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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 4 KB, 225x225, coss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5947507 No.5947507 [Reply] [Original]


Just saw a 50 ETH sell wall get fucking obliterated within 3 minutes
Buy before $1 or live with regret forever


>> No.5947627

Over 80k COSS bought since I posted this thread a few minutes ago
Seriously watch the coss/eth pair on coss.io and see what I mean, this shit is flying up

>> No.5947680

Good time to get in or too late? Another kucoin moon mission?

>> No.5947805


>> No.5948182

Not sure if a 10x, but a 5x during the next month? 100% sure. Next week they update the ui, and then the engine. This is practically a beta.

Also, you can increase your Coss stack very comfy by arbitraging between the eth and btc pairs

Use my link so I can drain some shekels https://sso.coss.io/api/invite/7POLTOSZ9T

>> No.5948398

It was at 55000 on the eth pair when I started this thread, now were at 59000, a 4 cent rise.
Choo Choo motherfuckers

>> No.5948613

can we withdraw?

>> No.5948701

It's going down. If you do some research and check out their twitter, a shit ton of people are hella mad at their exchange.

>> No.5948816
File: 12 KB, 692x225, ss+(2018-01-06+at+01.17.32).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can we withdraw?
pic related

>> No.5948826

I sold my coss for eth but no withdrawal option available

>> No.5948839

It's mind-blowing that both the COSS token and exchange volume keep rising despite the site being so slow and desu, crap at the moment.

Is there any way this won't succeed if the new UI rolls out smoothly next week?

>> No.5948862

Comfiest hold ever bros this is day 1 of the moon mission

>> No.5948869

>next week they update the UI
but anon, they said that last week

>> No.5948877

I have 10 eth on there I made 2 eth in total I just want my funds out now

>> No.5948883

>go to site
>takes longer than 1 second to load
>close tab

get fucked kid. what is 100% working to you? pretty fucking low standards

>> No.5948943

> Implying anybody ever made it by waiting til everything is perfect

This is what it looks like on the ground floor anon

>> No.5948982

still extremely early. COSS can easily go up 10-20x still

>> No.5949066

It has 40m marketcap for a working product that distributes dividends. Easy 2-5x in a few months.

Verge got 2B marketcap with literally nothing.

>> No.5949104

This is the crypto that will be stable in bulk and bear markets. As long as exchanges have volume cryotos like COSS and Kushares will be just fine. Difference is that Ku already Mooned and COSS didn't

>> No.5949195

comfy hold

>> No.5949333

I have 5000 of them and very comfy. Would like to get more and be at the level you 50K+ plus guys are.

>> No.5949370

Lotta bag holders in this thread lol. Let the price correct first before trying to hype it. Everyone is hating on it right now because of how shit the exchange has been the lats few days. Don't want to scare them away even more. Getting more people in on it is only good for all the people holding it.

>> No.5949427

You can't withdraw shit out of there and wallets are bugged, gl&hf

>> No.5949600

You Sir, are a God.


>> No.5949618

This exchange is shit and you should sell all of the COSS you own right away

>> No.5949953

The devs are REALLY shitty. I don't get how people trust this to not get Mt goxed.

>> No.5949983

Yeah, it's a total scam. SELL! SELL!

>> No.5949992


I'm a bag holder and let me say

this shit exchange took me 6 hours to buy the coin, we shouldn't shill soo much, it will put people away, sure there are massive gains potential, but make it clear to people

>> No.5950366

Well ya this is a high risk high reward play. $1 is a super reasonable price target. Just think about how many bullshit coins are at $1B market cap while this sits at $40m

>> No.5950437

>bag holders
>prices has literally just been going up

kys moron

>> No.5950629

I would like to withdraw myy eth but option not available

>> No.5950971

op you will not shill this to /biz/ cuz they are virgin fags that don't like money

>> No.5951038
File: 413 KB, 811x767, nervous pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually gone up since the exchange came back online. I was expecting a dump due to most coins being locked on the exchange and people being shaken loose from the downtime.
Sh-should I add to my stack at these prices, guys?

