

you're lying about his losses and your "ponzi scheme."

but don't worry, god isn't real and you'll probably make money despite being a liar.

>> No.59564004

Silver is moving to its endgame, they are trying to buy as much time they can before normies wake up.

>> No.59564059

The end game of silver is it doesn't even keep up with inflation. You lose 10% to 76% when you buy you lose another 10% when you sell. Lmao everyone on pmg lost $ except minty and he exploits low iq incels who pay 386% premiums to be in the loser club and pretend they have friends

>> No.59564068

Theres been alot of happenings lately, and much rumblings about potential happenings. The financial markets seem primed to tank or fly into a raging bull market. Up is down and down is up, clown world staggers on. Fellas, I'm glad I have a sizable stack, helps me sleep at night knowing whether the fiat ponzi crumbles tomorrow or in 3 decades I'm sitting pretty either way. Keep stacking.

>> No.59564070

>it doesn't even keep up with inflation.
$1 in 1964 is worth about $10 now
meaning silver beat inflation by about 300% over that time period.

this is lame and sad, but it does certainly keep up with inflation and even beat it by a little.

>> No.59564085

$1 of silver in 1980 is worth about 12 cents now
meaning silver lost to inflation by about 88% over that time period.

this is lame and sad, but it does certainly doesnt keep up with inflation and even lost to it hugely.


>> No.59564088

And the whole keeping up with inflation thing is stupid when you incels have no savings.......lmao "gotta spend 5000 hours protecting my $300 from inflation!" Get a job or start a business losers and get rich

>> No.59564102
File: 328 KB, 1600x1158, sinking-illustration-Titanic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The collapse isnt a 1 day thing, 1 week thing or 1 month thing. Not even a 1 year thing. Its multiple decades lasting ordeal and it has already started in 2020. Were just in the beginning of it. Silver will begin its slow but steady crab march towards triple digits and it will even get stamped down back to 30 range when it does like they did with oil. But thats only temporary.
2034 99% of people have been priced out of silver but that will be okay because they already will be happy and owning nothing.
Sure there could be some countries that could experience overnight boogaloos.

Lets use titanic as analogy
Think of it as titanic but instead of 1 night the actual sinking takes 60 years.
During those 60 years the show must go on, the orchestra must keep playing, captain must stay in his cabin and we will keep allocating resources to reorganizing the chairs in ballroom even if its useless, just to pretend something is being done. Majority of people will listen to those "chair organizers" and scoff at people that are trying to buy lifeboats.
But if you play your cards right you will be on the lifeboat soon and as you drift further out away from the sinking titanic you can see the entire sinking ship more clearly, and realize as its going under that the people inside STILL havent figured out what is going on.

>> No.59564115
File: 139 KB, 800x567, BRUV bitcoin reserve .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silver is worthless....thank goodness we have bitcoin.....lmao the new pricme minister of the UK announces a bitcoin reserve.....moon fuel

>> No.59564128

Iqdelete is like the poor coal showeler that they dragged out of the bottom decks to fud the lifeboat discussions (they pay him with mess hall tickets)

>> No.59564161
File: 118 KB, 800x603, Smarter than a stacktard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao FUD is all these incel stackers have, read any post they make,,,,,depressed scared losers

Wah wah wah the economy is collapsing
Wah wah wah have to protect my $300
Wah wah the sky is falling

Imagine spending your whole life like chicken little.....losers

Get rich now, start a business etc it's not complicated ...be a winner like me

>> No.59564183

Said the bitch

>> No.59564212

big brain post
very nice
gonna buy some more PMs this week

>> No.59564293

Given the glut of silver why buy? Smart and rich people don't buy silver it's only scared and broke losers why would anyone normal want to be on that team?

>> No.59564320
File: 1.68 MB, 480x400, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Said the bitch

>> No.59564365

There's over 1000oz on the left side of that image.

>> No.59564381

Just yesterday it was 56 billion oz. Where'd the extra 4 billion oz come from?

>> No.59564417
File: 760 KB, 2992x2678, silvb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New shipment in to add to the stack boys, a 5KG Degussa, a 1KG geiger square, 3KG misc bars, a 500g and 3 100g bars.

>> No.59564419

Are stacktards really not aware of the $1.7 trillion mountain of refined silver that exists in warehouses? Lmao they really are dumb like they read 100,000 fud posts muh sky is falling and think hurr durr silver is rare

>> No.59564425

Damn bullionaire! Spare a half a kilo for a mere pirate?

>> No.59564429
File: 801 KB, 2992x2992, re.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put the gold sovereigns and 1oz gold britannias into pouches. And a pouch for the 100g's.
Only my second 5kg bar, but more to come for sure, love the higher size classes of silver.

>> No.59564431

an asteroid

>> No.59564432

This just transfers a few ounces from one pile to another. For every retard that buys another dies and sells.

If you ponzi schemers want to win you need industrial demand....lmao but that's the opposite of muh collapse narrative y'all shill

>> No.59564434
File: 180 KB, 220x300, woo-dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Said the bitch

>> No.59564440

>buys almost 10kg to add to the stack
Duuude, nice.
Those 100g bars look comfy.
Do you pay a huge premium for bars?
I only ever find them to be more expensive than coins.

>> No.59564441
File: 6 KB, 250x211, 1734555782622020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didnt know that for some people "fractional silver" meant 100g bars. So this is what it means to be a mayor...

>> No.59564446
File: 559 KB, 2992x2992, 20250108_131351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who gives a shit you fucking retard? Just stack the god damn silver.


>> No.59564453

Fuck off and die already, fucking worthless jew rat

>> No.59564455
File: 1.06 MB, 1080x2109, Screenshot_20250108-074607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well played sir.

>> No.59564460

A fudding jew.

>> No.59564473

Cool way to not answer the question.

