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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 500x500, opengraph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5929600 No.5929600 [Reply] [Original]

This is no joke or propaganda tatic folks. Cashout your Bitcoin,LTC,BCH,etc..etc.... RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!! Big news coming from the FEDs this coming Monday. And i promise you you will lose everything you own if you dont listen. I just cashed out all of my Alts and BTC. This is for real.

>> No.5929601

Fuck off

>> No.5929602

>Having shitcoins in 2018

>> No.5929603

Does your dad work at nintendo?

>> No.5929604

I will fuck off. With my actual cash. This isnt a joke. Someone close to me works for the federal reserve. What they are planning is full lockdown of blockchaining for 72 hrs and seizing all assets.

>> No.5929605

yeah right...

>> No.5929606

>Lockdown block chain

>> No.5929607

You dont have to believe me but come Monday you will.

>> No.5929608

can i be in the screenshot

>> No.5929609

Lockdown shitdown whatever the fuck you want to call it. They are going to try to take control of it and destroy it.

>> No.5929610

Do you have anything to support yourself other than your low-quality writing and threats of an unenforceable apocalypse?

>> No.5929611

I only know this from what my spouse told me. She works for Fed reserve

>> No.5929612

Lil bit of advice: lurk moar, you'll be able to construct your fake narratives better

>> No.5929613


haha yeah right

>> No.5929614

For awhile they have looked at it as a threat and now they will say it is. To them it is threatening the actuall dollar and they see it as a huge scam to make money from nothing.

>> No.5929615

Good fucking luck.

>> No.5929616
File: 15 KB, 255x251, red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol nice joke, go back to readit

>> No.5929617
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>they will seize le blockchain!

>> No.5929618

Ive never been to reddit. I barely come here. If you have any crypto currency right now you will be poor Monday.

>> No.5929619

Lockdown blockchain LMAO shit tier bait bye cunt

>> No.5929620

>federal reserve
not the SEC or FINRA or any other organization that actually has something to do with financial regulation? try again poorfag

>> No.5929621
File: 18 KB, 600x600, 1451161433146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are right, I'm just joking sorry to bother yall.

>> No.5929622

Is it really that fucking hard for you to believe. Its a public program,manifest,ledger,or whatever you call it. You think they dont already have access to it. Wake the fuck up and save yourself from being on the fucking streets after Monday

>> No.5929623


Go tell an actual news organization or fuck off mate

I hear Reuters has a pretty good anonymous tip line, that is, assuming you can figure out how to use it

>"How the hell do I click on this link? What kind of domain is .onion???"

>> No.5929624

Holy shit, you're fucking dense

>> No.5929625

>please sell btc so my alts will go up
>please sell btc so I can sell my alts into cheap btc

Threads like these happen daily on /biz/ so why did (you) stray away onto /g/?

I just don't understand why you think these little stories will affect the actual price of btc. Look at the volume it's trading at.

Get back to your discord fag.

>> No.5929626

If you in Ripple meme boat, this can happen. for bitcoin just nope

>> No.5929627

what is math? who is encryption?

>> No.5929628

I dont know what damn / this or that you are talking about. I dont come to this site that often. If i fucking tell anyone in person i risk me and my wife going to jail. Im trying to help everyone the best way i can

>> No.5929629

when do you go back to school? couple weeks?

>> No.5929630

Im not in school. Im a lawyer who has invested half of my life earnings in this shit and have now been given the worst news ive had in a while.

>> No.5929631

I literally own one monero fork coin.

>> No.5929632

Sell it!

>> No.5929633

sure thing kiddo. tell your principal i say hi

>> No.5929634

why? it costs 10 US cents, that is literally nothing

>> No.5929635

The only principal i answer to is the dollar and im keeping mine

>> No.5929636
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>> No.5929637

Ok. You dont wnat to believe me thats fine. Lets keep this thread active until Monday so then i can every last one of you I FUCKING TOLD YOU SO!!!

>> No.5929638

You can't seize the assets you fucking moron, you can't lockdown the blockchain either

>> No.5929639


>> No.5929640

Do you have any idea how a blockchain works?

>> No.5929641

what you're suggesting literally isn't possible, it's not just unlikely, the feds can't seize or lockdown bitcoin, that's the whole point

>> No.5929642

Maybe i used the wrong terms then. I dont know. All i know is the feds are stepping in on Monday.

