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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5946997 No.5946997 [Reply] [Original]

>thought this place would be talking about stocks and options markets
>tfw it's a crypto board

>> No.5947052

No coiner leave

>> No.5947117
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>> No.5947118

why do people always make these threads when the markets are closed? what is there to discuss right now?

>> No.5947164

any crypto that rewards people for maintaining the gene pool?

>> No.5947182
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Why do people post on /ck/ when they aren't eating food?

>> No.5947207

Well, maybe it's a sign that you're behind the times.

If you're under 40, and you're still hedging a considerable amount of investments into stocks and bonds, you're not "mature" "wise" or "above it".

You're just stupid at this point.

This is a new revolution. A financial revolution. Those that cannot see that, will be left in the dust.

Wealthy people will move down a bracket if they don't invest into this new global economic system.

Lower class people can jump up to upper class.

This is the greatest redistribution of wealth in human history. It will take place between, well, it started in 2009, and it will continue to 2030.

And the redistribution goes both ways. Poor will become rich. Rich will become poor.

You really need to change your mindset.

Hopefully this reply helps you. ;)

>> No.5947238

>no coins

>> No.5947314

Many such cases

>> No.5947318

Piss off normie

>> No.5947341

pretty much this, perfect summary. people who don't buy any coins or get to know this system will need lots of razor blades from the no coiner starter kit desu.

>> No.5947384

Fuck off faggot, this is not related to crypto, gtfo.

>> No.5947408

Because we actually like making money easily.

>eternal bull market with little long term risk
>fun memes
>lowest trading fees
>bleeding edge tech
>no worries about brokers stealing your money
>actually having control over your commodities

>> No.5947454

The elevator pitch of crypto investing. I love it.

>> No.5947481


>> No.5947485

i have literally done an experiment where i talked about a stock that got feed back and one that talk about crypto that barely got feed back...guess which one got archived super fast

>> No.5947556

it's not mods who archive threads you fucking newfag.

>> No.5947566


Because stocks are off topic and belong on /r9k/.

>> No.5947609

Have fun trying to keep up with inflation gramps. I'll be happy making 1000% on my money

>> No.5947663

>Mr. Bogle, index funds will NEVER EVER beat trained, professional money managers with the rich blood of Abraham in their veins. Can't wait to see Vanguard collapse within the year

>> No.5947695

18% year gains
Crypto: infinite gains

>> No.5947723

wow quite the new paradigm

>> No.5947787

>All friends with a background in Finance and Economics hate Bitcoin and call it a bubble
>They were all taught by oldfag econ professors who have only figured out how to add an image to an email 2 years ago

>All friends in computer science, mathematics and science love crypto, have all made incredible returns, myself included
>All formally taught by giants in programming, cryptography, system architectures

There is truly an inversely proportional relation between technological knowledge and pessimism for cryptocurrencies. Reminder that Warren Buffet doesn't know what a blockchain or concensus mechanism is. If you are still in stocks and bonds, prepare to be left behind. Our idea of money has been progressing to progressively more abstract methodologies since the dawn of civilization by the agricultural revolution. At first we used trade and barter system, the least abstract method of trading possible. We then decided to use precious metals to represent an amount of value in the form of coinage. We then moved to the gold standard where a paper "I owe you" represented amount of gold the bank held under your name. We then moved to fiat currencies where the paper bonds no longer represented an amount of gold, and thus aren't intrinsically valuable, but instead derive their value from mass-use as a widely accepted method of exchanging value. Then came digital currency, where a bank or centralized organization (PayPal etc.) holds an electronic balance of fiat currency under your name. The next step of abstraction is cryptocurrencies, where now instead of a central figure holding an amount of abstract value for you, it is contained within a completely decentralized data structure, impossible to tamper or destroy. If you don't see why this isn't just a fad, you are about to be fucked beyond all recognition. It will truly suck when you are still taking public transit to your office cubicle, knowing you had a chance to change everything with crypto before it was too late.

>> No.5947802
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Mods you can delete this thread and ban OP now we finished roasting him.

>> No.5947903
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>who have only figured out how to add an image to an email 2 years ago

>> No.5948066

If only they could see this as the step to a world where things are even more automated, flexible, fair and stable.
It's really not just a shitty gimick, but many coins will of course fall.

