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59488891 No.59488891[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are they doomed?

>> No.59488907

EU chooses to be doomed

>> No.59488928

certainly two more weeks

>> No.59488946

They doom themselves with a vengeance. And they do not stop. They will get what they deserve. Which is very sad desu

>> No.59488956

its over, i have to make it quick before crypto gets illegal to get out of this dying continent

>> No.59489409
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>> No.59489418

EU are a bunch of silly billys

>> No.59489473

The prime minister of my country, which last year said that collective debt was the dumbest idea ever (paraphrasing). Came out a couple of weeks ago and began shilling it, and talk about how China use government subsidize for unfair competition and we also have to subsidize shit (she specifically mention German auto industry as the "victim" of this unfair competition).
The EU will cave in on itself to fix the issues, we are gonna get Euro bonds in 2025, we will see massive subsidizing of German industries etc. This will not be good for the EU, it will allow countries like France to keep their massive spending deficit and Germany to keep importing millions of unproductive people to satisfy their savoir complex.
I think European stocks will do good in 2025, cheaper credit and government subsidies. It won't solve anything, other than temporarily mask the decline and failure of the EU as an institution.

>> No.59491033

Yes. From a valuation/investor perspective, the thinking for some is "it's so cheaply valued (P/E) + how much worse can it get?"
The answer is much worse, and thats what people from the outside don't understand. It is only cheap based on current earnings, but their earnings will keep dropping. Why?

Because they are utterly retards and have set their economy to crash on auto-pilot. They have installed *automatic* legal tax increases (such as ridiculous CO2-taxes) or other bureaucratic nightmares (there is a German law that any German company is liable for any violation of any of their supplier in any other country ***ACCORDING TO GERMAN LAWS***, its total utter madness, i couldnt believe this bill got passed). This legal auto-pilot means that politics need to come to together and actively stop it, which as you know is exactly not what the passive/reactive european politican does. Once shit hits the fan (as it is starting to do), European politicans won't even understand what is hitting them and think this is just a small bump in the road when its really the first wave but much bigger waves are coming. and the waves are gonna kill europe. its going to get so much worse you have no idea. there is no elon musk, there is no trump in in sight - any possibly candidate to fill their roles in europe would have long been bureaucratically and financially castrated by tax authorities + politicans, so there cannot even emerge such a figure.

Europe is doomed. There is no way around it. Even from an investing point of view, you are better to put it in a blend of US stocks + EM stocks (China/Latam). But avoid europe at all costs and don't ever assume they'll one day revert their course. They might, but they will need to go through decades of economic hardship before they consider changing direction.

>> No.59491475

Maybe. They can still save themselves if they decided to. Though, da jooz will talk them out of it, so maybe there's a solution needed for that. So who knows, maybe, probably, possibly

>> No.59491538

God i wish we had a donald trump to fix our issues financially speaking and not financially speaking. It seems that nothing can wake this continent before it's too late. Upcomming unrealised capital gains might be what kills the economy entirely

>> No.59491549

Imagine wanting to be represented by a gold star. Very Semitic indeed.

>> No.59491551

>Europe is doomed.
Yes, (((europe))) is doomed.
But EVROPE will raise again.

>> No.59491556

I always imagine a toothless germoid dreaming of the 4th Reich while IRL gargling cum when I see that typed out.

>> No.59491574

We are fucked.
Fuck german industry and his puppets satellites.

>> No.59491575
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yes, but it's priced in

>> No.59491578

>It's afraid.

>> No.59491582

Doomed is an understatement
America tricked them (and they willingly) cut their guts open so they are dancing with their intestines trailing behind caught on a rock, when they finally get pulled back by reality it’s going to be very ugly and pointing finger at eachother instead of fixing problems
I’d like to leave europoor asap
As an investor i’d rather invest in africa over europe at this point
Blighted land. Kinds happens when you make your HQ a tower of babel.

>> No.59491597

>how much worse can it get?"
This anon gets it. Europe is like a shitcoin that has dumped from $10 to $1 and you're wondering to buy because surely must be the bottom.

The fact is its very much not the bottom and you'll likely to see that shit go to 0.10 cents before it ever climbs again.

Also that law about supply chain is true. Imagine you decide to open a company that sells chicken tendies. You create the german side of your business and it takes forever due to bureaucratic hurdles and you ship your chicken from some third-world country because theres no way you'd turn over a profit otherwise. If they get caught lying about their environmental stickers - thats on you bozo. Nevermind these laws don't even apply to the third world shithole you buy your chickens from

Now expand that to any kind of industry and wonder why in the world would I open my business there.

>TLDR: EU is doomed and theres no end in sight because theres nothing in the horizon willing to change the status quo

>> No.59491614

all the americucks in this thread lmao I have been living in Spain paying like 1/20 of what I did in Canada having the time of my life

>> No.59491623
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Canada is worse than the EU we can all agree on that. Also raj pleae go back

>> No.59491625

>China use government subsidize for unfair competition
I like how popular this talking point is. It's like they're not realizing they're saying capitalism can't possibly compete with communism.