>> No.59564480
File: 121 KB, 800x800, iiSilberbarren_15kg__3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try to keep my premiums below 15% when possible, for the Degussa I only paid 11% premium, for the 1kg's I paid 12% and for the Geiger I unfortunately paid quite a way over spot. however my stack as a whole is currently in profit because of 2022, so I'd like to keep it that way.

Pic related is the 2025 goal.

>> No.59564493

I don't know how everybody missed that.

>> No.59564521

I'm filtering his ID to minimize the cancer risk.
Makes /pmg/ way more comfy again.

>> No.59564524

>maybe G_d doesnt like liars
Adorable coming from the people who invented the Kosher Lightswitch

>> No.59564529

But why? Lmao why do you retards love losing money? This is biz not r/consume, not r/beaniebaby why not get rich?

>> No.59564536

I wish all you shills would and stop talking about me nonstop the rest of us could have a nice discussion about the economics of precious metals

>> No.59564608
File: 4 KB, 225x225, 1680281659879650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59564619

When you get in a court room that judge is not going to care about your personal problems.
That judge is going to follow the law, if the law says you will pay your debts in gold and silver thats what you will do. Or go to prison. You are one presidents signiture away from that. Yet you talk about street prices. Law is economics. Can't talk about money without talking about laws that define money.

>> No.59564622
File: 86 KB, 1354x500, 3241242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also look at what you did to the spot price with that order.

>> No.59564625

>assuming everyone is as retarded as americans

>> No.59564645 [DELETED] 


>> No.59564644

That's why the dollar is king. People from around the world sign contracts in US$ creating insatiable demand. Y'all need the $ to crash, the economy to crash, zombies on the streets....lmao you have to pray for misery not realizing you would be even more miserable than you are now....

Me I'm thinking happy vibes....manifesting wealth

>> No.59564650
File: 91 KB, 1280x928, theSmartestAmerican.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59564674
File: 2.28 MB, 1920x1080, [Coalgirls]_Yuru_Yuri_05_(1920x1080_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[33D2F429].mkv_002205.200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros i just went to my pm shop and spent like half hour picking the coins i wanted and i went to pay and they said they wont take credit cards debit only

>> No.59564679
File: 1.24 MB, 294x392, 1733692344077479.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats with all these retarded fucking questions? If you're not here to stack silver (like someone who actually has a cock) then why tf are you posting in this thread? Dickless little dillweed

>> No.59564689

The US dollar is not the federal reserve NOTE. One is a note the other is weight of silver and gold. For 60 years the world has been sitting on a time bomb and you think your ignorance is protection. I don't really care if you don't understand history, law or money. Im just talking about law. The street price of your toys will not save you from law. When the time to adjust the price US notes comes, all prices will adjust. As they always have and always will.

>> No.59564691
File: 1.18 MB, 1106x1364, Screenshot 2025-01-05 at 2.36.17 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't you get premium free metal from the bank?
Why are you not using the unlimited paper they print to buy PMs?
Are you retarded?

>> No.59564726
File: 2.07 MB, 1076x1418, Screenshot_20240630-220400_Brave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think I scared off the crypto nerds will sethe fren
Sorry :Y

>> No.59564774

In two weeks the US is going on the Bitcoin standard....lmao your time is past gramps no one wants silver anymore we crave real paper $ backed by sats

>> No.59564779
File: 186 KB, 1582x491, Acorns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bankers did the ol' switcheroo.
The entire crux of "class warfare" is that the wealthy elite find it EXTREMELY advantageous to be able to lend money at interest. They do not make that wealth for free as it comes to a great cost to everyone else. By usurping money and making it far more scarce they can actually begin to replace money with credit ONLY.
Back in the 1870s they removed the bimetallic system. You used to be able to walk up to the Mint and hand them silver and the Treasury would give you coinage (and keep seignorage). This allowed anyone easy access to gold and was very restrictive to the banks who want to extend large amounts of credit (This is harder to do on a gold standard due to bank runs. This is also harder to do when anyone can buy into the money system using silver).
As the credit system becomes saturated with debt, it will soon be time to absconding on the credit assets and latching on to real value because the "credit" values are far in excess of real-world wealth. A $22TN GDP can not make whole a $46TN credit market. And if you try it will result in crippling deflation as good capital gets absorbed and consumed by the owning class. Dollar dilution is all but guaranteed to grease the skids and a revaluation of real-world value is needed to minimize the debts. Most people will get poorer, not richer. Stackers will be the beneficiaries as historical precedent as already shown us. We will get wealthier at a time when everyone else literally gets impoverished. Icing on the cake for the "I told you so" moment.

>> No.59564799
File: 122 KB, 600x842, 16xfc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found some good deals if youre in uk krugs at spot and 1oz bars at 1% over


also a sov for 499 idk if this site is legit though but i risked it kek https://www.cpmcoins.com/queen-victoria-young-head-sovereign

>> No.59564810

Can't happen under law.
One day the world woke up and the federal reserve note was not redemable in gold or silver. One day the world will wake up again and there will be a new note issued by the federal reserve in gold and silver how much gold and silver is the question. Or their will be no federal reserve notes issued at all.

>> No.59564847

Gold and silver are not investments they are to protect you in a small way from the whims of political convenance.
This happens again and again threw out history, yet every single time there are those who screem ignorance of the past saying nothing ever happens. Or thinking those in power will not change the game. For reasons.

>> No.59564880
File: 61 KB, 736x552, CreditMoney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Precious metals are wealth. The credit systems that get created may have lifecycles that last longer than a human lifespan but that does not mean that they are not easily understood and avoided. The current system exists solely on the back of ever-extending credit. And as it stands the current system is choking to death on currency that exists far in excess of real-world wealth.
The revaluation in 1933 had a definite cause and it was to offset 4 years of crippling deflation by forcefully injecting inflation in to the economy by revaluing gold lower so people's money simply bought less.
Pretty simple stuff and those same conditions are here again. The banks make monetary adjustments that impoverish you. They profit on the credit expansion and force you to eat the losses when they need to avoid the bankruptcies.
You avoid the pain (and profit) by owning capital outside of banking system.

