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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5936651 No.5936651 [Reply] [Original]

When will they learn its still got 10x left in this pump alone? My guess is not until we hit 11x.

>> No.5936724

Only 500 Linklets... Will I make it anon?

>> No.5936781


If your hands are iron like, and you hold until 2020, you will never work another day in your life anon. We'll see $1000 LINK within a few years.

>> No.5936866
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I want to believe

>> No.5936873
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But you cant even cash out to see them gains
Some of us could be in the millions/billions with these link gains and long term hold
you think we can just live on BTC alone

>> No.5936982
File: 419 KB, 730x696, 343_Guilty_Spark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This coin actually has the potential for 100$.
Decentralized Oracle for EVERY smart contract.
Stinky Boi Millionaires Club.
We'll have houses setup all over the world.

>> No.5937067

This coin will make me a thousandaire. Got 30$ in this.

>> No.5937186
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What is the oracle problem
Tell me, I bet you don't even know

>> No.5937189

That's insane anon.

I'll believe you.

>> No.5937209


Yes. My plan is to wagecuck for another 5 years like I have no crypto. Then pay off all my debts and live off income generated by crypto + rental properties I buy with my crypto gains.

LINK is going to give me an early retirement. I'm strapped in for the long haul.

>> No.5937211
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Yeah, look at ripple marketcap and their tokens are useless for investors. Linkies can use linkpool to get passive income. This is fucking huge.

>> No.5937367
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philosophy major
no news

>> No.5937475


Atleast I have early-dec REQ and XLM

I feel like I have the trinity of power, if only I went all in on those I would've been a rich man within 2 years.

>> No.5937493

Information from private databases is going to need to be accessed and fed into smart contracts for them to act as a smart contract.

These private databases are ALL diffierent.
And all want to remain private.

Smart contracts are DECENTRALIZED contracts operating without 3rd part mediation.

Oracles are there to translate data from private databases into a form that is usable by the place asking for it.

If you use a standard non decentralized oracle in a decentralized smart contract you have essentially ruined its decentralization.

ChainLink is the solution to this problem...translating information from private entities, that wish to remain private, into a usable form for smart contracts, while keeping decentralization pure.

>> No.5937545

^ faggot

>> No.5937551

You're degree is worth the stuff that I drop into the toilet every morning.

>> No.5937588

Why wagecuck for 5 more years? Do you only have like 100 link or something?

>> No.5937606

your* stupid autocorrect

Sent from my iPhone.

>> No.5937612

Abortions and processed tendies?

>> No.5937621

>He doesn't know
Anon, I...

>> No.5937655

does any other coins do this?

>> No.5937679


>> No.5937711

Yes, but link is going to have a first-mover advantage. Unlike some of these projects starting NOW, this one started around 2013.

>> No.5937717

wht isn't link going up that much then?

>> No.5937726

Sold at 1.20 yesterday and picked up about 1,000 more Links this morning.

Link follows a very regular pattern, if you don't day trade it you my friend are retarded.

>> No.5937727
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>Insulting others' intelligence while being an absolute brainlet himself

How many dicks have you polished off in 2018 already son? Please stop posting. Don't reply to this.

>> No.5937752

Because, as far as marketing is concerned, the LINK team are either absolute geniuses, or fucking retarded.

>> No.5937776

don't listen to that retard he's spouting drivel, but no link has no competition at all

>> No.5937790

I wrote that myself you fucking mongoloid. You really think "sent from my iPhone" populates itself?

>> No.5937816

Marketing is all bullshit.

But it works. Which is why I can't wait for the marketing team member to be revealed and become /ourguy/

>> No.5937943
File: 110 KB, 657x539, 1513653395252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never implied it did you dick sucking community college dropout.

I implied you're a gay retard for having an iPhone and not knowing based Sergey is a philosophy major.

Pic related, it's you.

>> No.5938120

I actually never graduated highschool so thanks for making me regret my life even more.

>> No.5938134


waht about taxes? that is my only concern

i dont care about long term gains, i have iron hands but taxes????

>> No.5938150

there's still time little goy, don't give up.

>> No.5938177

>thinks having an iPhone isn't cool
are you poor or what

>> No.5938207

i remember my dad telling my mom the same thing in the dot com boom


my dad killed himself in 2008

>> No.5938280

>i didn't grad from high school
>my dad is dead
/biz/ is not your fucking diary! i didn't come here to read this shit.

>> No.5938379

They openly admitted that they wouldn't do much hyping early on as to not concern their customers that they're just amateurs looking to pump and dump. Price increase has been solid with very little exposure to normies nor many updates from the team. Imagine the price action once announcements happen every couple weeks and main net goes live. Get in or stay poor the choice is yours anon

>> No.5938409

Why the FUCK hasn't any assembled the link marines yet

>> No.5938493

Link is my only good long-term hold except for BMCP

Idk why i even bought shit like REQ

>> No.5938598
File: 488 KB, 500x667, link beat it chick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The year is 2030
LINK has hit $10,000 a piece
There has been a complete paradigm shift, the NEET of the bygone era has become the master of the world
Even the most meek of the linkies with only 100 LINK are now 10× as rich as their nolinker peers
The LINKmarines have gained total control of the world governments under the leadership of Grand Duce Sergey Nazarov
All is well

>> No.5938792
File: 168 KB, 635x390, 123523512512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>currently 2nd lieutenant in the link marines

>in 2030 I am Admiral of the Atlantic Link Fleet.

Mon Visage Quand

>> No.5938902

The LINK Marine Brass would be proud!

