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5931246 No.5931246 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck these greedy kikes.
>Oh, you made a little bit of money buying and selling crypto? Yeah, you have to report every single transaction, of which we'll take 30% of your profits. And if you don't, we'll toss you in prison and take all your shit.
Any way to get around this? Can I donate some of my earnings to charity or something?

>> No.5931310

Write that you made literally no income. www.paynoincometax.com

>> No.5931494

That sounds like a great way to get my assets seized and thrown in prison.

>> No.5931752

>Any way to get around this
None. Enjoy the land of the free

>> No.5931828

Get a good lawyer, take IRS to court. Ask where in the US Tax Code/Law does it specifically state U.S citizens are mandated to pay an "Income Tax". wait a while... see what happens when they realize they can't find it

>> No.5931936

>taking irs to court will cost less than 30% of what would have been taxed

Ill just pay my taxes like a good cuck

>> No.5932017

Explain this to me like I'm a retard with this scenario
>transfer $100 of LTC from one exchange to another
>sell it to buy ETH
>sell that ETH to buy another coin
>coin goes up and sells it for $150
What transactions do I need to be keeping track of, what gets taxed?

>> No.5932037


You didn't work at all for that money. It's only 33% tops you fucking NEET faggot.

>> No.5932121

Neither did (((they)))

>> No.5932138

>Can't join ico sales because I'm a US citizen

Yeah, fuck this government

>> No.5932183
File: 93 KB, 750x1000, DStOEq_VMAA_ay-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't work for chopping those logs down, anyone could have done that. Modelling pcb boards for that printer worth half a million dollars? anyone could have done that.

fuck off bootlicker.

>> No.5932191

>implying the stress and knowledge required to make actual gains isn't "work" to some degree
fuck off faggot

>> No.5932295


>stress and knowledge

Kek what the hell? This market is basically pulling large wads of cash out of your ass if you're playing with a big enough stack.

>> No.5932303

OP here, I have a job and I already pay around 25% of my income to the state for that.

>> No.5932314

This anon is correct. Why don't you guys want to pay your taxes? We need to feed shaniqua's 17 kids so they can grow up big and strong it's for the good of the nation

>> No.5932380

Only when you cash out

>> No.5932390
File: 52 KB, 396x385, EFB65146-4646-4486-A55C-2A4AC030F6FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with paying taxes but they didnt earn them either. It should be as easy to file as possible if they truely expect that big of a cut

So much this. Last night made my insides rot

>> No.5932393

No it's not. People have to lose for you to make money retard. Just because a lot of coins are going up doesn't mean all of them are.

>> No.5932398


>> No.5932439

This is the worst part.

>> No.5932474

>Paying one time for court and lawyer payments >never having to pay income tax again you're clearly a retard

>> No.5932480

>Can I donate some of my earnings to charity or something?

>> No.5932512


It is pretty easy to file. Crypto as taxed the same way as stocks.

>> No.5932524

>land of the free

>> No.5932534

You're an idiot. Pay tax on what you convert to fiat + a fair percentage in good faith. In a few years you'll be hit with a low level audit and that's when you send in your housekeeping and pay whatever else they want. No frozen assets, no prison, not even a hiccup in your day.
My god you fucking normans don't understand how Uncle Sam works.

>> No.5932540

That sounds like a great way to get my assets seized and thrown in prison.

>> No.5932555

>loses case because your own kike lawyer supports irs
Oh darn, its not like the movies at all

>> No.5932566

What I don't understand is how they want to tax any time you change one coin into another either via trading or something like Shapeshift. Any time you do an exchange you're paying fees either to the exchange or Shapeshift, on top of the network fees. None of these events ever result in profit being made, not until the asset is held and appreciates in value.

>> No.5932613

Thats good to know, the tax fudding a few weeks ago had me questioning if any of this day trading is even worth it

>> No.5932672

The reason they changed like-kind exceptions was so that crypto would get taxed every year. Before you could hold and trade while increasing your net worth and they never saw a goddamned penny until you cashed out.

Now you have to take money out of crypto to pay the taxes on your gains. So they get 30% of all crypto gains. Greedy fucking kikes.

>> No.5932679

Literally this

the IRS is getting buttfucked by the new tax code if you think they're going to lose their shit over your tiny NEET earnings you're a retard

just report your fiat gains and pay capital gains tax like a good citizen

>> No.5932692

t b h i don't think most people here would mind even 50% taxation, if said taxes didn't go to tyrone, juan, muhammad, boomers who already have $500k houses they bought for $20k, millionnaire and billionaire kikes who work even less, and so on
taxation funds people more than things at this point, and more importantly it funds the wrong people

>> No.5932758

> Daddy I'm upset with how the real worllddd workrsss makekekekeke it stopppppp!!!!!