>> No.5929643

You realise that the vast bulk of the bitcoin network is in China right?

>> No.5929644

Yes they can. They can shut down the biggest bitcoin farms. And bitcoin servers in general

>> No.5929645

Im not fully diversed in this. So yes i dont understand how they plan to do it. All i know is that i invested alot of money in this and i dont plan to lose it. My wife doesnt fully understand it either she just knows they are planning some sort of take over of the crypto currency world. Regulation and seizing anonymous accounts. This is what she was talking about.

>> No.5929646

>bitcoin servers

its an encrypted distributed network man.

as if the FED has any technological capacity to do this.

>> No.5929647

please explain what the fuck you think a "bitcoin server" is

really, I'm intruiged

>> No.5929648

Biggest bitcoin farms are in China. And there are no bitcoin servers you retard, it's distributed, every client is a server.

>> No.5929649


>> No.5929650

Why are you telling us this. Aren't you scared you are going to be tracked?

>> No.5929651

Tracked? I thought this site is anonymous

>> No.5929652

bitcoin server as in mining cunt.
And another thing is they could shut down coinbase and all websites that you sell crypto for mony

>> No.5929653

Even if this thread is bait remember that bitfinex is actually buying bitcoins from nothing because they're generating tether coins used to exchange and if the feds gets on them the market will heavily crash

>> No.5929654

sent :^)

>> No.5929655

I like to believe that OP really is just concerned lawyer who was told that Bitcoin is going to crash and burn and now he is realising it was nothing but a big fat ruse.

>> No.5929656

Fuck off I don't own Bitcoin and I don't fucking care

>> No.5929657

the fed isn't a government organization and doesn't have that kind of authority

>> No.5929658

you can't stop bitcoin miners the same way you can't stop anyone from calculating the n-th decimal of pi

also, most crypto is traded in china and many other places the fed's can't do anything about

whatever the fuck they do ... I'm the only one who has the private key of my bitcoin wallet

the worst thing that might happen is that prices crash for a a couple iof weeks (before people realize it's a great opportunity to buy some more)

>> No.5929659

Why would my wife tell me some thing like this if it were bullshit>>5929656

>> No.5929660

Tbh it all comes down to the government devaluing crypto. Like they could ban all forms of crypto, just with a law stating that goods and services can't be bought with crypto currency and you can't convert government money to crypto.

>> No.5929661

Because she is ignorant, heard some rumors through a broken telephone and passed them to you because she knows you own bitcoin and has concerns about your economical well-being. Nothing wrong with that, but please use your own head.

>> No.5929662

>"you can't convert government money to crypto"
that's completely impossible to enforce at all

>> No.5929663

>They can shut down the biggest bitcoin farms.

They're going to bomb china?

>> No.5929664

include me in screencap

>> No.5929665

It means nothing. It will still be usable as a currency, even if it costs 1 of some fiat. Governments, their fiats, economics, humanity, universe are temporary, crypto is forever.

>> No.5929666

Your "wife"

>> No.5929667

Tbh i hope bitcoin gets banned and coinbase gets shut down.

You can trade your gay virtual "coins" all you want but when the government shuts down places like coinbase, it literally haa no value lmaooo

>> No.5929668

Lol, it isn't anonymous, people get vanned all the time from shit they post

>> No.5929669

Probably because your wife is a retarded fat cunt and so are you

>> No.5929670

Ask how well currency controls has worked for the Argentinian government

>> No.5929671

Bitcoin has value tho, all people who are supporting ecosystem is what gives it value. It's not just a coin out of nowhere, it has workforce behind it.

>> No.5929672

I don't give a shit about shithole countries

>> No.5929673

being the paranoid bastard I am ...

can someone please link a tutorial to create a secure and private bitcoin paper wallet I can send the shit I have on coinbase to?

>> No.5929674

The USA is a shithole country though

>> No.5929675

>Cashed out his fake internet money in one day

Either you have less than $1000 or you're lying senpai. Enjoy it when your bank flags the transaction too.

>> No.5929676

I heard they're going to arrest the CEO of Bit-Coin and all the coins are going to disappear so ya

>> No.5929677

I agree the blockchain tech is ahead of it's time but places like coinbase is what is giving it value. Not just people mining n shit

>> No.5929678

stay mad i guess?
apple, microsoft, shit the list can go on and on...