>> No.59491636

I think Europe has a lot of potential but we need to reverse this anti-capitalist anti-business mentality. It's possible to think big corporations are bad and soulless without including all of business in that category.
But too many people here have been brainwashed into thinking that profits and wealth are fundamentally bad things and that we need to all spend our lives fighting and pleading with the government to give us more workers rights and less working hours. Instead of building our own companies and working hard to make enough money to earn a nice chill lifestyle.
Europe has a history of entrepreneurship and success but now the average successful company in Europe was founded over 100 years ago. It's unfortunate but we're not doomed, we need a universal shift in mindset.

>> No.59491639

the eu is right now at the fiscal event horizon
every country that matters is drowning in debt and got government deficits or is germany which self destructs first because of their anti debt policies still in place
this right now the quiet before the next greater depression is the last theoretical point to change behavior and cut government spending to the bone milei style
however most major governments are in total crisis with a multiparty system of deeply opposed values that cant even form a coalition government anymore

the only possible outcome when the fiscal situation is unsustainable and political change is impossible is civil war, this isnt chud talking points this is all of record history
think it a joke, look up how fast yugoslavia collapsed into blood for the blood god
and know that the eu as a whole is critically dependent on everything imports food and energy first to survive
so yeah lets hope this current crypto cycle gives us what we need to get out before it begins

>> No.59491640

Since everyone here is bearish I fully expect it to recover. Ukraine war ends in 2026, Russian oil/gas flows again, EU pumps, simple as that. And the retarded EU politicians are already so unpopular they have to cancel election results to keep going. They won't be in office for long. 2026 will be the year of the Euro bull
Or so I would say if I wanted to make a contrarian argument, I'm not touching that shit with a ten foot pole lmao

>> No.59491665
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I still don't understand how at least a portion of German or French old money ain't bankrolling popular anti-eu parties or plotting putches. Are they all pozzed? They are the major stakeholders in local industries, and it's all falling apart before their eyes, what's their gameplan?

>> No.59491677

that says a lot about you actually

>> No.59491691

>They are the major stakeholders in local industries
nope not anymore
money is very mobile now so its easier to diversify into global assets
then let the homecountry collapse and you no longer have to larp but can actually and openly live like a 18 century aristocrat again and do away with all this pesky democracy lark

>> No.59491695

Why are thinking about other men gurgling cum? Gay much?

>> No.59491702

Its been over. Matter of fact, it never even begun

>> No.59491741

yes they just legalized contagious """""""vaccines"""""""""" (mrna gene therapy that can be passed from one vaccinated person to another by touch, AKA A FUCKING VIRUS), they have killed us all. get your gains this year and just fucking run.

>> No.59491824
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Until the euros fight back against all the anti-business, pro-worker regulations the downward trend isn't going to stop. Think about it, who's gonna want to get rid of the 3month paid vacations? Or the 6hr work days or the 3 yr paid maternity/paternity leave or the mandatory severance packages? People will vote to keep this shit cause it looks good in theory. But in practice it leads to poverty. The only thing needed is to add time to the equation, decade by decade things are getting worse.

>> No.59491874

I'm pretty sure that Germany is auto sabotaging with the happy help of US/Russia, in spite of losing WW1 & WW2 hard. Fucking krauts under mental occupation since forever

>> No.59492054

Europe is on the down hill. Their greatest exports, automobiles and machinery is being completely taken over by China. BYD alone mogs all electric car efforts by all European manufacturers combined. Their combustion cars are increasingly unspectacular compared to Japanese/korean.

Their medical sector used to dominate the world but now isn't any more productive than the USA or Asia.

Their tech sector is over regulated and never really got started. The whole unions tech sector is probably less valuable than just 1 US tech giant like Google.

Their tourism industry is arguably best in the world but that's one of the shittest exports a country can have. Local populations hate tourists (rightfully so)

So where does that leave the EU? The incentives for economic growth are minimal, their debt is effectively shared and governments have been incentivised to spend unproductively. The growing social security burden with minimal production will lead to inflation and declines in living standards.

It's completely bearish. IMO the union as a collective economic bloc is doomed. Go short on the euro/european companies. Go long USA. If you live in the EU but your assets are primarily US based then you're in the top 1%.

If you have no assets and need to work to live well it's shit everywhere but maybe try get to Australia/USA where salaries are still high and there's still ways to accrue wealth

>> No.59492177
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>healthcare: you don't go bankrupt on bills everytime you need it
>rights and regulations: you can sue big corps that get rich off scamming people and actually win since not all judges are under the payroll
>no debt slaves: you don't have 6 figures in debt just for going to college, having debt is in general seen as something to avoid
>no guns: no random Tyrones and Cletuses with guns left and right shooting malls and high schools
>no drug epidemic: no fentanyl zombies everywhere
>sovl: everything worth visiting will forever be on European ground
Keep coping with imaginary high GDP hyperinflated numbers while your life quality is shit.

