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File: 234 KB, 1079x1511, Screenshot_20241126_030710_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
59293350 No.59293350 [Reply] [Original]

Idk wtf to do. Noob. Tired of working my life away for a few bucks. 28. Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why I shit on company time.
Got fired few months ago. Blue collar and licensed from 18 to 28. Had decent money saved up, lil less than 100k. Now at 35k in bank, thew 20 at this whole gambling thing...(I am an addict when at the real casino, won't stop till I'm up).... I need tips quick...need a different app to use(i hate rh and downloading gecko now), what do I do rn? Pull or stay? Or pull and put back in? Does the other side of the world make this stuff move so much?; almost 0400hrs est. Grew up told not to put money in the market..well I should've not listened like everything thing else I did. Fml..


>> No.59293357

Just put it all in DJT and or Dogecoin.

>> No.59293392
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>> No.59293400
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>> No.59293405
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>> No.59293407

You were supposed to buy all bear market and instead you fomo'd tops and on robinhood to boot. Fucking retard, you're destined to wagecage.

>> No.59293413

kill yourself

>> No.59293415
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Sorry if this is a big file

>> No.59293419

Shut up faggot I need my brokefolio to recover.

Dude get the fuck off Bitcoin thats only for really rich fags.

Buy more of this.

You can buy more of this if you want, but also buy Workhorse and Riot Blockchain.

>> No.59293421

Least addicted crypto gambler. Imagine if you could ever figure out how to use leverag. Stop using robinhood and get into the big leagues, newfag.

>> No.59293425

Fuck off faggot. Its gonna hit $20.

>> No.59293428

Made for the wage cage.

>> No.59293430

Projecting so hard rn.

>> No.59293434

Stop typing like a nigger.

>> No.59293436

Jesus Christ.

>> No.59293450


>> No.59293455

I am a newfag. I said so myself. I'm the most poised and morose person I know; apathetic as well could be said. Just trynna enjoy my life more freely without having to break my body everyday..
What are the big leagues? I know I need to find some anonbanksite for sure so I don't have to wash my cotton.

>> No.59293462

Thank you. I'll check em out. I gotta pull from bit now. Guess if it's a loss stock, it's a t off?

>> No.59293464

Just go all in bitcoin and stop fucking with it.
You’ve got ~$20k in your portfolio and another $35k in the bank? Put another $20k cash in index funds. Now live a modest lifestyle on your wage and the $15k while looking for ways to expand your skills and raise your income. Quit gambling.
This is sound advice so don’t know if you’ll do it.

>> No.59293466

You get in hold and stay in. Or you gamble win sometimes then inevitably lose. You unfortunately brought in the middle of a bull run. But if you hold your money there after a few years you'll be the early one.

>> No.59293506

dont listen to FUD fags. btc will go back to at least 120k early next year. but u wont make lifechanging wealth.

>> No.59293512

way too much diversity in your portfolio. ngmi. stick to max 3-5 things. preferably 3.

>> No.59293514

Yeah sorry but 20% gain isn't life changing. Bitcoin is only for the ultra rich to play with this anon needs to play with shitcoins.

>> No.59293524

like i said he wont make lifechanging wealth but he'll get something out of his investment. though he seems to be a degen gambler so he'll just HODL through the whole thing or start leverage trading. good luck OP, you will need it when u lose it all.

>> No.59293529

I know there's ups n downs, I just feel like ima be the older ppl telling me to not invest cause they lost, I'm loosing rn. I can be at the casino, lose 1.5k raw in a few hrs on 21, lil nap, pull 400 into 2700 on roul in 12hrs n walk, I can read the deals in person but Im still learning this shit. Trying to read between the lines of dotcom posts and anon posts, obviously we are the people. I'm thinking bout pulling 10 out of bit. Last night I pulled some small profits from elsewhere, how I got the 400; idk if that's a gain for me or not cause it sells out part of your shares? There was the few quantum ticks I literally just looked at last night b4 passing out, wake up and they're fuckin up nicely, damnit.

>> No.59293530

You don't have the patience to understand all of this so I wholeheartedly will tell you what to do.
1.Have a life-budget for the next 6 months on your account.
2.Take the rest and put half in an sp500-index-fund, the other half you will save for better opportunities in a savings account that gives you dividend. (We are at the end of this economic cycle, so don't fuck around)
3.Close all accounts and memberships on crypto, casinos and robinhood. If you don't enjoy getting pennies for your hard work, you sure as hell don't like someone stealing it from you. You will trap your mind and seek higher risks and let them leech you for the rest of your life. STOP
4.Get a steady job and stop comparing yourself to people online that will lie about their accounts so they feel better and you worse.
5.Set a goal for your life upcoming 5 years.