>> No.5929679

easiest only because I don't know about thin clients on PC. Download the bitcoin app on your phone, generate the private key and print it out, delete the key off your phone, then send the money to the address

bitcoin had plenty of value before coinbase even existed

>> No.5929680

mad at what? that a thread died for your stupid LARPing?

>> No.5929681

>taking control of the blockchain
Yeah right

>> No.5929682

Where does it get it's value from? Who determines it's value?

>> No.5929683

Uhh, read an economics 101 book dumb ass.

>> No.5929684

I hope this is true so I can swim in cheap used GPU market

>> No.5929685

I'm not OP. Also your country doesn't have big companies like the US, therefore shitty country

>> No.5929686

Yeah, you don't even know either. Figured much... sigh

>> No.5929687

Here's a little fun fact for you: the entire point of crypto currency is that it's decentralized and spread out across the users. That's what makes it powerful; governments CAN'T control it or shut it down. It's out of their hands.

>> No.5929688

Many third world countries have released new laws incriminating the usage of cryptocurrency lately (North Africans mostly: Algeria and Morocco I think). Is this somehow related?

>> No.5929689

B-but they dooo. They will go around the world and take everyone's computers. We are doomed. Doomed I say

>> No.5929690

Yeah because only Murrica has crypto exchanges

>> No.5929691


>> No.5929692

Why does she tell you she loves you? Same thing

>> No.5929693

>seizing all assets
>Everybody run, theyre coming for the gpus!
I fucking wish

>> No.5929694

Thats great. Why do you need to convert it to real money then? Really defeats the main purpose.

I think actual money and "gay slove muh math equations that takes 12 hours to slove" money should be seperated

>> No.5929695

Israel owns your big companies

>> No.5929696

Even though it's not technically possible, I would love to see the Feds seize every coin.

Could you imagine sitting on /r/bitcoin and listening to the butthurt for the next 10 years.

Would serve them right for driving gpu prices to insanity.

>> No.5929697

Cryptocurrency is fucking nothing, it doesn't cost anything. All they need to do is to seize exchange stock and you will get 10 times MtG tier butthurt wave.

>> No.5929698

there is no computer security
wake up

>> No.5929699


You have no idea how the blockchain works, do you?

>> No.5929700


Ripple makes that pretty impossible since the entire concept is to be able to pay in crypto and the vendor receives cash.

>> No.5929701
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This fucking thread

>> No.5929702
File: 8 KB, 386x670, duuyyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CC brainlet here
Is >>5929600 real shit or fake news?
Plos no bule
I'll send you btc
(I won't really)

>> No.5929703

>investing in internet memecoins

the longer it takes for this bubble to burst, the sweeter it will be

>> No.5929704

btc can really be used as real money since the transaction time and fees are way too long some other coins can but it needs companies to start using it. An electronics store near my actually accepts btc though and literally every darknet market accepts btc and eth

>> No.5929705

the fastest way to lose credibility on the internet is through the use of exclamation marks

>> No.5929706

lmfao first you think btc is gonna get shut down then you think this site is anonymous and untraceable

it's 2018 man get a grip

>> No.5929707

You're a fucking imbecile.

>> No.5929708

>The (((Fed))) will "lockdown" all blockchaining technology, most of which is kept alive by miniers in China

are you not even a little bit embarrassed of your low quality baits?

>> No.5929709

You sound mildly retarded, good job.

>> No.5929710

OP here, nevermind, I figured it out.

>> No.5929711

The government doesn't set the value for cryptoshit.

>> No.5929712


>> No.5929713

It's the market, dipshit. It's worth as much as people are willing to pay for it.

>> No.5929714

You need to leave the board and never come back.

>> No.5929715

>russia and venezuela to create their own cryptocurrency to evade sanctions and move money
>U.S. decides to blow the whole thing up
Checks out

>> No.5929716

That's just for now, senpai. Sooner or later, they'll gather enough resources to start revolution and topple current retarded economic system for the good of humanity. All the governmental greedy retards are basically funding digging their own grave.