>> No.59564897

They knew that people would have been smarter this time around. Thats why they created the greatest magic trick illusion misdirection ponzi scheme. Im sure you know what im talking about.

>> No.59564901
File: 1.39 MB, 2001x1125, IMG_6284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://mises.org/power-market/new-jersey-eliminates-sales-taxes-gold-and-silver#:~:text=Sound%20money%20advocates%20are%20today,%241%2C000%20effective%20January%201%2C%202025. yeah the reptilian lying press kept this nice and quiet, elderly campaign donors want to cash out before rafi farber's 2 1/2 month away regional banking crisis or something and are too lazy to cross state borders looks like

>> No.59564940

$ are wealth, everyone wants $ no one wants rocks. No one. If you have shiny rocks and want to buy things you have to find someone with $ and convince them to sell those valuable $ for worthless rocks. Good luck with that. Gresham law explains that quite well but if you are financially illiterate enough to own rocks then you wont understand Greshams law either

>> No.59564951

Never part with your silver shoes at this dance, no matter how ugly everyone tells you they are. Or how wonderful dancing barefoot feels.

>> No.59564953

>Gold and silver are not investments they are to protect you in a small way fro

If you believed this you would get a job or start a business so you could buy more....instead you shill garbage rocks because you know it's a ponzi scheme. You need more retards to buy

>> No.59564955
File: 65 KB, 720x1063, 99badb26237cc3c17e9a6b82c5afb040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am buying so much goblin pussy with my silver stack and none of you can stop me.

>> No.59564965

Gold was $35 per ounce back in the 1960s, so as a store of wealth it performs quite well. Dollars lost 99% of their value through that same duration did they not?

>> No.59564976

Criminals don't want law either, until their on the wrong side of a gun.

>> No.59564981


>> No.59564994

Never said that you can't have investments or seek profit while the crazies dance. But not owning any gold or silver is madness. Who will you liquidate your assets to. Who is willing to sell you their get of of jail cards, when governments demand gold and silver for the payment of debt as stated under law.

>> No.59565003

I was promised catgirls but these will make an adequate substitute.

>> No.59565009

I can't fathom why anyone with less than $200,000 would own gold or silver. Like what is the point?

Like maybe if you live in Haiti, but even when just keep $ that's the universal currency

>> No.59565018

But yeah, if you have $50,000 or $100,000 buy some land ir stocks ir start a business. Metal is just a good boat anchor nothing else

>> No.59565019

I think this is a cool visual but it's not a great way of proving the value of a thing. I'm sure if I took some random product like Granny Smith Apples and divided the annual production by the world population, you'd find that everybody would receive a nominal portion and it would make the product seem exceedingly valuable.

>> No.59565068
File: 159 KB, 736x1040, 4376734faa0b1d2bb95cc536379b2fe5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Green for silver.
Silver for green.
It's the circle of life, Anon.

>> No.59565070

Gents, I finally got a decent job and am going to begin buying gold and silver. I figure 1 oz of gold every 4 months, and 5 oz of silver every month. Does this sound good?

One last thing; has anyone used JMBullion? Any problems with them? That's who I was thinking about going with.

>> No.59565074
File: 32 KB, 540x763, Gdl7iY-WUAAE_Zx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this shirt!

>> No.59565110

You should purchase PM at the rate you are most comfortable with.
My advice would be DCA (dollar cost average). Decide every month you're going to put away the same amount of money for PM. This gives you the following advantage:
>You do not exceed your budget.
>You take advantage of price drops when the price is low.
>You aren't overextended when prices are high.

>> No.59565138

Most people for some reason enjoy their ignorance. Gold has always been used to buy silver. Silver was demonitized so that gold could buy more of it. Then the governments and investors decided to cashout into gold as silver was demonitized so gold was the more valuable capital.
Notes were issued as their wasn't enough gold for the governments and investers to cashout into.
Then gold was demonitized leaving only notes. The US government told the world do not worry a note is still the same thing as gold. You just can't have gold or silver. But notes are the same thing as gold and silver. Notes are lighter and easier so just use notes instead. So the world did and here we are today. Using notes as if they are gold and silver.
Under accounting notes are placeholders for gold and silver dollars. Are they. Or is it a crime of theft.

>> No.59565172

Thanks for the advice anon. I guess that makes more sense in the long run. One last thing, could you answer my second question about JMBullion? Are they reputable? Or should I go with the one in the OP to buy metals?

>> No.59565204

This group is going to give you a lot of contrarian answers about dealers. I think JM is fine and I bought from them before. I usually go with APMEX.
>but muh fees
>muh taxes
>muh based local dealers
I get some people have an obsession with getting the lowest possible price but I prefer the peace of mind knowing I'm not buying some counterfeit Chinese steel coin. I'm also not collecting for numismatic reasons so I don't care if my Britannia has a scratch on the Queen's cheek.

>> No.59565216

Mental illness

Congrats on your losses lmao so dumb not to invest at your age gramps

>> No.59565225

Lmao you will learn the hard way

>> No.59565251
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>> No.59565259

Not an old man, i just recently finished college last year and finally bagged a decent job. I'm also in crypto and stocks, but I am hedging my bets with silver and gold. I hope you make it too anon, no need to be so grumpy. Have a morning cup of joe, enjoy the cold weather.

>> No.59565278
File: 964 KB, 1200x630, Cheapies - Roy Batty Monologue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good shit, showoff.