>> No.59293538

Saw it a while ago at the lows but nobody I knew ever said anything about it...I know I got the middle and I regretting it

>> No.59293539

>Get a steady job and stop comparing yourself to people online that will lie about their accounts so they feel better and you worse.
Most honest thing I've seen on the internet today so far.

>> No.59293541

My philosophy is I either lose everything in my investment or I sell at a profit. I no longer fear my money thats in stocks or crypto I just take where the wind takes me. Not worth stressing about.

>> No.59293570

Correct..the daytrade quick flip shit I think I want

I been there, worked all my memories away. Died in an accident ruled of not my fault and got nada from the killer. Went back to work. Fired for own self problems like coming in late. Self inflicted my own brain since the day it was split open, not a bad dude, just trynna rise myself. My days went from 5am-12am, to 6pm-8am. Just trynna get out of a rut.

Preciate the reminder...I've worn boots for my whole life...just the world is changing I guess.

>> No.59293583

>Correct..the daytrade quick flip shit I think I want
You might as well just give up if thats what your planning. There's always the casino for that.

>> No.59293600

I was kinda thinking this...but either way it's a gamble. I can't draw it cause then I gotta pay Sam...I need to find a wallet?

>> No.59293617

Dude what the fuck are you talking about?
I don’t mean to sound harsh but you don’t seem to know what you’re doing here. You need a conservative investment strategy or you’re going to end up losing it all

>> No.59293650

Is your statement not obvious? Otherwise I wouldn't have made this fucking thread?

I got maybe 20 in ira and 25 in my regular bank savings that earns me nothing

>> No.59293684

Should I put into the sp500 through my ira company?

>> No.59293754

I dont wanna give up on this game, I know the major potential but have no good leadings unfortunately...
Should I just find a recommended accountant, open llc for myself, study and attempt master state license (I am licensed journeyman) and get back to drinking 2g/day busting ass workin for myself? I love it, second nature knowledge to me, just makes a lot of tolls in life. Constructed single houses up to 16m, to servicing historic renovations, to giving myself away for faint of heart of first time clients maybe at 90yr old in good deeds of righteousness. Had multiple local company's contact me from word of mouth around town trying to snag me up. I've just wanted to take a break from all that and live for myself.

>> No.59293814

I wouldn't mess with trading or trying to get a quick win in anything, do this >>59293530
You can learn more about economics and markets in the meantime but there is a very good reason 99% of people should be (and are) "index fund and chill".

People on here will tell you they earn a gorillian dollars or put 20 buck in a shitcoin and now have 20 million, it's all lies.
People in the real world are in debt and try to survive to the next pay day, if you have any investment at all you are already above the majority.

>> No.59293815

is it just me or is this post absolute gobbeldeygook
like i cant understand it at all

>> No.59293831

It's real. Is the word you spelled ever real? Tf. I just have not been saying everything outloud for the obvious, use your brain for keywords like you already do in your own tech terms.

I mean yea can't get rich like immediately off this I don't think, with having to make it back into real usd. But I don't have the super knowledge, I just throw myself into things cause life is about learning. Just like travel by yourself, don't wait for others to accept your invite to tag along. I do feel as if I made my plate to big to eat it all, but thus my questions.. so you think the old ways are the right ways still?; in this modern era?

>> No.59293835
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here's a tip

>> No.59293867

Mhmmmmm I was lookin at that. Thought it might be a little help with stuff; it is only a few bucks I guess. But I'm not enjoying the UI of itself so idk if I should get it. Spark, I did actually consider physical metals a while ago as well...but never got into that either..too lat for that as well?

>> No.59293928
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Current status...idk...bout pull from bit and hold out for a minute? Put something into a quantum before market opens? Ahhhh

>> No.59293966
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>> No.59294248 [DELETED] 

You own all this bullshit? You don't know what you're doing.
Your problem is revealed in the OP that you even visit casinos. Now you're asking if you should sell, buy again, buy, sell, buy later, sell later, sell in 5 minutes, buy tomorrow...
Do you understand the meaning of the word invest or is all of life just a giant craps table to you?
What you need to do right now is stop fucking with it, close the app, and come back in 3 months.