>> No.5929717

>gommunism will never work, it's meant to fail
>tries their hardest to make it fail every single time, no matter the (immense) costs
The absolute state of burgers

>> No.5929718

tf, I was sure I replied to this

>> No.5929719

>Gommunism invades a country
>US does nothing due to previous failings with Chile
>Gommunism still falls because it never works
>Nod real gommunism

>> No.5929720
File: 3.20 MB, 2951x9999, nocoiners dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This retard is spamming thinking his FUD will make the market go down so he can buy cheaper:


Im sure retards like you were the ones posting smug anime reactions saying BTC was dead at $125 a coin.

Now im rich while you wagecuck for life. The final nail in the coffin will be when we hit $100,000, as regretal suicides will kick in in full force.

>> No.5929721

bought VEN at .80 cents hope i'll make it someday. poorfag from russia (in decline)

>> No.5929722

>Gommunism invades cuntry
>Us does nothing to deliber fridom

Choose one, faggot

>> No.5929723

>for life
Lmao nah. Enjoy while it lasts, economy will be throughly and globally fucked one day. It's cool that you own coins, keep them, but remember that they'll be unusable for a while and you'll have to survive that period somehow

>> No.5929724
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>muh government bans

>> No.5929725
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>bitcoin will not go higher faster during another 2008 tier crisis

>> No.5929726
File: 77 KB, 480x480, Awoo+maga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't even buy bitcoin anymore without waiting a week or two to get it. It has the liquidity of a house.
Memecoiners will be the recipient of the Fake News award, they still haven't even accepted that their transactions will be 30% slower once all the miners update their software.
Or it is hacked and all your memes are stolen. Good luck anons.

>> No.5929727

It will go higher relative to what? Gold? You need gold? You need bread, not gold. There won't be fiat currencies one day.

>> No.5929728
File: 15 KB, 248x189, pptears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im too much of a resourceless retard to buy bitcoin because I don't matter

>muh mad max scenario
Seriously fuck off.

>> No.5929729

>mad max
>rejecting a retarded unsustainable economic system that we have in favor of the eternal one that we will have
Hard times won't last forever, but they are unavoidable.

>> No.5929730

I don't believe you understand how the blockchain works. It is not something that can be seized.

>> No.5929731

Are the bitcoins really that expensive? is it too late to invest into them?

>> No.5929732

just read the whitepaper, takes like 5 mins and you'll realize how much bs floats around the web

>> No.5929733

Crypto is oppositional to communism.

>> No.5929820
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>Hey that's our scam!

>> No.5929822


This guy missed buying BTC and want it to dip.


>> No.5929846

this thread is hilarious
good time for my 98.7% BTC portfolio to get comfy and eat some popcorn

>> No.5929879

Good thing I unironically keep my shit in Binance accounts

>> No.5929936


why are there no IDs in this thread, but there are IDs in other threads? WTF!!!???

>> No.5929997

You have an ID

>> No.5930010

>Are the bitcoins really that expensive?
yes, like really fucking expensive
the smart people (not me) put their life savings in it year ago and are millionaires now
>is it too late to invest into [literally anything]?
if you know of a good way to know that for sure you'll become the richest person on earth in no time

>> No.5930076

this thread was originally on /g/ but was moved here by someone who does it for free
/g/ doesn't have ids so posts before the move don't have them

>> No.5930128

This is a fucking quality post and is why is still come to this board

>> No.5930190

Buy the ETH dip and convert it to alts. Your ETH price will be locked in if it goes up (or down) but you wont have the funds for about 8 days. Do your own research or be victim to /biz/raeli whales.

>> No.5930235

underrated post

>> No.5930246

I'm try because seems legit, but the transaction won't be confirmed until Tuesday because Bitcoin is absolutely shit.

>> No.5930319

It's true. My blockchains are padlocked and I can't even ride my bike. Seized.

>> No.5930398

makes sense, /g/ isn't hard to troll because of the groupthink over there. probably one of the more homogeneous boards

>> No.5930429

If something was actually happening, insiders would be cashing out already. Instead BTC is on a run.

>> No.5930466


>> No.5930482
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>> No.5930511

thanks just sold everything i own to buy the dip when this happens

>> No.5930533
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>> No.5930540

>holding bitcoin in 2018
youre about to get RAILED

>> No.5930595

This is a great way to pump it even more.

I hope they try!