>> No.5948229


>> No.5948264

Originally it was

Then normies got into crypto

>> No.5948309
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that is why DYOR is not just a meme but fundamentally important for getting rich if you aren't already. don't buy shitty overhyped vaporware or at least only ride the waves. have long term holds like LINK with fundamentals. cryptos will, in the end, succeed because of the underlying technology and not because of titcoin and bazingacoin.

I'd like to save that as copypasta since it is a perfect summary to btfo nocoiners.

>> No.5948318

>all those giants teaching you
>never learned to use paragraphs

>> No.5948663
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>> No.5948713

nigga are you 65

>> No.5948758


>formatting a post to 4chan

I also left out various definite articles because I was close to char max.

>> No.5948769
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how schemey & conniving of you goy!

>> No.5948807

Lurk moar, newfag. This board was created for the sole purpose of moving Bitcoin discussion off of /g/.

>> No.5948848


I feel you OP.

The Dunning-Kruger effect is strong on this board.

Finding a non-crypto post is like finding a wild mew...but when I do :)

>> No.5948856
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>> No.5948879
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>wow quite the new paradigm

>> No.5948888


>> No.5948899

when you do you cry yourself to sleep because you're still a nocoiner poor fag.

>> No.5948915


You don't know what you're talking about, normies were the ones talking about stocks while the NEETs were getting shit on for talking about BTC, stock fags came to OUR board, not the other way around.

>> No.5948917
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>golly gosh honey, I made 6% this year on my google stocks!

>> No.5948920

Check em

>> No.5948958
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>> No.5948985


Stocks? What is this? Some sort of boomer cryptocurrency exchange?

>> No.5949017


I actually started coining last month. Retard...

>> No.5949026
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I ended up here four months ago because I misclicked while switching tabs during the usual shitposting and fapping routine that's defined my free time for the past 10 years. That little misclick ended up being the most fortunate and enriching event in my entire life.

>> No.5949167

wew lad last month, that's amazing!!!
fucking newfag kys.

>> No.5949181

You are naive.

>> No.5949215

Crypto are stocks, idiot

>> No.5949217
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No, it's not normal to have smelly feet.

>> No.5949244
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Stocks are a bad idea if you can buy something else where you can expect at last 2x returns in a year.

Let me shill you my youtube channel where I sometimes to introductory educations clips on related stuff

>> No.5949252
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>fapping to /an/.

>> No.5949271

Thanks anon, this is why I come to /biz/.

>> No.5949304
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no dumbass you don't own shares of the company.

>> No.5949397
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>> No.5949445

Top Norman Kek 2018

>> No.5949453
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>> No.5949537
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>> No.5949560
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>make 1 Billion size 17 sneakers
>sell 100 of them for 100 bucks
>the company is now worth 100 billion dollars

If you bought even 1 tenth of 1 percent of the company IPO, you have 100 million dollars! hooray

>> No.5949594


>> No.5949605

The company IS the technology and the team, you are investing in how useful the technology is and what the team will do with it in the future. In stocks you invest in how relevant a business will be and where the team will take it, it's the same thing old man, just the modern iteration

>> No.5949640


>> No.5949696

And early entry, not having to buy some faggot stock IPO bag dump after angel investors already got their 200x

>> No.5949703
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Okay motherfucker, it's on!!

>> No.5949713

your only into crypto to turn your money back into fiat. your playing them as if they were stocks. no one uses shit coins irl

>> No.5949754

You don't know jack shit about how stocks work don't you?
pretty sure you're "invested" in tron, because "how useful the technology is".

>> No.5949765
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>buying any kind of stock except DUDEWEEDSTOCKS, Lithium and graphene

wtf you doing boomer gtfo with your gay shit mutual funds

>> No.5949806
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kek amerimutts can't take some bants.

>> No.5949836

You don't know jack shit about real crypto, do you?
I've held ETH since $5

>> No.5949842

Rich people can afford to buy large amounts of shitcoins and btc and poor people can't buy as much so the rich aren't gonna become poor.
Most of our money comes from poor people who try to daytrade and buy our bags. This is what crypto is. It's only widening the wealth gap.