>> No.59565398

Pricing, reliability, and variety are the three big factors in choosing dealers. JM has good variety and 'meh' pricing. BoldPreciousMetals has slightly better variety and pricing. Apmex has high prices and the best variety. All are reliable, as are many others. I keep a dozen vendors on my list, as each has some nuance that makes then worthy. I will check through all of the relevant ones once I know what I'm looking for.

>> No.59565424

I'm already rich and don't have to wage, "precious" metals are for broke losers who gave up on life and the already wealthy.

>> No.59565434
File: 3.72 MB, 3024x4032, Glod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I had this many gold coins I don't think I would really care so much about the banking crisis and credit crunch

>> No.59565741
File: 227 KB, 1000x1000, 240x240-Silver-Hoard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Setting monthly goals isnt wise imo. As other anon said dollar cost average and heres some guiding to do that.

1. Always try to find the best deal possible
2. Better the deal you find the more you buy
3. Remember to add the possible premium rises for whatever you buy to sweeten the deals.
4. Best deals are usually always numismatics/art/commemorative pieces/coins/junk silver near or below spot.

For example, if you find like a kilo of 40% junk silver for 300 dollars, u do the math, figure out theres 12.9 ounces of 999 there and badabim u just saved 30% on your silver purchase. And this is exaggerated ofc but similar deals to one i described pop out there all the time if you know where to look and have a modicum of patience.

If you dont tho then just focus on Dollar cost averaging, save your money to buy during dips (the amount depending completely on u) and keep your high premium piece purchase to the minimum.

>> No.59565764

>I finally got a decent job and am going to begin buying gold and silver. I figure 1 oz of gold every 4 months, and 5 oz of silver every month. Does this sound good?
sounds good make sure you do it if youre bad with money ive been working high pay for 5 years and have 0 savings because im extremely impulsive

>> No.59565773
File: 1.82 MB, 1284x2098, BURGER BUX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people still have no idea and the people that do have an idea are going to be labeled as terrorists.
I expect the dickheads that hate me acting as stasi informants. Everybody already knows that I stack PM's. What I wonder about is how the desperate and drowning dipshits that didn't buy a life boat trying to drag down those that did. Gold was banned under FDR. When 99% of people are priced out of silver that means silver will basically be illegal. If enough people want to act that way then society has already collapsed and we're basically living in IRL Fallout with factions killing each other all day long.
>Majority of people will listen to those "chair organizers" and scoff at people that are trying to buy lifeboats.
It will turn into envy after standing in the breadlines. Paying your bills will probably be done only with a CBDC in the future. Can silver survive an openly hostile economic system towards it? Will its mere existence only be bartered between people lowkey away from those that hate it? Once you're known as somebody that stacks silver it's never going away. Is silver confiscation basically the same as gun confiscation? It's just time to start shooting until people leave your silver alone? I'm starting to think about this a lot.

>> No.59565873

>silver confiscation basically the same as gun confiscation?
It doesn't work in the US. Works in other countries but even in states w/ strict gun control, real Americans ignore it.

>> No.59565969

Were still ways before we need to start worrying about threat of violence/raiders. All I can say that if/when it comes to boogaloos and such, where you live and who your surrounded with is all that matters. To quote quran and no im not muslim just a cool quote: "There are seven whom Allah will shade with His shade on the day when there will be no shade"
Meaning when the literal bogaloo begin there are those who are gonna bear the brunt of it in the worst way and those that will just sleep comfily through it in their shady spot.
Then theres of course all the people in between.

>> No.59566090
File: 7 KB, 275x183, Youre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can imagine it already
>I lost my silver in a boating accident
>who your surrounded
Otherwise good post. I guess it's just a matter of not letting yourself get robbed. CBDC's are coming and with it the demonization of other forms of wealth. The government won't want to get paid with silver I know that.

>> No.59566171

So a funny thing about life is that boogaloos don't impact most people. I've talked about this before and I speak with some experience: when governments implode and currencies become worthless, society doesn't collapse because society isn't the government. Institutions are tools that grow out of society, not the other way around. I recall a story about the Seige of Sarajevo and there was a major beer distributor who kept their brewery running as artillery shells were raining on the city. Schools in London continued to operate during the Blitz, with teachers practicing time tables with kids in bunkers as bombs landed on the streets above them. If you go to Hiroshima today, it's a functional, clean city. Probably better than Detroit and Baltimore.

In other words, if you are stacking metal as a way of preparing for some kind of Mad Max scenario, you're preparing for something that won't happen. You should be stacking, but for entirely different reasons.

>> No.59566212

Wise post right here.

>> No.59566264


Lmao, mental illness, the government literally sells you garbage rocks because they want you to have them

Silver is slavery

>> No.59566266

What is a good safe? Not gun safe size but just enough to have a decent amount of PM stacked in it.

>> No.59566275

Lmao, stacktards are always telling on they selves that they are bad with money. Lmao I will model my behavior after Richie's not brokies

>> No.59566288

>they selves
relax, d'brickashaw

>> No.59566329
File: 226 KB, 1707x2048, 1722025178366018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The banks may be insolvent and the government broke but my stack will ALWAYS be valuable. Bankers have one trick up their sleeve and they HATE seeing the plebs walk away from the paper-ponzi.

>> No.59566356
File: 254 KB, 736x939, e970c8a4b7b91ac68453e89ce860b66a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a funny thought: suppose a nuclear war started today and bombs fell on every major American city. What would the USA look like 10 years later?

Well, just by sheer demographics of where people live, about 80% of the survivors would be white Christians who vote almost exclusively GOP. The homeless and illegal immigrant population would be statistically zero. The number of counties directly impacted by the bombs would number in the dozens, while hundreds of millions of acres of land would be largely unaffected.

So if you want an image of post-apocalyptic America, it probably looks less like Fallout and more like a Normal Rockwell painting.

>> No.59566431
File: 148 KB, 1513x959, Gold Silver 2024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This still blows my mind.