>> No.5951108

> These prices

Its gonna go over a $1 easily cause of the hype for the new UI and cause the market cap is so small.

Even if you panic sell in a few days you'll still profit. For me it's a long term hold though

>> No.5951116

5k Coss reporting in. Cleaning of food my space helmet now.

>> No.5951138

Yeah lol just like that correction that happened when KCS went from fifty cents to 7.50

>> No.5951246

It’ll be over $1 within the next 5 days.

I’m not selling unless it’s $10+ and there are other moon missions. I’ll probably hold for the sweet dividends.

>> No.5951395

Kucoin had their shit together though.

>> No.5951531

Won't deny that. But don't underestimate the psychological factor of a dividend coin. People buy it with the intention of holding it. Less sellers = price goes up and stays up.

>> No.5951583

I feel the same, I'm highly invest on it, because it can pay big rewards with the dividens, giving passive income.

>> No.5951632
File: 51 KB, 645x773, jewjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magnalis is going to announce a COSS partnership in a few months.

They've already hinted at it.


Huge ICO coming in April too..

>> No.5951642

If COSS already had their shit together the price would be $7 like Ku not $0.50 like it is now... They listen to the community and announced they're putting full focus on the exchange. Hired new devs etc

>> No.5951773

Guys get real
Have you looked at the order book in eth/btc someone sold around 5 eth today for a couple hundred dollars
This is a weird site and I dont want any part of it when withdraws are available im out

>> No.5951831


Good luck.

>> No.5951834

Coss isn’t going to fuck the kicking shills in the face until it’s eyes bleed with sweet dividend Jizz. The slap your mamma kind of gains. It will be glorious.

>> No.5951840
File: 136 KB, 589x768, Kucucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also the fact that Kucoin is going to be cutting their dividends soon. Who wants to pay $10 for a coin that only earns you 15% when the $1 coin will pay you 50%?

>> No.5951869

To the moon guys

>> No.5952020

This shit coin has x2 my money already...
Don't know when to exit since it has so much potential..

>> No.5952035

Are you kidding, do you actually use that garbage fire of an exchange

>> No.5952084

I've 8x'd my investment. I bought the bottom of this at $.08. Highest IQ thing ive ever fucking done. Bag held it does to .04 and doubled down.

>> No.5952188

Use this link to register https://sso.coss.io/api/invite/RC6KV6XFK9

Get in before it gets to kucoin levels. It's LOW MARKET CAP

>> No.5952256

They aren't bags if the price keeps going up, idiot.

>> No.5952341

quick guys send tron so I can make it too


>> No.5952445

Guys let’s get real. I’m up 3x but it hasn’t even started yet. We are tr early adopters and we will be the ones to realize 50-100x gains. Anyone that buy is the before fiat pairs is going to see enormous gains. I can’t emphasize enough what a game changer that will be.

>> No.5952454

This was just posted on there telegram

Dear all. The site is up and running and by the looks of it, it is smooth and fast again. Thank you Dev for going around the clock to help us during these few days of multiple issues. Next task now during the weekend is to fix the many delayed withdrawals and deposits that got stuck during this period. To those still waiting, we understand and share your frustration, but please bare with us while we are fixing this. We will be back stronger and better than ever before. New milestone reached with over 50,000 accounts in www.coss.io and growing fast. Just hit 53,000 trading accounts (20% of 2018 target reached on January 6th is remarkable although not without growing pains) thank you all for your support.

>> No.5952503

3x? you must have just gotten in. I am 8x

>> No.5952536


>> No.5952598

thats if it actually becomes good, the state its in atm it doesnt look like its going to moon anytime soon, also what if the site gets hacked? wont that make COSS coins worthless

>> No.5952740

What the fuck are you talking about faggot. We are all up many multiples of our initial investment. Not 50%, several hundred percent. It’s already a fucking moon mission.

If you can’t deal with the lack of oxygen in space get the fuck out. We are not stopping for you

>> No.5952780
File: 88 KB, 450x410, Cossy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Potentially, but COSS has been very paranoid about their security. It's why they're implementing mandatory KYC in Q1, and why BTC deposits take so long to clear.

