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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5922969 No.5922969 [Reply] [Original]

I always hold one slot in my portfolio for high risk & high reward which was currently REQ until I just sold right now.
I'm also a professional software engineer for a fortune 500 company and looked at the JS library code on GitHub and must say that it's not good.
Lots of spaghetti code and a beginner level of knowledge about JavaScript/TypeScript. The developer doesn't know how to make meaningful commits and doesn't even know Git which you can see that he pushes commented code. I'm honestly disappointed.

In my professional opinion if you hold REQ you should sell before it's too late.

>> No.5923022

Post what part of the code looks like shit pajeet

>> No.5923025

link to the repo?

>> No.5923027

Thanks just sold 100k

>> No.5923057

This is still an alpha version which will evolve significantly before the main net release.

>> No.5923060


>> No.5923064

Show us your code then, genius.

>> No.5923077

OPIE post us the part of the code that looks shit so we can decide ourself.

Thanks, faggot.

>> No.5923104

yea I know.. but why did I sell at 0.0005.. I never believed that people are so stupid and buy this shit for above. Yet here we are. This project is... well ok... rate it with 100 M$ as a startup is highly put. 500M$ and more? Insane.

>> No.5923118

At least change a few words if you're going to be spamming this trash all day

>> No.5923135

eth and neo also had shitty code and look what happened to them

>> No.5923137

STFU reddit copy pasta fucker

>> No.5923152

OP is bullshitting. The only way he can prove otherwise is to post a segment code he doesn't like and improve it. But he won't.

>> No.5923207

Nobody is listening to this bullshit copypasta.
REQ will never fall below .70 cents again.
See you at $20.

>> No.5923284

Care to show us your linkedin op? Because i've been writing code for 15+ years and Request's code looks very fine to me. Clean, well documented and quite professional. N00b. Fud better.

>> No.5923299

you forgot the sanskrit letter ओ

>> No.5923570

Also an engineer here: It's open source, of course the code is going to be commented. You are dumb as fuck and I'm happy you're not on the same dev team as me.

>> No.5923587

Professional coder here and the code in github is perfectly fine.

Care to tell us which lines you don’t like OP?

>> No.5923654

Can confirm that the code looks fine.

>> No.5923691

Why this undeserved hate towards Request? Show me your github ya FUDding fagg

>> No.5923710
File: 286 KB, 816x742, FUD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are FUDing it to drive the price down so they can accumulate. Ignore them.

>> No.5923772


and there will be a big pump coming soon. prepare accordingly.

>> No.5923795

PhD in computerscience here. Code comments are actually a good thing, it allows other people to understand what is happening in the code. More comments is considered a GOOD thing, especially in industry where many many people have to work on the same complex project.

This is pure FUD, and it's not even a good attempt, OP doesn't know what he's talking about.

>> No.5923851

Just filter req threads for a couple days

>> No.5924155

Not op. Not Fudding also. The code is not particularly bad but the syntax and some other issues like the lack of comments makes it seem like it's a code that was made for show and not something to improve upon

>> No.5924282

Nevermind. I rechecked and the new commits have a lot of comments and seem a bit more organized.
Still I expected the syntax to be cleaner but perhaps that's how the dev does his code

>> No.5924337
File: 247 KB, 377x377, 1515019823469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are waiting OP

>> No.5924366

यहां वेब डेवलपर

मुझे जेएस Request लाइब्रेरी का कोड मिला है और मैंने इसे खराब कहा है, वास्तव में खराब है।

पूरे कोड शुद्ध बकवास है और अनावश्यक टिप्पणियों से भरा है।

जब आप कर REQ सकते हैं आप अपना बेचना

>> No.5924400

Bombay the Hard Way: Guns, Cars & Sitars

Get your electric vindaloo ass back to your designated street, Pajeet.

>> No.5924673

>doesn't even know Git which you can see that he pushes commented code
it's an under development alpha you faggot

>> No.5924705

imagine for a second how this request network is going to work

buyer: hey im buying some wild apple shampoo from you i want one
merchant: oh yea? well give me a second. im using The Rquest Network so i need One Token to Burn so we can do this transction
buyer: well i need to get to my mama as soon as possible
sir: hell no i'm speculating the shit out of these tokens
sir: HELL NO


>> No.5924774

absolutely this.

>> No.5924779

of course startups don't have fortune500-tier rules on coding

note that all the devs on the site are ~5 years out of college though this has zero bearing on what JS they've done before and during college.

and surely people must realize how many awful engineers work in giant companies and just get by life fine to realize that just "working in the industry" doesn't mean very much?

to others in the thread, "commented code" obviously means actual code that is commented out (rather than deleted) instead of code with explanatory comments. It shouldn't /really/ be in pushed commits but if you have don't have a 30 person dev team I don't perceive this as a severe issue.

>> No.5925080


Also an engineer and OP is right. I noticed the same when I looked at it a couple weeks ago. The code for the REQ javascript library looks like it was done by someone who is new to JS - which is different than saying they don't know how to code, more like they're missing some of the intricacies/understanding of the language. That being said, I'm still holding 3K REQ.

>> No.5925164

Post what a part of the code looks amateur pajeet.

>> No.5925390

...except you don't need to hold REQ and most people won't. 0x/ZRX integration would handle this behind the scenes.

>> No.5925873


this. sah fuggin gay.

>> No.5925913

Kek nice bait.

>> No.5925945

>I write JS at a large company

>> No.5926031

I am Scala developer for 5 years. And I have a pretty good knowledge of JavaScript. Can you please show me a price of code that looks bad?

>> No.5926045

Le order book face

>> No.5926126

He won't because he's LARPing in order to earn pennies for his 5 children

>> No.5926140

Every time REQ is getting FUD on bizz we moon a day later. I’ll keep accumulating while I can.

>> No.5926821

Same guy making the same fud thread every day talking about "spaghetti code" when it's totally false. You're either not a developer or you're a terrible one.

>> No.5927231


REQ is being FUD'ed like a bitch the last couple days which tells me only one thing...


>> No.5927352

Flags in biz when?

>> No.5927637

I love spaghetti, thanks OP just bought 100k.

>> No.5927748

One Word for you, retard: YCOMBINATOR

>> No.5928095
File: 28 KB, 480x480, 23BA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm one of them
>15 ETH stuck on poloniex because of retarded withdraw limitations
>48 hours and documents still not verified

>> No.5928257

Good fud op, just acumulated more 50k see you in Q2 when this coin makes me a multimillionaire

>> No.5928277

Theres a good chance req will fail , you niggers need to stop overrating this shitcoin

>> No.5928515
File: 135 KB, 564x596, Bildschirmfoto 2018-01-05 um 17.47.31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>REQ will never fall below .70 cents again.
Ahahha the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.5928783

>doesn't even know what token abstraction is

either this is 1/10 bait or you're retarded

>> No.5929178

The funny thing is that this FUD is the exact reason why Req will succeed, they are building a system when this never happens, you simply click "Pay with request", pay with whatever you fucking want, any fiat or crypto, and the system automatically convert to whatever the seller want, any fiat or crypto, setting aside a small % to automatically buy the Req needed for the transaction.
And on the side it will automate invoicing, accounting, taxes, auditing etc for both parties.
This thing will go to the top 10 by eoy.

>> No.5929317

This. OP is definiteyly faggot.

>> No.5929803

it is definitely bait and you're retarded for replying