367 oz does not sound like a lot and is pretty much achievable by any dedicated stacker

>> No.59566442
File: 209 KB, 1024x1024, 1697649975029507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I just learned about "bullion baddies"

>> No.59566507

Waste of $

An etf , obviously

>> No.59566511
File: 97 KB, 636x900, 1735584227452136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah :)

>> No.59566516

Banks love broketards so do pawnshops. Lmao you will sell your rock collection at an 80% loss and the cycle continues

>> No.59566536
File: 152 KB, 828x538, 8c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wishful thinking, but I like the idea.

>> No.59566593

i really hate mahedavi so much right now

>> No.59566604
File: 1.13 MB, 864x872, 1698434839973392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone here is just super early compared to general public, which has 0 ounces on average. Once the crack up boom begins and all the desperate normies try to slurp en mass then these numbers will start to make more sense.

We're all Bullionaires in waiting, sucking dick for mercury dimes or collecting used up condoms on the beach will be for the plebs who didn't wake up in time

>> No.59566610


>> No.59566624

Lmao, people would rather have a chocolate bar than a silver bar, probably because you can eat a chocolate bar. Silver us worthless unless you convince a retard to buy it

>> No.59566637

I'm not selling though? I want to collect as much as I can. I think the price will go up and the value of stocks will lose in real terms.
People will look at $18-30 silver like we would look at $15 for a barrel of oil. When that door closes forever we will have to be content with our decisions. I choose to move in to the future with SIX MILLION ounces of silver.

>> No.59566647
File: 92 KB, 800x964, The Kang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao, stacktards claim the $ is crashing and worthless....meanwhile it's been going up 20 years straight. Stacktards are wrong about everything, that's why they are depressed brokies

>> No.59566657
File: 76 KB, 637x488, Banks too.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59566661
File: 719 KB, 2555x1884, 1700885926398849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dollar index tracks the dollar relative to other currencies. You may wish to look at inflation rates for a better idea of what the value of a dollar is really doing.
It's almost like the shills are not even trying lol

>> No.59566668
File: 915 KB, 1200x1530, VCE-Purchasing-Power-of-the-US-Dollar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59566679

IQ has always been a low effort shill

>> No.59566713

desu im surprised how stable it's been for the last 3-4 decades, i thought there was more inflation

>> No.59566733
File: 124 KB, 1400x933, 00_cover_image_i8pwms-2132394647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The price of precious metals will skyrocket when people are able to 3d print stuff with it at home. Melting coins and bars into an extruder material and either making statues or fabricating their own electronics from home. I think that day will be neat. Everybody will be rushing to buy gold and silver because "it's so cheap and easy to make stuff" and the prices of gold and silver will go to the moon.

>> No.59566756
File: 293 KB, 1087x1200, GgZGqUyXEAArjWn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave up buying domestic PMs.
I shred scrap metal for LTC.
I buy PMs when I travel to foreign places like a true colonizer.

>> No.59566772

what happens when you bring it home? I'm sure it doesn't get past a metal detector.

>> No.59566810

How did they manage to get the horse black?
Is it painted?

>> No.59566847
File: 234 KB, 1200x900, Popo_Iztac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets play a game. I just scooped a 2020 Libertad 5oz proof, how much do you think I paid?

>> No.59566875

Who cares, lmao if you thought inflation was a problem you would have gotten a 2% 30 year mortgage. But you didn't. Instead you bought garbage rocks and lost money. Dumb

>> No.59566889
File: 93 KB, 844x924, Fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minty is the only one on pmg who profited from silver

>> No.59566891

The dollar has lost 67% of its purchasing power in the last 40 years alone fren.

>> No.59566899
File: 794 KB, 1920x2320, 1704089894366762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've never gotten on a plane with a coin in your pocket?
You haven't gone international?
You are missing out on some good third world exploitation.
You're probably young.
So cute.

>> No.59566902
File: 3.03 MB, 211x374, IMG_5785.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its over!
Now, it’s time for the (((monkey))) to dance

>> No.59566912
File: 62 KB, 720x880, CatScratch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was 4 years of crippling deflation from the Great Depression until the sudden revaluation of gold. No one should be leveraged heading into economic misery. There will not be a free lunch ESPECIALLY in the real estate market. It being a credit investment will be prone to massive sell pressure.
Any other questions for your financial and academic superior?

>> No.59566921
File: 574 KB, 1536x2048, GdALm48XkAANw14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know they have a food court in the airport?
If you ask nicely they'll give you 4 whole quarters for a dollar.
I do it all the time.

>> No.59566933

The average stacktard lost 80% in 4 years so the $ is truly the Kang

Also frog round purchasers lost 80% immediately. Lmao they pay $138 for one ounce of silver. Dumb!

>> No.59566942

Lmao, this tard thinks there will be deflation when the US owes 17 trillion in debt.

>> No.59566950

If you want to get right down to it, the US dollar has suffered 3000% inflation, or a total loss of 97% of its value since the inception of the fed.

>> No.59566963

reserve currency status is the reason it hasn't collapsed and instead is doing a gradual downward slope

>> No.59566966

Since you're so eager to tell us about it, it must've been a great deal. $170?

>> No.59566969
File: 277 KB, 1080x561, Screenshot_20250108_160620_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, don't forget that this shithead shilling the anti-silver fud is a worthless kike who will get gassed and his children bayoneted in the guts and hung as ornaments.

>> No.59566991
File: 1.68 MB, 815x458, Yiddish aeroplane .webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, Yiddish aeroplane

>> No.59566997
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>> No.59567003
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If only the resident trannie jannie would do zir job, this thread would simply be a discussion about pms
>instead of babbling pablum responses ad nauseam
I can dream…

>> No.59567011
File: 1.77 MB, 1050x916, 3coins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gold + silver = best
simple as. simple as. simple as.