Everything in crypto is a gamble. This is potentially a very high reward coin, but it also comes with unique risks. Decide for yourself.

>> No.5952798

To the fucking moon I'm comfy as fuck in this spaceship right now anons

>> No.5952830

im minimum 500% and as high as 800% on my coss holdings.

>> No.5952875

dunno, what if the internet turns off tomorrow. will you still be a faggot?

>> No.5952902

They literally have more lawyers and compliance officers than any other job title. They are going do this, and do it right.

>> No.5952930

You sound like a boomer, are you a boomer?

>> No.5952960

Going to californEEway. Heard they got some internet out there.

>> No.5952978

Always makes me laugh some people
>UI is shit
>engine is shit
>volume is shit

Yeah no shit, if everything was working this coin would be worth $10+

that’s why you buy now, so when everything does work you’re fucking rich

>> No.5953008

why are u bragging about what ur already up, are u saying its not going to go up much more? you're indirectly saying that by talking about your earnings now. Not to good at shilling are you buddy lmfao

>> No.5953030

if this thing goes to $10, I will unironically be able to afford to live in Boston for a year to finish my grad school program and I will name my fucking son Rune.

better yet, I'll invite Rune to my graduation.

>> No.5953048

Some moon missions are way sketchier than this one. No dev updates, no working product. We’re lucky with this one.

>> No.5953183

If it goes to $10 I’ll tattoo the logo on my ass so my grandkids will see what paid for the fucking pool house when I Jump off the diving board

>> No.5953190


I don't post often, but I recommend everyone do their own research on this one. Check out the last crypto called Veros that the same people worked on. Then check out their 20 year history of building ponzi-schemes. DYOR

>> No.5953232

Any exchange could get hacked, there's no reason to think coss is any more or less vulnerable than whatever other exchanges you use. Besides, look at ED. It's been hacked, what, 2 or 3 times in the last year? People still use it every day and they're having an ICO.

>> No.5953273

ive been spending nights on coinsmarket. this is fucking the taj mahal of crypto compared to that exchange. this token will have value

>> No.5953276

if this is a scam, I will personally kill every member of the team. you have my promise

>> No.5953347

This FUD is not inaccurate
But you can't just say that because of a failed project these people are outright scammers

I agree DYOR. but COSS has hired so many legal advisors its not even funny
Seems like a waste of money to hire them for a ponzi scam.

>> No.5953387

The reason to think COSS could get hacked is because the developers have done nothing to show that they're competent. How the fuck do they not have an API? That's literally the first thing any good developer would build first. If Bitfinex got hacked then it's hard to imagine that COSS won't.

>> No.5953641

Always see your IQ comments on COSS threads. Great haha

BTW if you mind sharing, how many COSS coins are you holding?

>> No.5953667
File: 17 KB, 200x200, logo-headings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ten dollars will make me a legit millionaire. BNB just shot up 100% today to $17, and its only use is paying fees. I'm getting a fucking COSS tattoo on my leg if it hits $10.

>> No.5953793

Poorfag here, sell TRX and XLM for this?

>> No.5953801

sorry thats been my new meme to call things high, low, medium, genius IQ.

I only have 2k coss, because I am a poor student. But I also bought with $200 of GPU mining profits so... this has been basically a free buy for me and I am not joking when I say I see this as a 100x investment.

I also hold Kucoin.

>> No.5953992

Any news on fiat gateway?

Also, this will be >1b market cap by EOY for sure. It has the best fee split % and last I heard they found a way to split the fiat with token holders too.

>> No.5954013

anything is a good start.

Yeah I believe COSS will be huge too, bought this week because I'm only 3 weeks into crypto.

Which coin are you going to mine?

>> No.5954104

I mine ethereum on my gpu

I have 4 S9 miners and 1 s9 & a L3+ on the way. Ill be ordering some more antminers in a few weeks.

>> No.5954263

>They've already hinted at it.
Coss is literally listed on their front page..