>> No.5932865
File: 8 KB, 355x237, 68508EAD-6B76-4F4E-9467-B8EE628ED177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh you made a little money working full time? Yeah you have to pay anywhere between 20-45% of your income, every week, or we’ll garnish your wages if you try and circumvent it.
You’re one step closer to realizing taxation is theft.

>> No.5932918


People freak out over coin to coin taxing but you can import the .CSV files the exchanges give you to automate in a site like CoinTracking.info

I feel like most people are FUDing because they're retarded children who don't know anything about investing.

>> No.5933011

People keep saying this but nothing has changed. Liked kind exchanges haven't been valid for crypto ever and they clarified that back in 2014 that digital currency trading was a taxable event. The latest just provides additional guidance and reiterates specifically that it is not like kind.

Having said that, fuck the police I'm not reporting my cost basis crypto for crypto trades. There are like thousands that I've made. If they want to subpoena bittrex then I'll worry about it.

>> No.5933034

This. How do faggots not know about taxes?

Hodl for a year and you can pay the reduced capital gain tax. You can also take losses tax loss harvesting.

>> No.5933716

Income taxes dont pay for infrastructue and education. Sales taxes and property taxes do that. State and federal income taxes pay for shaneequahs on the dole and salaries of bureaucrats.

>> No.5934097

I'm not holding for a year because I'm pretty sure switching coins every few months will net me more than enough to compensate for an extra 10% in taxes

>> No.5934263 [DELETED] 

This PnD group is growing so fast, it's unreal...

https://discord dot gg/6ddqFHd

>> No.5934286


>> No.5934361

This. The stress these last years has been 100x that of any fucking wagecuck job excluding maybe brain surgeon and airline pilot.

No it is not. Easy come easy go. If you want to also retain the gains you need to have a strategy all the time. Not to mention tax planning, price alarms going off at night, can't take vacations or go anywhere without your computer for a long time. 24/7 market. There is no "taking an off day".
In short, fuck you and your taxes. The income has already been taxed once, no reason to be taxed again unless the government put up some serious crypto infrastructure to really help the industry

>> No.5934387

>fighting the IRS in court
>draining tens of thousands of dollars in the process
>still end up being found guilty
>have to pay what i originally owed anyway
>plus interest
Ha- yeah anon let me do that

>> No.5934605

I plan on moving to a tax haven as soon as I make a million.

>> No.5935131

! million isn't shit.

>> No.5935406

Much rather feed her kids than get passed around by her 17 baby daddys for 15 years.

>> No.5935921

jesus fucking christ americans are so dumb

>> No.5936632

whats the point of reporting all your trades though?

If they take 30% of every trade it's the same as just taking 30% off the final sum

>> No.5936702

Portugal, iIle of man, Belize, Switzerland. WIth you too friendino. Not until3 mil though

>> No.5936757


It's so if they ask where you got all the money from you have proof that it was just from trading magic internet beans and not sex trafficking or pushing drugs or something.

>> No.5936893

I think you underestimate the viciousness of the IRS when it comes to taxes.

>> No.5936896
File: 14 KB, 177x166, 1513844777795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw comfy shithole with barely any taxes for crypto

>> No.5936989


Only 800 people paid crypto taxes in 2015. I'm sure the IRS will be happy if people just start giving them their 20-33% after cash out.

>> No.5937003

This is how republicans are born. You realize your tired of paying for niggers and spics with your money. Become Republican, help fight for the 10% flat tax. Tell libs to earn their own fucking money.

>> No.5937006

make a "charity", funnel money to said "charity" and use it for yourself

>> No.5937038

Portugal and Switzerland are not tax havens...

>> No.5937050

No, actually you cant get into debt with this form of taxation of every single transaction.

Buy 1 BTC for $1000 USD.

Sell 1 BTC for 2 LTC make $1000 profit. Tax it.

LTC goes down, exchange it back to 0.5 BTC. No Tax on this.

Now BTC goes way up and exchange it again for 3 LTC. Tax it.

LTC goes down. Cash it out for $500.

Now you have less cash than you started with + you also have pay taxes! It even possible that the taxes will be more than $500 you are left with.

This is not a joke. It really works like this, even with stocks.

>> No.5937138

Ever hear of a VPN proxy?