>> No.59567047
File: 83 KB, 608x679, Wrong!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best at losing?

>> No.59567230

Ignore the filthy kike rat. Give it no (You)s.

>> No.59567281
File: 324 KB, 852x682, Currency Devalued Since Coming off Gold Standard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or a total loss of 97% of its value since the inception of the fed
It was 98% by 2020 so it its easily 99%+ by now.

They work for globo homo inc so are basically drugged up cultists, everything they do is low tier because their mentality is so warped and unhinged that that is the only babble they can come out with, they have nothing else except low tier childish dumb cultist trolling, what amazes me is that idiots on here still fall for it and reply to them, Im starting to think that its them replying to themselves as they need "conflict" to further their agenda, thats all they have, nothing else.

>> No.59567310
File: 1.95 MB, 4032x3024, Swiss coins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, sometimes it's fun to bully them.
But yeah I should stop.

>> No.59567320


>> No.59567335
File: 1.65 MB, 1168x766, 20toz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59567339
File: 384 KB, 959x587, 1726511607341514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah!

>> No.59567359
File: 920 KB, 1080x2340, Hp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where my Harry Potter chads at?

>> No.59567368

i say bully away

>> No.59567372

those are actual coins too, and not just medals, right?

>> No.59567390 [DELETED] 
File: 973 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20250108_175044_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. They have gold Galleons and some copper Knuts. Gonna stack 20 silver rounds, 1 of the gold, and like three copper just for the novelty. I don't really care about copper usually.

>> No.59567399
File: 2.65 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_6305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brotherman delete this it has your picture

>> No.59567418

Takes so long to delete shit. What a dunce move.

Anyway, the coins are pretty decent quality for a licensing deal.

>> No.59567421

These financial incels use inflation 75 years ago to justify wasting their lives waging for silver.....

As Scott adams says "thinking past the sale"

The more you know

>> No.59567434

Lmao, stacktards are not too bright....lmao no wonder none of them ever make a profit. 3 years they will sell for an 80% loss and fall for a new scam

>> No.59567443

Jews mad

>> No.59567446
File: 385 KB, 1096x1461, 20210518_201147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will not be CBDC even if the US government tries to push it because the rest of world will not accept it after the dollar eats shit.

And there will not be a PM confiscation because as soon as it begins cops start dying and nope the fuck out. And there are not enough Federal agents to start digging up people's yards. Not worth it when virtually every other asset is easier to confiscate.

Everyone needs functioning money - including the "authorities". It will be no harder to trade in silver and gold than it has been to buy a bag of pot during the War on Drugs.

>> No.59567461

There has never been a government in all history that didn't want to get paid in silver. Governments are made up of people. People need functioning money. Even if it is pushed into the black market people will want it. You think it will be easier to bribe a guard with CBDC than a silver or gold coin? If you do, you don't know much about people.

>> No.59567469
File: 64 KB, 423x446, 1735569561769736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expect the gas lighting to relentless.
AU4EVR AG4LYF3 license plates.
Bald men have gold in their head
Bald men scream about copper and silver in your ear
Teams meetings about bullshit that nobody cares about
>>Switch up and start talking about the emeralds.
Did you finish that spreadsheet Anon? It was due today. Did you set up a new meeting with the super VIP client?

>> No.59567487

You are right except that you forget one thing - one of the very first things people do when their economy collapses is find a new form of money. Even prisoners in camps develop a system of money. Gold and silver will almost certainly be accepted as money in an economic breakdown. Barter is terribly inefficient.

>> No.59567493
File: 584 KB, 759x2659, Rhymes With Delete.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>643 words and phrases that rhyme with delete
Time to have some fun lads.

>> No.59567495
File: 50 KB, 968x655, GeAQRn1X0AAdmET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There has never been a government in all your life that does want to get paid in silver.

Lmao so true

>> No.59567504

>in an imaginary economic breakdown

Lmao, Peter schiff told them the world is collapsing so they believe it and pay him a 30% premium

>> No.59567524
File: 20 KB, 240x240, avatars-000247407423-syqh98-t240x240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 10 years were going to see people boasting with their 50oz stacks like they just managed to save for a down payment on a house.

>> No.59567560
File: 1.20 MB, 1300x4200, Gold Silver Stack Guide Tier List.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna be interesting to see this tier list become reality.

>> No.59567571

The most likely form of money that would develop in an economic breakdown wouldn't be gold and silver, but something that is nearly worthless. In Poland post WW2 the primary form of currency was cigarettes. Most people resorted to using crummy cigarettes because the good ones you would actually smoke. So my guess is it will be something like that.

You won't be bartering with gold and silver because people will never trade away gold or silver when there's a shittier option (like cigarettes) available.

>> No.59567611
File: 1.70 MB, 827x2553, 1721415823656307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coinvivor tier. I may never make salamander tier, but I'm man...

>> No.59567613
File: 508 KB, 1996x1496, Home Brewery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will trade their gold and silver, but it will be for big purchases like a house or a car. Gold and silver will be used along side other adopted currencies like tobacco, such as alcohol. It would be advantageous to start brewing your own beer for sale in times like these.

>> No.59567618

*trying man

>> No.59567619

I'm currently Roman Tier and want to at least get close to Coinvivor Tier before the year is out.

>> No.59567632

Shit is going to become unobtanium well before that.

If you don't have Silver now then you will likely never have any.

>> No.59567635
File: 851 KB, 1080x2020, Screenshot_20250108-195459_Brave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good goal. Feasible if the price doesn't go nuts too soon. Nice!

>> No.59567680
File: 1.82 MB, 3520x1980, IMG_0247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honey is a solid survival commodity.
Vienna Sausages
Omega 3
Minimum for any respectable bank.

