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59286133 No.59286133 [Reply] [Original]

Looks like we're in a full blown alt season afterall, what hasn't pumped yet and is worth buying?

>> No.59286167

sort by anything under 250m market cap that hasn't really moved yet imo
aka small enough that it has room to grow and big enough that it will still be noticed this bull run

>> No.59286190 [DELETED] 
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Go check out $POLAR

>> No.59286194


>> No.59286198

Frog tokens on eth. There's going to be a massive rotation from Pepe and Apu once it gets high enough Into the lower cap shitters that are sub 10m right now.

>> No.59286205
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>> No.59286206

Is there any hope left for Lily?

>> No.59286234
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bought and sold POLAR. still think it will fly?

>> No.59286238
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had any luck yet? kek

>> No.59286350

Bought RAM, made 50x.

>> No.59286399

Don't be a retard, sell it off and buy FLOKI EOS VELO.

>> No.59286416

can easily 5x.

>> No.59286421

>being this late to the party


>> No.59286430
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Next for RAM will be 100x, don't sleep on it

>> No.59286436
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Snakes bro, its exploading. Not some low mc rugged shit.

>> No.59286447

DePin and RWA are topping the chart. Don't miss those gems.

>> No.59286466


>> No.59286489

RIO MPL RAM, based alts.

>> No.59286510

11 mil mc reached and still growing lol, are you in?


>> No.59286542

Buy bluechips alone, the rest of the alts are gonna die

>> No.59286564

Tell me something else, I'm sick and tired of SHIB

>> No.59286567

gas fee over the roof. just ape some memes on solana.

>> No.59286640
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Buy EOS, stake it for some juicy APY rewards.

>> No.59286718
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based memecoins else you want to lose money to some new shitcoin. maybe pnut on binance.

>> No.59286724

never going to make it holding that. get alts and become rich.

>> No.59286802

I'm bagholding RAM, the cheapest bluechips atm.

>> No.59286835

blasting my next paycheck into that. i'm going to be rich right.

>> No.59286880

TVL is hitting ath, YGMI.

>> No.59286935
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>get alts and become rich.

>> No.59286979

Got tired of high gas fees, sold off my ETH for EOS 20% APY staking rewards.

>> No.59286982

what's the reward? i've got INJ stacked on cosmos.

>> No.59286992

just buy SUI. doesn't matter if it has pumped.

>> No.59287075

You fade on 20% APY reward, you sleep on it you lose.

>> No.59287147
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sounds like another low mc shit. doesn't even sound like a good alt.

>> No.59287198

No time gamble with low mc shits, RWA's MPL RAM gonna light green candles.

>> No.59287313
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12 mil mc is not a low mc shit lol. At least it did not rapgull like magic, frens, chunk and other before they reached 1 mil

Low mc shit are coins below 1 mil

>> No.59287553
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15 mio mc ssssssssss

>> No.59287575

still fucking low. just another shitcoin in the rabbit hole

>> No.59287598

i bought. can alts start flying already.

>> No.59287608


>> No.59287615

so many alts. hard to monitor if I bought so many.

>> No.59287723

same SUI chain that halted few days back? EOS has never halt for 5 years. tell me which is better.

>> No.59287745

got hodl. only crypto worth holding on comos shitchain.

>> No.59287748

80% token burned, hard fork completed. That's a 100x potential

>> No.59287771

I'm fucking staking my EOS for 20% APY rewards while waiting for the alts season

>> No.59287787

most shitcoins are pump and dump

>> No.59287791

How about EOS RAM? You must be missing out on something horny.

>> No.59287810

ETH > yes
LINK > dead

EOS is much better. 10x price in the coming months.

>> No.59287819
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Ain't gonna take chances rn, I'm joining chads to slurp bluechips only. BTC ETH RAM

>> No.59287827
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FDV is worth buying since it's what all crypto assets have in common

>> No.59287835

sounds good long term. got to put some big funds there.

>> No.59287837

>80% supply burnt
>hard fork done
>TVL has been climbing for the past 3 months
Can't go less, 100x is possible.

>> No.59287840

which RAM?

>> No.59287858

100x in price this cycle possible?

>> No.59287933

RAM trucks obviously. gotta get a hemi bro

>> No.59287947

haha. not a bro, though.

>> No.59287970

Everything worth buying has pumped.