>> No.5939476

>does any other coins do this?
Honestly, not at this scale. There are a few solutions that work on one blockchain and stuff, but ChainLink is like the real deal, and they're the first ones. Hard to beat the one who makes a breaktrough in crypto. See Bitcoin (Currency), or Ethereum (Smart Contracts). There are technically better alternatives than those two. Yet, they are kings.

>> No.5940067
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Somebody post the ranks pls

>> No.5940249

which on of you unbelievable cucks is selling LINK at these ridiculously low prices?

>> No.5940283

They are never going to make it

>> No.5940539
File: 510 KB, 1920x939, 1511217913915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Markets works in cycles; your bull cycle is done - prepare for the slow bleed deluded linkies.

>> No.5940980

this desu, looking to buy back in 3 weeks

>> No.5941040
File: 42 KB, 1370x675, link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

barely anyone is selling, keep on dreaming buddy.

>> No.5941154

Saying you're going to link everything together is much easier than actually doing it. Usually implementing standards like that has more to do with politics and marketing than tech. These guys are clearly not politicians or marketers so they will fail.

>> No.5941190

30K LINK captain reporting in

congratulations link marines for passing the fabled $1 mark! don't forget this pump isn't close to finished, and we still have a ways to go.

here is my personal LINK strategy:

i will sell off 10K when it hits $10. barring a complete crypto market collapse, i expect this to happen within the next three months. this amount of money will allow me to get by for the amount of time it takes for LINK to hit $100

i will sell off another 10K when it hits $100. at that point i am a millionaire, can buy a house and turn to more passive investing strategies

i will sell off my remaining 10K LINK if and only if it hits $1000. if it never reaches that point, then i hold forever. simple as that.

onwards link marines!!

>> No.5941267

+ Officer Ranks
- General of ChainLink: General Sergey Nazarov
- General: 500001+ LINK
- Lieutenant General: 250001-500000 LINK
- Major General: 175001-250000 LINK
- Brigadier General: 125001-175000 LINK
- Colonel: 75001-125000 LINK
- Lieutenant Colonel: 50001-75000 LINK
- Major: 35001-50000 LINK
- Captain: 25001-35000 LINK
- First Lieutenant: 20001-25000 LINK
- Second Lieutenant: 15001-20000 LINK

+ Non-Commissioned Officer Ranks
- Sergeant Major: 10001-15000 LINK
- Master Sergeant: 9001-10000 LINK
- Sergeant First Class: 7501-9000 LINK
- Staff Sergeant: 5001-7500 LINK
- Sergeant: 3501-5000 LINK
- Corporal: 1501-3500 LINK

+ Enlisted Ranks
- Specialist: 501-1500 LINK
- Private: 1-500 LINK

>> No.5941277

DOubt it'll hit 3 figs. I'd call it at 17USD, bopping between 20 and 15 USD

>> No.5941411

deluded nolinkies at it again

>> No.5941629

Yeah I'll just sell closer to the mainnet launch.

>> No.5941781

looool you're not on slack are you?
I'm an OG ico holder, had more than 100k link that I sold.

>Yeah I'll just sell closer to the mainnet launch.

Whats happening in Q1 is not the main net launch, its the go porting test and THEN we will have a possible date for the main net.

This shit takes age, good idea but team isn't comparable to other big coin teams.

>> No.5941818


And also there is no liquidity at all its ridiculous, can't sell more than 20k without influencing the price

>> No.5941865

flush yourself down the toilet

>> No.5941874
File: 608 KB, 1268x1232, bhbjjbjb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read this so many times on here and every time LINK sets a new floor just a few days later

Trying to time this is stupid. Zoom out and see there's a clear uptrend. Plus, we all expect it to go to $10 AT LEAST. I would not feel comfortable being a noLINKER even for a few minutes. Too risky

>> No.5941880


Yup. The volume is up but still wicked low, and the orderbooks are still thin af. One whale could throw the price into a wild spike with the orderbook this thin.

>> No.5941914

Me too fag. 120k. Bought 60K at presale, dumped on way to SIBOS rebought at 20-15 cent.

I'm good senpai. Still have enough to play with my alts

>> No.5942022

dont you have to pay tax for selling?

>> No.5942075
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>> No.5942087


DOn't bother selling. YOu can daytrade small stacks like 5k, not worth the risk. Way too volatile as no one is selling

>> No.5942185


Ya I stopped swing trading a while ago when the floor started to rise enough that it was becoming less profitable. I've missed out on selling a few obvious tops since then that could have added quite a bit to my stack, but given my past experiences I know the one time I try to flip it now will be the time it moons and never comes back down and I don't want to risk missing the LINK moon. Any other moon but I'm not missing this one.

>> No.5942249



I'm pretty far up with FUN. I might trade those profits into LINK. The question is how high will LINK get to by the time FUN is $0.25.

>> No.5942400


Ya I don't really know how to call the short term top. I know where I can see it getting by 2019/2020 and plan on holding until 2022 myself, but I don't really know how to estimate where the market will value it once it pops. $1.50-2.50 seems like the minimum we'l see from this pump, but $5-10 aren't out of the question if the market starts to price in the future.

>> No.5942655


Do you guys not realize that btc is going to break 20k and alts will bleed because 1. people want alts to bleed so that ehy can buy in cheap after
2. people want to be in btc because alts will bleed

>> No.5942896


lol prepare to getrekt if you actually believe that. it won't crack $17.5k again. we're heading sub $10k within a few weeks.

>> No.5943002

> The payment method of the future is shit

Dumb motherfucker. REQ and LINK are brothers for the same cause, removing the middle man.

>> No.5943009
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I like your strat.

>> No.5943089

lol, LINK is gonna end up being a textbook example of this phenomenon.

>> No.5943207
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