>> No.59492194

Viruses don't exist. You are brainwashed.

>> No.59492848

too many shitskins. We don't actually build anything anymore, except for luxury cars in germany, and that's on the way out. I'm thinking either south america or eastern europe for myself personally
>t. west-euro fag

>> No.59492874

The bureaucracy of unelected officials is choosing to kill yurop and their cucked populace will do nothing about it. Once the jewsa stops subsidizing NATO I recommend learning Arabic if you're in west europe and Russian if east.

>> No.59493020

Alright jew keep your fantasies to yourself, kikel.

>> No.59493034
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>He doesn't know about ASML
I do agree it is fucking over for Germany

>> No.59493155
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It’s not an argument because I agree with a few points. Especially no guns and travel. Spending summers in southern France and winters in the alps is magical and easily accessible for discussion
I make 100k€ before taxes and I pay pic related (yea just went up) for public insurance every month. Good luck getting a specialist appointment on public. Private is less and I’m likely to move over however you can never go back to public (there’s special circumstances). I agree hospital visits are free but for the amount I pay I’d get a good plan in USA and not worry about waiting 3 months for treatment.

>rights and regulations
I can understand but you have to be aware that this isn’t like America where you could get millions payout. Here you get basically nothing except what you paid plus court fees. Also giving a 1 star review for a restaurant can land you in legal hot water (look it up how common it is in Germany). Also criticising politicians can land you in jail and very expensive fines. Our “green” govt essentially has an entire team dedicated to making sure you get fucked for saying shit online.

It’s not black and white and I’d choose Europe any day of the week over America but our problems are also - well problems

>> No.59493172

If they don't alter course dramatically they are funked and will collapse before 2030.

>> No.59493178

Yep. Bureaucracy is always a drain that must be limited. Europe has not one but TWO levels of overarching bureaucracy, national and supernational level. They are merely interested in control and regulation, not growth or prosperity. It's a negative feedback loop by definition. The migrants are obviously going to strain already limited welfare resources, perhaps more insidiously every single founder or entrepreneur bolts for America the moment they can, meaning they will never see another successful company again until all of this is forcibly fixed and reset.

>> No.59493499

You can buy private healthcare plans if you don't want to wait. The point is you at least have the option. You never know when you could lose your income. I was making 20k€ a month two years ago and now im making 0. Also lol at healthcare in US when we just had the Luigi happening.

I forgot goodies such as: The climate is just better, the food is just better, and you can find nice escorts without going to jail (in the US they risk jail all the time, while you can buy a shotgun in Wallmart). There's also the flexibility of being able to move elsewhere and pay taxes anywhere you like. In the US you are stuck with uncle Sam for life. All things considered EU wins. The only good thing about US is higher nominal salaries on average but gets diluted due more expenses anyway.

>> No.59494911
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America needs to make Europe into 4 separate colonies there’s leprechaun Europe (Britain, Ireland, Iceland, and Scotland), there’s wine Europe (Italy, France, Spain, Greece, rest of Mediterranean), then there’s beer making Europe, (Germany, Belgium, rest of Central Europe, last us Santa clause Europe (Sweden, Norway, Finland and rest of Northern Europe)
We’ll thrm the United States of Europe

>> No.59495041
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The EU is a masonic institution run by pic related. Its sole purpose is to finish what Napoleon had started and usher in the Great Masonic Age of Mankind. All other peripheral "countries" you've listed are tributaries of the GODF except for Great Britain.

>> No.59495045

Germany was literally a Russia asset. LOL

>> No.59495056

This, I say this as someone from Belgium, some here pay 70% taxes, it's cheaper to NOT work.
Bad people get rewarded, good people get punished.

>> No.59495066

>Create the United States of Europe and be done with it
About time we made it official

>> No.59495100

>"Hey, I know, individually, all of these socialist shitholes suck the big one, but what if we all got together and...."

>> No.59495203

all it takes is one turbo right wing sweep across France, Germany and Italy
and I don't mean neocons and insrael sympathizers
I mean real Genghis Khan hours

>> No.59495207

>1 post by this id
it's so obvious

>> No.59495376

Every country is

>> No.59495706

Just give up

>> No.59495968

this anon fux

>> No.59496056
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Yeah we're pretty fucked.
I believe the only hope for the European Union is Russia advancing beyond Ukraine. We need a wake up call. We're weak, most of us are poor as shit and all of us are housing, feeding and clothing unthinkable numbers of migrants.
We need a serious slap in the face. I hope the USA ditches on us and Russia comes knocking on our Romanian/Bulgarian/Baltic borders.

>> No.59496158

I don't need to I already made it

>> No.59496164

doomed for great succes yes

>> No.59496226

Muh EU is fucked, of course it is you idiot, the whole world is and it will get worth as planned, its the NWO not NEO