>> No.59294425

Life is a gamble bro. There's tiny penny stocks I see that rise maybe 200 or 400 percent overnight, been trying to study insider time buys as well. Yea I don't know wtf I'm doing with this stuff, that's why I came here even though I know the majority are dicks and selfish, there's a few nice guys who don't mind helping. Did you know how to fucking ride a bike without falling down or being led through it? No. We all have different lives, relax man. Doesn't hurt to smile at a stranger every now and then. I know there's long term and short term shit, I wanna play both. But fuck me for asking eh? Fuck hospitality, only care about yourself like others. Your the one who probably doesn't help their neighbors get out if their house is on fire.

>> No.59294431

why does he have 4 shares of DJT

>> No.59294437


Wrong mindset. Walk away before you lose the rest of the money you worked for, this is not for you.

>> No.59294439

Cause it's little money. I like to play around. Fuckin a. It's nothing compared to the 500 a week of various substances I put into my fuckin body.

>> No.59294446

My mindset is terrible for myself, but I'm trying..

>> No.59294463

>average cost: $97,876

I feel like such an oldfag now having started buying bitcoin in 2015

>> No.59294580
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>Life is a gamble bro.
>500 a week of various substances I put into my fuckin body.
here's a plan
>accept the fact that you have an incredibly low chance of gambling your way into millions of dollars, which you should know after attempting this for however long you have been trading and trying to time the markets
>go to a 12 step program
>get sober
>sell all of your investments except BTC and mutual funds
>invest $100 a day into a 50/50 split of BTC and SP500
>again, accept the fact that gambling the markets has not worked for you and likely never will
>continue a simple DCA, set it and forget it strategy
>in a 2-5 years you will have hundreds of thousands of dollars, minimum
I've lived similarly to you. I stopped drinking, and stopped thinking that I can strike rich from moving peanuts around risky investments everyday. Are there people who do it? Yes, sure. But there are far more people who have the hubris to think they are guaranteed to do the same, and lose money, and become more miserable and poor.

>> No.59294587
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>he bought at 97k
what was the thought process?

>> No.59294607

Real. Preciate. Been a lost soul for a while now. Know the rights n wrongs, just sinking myself hoping for the best..

>> No.59294624

in addition your
>Tired of working my life away for a few bucks.
>Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why I shit on company time.
attitude will get you nowhere in life but broke. a good life has good work. resenting your bosses and companies only serves to make YOU miserable. 28 is young. you're a man, i assume, and you have decades of life left that can be spent working and earning, and investing. plan for what your wealth will be in your 50s in 60s. stop trying to be a millionaire in your 20s. that door has closed. accept it and assess where your life goes from there.

>> No.59294639

>invest $100 a day into a 50/50 split of BTC and SP500
>>in a 2-5 years you will have hundreds of thousands of dollars, minimum
Yeah, if he kept $100 a day in cash it'd be hundreds of thousands, too, because that would be how much he put in. Why not just invest $1000 a day? Or 10k? Or just start out on day one with his retirement goal, then he wouldn't have to worry about investments at all.

>> No.59294652


$100 a day for 3 years is 75k

>> No.59294662 [DELETED] 

I just gave you the best advice ITT. Mistakes in this game cost you and I will take your money. It's a competition. I am so serious. Stop throwing darts at the wall, buy quality in small enough number that you can actually manage it, and stop messing with it. Don't even look at it. Yes I know more about this topic than you. That's why my advice is what it is. You might want to run ultra short time horizon trades. I'm telling you that's a fools errand and I will take your money.

>> No.59294699
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he said he's spending $500/week on drugs/alcohol. convert that to investments, add an extra $200/week from income, plus the ~$20k starting investments.
>Why not just invest $1000 a day? Or 10k?
because i'm going off math, not magic.

>> No.59294701

I've never resented my bosses. Never burned bridges. I take life as it comes. I was top employee, never a high head mind though, always humble to whomever. Yea 28m. I get exactly what your saying. That's how I was raised as well, I just feel different now in this weird world. I feel like there is more financial potential than what is mainly talked about outloud. I've always been entrepreneur type guy since like 8, painted mailboxs n walked dogs..made it to YouTube monetization in middle school and brought in maybe 1k a month for a long time, then was able to buy stuff at the local corner store and make profit on it. Got like 20k in woodworking/metal working tools in my garage, would make custom stuff for friends or word of mouth sales. I see price tags if im throwing something away. There's money everywhere, you just have to find it. I have an amazing knowledge and contact base of my blue collar field. I still do jobs here and there that make me great money per hour...if I do them. I don't wanna wait till 60 to be rich, I plan on dieing before then...I was already dead once, I want to live life happy and explore what's out there besides the 100 mile radius I travel every so often for a little weekend getaway. Idk man. The brain is a weird fuckin thing.