>> No.5930607
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They sperg out over software editing licenses and propietary vs open source but generally yea. Smart to watch /g/ along with /fit/ /pol/ and /biz/ to stay part of the chan uberman class
>tfw also go on /ck/ since I dont have 2d waifu to cook good food for me

>> No.5930665
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>> No.5930679

well this was fun guys but we all know what will ACTUALLY happen

>40% capital gains tax

>> No.5930743


>> No.5930799

Kek, seizing what? How will they even seize it? This is the most retarded FUD so far.

>> No.5930805


The weird thing is this guys responses are copy pasted from that thread. Is this an elaborate shill attempt or has there been a glitch in the matrix?

This thread is timestamped prior to that thread too.

If this post gets digits somethings going on. WTF IS GOING ON

>> No.5930840
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Taxes are for everyone but the rich
>Land of the free

>> No.5930857

Those are not even only in the US. It can not and will not work. You are dumb as fuck. They could target exchanges though, that might work.

>> No.5930894

>no-coining this hard

Might actually be a XRP holder though.

>> No.5931265
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>> No.5931370
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>> No.5931531

Why are there no ids in this thread?

>> No.5931584

Just saying, doesn't someone with a black hole brain have a BIGGER brain rather than a smaller brain? Think about the density of a black hole that size in his head. One black hole the size of an atom has the same amount of matter as a mountain.

>> No.5931617

see >>5930076

>> No.5931960


let's say you're right (which you're not): If you're selling in the face of a "FED crackdown" why did you buy in the first place. This is the very reason for BTC's existence.

>> No.5932060

Haha nice try Pajeet, the FED doesn't have the power. That is the great thing about crypto, no GOV does.

>> No.5932137

Actually the government can do whatever they want. They can ban it, they're the ones with the armies, nukes and prisons.

>> No.5932194

The government has the control over violence which gives authority

>> No.5932561

The upheaval that would happen if they tried this would be massive. This has already gone global not to mention they would be shooting themselves in the foot two fold, losing out on global innovation and damn the millennial generation again after fucking the system twice over between wars and the bank bailout. The social backlash would be biblical.

>> No.5933183
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Fuck off samefag

>> No.5933627
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>lockdown of blockchain

>> No.5933763

You've been shilling your own fucking post for over a fucking week now. Just stop it!!

>> No.5933917


>> No.5933935


>> No.5934107

>The most divided board on 4chan
Are you reading the original replies? Do you understand that you have to succeed at trolling to have it be a successful troll?
Fucking /biz/lets. Swear to god.

>> No.5934175
File: 20 KB, 489x307, 04F1D65C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

typical nocoiner

>> No.5934239

nice, just sold 1,000,000k

>> No.5934292

Literally how?

>> No.5934611
File: 1.58 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_20170725-193911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you weak-handed dummies are going to miss out on the Ripple moon.

> Coinbase says they aren't adding it

Wrong. They just said that they have not decided yet on what to add. They don't want to be accused of insider trading again and are covering their asses.

Buy the ripple dip now.

>> No.5934628
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>Feds go ham on cryptos
>all private, "private" and pseudoprivate shitcoins launch way past the kuiper belt
I can't wait to get rich on my stack of moneros, verges, sumos and other shitcoins

>> No.5934711
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>> No.5934903


Why does everyone larp as a lawyer on this board?

>> No.5935002

a successful troll only has to get replies. doesn't matter what the group says about it

>> No.5935603

I THINK! it is very obvius that she is cheating on you, so sorry man, probably she´s just fucking her boss (bosses maybe) and then how she is so ditzy thinking in others mens cock you cloul worried and ask her Whath happened? and she say ah, ehh.. bitcoins!! and you say what about bitcoins? and she say Its gonna exploit on monday!! and here we are

>> No.5935718

Peter thiel owns a shitload of bitcoin and is a close friend of trump.

Shit will happen.

>> No.5935878
File: 9 KB, 236x190, 6bb32eaebfdd1e90d45f504da78ddaa4--collection-meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lockdown a decentralized network literally designed to prevent this
>propaganda "tatic"
>72 hr lockdown and seizing assets
>being this autistic

>> No.5936078

>full lockdown
normie detected

>> No.5936178

This is TRUE!!! My wife's son told me that same!!

>> No.5936507

>full lockdown of blockchaining for 72 hrs and seizing all assets.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA are you okay bruv