>> No.5954324


anons be careful, this screams garbage tier scam
bitcointalk thread literally less than 1 day old
shoo shoo scammers

>> No.5954351

Great, will look into.

The gains are steady? How much they decrease per month?

>> No.5954418

gpu mining? its all over the place. At one point I was making almost $200 a month, ive been as low as $40 a month, but currently at $100 a month.

S9's are pulling almost $150 a day for 4 machines.

>> No.5954511
File: 20 KB, 651x158, icx coss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ICX conversion confirmed.

>> No.5954631

Totally, I am just pointing out that it says coss on the site. But yeah, it is really sketchy.
Their white paper is embarrassing bad.

>> No.5954745

Huh, I think they already allow you to convert your ICX to ETH, which they dont normally do for ERC20 tokens.

>> No.5954841

i really want it for the fiat fee split from the exchange. i think the merchant stuff is going to be poor roi for them. a fiat purchasing + good exchange with good volume will be great.

>> No.5954899
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>> No.5954919

their merchant shit is kind of on hold ive heard, but remember they are doing that in bing-bong land where the governments are so fucking gay people actually use cryptos daily.

>> No.5954992


>> No.5955143

only 1M average volume and shit exchange with price at $0.50. I think I'm going to buy. Once this baby is 10M+ volume price should go up to $5+

>> No.5955353

Fuck this shit-tier exchange. Been 2 days and they're still not withdrawing my ETH. Fuck these guys, their dumb token could 100x and I still wouldn't buy it out of principle.

>> No.5955364

I've had seen multiple threads every other day about Kucoin issues. This is a tiny exchange by comparison and is leagues ahead of mercatox/kraken/tons of others

>> No.5955425
File: 302 KB, 828x1403, cozy_pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay poor.

>> No.5955435

Where the fuck is my 1 LTC deposit, sent like 8 fucking hours ago

>> No.5955470

Takes some time dude.
They use hard wallets to deposit

>> No.5955600

Kek, been trying to withdraw ETH for 4 days now. Still pending.

Still 80% in COSS though.

>> No.5955655

Yeah, when I scrolled through their merchant portal I laughed at the thought of all those 3rd world shops accepting crypto. But look at it this way, if you ever need to buy a pedicure in Ankara with LSK you are covered.
Incidentally, the only US vendor I found in the list was a vape shop in Kansas or something.

>> No.5955697

>>5955470 >>5955435

bought 250 COSS with some leftover eth, deposited in <10 minutes

>> No.5955811

Probably the comfiest hodl in crypto right now outside of BTC and ETH. People are going to look for the rope once they realize the could have gotten in at $0.10 or less. COSS literally has all the potential in the world, maybe 100x this year. Once Americans realize KuCoin could be banned in the US at any minute the money will come flooding in.

If you are getting in rn you are smart money. Congratulations and enjoy your retirement on dividends.

God bless all yall anons we're gonna make it friends. DEUS VULT WE WILL HAVE LAMBOS AND ASIAN FWBs

>> No.5955905

>KuCoin could be banned in the US at any minute

>> No.5956037

probably because the IRS is the king of the US and the chinese don't respect it
COSS does

>> No.5956180

Kcs are in control of their fee share payouts = can be considered a security

>> No.5956207


Because KCS acts as a security, making it subject to the SEC. COSS does not.

>> No.5956274
File: 294 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180105-205325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW when I'm going to retire because of COSS and REQ.

>> No.5956409

This is a patrician level alt portfolio anon

>> No.5956508


You are going to be filthy, stinking rich. Chadfolio to the max. God bless you friend.

>> No.5956546

Holy shit anon 500k COSS? You pretty much own the exchange

>> No.5956807

22 million in daily volume will net me $50,000+ a year in dividends. Fucking COMFY right now.

>> No.5957073


god damn i'm jealous man
you are a son of a bitch.
If, when, this starts gaining traction, you are set for the rest of your life.
I hope you find happiness with your fortune, friend.

>> No.5957224
File: 427 KB, 1760x1024, Build this community.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you and may Lord Kek smile upon your trades.