>> No.5949856
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feels dirty being at the top of this pyramid scheme and not caring if it crashes and knowing innocent kids read your post and it gives them hope

feels dirty in a good way

>> No.5949927

We talk about options, mainly suicide.

>> No.5949996

In all seriousness guys.
A person has to do something while waiting for their coins to moon.
We should also discuss business and jobs and shit. If you've made it then you can leave this board but if you haven't, then you're probably still doing something irl because cashing out is stupid.
When I make a thread about a business idea it gets saged to death.
What's up with that?

>> No.5950039

>let me guide u
>bitcoin atms around the globe
>xlm atm Korea

>> No.5950155

because we're busy trading on the 1 min candles alex, if you took your ritalin you'd be able to focus and pay attention in class like everyone else.

>> No.5950255

That's stupid and most people get burned by that. I can trust that 70% of biz has lost money trying to daytrade. The rest 30% uses bots/drugs/150IQ to do it.

>> No.5950444

>pyramid scheme
pedopapers are the biggest scheme of all

>> No.5950591

Where we're going, we won't need paragraphs anymore.

>> No.5950694

>Economic mobility widens the wealth gap

t. retard

>> No.5950732

He's not wrong. At least not when he said
>This is the greatest redistribution of wealth in human history.

>> No.5950749

It's a joke you autist. This is 4chan.

>> No.5950811

I know. I just wanted to deepen the point anyway.

>> No.5950928

I daytrade and make good profit. Also have some holdings. It's not because yoûre too stupid to do it that others can't.

>> No.5951150

Fuck off chad. I wasn't talking to you.
Never seen a red candle in your life and you probably bang your 10 gfs while doing this.
I'm discouraging people from daytrading because not everyone is a fucking chad.

>> No.5951600

I m also not a chad. But it is not so hard to sell alts before a massive bull run or to see it coming like in this case. I only trade like this. When alts are in the shitter I rebuy them all and have 50% more stack size. Then I wait until the cycle repeats. Every dimwit (like me) can do this if he has some patience.

>> No.5951654

You're not a dimwit.

>> No.5951741
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I guess that is the loveliest thing anybody has said to me on 4chan in 10 years. Thank you, anon.

>> No.5951928

Shit I'm crying too.

>> No.5952108

>This is the greatest redistribution of wealth in human history.
You do realize that your exits are funded by other poor neets like you who just arrived later to the ponzi?

>> No.5952213


OP's photo is woefully inaccurate.

There are no blacks or women on /biz/.

>> No.5952227
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>> No.5952584

Sauce, plz? Or name?

>> No.5952756
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>live in a third world shithole
>only two bitcoin exchanges
>want to order bitcoin online
>order website requires ID
>order website requires nonfree javascript
>tfw the botnet wants me to be a no coiner.

>> No.5952851

yeah anon it sure is a redistribution: from tards like you who think this isn't a bubble to guys like Charlie Lee who know it's time to get out when they've 1000x'd their money on retarded retail investors like you gullible enough to believe their bullshit story

Crypto has probably the greatest bullshit story of all time to sucker in greedy retail investors: Muh we're going to take over money, you see all that 14T USD in circulation? All that real estate (10T in manhattan alone)? We're gonna be worth all of that!!!!

(yeah the rothschilds, bill gates, federal government, everyone is going to switch to BUTTCOIN, a totally unstable p.o.s. coin run by chinese people who control every aspect of the system, great idea)

>Dogecoin @ 1B
>not a bubble

laughing all the way to the bank xaxaxaxaxaxa

enjoy necking yourself when you realize you got conned by a bunch of chinamen and cocksuckers like LEE

>> No.5952957

I'm not even a stock trader, but this is retarded. A lot goes on over the course of a year, even when, shock, the market's not open! You can discuss things that happened, are happening, and will happen in the future, any time of day. In fact, the best time to formulate a strategy for stock market trading is not in the midst of your trading hours, but well in advance.

>> No.5953016

LOL posts like this only further confirm how much of a bubble we are in and how much closer we get to the end with each passing day.

You're retarded, you sound like a fucking kid, and your post reeks of euphoria. There's a site for you, it's called r*ddit

>> No.5953039


>> No.5953503

True. These days no one thinks about GBP/JPY

>> No.5953703

>implying charlie lee wont rebuy at 1/4 of the price sometime this year
the real bubble is years away