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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5929025 No.5929025 [Reply] [Original]

all of biz's actual good coins are crashing, my TNB is mooning and i know its pure gook vaporwave

guys seriously, get out of anything you think is legit and just get on the next TRON-like scam

>> No.5929223


>> No.5929417
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Just fucking do it before it 10x's, biz.

In 1 week time there will be 20 threads a day about this coin and the TNBros will be making sick gains..

this is my 5th try at shilling you this coin in the last few days, 2 replies. 2 FUCKING REPLIES and i've 3x'ed already. seriously what the fuck

>> No.5929515


TL;DR: Unique blockchain platform based on rewarding users time with crypto, barely shilled here, sitting pretty at a 300m Mcap, with enough news coming to 10x.

It's a project based out of Singapore that connects a marketplace to the users' time, talent, information, etc.
It makes previously untradable assets tradeable as a commodity. fucking mad or what?
All fees on the marketplace are paid in TNB

Tweet today confirming imminent listing on Bitfinex. On 8 exchanges already and rising fast!
Mobile App launch on 11th Jan. An actual product in crypto, fuck me
Advisors on the Chink telegram have said something BIG is coming (https://www.reddit.com/r/TimeNewBank/comments/7o85xh/updates_from_chinese_group/))

A-list tech/biz gooks, mostly ex-Microsoft and ex-Dell
Charlie Shrem advising
Lots of venture capital
Backed by Inke, the Chinese Twitch, who will integrate it

The team, uniqueness of the idea, low price per coin and flow of news is just too much for the whale walls to keep it down much longer.

>> No.5929570

what's a realistic price target in 1-2 months?

>> No.5929790

$5 in my opinion

6bilion market cap or something stupid.. this market will pump the fuck out of TNB because it is such a mad crazy idea

>> No.5929912
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saw some TNB NYC ads, that's crazy. alright anon, you've convinced me, cheers

>> No.5929924

Placed $14k in this biach anon. U better deliver.

>> No.5930339

See you at 10k sats lads, remember me

>> No.5930828

meh why not

>> No.5931034

The main thing that got me sold was the low price and NYC ad. The fucking founders of this coin definitely plan to shill this to high heavens.

Think of what happened to EOS.

>> No.5931251
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Yeah why not. Invested half of my money into this while its dipping.

Hope you deliver or I fuck you anal.