>> No.5937155

No it doesnt moron because you can write off losses. You lose $500. You don't get taxed on $500. You get a small break on the loss of $500.

>> No.5937206

If you buy coexistcoin you can write it all off.
Registered US Charity. You also get to keep the Coexistcoin which could go up in value.


>> No.5937241

Rofl, the internet meme at its best. You also don't need a driver's license because you're traveling, not driving, right? Utterly idiotic

>> No.5937648

but anon taxation with representation is theft
and we're way past the point of actual representation

>> No.5937747

(((they))) would rather you live in Section 8 housing and eat from food stamps.

>> No.5937912

The IRS is not "satisfied." The IRS is about enforcing the law and catching you slipping. They are extremely rigid in their rules. Sorry, man. But the IRS is a crooked organization specifically designed to fuck you. They do not meet you half way. They want all or you in jail.

>> No.5937998

Yeah fuck paying for roads, art exhibits, clean air and water, public transportation, and food. We all should just close inside our houses and watch anime and jerk off!

>> No.5938076

Most of the taxes allocated for those things are eaten up in bureaucracy anyway.

>> No.5938108

If the money was only spent on this the taxes would be way lower.
>art exhibits
yeah fuck spending my money on that bullshit

>> No.5938179

>it's true after all
Why did Americans on this board mock me for saying the US isn't the tax haven they make it out to be?

>> No.5938251

your grandparents explicitly fought for being slaves. It's the choice your nation made. Now live with it you fucking burger mongrels.

>> No.5938305

The US is a tax haven, but only for non-Americans

>> No.5938361


You only go to prison if you're purposefully trying to evade taxes. Nice FUD.

>> No.5938419

Too bad you're LARPing and have never done this.

>> No.5938421

Spotted the fascist retards.

>> No.5938422
File: 88 KB, 384x591, DRtUP6GW4Agv8_C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're two steps from realizing that we don't need anarchy to realize or reverse that

>> No.5938479

cash out under $600 a day and no taxes ever need to be paid

kinda shit if you need $100k or a huge sum right away but if youre living cheap and hodling just take it slow

>> No.5938498

>paying taxes

Like buying air. All tax is fool's tax.

>> No.5938569
File: 29 KB, 640x357, 11477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does $600 a day allow you to not pay taxes?

>> No.5938609


>see what happens when they realize they can't find it

You get disappeared into a federal holding facility, where you await trial for a manufactured crime for 10 years?

>> No.5938680

All tax is fool's tax.

>> No.5938713

Q-12: Is a payment made using virtual currency subject to information reporting?
A-12: A payment made using virtual currency is subject to information reporting to the
same extent as any other payment made in property. For example, a person who in the
course of a trade or business makes a payment of fixed and determinable income using
virtual currency with a value of $600 or more to a U.S. non-exempt recipient in a taxable
year is required to report the payment to the IRS and to the payee. Examples of
payments of fixed and determinable income include rent, salaries, wages, premiums,
annuities, and compensation.

Q-13: Is a person who in the course of a trade or business makes a payment
using virtual currency worth $600 or more to an independent contractor for
performing services required to file an information return with the IRS?
A-13: Generally, a person who in the course of a trade or business makes a payment
of $600 or more in a taxable year to an independent contractor for the performance of
services is required to report that payment to the IRS and to the payee on Form 1099-
MISC, Miscellaneous Income. Payments of virtual currency required to be reported on
Form 1099-MISC should be reported using the fair market value of the virtual currency
in U.S. dollars as of the date of payment. The payment recipient may have income
even if the recipient does not receive a Form 1099-MISC. See the Instructions to Form
1099-MISC and the General Instructions for Certain Information Returns for more
information. For payments to non-U.S. persons, see Publication 515, Withholding of
Tax on Nonresident Aliens and Foreign Entities.

straight from the irs guidelines

>> No.5938879

You wanted republicans, you got republicans.

>> No.5938883

>advocating for smaller government

>> No.5938916

I haven't payed taxes for 27 years, I'm not about to start now. No larp.

>> No.5938945

I’d rather pay tax to the (((government))) than waste time and money in a court room

>> No.5939299

>he doesnt use gook exchanges

>> No.5939558

>cash out after Jan 1st 2018
>Don't pay taxes until tax season 2019
>Different tax rules from 2017
> Make more gains in 2018 in index funds or other investments to cover taxes.
> Beat the IRS system

>> No.5939613


Even then you rarely go to jail, I know a guy who worked under the table for years and never paid his taxes. Eventually it caught up to him and he is getting buttfucked in penalties but he's not going to prison for it.