>> No.59294738

I guess slow n steady does win the race? Just been trying to find the shortcut..sports betting ain't working, horse betting has been alright

>> No.59294765
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brother you contradict yourself all over the place. you're humble, and can admit the gambling has gotten you nowhere. but you still have the magical thinking that somehow, with a few correct moves, that you'll fall into a luxury lifestyle and travel the world in leisure and happiness
>I want to live life happy
yet you wallow in misery over your failed attempts to make it big. if you found happiness in your abilities to work, why not continue them and yes, play the slow and certain game of finance?

there is no shortcut. lady luck hasn't found you yet. you are not the guy who just needs to keep gambling a little longer to find diamonds. there are no diamonds in your path.

>> No.59294799

Bro get the fuck off of robbinghood. I’ve had my 100% legitamite funds trapped on there for two weeks now all because I tried to send 100 dollars of sol to a private wallet. They make you do every single thing over the phone with pajeets, it’s awful. Get your fucking money off of there.

>> No.59294855

Funniest shit I've read this year. Like I can't understand a word you said.

>> No.59294910

I agree though with the general advice here. Stop gambling.

>> No.59295018

You right, I hold the diamond hope cause anything can happen. I don't like giving up on anything in life; not to prove others, just to myself. I've always been the quiet guy in life. Everyone around towns knows of me, but they do not know me. Not boastful, just humble kind and modest. I do know I'm down thousands through the few years of playing around, yet still hope for something. Rags to richs I guess as they say. Luck has never been in my favor in aspect... I'm not dead till I down though? Rn I just have my life vest off. I appreciate you.

add some commas or periods. Use context clues. You'll be able to comprehend it one day. I'm typing with only able to see like 3 lines at once. Sooo sorry. Your not assisting me so guess it don't matter if you get my words or not. I'm not a Grammer nazi, idgaf, I'm in the eyes of big bro irl so I use caution.

Yea took 2 weeks for rh to accept my 20k deposit...realized something was off then, just don't know where to move it. Where do you say is best?

>> No.59295044
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I disagree though with the general advice here. Keep gambling.
All it takes is 3 10x's to make it to a million from a thousand. It can be done.

>> No.59295198

You n I both know at 25 chip on roulette in the right spot can get 875 on one spin. 1 buck on a horse can get you 100. Same to this online stuff. I'm taking everything here into account.

>> No.59295349

>OP admits he spends $400 a week on alcohol and drugs
>and frequents the roulette table
>and does sports betting
>and does horse betting
>now daytrading shitcoins

You are literally too low IQ to make it. Sorry bro.

>> No.59295445

Fuck your iq rating. Life ain't about that. I'm trying to learn a new skill. Come do my licensed trade job mofo, 8yrs, seen over 150 hires n fires, 4 that were good enough to stay. Gtfo.

>> No.59295468

For being 28yo you type and sound like a retard.

>> No.59295541
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>licensed trade job
>8 years

>> No.59295546

Who cares what I type like? 4chan isn't a fucking resume.

>> No.59295593

all in kaspa and forget about it. do it pussy

>> No.59295614

Probably a west coast cuck whose just now waking up and mama has pancakes ready for you. Go eat them before they are cold. Make sure to scream for no one while your shit cutter is getting reckd by the people south of you.

>> No.59295638

to me it seems you are way too diversified fren.
making money is about leverage.
if you invest one dollar and it goes up 100% you will only have two dollars (minus trading fees and taxes).
consolidate your funds into two or three coins with different or even opposite strategies/fundamentals (not all the same shit) so you can hedge against your own ignorance of the market.
also everything is red right now because the market is correcting this week after some huge pumps during the last month. that always happens, just zoom out. don't stare at the minute chart, you are not a day trader, just look at the 6 month to 1 year chart and if you feel confident about a pick just hold and go about your day and try to accumulate more money and shares.
you must of course do your own research before acting. this is not financial advice, just my worthless opinion.