>> No.59567687
File: 50 KB, 555x342, True.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New tiers just dropped, stacktards not even on the list lmao eternally generationally broke

>> No.59567697
File: 54 KB, 960x930, 1735078598653281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classy 1911 grips.

>> No.59567796
File: 79 KB, 1140x283, 1736383194822768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59567811
File: 1.20 MB, 1920x2932, STACKER TIER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you !!
Can you believe the gun shop AND the pawn shop tried low balled me on the value because I dared to install better quality grips and screws?
I decided not to ever sell it.

>> No.59567863
File: 3.96 MB, 2268x4032, Goldbacks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always good to be able to protect yourself.

>> No.59567905

There's nothing like the freedom of not owning silver.....or at least not owning physical silver....what a hassle buying, storing, securing.....for what.

Just buy stocks or at a minimum an etf.....physical silver is for depressed losers...muh shiny.....muh hold it in my low iq paws.....no thanks!

>> No.59567908

The i pay a 432% premium tier of stacktard

>> No.59568222
File: 1.76 MB, 1170x1548, IMG_E292DE531C99-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>The 0% premium stacktard is heavy bro.

>> No.59568326
File: 442 KB, 800x800, 2021-niue-5--honey-bee-2oz-antique-silver--mint-xxi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honey based central currency when?

>> No.59568338

>posting unblurred fingerprints
Anon pls.

>> No.59568356

Leveraged assets will 100% deflate when the banks stop lending. That's deflation, friend. The money printing will fill in the gaps. Two separate inputs balanced on the razor's edge.
Again, the shills are being very disingenuous as you can see here.The point is they want to confound the subject matter when it is most easily understood through the lens: Credit vs Capital.

>> No.59568367

Ree there will be inflation and deflation at the same time claims the stacktard

>> No.59568407
File: 3.25 MB, 1613x1210, basedsahi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone in the US bought from MA Shops? I've got a hundred 2RM hopefully coming soon; a shipping label creation notice was emailed on Thursday but nothing since, hopefully will ship soon.

This should increase my 2RM collection to 330. My goal is 500 this year then I'll work on the 5RM; I only have 70 of those, 20 of which are potsdam church and only 10 have the date. If I can accumulate 1000 2RM and 200 5 RM I'll be a happy stacker.

Love me Reichsmarks. Also love Asahi silver. Simple as.

>> No.59568422

i have a package coming in, took a couple of days to process (end of year) and then a couple of days to get to NYC, should be in my hands Saturday or Monday. Most people get their stuff in 7-9 days. Just depends on where you are and how it ships.

>> No.59568432

Thanks! Any hint at what you've got coming or do you not want to ruin the surprise for us?

>> No.59568479
File: 1.87 MB, 1311x649, everythingforthegloryofthefatherland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59568505
File: 1.57 MB, 1920x1080, yus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn, noice

>> No.59568559
File: 344 KB, 1072x1478, Screenshot_20250108-232300_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the days when I could buy full ounces for this type of cash. Adding some oldies to the stack before it becomes completely ridiculous to do so.

>> No.59568566 [DELETED] 

that was actually pretty quick. is it already past the isc import stop?

>> No.59568592

that was quick. did it go through the isc import stop already?

>> No.59568611

says "processed through" jan 7 1025pm

>> No.59568740

>GoldBugs vs. CryptoCultists, circa 2028 during the NeoAmerican Civil War:


>> No.59568751
File: 122 KB, 468x342, 1727051044127752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw was about to buy platinum 2 weeks ago

>> No.59568774

what a fucking nothingburger. Fuck you for wasting me 15sec checking the chart.

>> No.59568824

was this graded?

>> No.59568903

>I need more money to buy more Gold and Silver
>I need a job to get more money
>I need a new car to get a job
>I lost my debit card so I can't properly access my bank account to buy a car until I have a new one
I hope PMs (especially Gold) don't go up too much before I can buy more of them.

>> No.59568955
File: 160 KB, 1600x900, WhatsApp Image 2025-01-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59568967

People are the currency of kings.

>> No.59569065
File: 340 KB, 1555x2174, GY35lBmbMAANyER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i managed to grab 500g for 489 yesterday from bleyer theyre selling for about 500 on clearance and theres a 10 off coupon VOBES10 gbp btw my keeb has no pound sign kek


>> No.59569191

Lmao, is it funny or sad that stacktards are poor? Why not both? It sure is funny that poors think they are brilliant investors while being the worst I sure wouldn't do what they do since they all lose $

>> No.59569198

>I lost my debit card so I can't properly access my bank account to buy a car until I have a new one
just buy the car with gold

>> No.59569302
File: 160 KB, 800x1007, Shithead...wrong since $1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao, people would rather have a chocolate bar than a gold bar.....Peter schiff really fried your brain

>> No.59569326

not having pms and crypto is retarded

>> No.59569456

Why are you even giving that filthy kike (You)s? Ignore it.

>> No.59569458
File: 31 KB, 630x244, iqd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rip iqdelet

>> No.59569494

What's the point of having pms? No one on pmg has made a profit on them in 10 years because of inflation, taxes, fees and the fact they were paying $45 to $130;for one ounce silver rounds

>> No.59569504
File: 15 KB, 914x248, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silver bros its not looking good

>> No.59569511

10 years of pmg.....where are the success stories? Lmao total stacktard failure

>> No.59569560
File: 945 KB, 2468x3072, IMG_20250109_124740522~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my bleyer order came

>> No.59569574

I'm not sure if I should only stack gold or if I should stack other precious metals as well.

>> No.59569577

Pmg not only lost money but they lost intelligence and gained mental illness from reading these dumb threads

>> No.59569581

if you have tax on other metals see >>59569504 just get gold i only like getting silver because its bigger and looks nice but it costs a lot here

>> No.59569583

Said the bitch

>> No.59569586

silver clay exists

>> No.59569639

Silver stacking is heavily promoted by the government because it occupies the mind space of young males, a potentially dangerous group, letting them think they are fighting the system, but keeping them broke and neutered while life passes them by.

