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59389415 No.59389415 [Reply] [Original]

If if get 30 million i am easily retired for life why cant it just happen

>> No.59389422

You'd be miserable without work.

>> No.59389426

No, absolutely not.

>> No.59389450

Oh you goy

>> No.59389573

This is strangely true. I was neet for two years after making it and holy jesus I was not in a good place mentally. Getting a comfy job whilst mentally knowing that you can leave anytime is perfect.

>> No.59389606
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Why do you want to retire?

>> No.59389618

People don't realize working doesn't have to mean wagecuck for mister CEO
You can just work for yourself and make something to be proud of or what you enjoy, I'm never planning to retire because I like doing what I do

>> No.59389652

I hate my life ad it is

>> No.59389659

This. Niggers also don't realize that financial independence is a prerequisite for freedom.

>> No.59389663


I was a NEET and left high school at 15, I only started "working" in my mid 30's after 20+ years of being a NEET

I miss the casual pace slow lifestyle of being a NEET, its extremely low stress if your family is good with finances and can take care of you like they have for me

But now as my parents are retired, its clear I need to do something, so I started working and I am actually running a business right now, I got extremely lucky that my business worked out, but it is extremely stressful and time consuming and I am constantly feeling a sense of frustration and mental pain

and no, its not because I just started recently and my body and mind aren't used to work, I am experiencing what everyone else who works has to experience

Ive aged more in the past year than I have in the last 20 years

>> No.59389674

>tldr: loser has to work after being provided for until his 30s and is mad about it.

>> No.59389732

Have you ever accomplished anything on your own anon?

>> No.59389765

Yes, my business. Ive made $1.3M net personal income in the first year.

Before my business? I achieved getting stronger, a 315 bench press, a 100 pound weighted chin-up for reps, achieved getting shredded, etc.

The reason I am stressed now is because I've come to realize despite making $1.3M in my first ever year working that its nothing.

So I have gone from 1 extreme to the other in a very short period of time.

>> No.59389793

I only bench 270lbs, but I'm not a neet incel so that's my excuse

>> No.59389838
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Mommy says: Maybe try to improve your life in a different way.

>> No.59389872

It doesn't require that much time or effort

I train 15 minutes per day now and still make strength progress, one day upper, one day lower, only 2 lifts per day, super-setted.

>> No.59389948

>I achieved lifting metal objects for no reason and aging myself
You didn’t age from the work as much as you aged from the lifting. It eventually catches up with you