>> No.59287974

These are the ones that will get you rekt.

>> No.59287980

This is a literal shitcoin. Shitards are looking for who to dump on.

>> No.59287991

>Frog tokens on eth
Why are plebbits flodding biz? get tf off this board.

>> No.59288082

Dump that shitcoin before the market starts correcting and you get dumped on.

>> No.59288084
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KEKBGS Kek Baggies token on Base
Dev is currently building an Apu themed game, but in the past he built an onchain mutual fund.

>> No.59288087

No, you will probably die poor.

>> No.59288099
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>> No.59288109

just buy something like SOL or LINK and fuck off with your unstable shitcoin

>> No.59288115

apecoin, unironically

>> No.59288137

It's not. It's a literal actual rugpull scamcoin.

>> No.59288148

I appreciate your honesty anon. Do you think there’s another bet like KAS?

>> No.59288149

Ive been buying algo. I think its undervalued.
Unlocked staking soon. I am actually exited for this.

>> No.59288153


>> No.59288157


Homie you’re giving me hopium. Holding my bags at this point. Can’t wait to see what the bluechips have for us. Godspeed

>> No.59288167

go fuck yourself. I’m not bagholding any of this shit anymore.

>> No.59288192
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Imagine being on /biz/ and not holding EOS at this point.
Good luck though, Anon.

>> No.59288202

XYO. Thank me later.

>> No.59288224
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>> No.59288241
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The alt season is ahead of us. Hold on tight soldier

>> No.59288247

Reminder that when EOS pump it happens faster than the hyper bulls predict. We could be at $10 by end of next Q1 if things start moving

>> No.59288258


>> No.59288260
File: 190 KB, 1200x627, qan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Qan should be the official bizLets coins.

Still below 100 mil mcap, mainnet launch about to come anytime. Cancel any quantum fud by being the new quantum resistant blockchain

>> No.59288269

Where to buy? Wanna look into it

>> No.59288378

it's available both on eth and bsc, token can be bridged.

Uniswap for eth, pancakeswap for bsc

>> No.59288832
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Enqai. It made me insane gains early this year and I expect it to again when Tao pumps. Look at this chart.

>> No.59289094

AUKI is worth buying, its a long term gem with solid product

>> No.59289226

HEX, still 30x from ATH.

>> No.59289247

I bought some UAFC, I think its the next PEPE

>> No.59289252
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Cronos (CRO)? It hasn't mooned nearly as hard as others yet, and has a significantly higher ATH to catch back up to. Decent exchange too. Might be worth a shot.

>> No.59289264
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>> No.59289583

CHEESE dev rugged and only owns less than 5% of total supply. It will unironically be primed for the next APU style run, only on Solana.

>> No.59289597
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I keep buying solbank because it keeps going down and down in the most absurd black friday discount i've ever seen. The peak on 100 again is gonna go wild, hugely recomend it to whoever is doing a main solana build this season

>> No.59289877


>> No.59290025
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>> No.59290045
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Grab a bag of NASDAQ420 while it's only 3 mil MC... Imagine not buying at least a suicide stack of a beta-play for SPX6900 where thousands of zoomers work for your bags on TikTok & twitter 24/7...

>> No.59290142

Okay boys, let's say I'm a loser neet that only has a tiny bit of money to put in (say, $25). What do I get? I'm some retard millennial that doesn't really get crypto.

>> No.59290163

with that little amount youre better off not putting any money in and just farming airdrops instead.

>> No.59290180

I mean, at most I can put in $100 but that'll literally be my entire emergency savings gone. I didn't want to fuck myself over by not knowing what I'm doing.

>> No.59290216

The beta play to spx6900 is BUSINESS not Nasdaq420. Or try Vixx777

>> No.59290353

Just go and fuck yourself and bet on XRP on this dip.

>> No.59291185


>> No.59291285

It was fun to hold last bullrun but I think its just ignored and treated like its the same standard as doge and shibe

>> No.59291294
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Sui, or the best dex on sui, Cetus

>> No.59292026

pepe fork. it's called pork. way too good to be true. wif also

>> No.59292053


Low dev holding, meme power

>> No.59294085
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henlo frens, ive cooked a lot of pasta and now theres plenty to go around. if ur frenly and intersted please check out t mecpy_pst.

>> No.59294263
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Have you noticed FDV yet?

>> No.59295186