>> No.59295681

I agree with this anon >>59293428

>> No.59295697

I have been looking into the 6mo 1yr 5yr charts on everything recently. Learning the curves and time frames

>> No.59295746

OP listen to this guy or you might as well go all in on black at a roulette table if you want quick money

but like other anons said, consolidate into 3 publicly traded assets as you only diversify if you want to protect your wealth

>> No.59295771

All in MSTU.
MSTU is 2X leverage of MSTR which is 2-3X leverage Bitcoin.

>> No.59296338

nigga three percent fluctuations happen all the time get ahold of yourself
if you cant handle that investing is NOT for you.

>> No.59296360 [DELETED] 

Friendly reminder you can request to be voluntarily excluded from any casino.

>> No.59296823

But I wanted to go all in on red! Fr tho yea agreed.

Was hesitant about this one but shall put a little more into.

>> No.59297326
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Everyone telling you to stop trading is a pussy. Get Robin Hood Gold So you can collect 5% interest on uninvested cash. Then use leverage with a risk reward strategy to trade stocks like the 2x S&P or 2x QQQ. These stocks are safe but also provide higher returns.

>> No.59297520

Hmmm. I shall look more into these type of stocks. The gold I'm gonna do, didnt know if it was worth it; kinda seems like so now. I wish I could overlay graphs on RH..

>> No.59297579

If you move to North Korea or some rural area of China you could live like a king on 1k a year and have the best 19.7 years of your life.

>> No.59297614

kek baggie

>> No.59297710

you're saying you're going to do everything people in this thread suggest, even when the suggestions conflict with each other. following every single whim on /biz/ is a quick way to bankruptcy. you have 0 shit filter if you really follow random advice.
sober up
get a job
don't touch your money until you work out your mental state

>> No.59298086

Didn't say I was going to do everything, I said I'm taking everything into account. I'm not brainless.

>> No.59298420
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Reading posts like these feels like I’m listening to the scruffy homeless guy on the street corner in a really shitty city yelling into the void. Step 1 for you is to get clean and stop frying your brain with a cocktail of substances. When you’re sober you’ll be of more sound mind to make better financial decisions rather than junkie daydreaming about hitting it big on the handful of shitcoins you’ve spread yourself over. To be quite honest crypto in general is probably something you shouldn’t even be thinking about, the way your posts come off puts you as the type of guy who shouldn’t even be managing their own money.

Blue collar worker or not, you need to get your shit together buddy. The whole “woe is me, the world is against me” will get you nowhere. 95% of us weren’t born into wealth and have to work for a living, and it’s no different for you. An extreme minority of people make it into comfort right off the bat and wealth for the vast majority of us is a slow grind upwards which snowballs and gains velocity toward the end.

t. Fellow blue collar worker, 29yo, 700k net worth from working an actual job for a decade and not blowing it all on drugs and other unnecessary bullshit.

>> No.59298643

Just don’t sell

>> No.59298711

funny ass thread. good luck op im rooting for you!

>> No.59299171

exit your position entirely and learn about risk management. intra day trade stocks with a much smaller portion of your net acct. value than youre risking currently

>> No.59299176

your #1 job is to increase your income. for the rest put it 50% MSTR, pull out on inauguration, put 50% in TQQQ pull out never.

>> No.59299187
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>You need a conservative investment strategy or you’re going to end up losing it all
the #1 thing is to not panic sell. optimal leverage ratio for equities is above 1.

>> No.59299192

People are thinking this is a paragraph when it's really just the name of a new coin on pumpfun.

>> No.59299216
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would anything i say even matter to you?
put half your portfolio into sp500. the other half put 10% into each of these. they have largest market cap on the stock market.
then go back to work and take 30% of your paycheck each month to repeat what i just said.
also i've never met a blue collar worker who could swallow his pride and do what he was told, you all have huge egos and tiny brains.

>> No.59299245

OP needs to buy and hold blue chips instead of trading. 3 years holding SPXL is better than going -90% in 10 trades.

>> No.59299557


>> No.59299623

Stop smoking crack, it puts holes in your brain. Something about the specific episode going on with OP pulled the most genuine advice I've seen on biz since the deep bear.

>> No.59299639

SUPRA lists on Kucoin today, better call

>> No.59300598
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Try buying gold, it literally says it right there, dummy.

>> No.59300634

If you buy and never sell you never lose money

>> No.59300719

Hope you didn’t panic sell OP, we are pumping