>> No.5957547

You are in the top 30 of COSS holders senpai

>> No.5957719
File: 94 KB, 750x1334, 1ABA4BBA-6ED8-4983-8B1A-A766B01CA705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

COSS has made me more money this year than my job did last year

>> No.5958108

damn dude how early did you get in? I have 100k req and 40k coss and thought I was doing good. now I feel like a faggot.

>> No.5958174

you're smarter than me.

I was too much of a faggot to load up on coss and req when they were 6c or less, so i only have 200k / 65k respectively.

>> No.5958485

holy shit. You'll be pulling a million a year in dividends if COSS even gets to HitBTC levels. That's fucking nuts.

>> No.5958598

It's probably a larp. But I dunno.

>> No.5958722

>Implying that the cryptomarket would last that long to allow coss to grow.

>> No.5958843

Took kucoin a few months to get to this level.
Coss can easily do it in another few months before this year is over.

>> No.5958905


Dude 40k is enough to retire in a year. You'll be making $2000 a week in dividends. Stfu and enjoy.

>> No.5958978

coss was like 0.03 at ICO, not unrealistic that someone dropped $15k on it if they believed in it

>> No.5958982

so what do you think, this market that has grown zero to almost a trillion in the span of a few years is going to just go back to zero and all of this will be meaningless?

you are too pessimistic

>> No.5959014

Got in throughout November at 6-8 cents.

>> No.5959090

I want 50k a year, how many coss should I hold?

>> No.5959153


>> No.5959271
File: 58 KB, 879x329, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i should have bought then a week ago, buying now

>> No.5959363

put on your big boy boots faggots, and kiss your kitty goodbye, were leaving ON A JETPLANE

>> No.5959599

It doesn't make sense for this to be a ponzi scheme.

All the money is in Coss, the referral program sucks, and they already have a product.

The best way for them to make money is by improving the exchange.

>> No.5959845

I was fairly optimistic until the bullshit with trx and xrp happened. Didn't say it will go to zero, but you'll be loosing 70-80% of your shit when the bubble pops.

>> No.5959933
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>> No.5960014

a year? nah man this exchange is a long way off. right now it crashes on 1M daily volume. and they only have like 2 devs so who knows how long it will take to get it highly scalable. I work in the cloud computing space and know how difficult it is, even with a big team. security is another concern. if they are going to have fiat gateways there are usually stiff security requirements (in US anyway not sure about singapore). and then there's support. right now support is non-existent.

i'm still bullish long term (obviously) but there are a fuck ton of hurdles to overcome with a very small team so dont expect things to happen quickly.

>> No.5960019

bought 3,000 am i gonna make it?

>> No.5960061

A product doing what it's supposed to that a hundred other groups are doing already is not progress

>> No.5960086

same here. I get a lump in my throat every time I look at the TRX price. that shit is pets.com x 1000000

>> No.5960158

explain how you can still be optimistic in crypto when you see literal negresses throwing money into trx just for the money instead for the tech itself (which there isn't). Go to their twitter, all they care about is money, they don't care about the crypto revolution.

>> No.5960591

I am beyond optimistic in crypto. Lucky to be alive during this time. Dont forget that.

Yes, crazy mania happening right now. Eventually this will be an efficient market, and gains will be harder to get. Anyone can see that.

But that is years off. This will never happen again. Everything is changing, and there is so much momentum right now, whenever I hear people shrug this obvious (more than obvious) revolution off as a bubble, or monopoly money, I feel bad. If you decide to sit this one out, and wait until the legitimacy of the market matches your comfort zone, or hold back going all in, you'll regret it forever.

Hard to believe, yes. Completely manic, yes. Large corrections in various coin, yes. 70% drop in market value in the next 5 years, no. We have passed the event horizon. Large corporations, governments, billionaires are all buying in. What else do you need anon?

(Also, tried to give that soapbox speech to normie friends, they thought I was crazy. They would think I was even crazier if they saw my portfolio)


>> No.5960966

There are a hundred other groups with a 50% shared exchange income system that also offers fiat? Well, start listing.