>> No.59570018
File: 39 KB, 480x480, giphy (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Said the bitch

>> No.59570119
File: 1.58 MB, 514x250, My sweet Trannie Jannie.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forgetti the most useless jannie in the interwebs is in charge of pms threads…

>> No.59570248

Based, keep up the bitch posting anon

>> No.59570269
File: 69 KB, 622x538, Screenshot 2025-01-09 at 9.51.42 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hopefully it doesn't get sent to the jamaica distribution center next

>> No.59570301
File: 169 KB, 1280x720, 1735516595455395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dude couldn't last a year in automotive.
Just reading this I can just tell.
>Never seen emeralds or carts full of spools of all the PMs.
>Poor, despot, desperate people don't get invited to Gold parties, or trade challenge coins,
>They also don't have close wealthy friends or family members clever enough to acquire bars of platinum and gold.
>>They come on here to seethe about their envy.
You can buy crypto any day of the week at any time anywhere.
You can't buy PM's on weekends or Mondays, or holidays.
PM's take careful and meticulous planning and you need more than one person.
If you get fucking wrecked that's on you.
Don't blame anyone else but yourself.

>> No.59570313
File: 651 KB, 1066x1464, Screenshot_20250107-062117 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting..... leaders of the free world buy food with Bitcoin.....can't do that with silver.....no use case with silver outside your schizoid fantasies

>> No.59570326

Ya i'd rather not wait more then half an hour for a single transaction to go through, not to mention the fee's taking 80% of my holding

>> No.59570339

Said the bitch

>> No.59570345
File: 80 KB, 735x937, 86f283fc2617ccc545cbc06a6c576d24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah I have a mercury dime here.
>Can I get a latte with breast milk I mean orc milk I mean green milk I mean titcow I mean milk train I mean

>> No.59570380
File: 484 KB, 1080x1104, Screenshot_20250108-080035 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin is not for everyone fren. No offense stick to rocks they are more your style best you stay in your lane. Leave the modern tech to boomers who created it

>> No.59570400
File: 1.65 MB, 2500x2653, 1736222383539370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because everyone on earth wants their entire life's work and effort boiled down to a QR code on an iphone with a broken screen that can be compromised by a sim hacker or jewish malware...
Solid plan.
Meanwhile... I want to rug Peter Schiff so bad it's almost primal how much I want to fuck his life up.

>> No.59570401

ok fren have fun paying 80% on fees and waiting 6 hours for a single transaction to go through

Future looks bright indeed

>> No.59570407
File: 227 KB, 1580x2414, 20250109_165158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arrived today, presented without comment

>> No.59570415

>You can't buy PM's on weekends or Mondays, or holidays.

Huh? I've bought hundreds of ounces of silver on the weekend for $1 an ounce at yard sales any stacktard can buy on ebay 24/7 paying 43% premiums so this is the braintrust of auto mechanics they aren't sending their best. Do better

>> No.59570420

Nice! He like mintanon is rolling your premiums into Bitcoin what you pay for those prettys?

>> No.59570428
File: 367 KB, 220x220, channing-tatum-21jump-street.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Said the bitch

>> No.59570444
File: 3.79 MB, 1920x2933, 1721961200598910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of us have a specific reason and purpose for stacking. I stack for assurance of abundance. Which is why I no longer buy local. I travel and buy physical. There are different levels to this game.

>> No.59570460
File: 2.04 MB, 1080x1343, Screenshot_20250109-110239 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are different levels to this game.

Absolutely. I travel for leisure to look at rocks not buy them ,using KANG $.....lmao so many countries use it now as their official currency . Got handed these yesterday I wasn't even sure they were real.peace

>> No.59570468

Said the bitch

>> No.59570478
File: 1.09 MB, 1170x2036, IMG_4E438D21DC7F-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using KANG $ to buy precious minerals in a place already suffering from scarcity is the best use of your scarce time on planet earth.

>> No.59570536 [DELETED] 

Said the bitch

>> No.59570546
File: 2.04 MB, 2917x2437, British coins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatch the friendly fire.

>> No.59570597


Silver supply demand analysis by Dave silver (not to be confused with silver dave)

>> No.59570624

Does he talk about the 60 billion ounces in warehouses or just pretend supply is only what's mined today?

>> No.59570631

He talks about you being a bitch

>> No.59570637

Silver Dave: 50ktws needed, only enough silver for 8ktw of solar


>> No.59570659
File: 822 KB, 2174x1808, IMG_5896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can (once I regain access to my bank account) buy a car outright in cash. Can you?
I have enough Gold to be able to do that if I wanted to (and someone were selling a car for Gold), but I'm not going to waste my Real money on a depreciating asset.

>> No.59570663

solar is such a scam

>> No.59570717
File: 130 KB, 900x591, Unsightly+average+mad_3a1d04_11809439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For personal, off the grid use it's practical. For commercial power production it's dumb.

>> No.59570777

Yes you are poor. Lmao I'm retired doing whatever I want because I invested. Stacking is dumb unless you are rich you don't even think you can afford a car

>> No.59570821

>I'm retired doing whatever I want
>wastes everyone's time ITT
I think you meant retarded, not retired.

>> No.59570874
File: 27 KB, 647x567, 1735644474804255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought soft pastels and paper to color on today...

My art career begins today.

>> No.59570932
File: 498 KB, 500x375, qEKeFNG.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59570969
File: 801 KB, 1170x546, IMG_6388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder this absolutely bananas coin was officially minted in the good ol’ USofA

>> No.59570999



>> No.59571017 [DELETED] 
File: 976 KB, 2014x846, groceriesToday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're total is $88.88
>aren't you even going to check em?