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5920960 No.5920960 [Reply] [Original]

Know people who are awful with money? Post em

>guy in his late 40s
>has made a kick starter asking for free money ever year for last 3 years
>one was to buy him an old RV to live in
>thankfully everybody now knows hes a black hole for money and does not get funded
>made a normybook post lashing out at people who shame him for demanding their money
>has been evicted multiple times
>surprise, he's a pinko socialist

>> No.5921494

Bumping because these threads always pay dividends over the long term.

>> No.5921961

Bump because I gotta type shit out and this thing is already on page 9, don't want to type for 5 minutes to have it die.

>> No.5922114

>pajeet Engineering acquaintance of mine was renting from me
>one bed studio apartment
>buys $50k BMW
>loses job 3 months later and has to move
>totals BMW

>> No.5922156

Bumping for this guy.

>> No.5922190

top kek, tell him to khs

>> No.5922229

we gotchu bro

>> No.5922280

No pressure, but this better be good now.

>> No.5922373


>> No.5922389

In my experience pajeets work hard but so inefficiently! And while the Indian immigrants pinch pennies and buy used Honda civics, their kids burn money on status symbols of wealth as bad as niggers.

>> No.5922427

>dumbass normalfag I know
>works 9-5 at a shitty but ok paying job, lower middle class
>won some lottery or something, got $50k
>the next day I see him with a new Apple laptop
>comes to me and brags about it costing him upwards of $2k
>also bought a new car for 25k
>and an iPhone
>2 weeks later the newest iPhone releases (the really expensive one)
>buys it
>ask him why, when he had just bought a new one
>"Anon it was new and did you see the presentation? Everyone has to have one. You really should throw out that old brick you got there and get one too!"
>2 days later he bought a new, identical laptop
>"Oh I got a virus or something and it was really slow so I bought a new one!"
>ask him why not just format
>"Stop being so damn cheap"
>actually butthurt that I suggested not wasting all his money
>at this point he has likely halved his money in just 2 weeks
>eats out like 4-6 times a week at restaurants
>goes to clubs every Friday night
>gets angry at me for not going with him
>says I'm stingy and boring
>fast forward 2 months
>he buys a new fucking car
>because he "liked it"
>notice he stopped going to restaurants completely
>notice he doesn't go to the club every Friday
>"Oh no money's a little tight right now haha"
>he blew 50k$ (which is likely his yearly salary) in 2 months on bullshit

I fucking hate normalfags. Meanwhile, I turned my 5k into 45k (thank you, REQ).

>> No.5922491

Inb4 some meme copypasta shit

>> No.5922570

Yeah, the kid was an idiot. He had an ME degree from UT but I honestly think his parents paid someone off because there's no way he did that by himself.

One day while I was in my shop working on an engine swap he walks up and asks me if I can help him with his car. The mother fucker didn't know how to put on his god damn license plate. Seriously.

I know some extremely intelligent engineers and some average ones (the ones that get called out for no coco min sense), but this fucking idiot had neither.

>> No.5922653 [DELETED] 
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>says I'm stingy and boring

Oh lord. It makes me laugh when I get called this because the exact same people who call you stingy are the ones who are irresponsible with their money.

Great story had a chuckle.

>> No.5922723

He did exactly what he was programmed to do, the wageslave class has been taught to work making another man wealthy for a pittance... dreaming of that windfall that will allow him to ape the investor/entrepreneur/landlord class's wealth by purchasing gaudy displays of wealth until the windfall runs out.

>"t-t-t-that's w-what m-money's for, r-right?" t. Norman

>> No.5922850
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>be me
>be really bad with money
>accidentally get rich with crypto
>know I'm gonna lose it all on dumb shit
>how do I become financially literate?
>wat do?

>> No.5922889


>> No.5922892


Put it in a fixed annuity or something which locks up your money but pays you annually (you can always take $ out but theres a fee)

>> No.5922973

>Work as an PE ME in a design build firm a few years back
>Have everything from the smartest people to the retarded laborers come through the office.
>Used to only do controls and asked to start a new division. I tell them we need people great with computers and I can teach them the rest.
>Find a guy in the ranks that's 53, builds PCs and talks about wanting to do a good job. Not an engineer or even electrician, just a warehouse guy.
I was really hopeful at first, he could navigate around and code simple shit almost immediately, but once we started talking I learned:
>Fucker made 45k a year at the time, he spent 20k a year for the previous 3 years on star citizen buying ships. And he kept buying 4 of the latest Nvidia GPUs so he'd have the top of the line rig whenever it comes out.
He lives with his parents and his 2 daughters (they were in 30s) all in a 1 bedroom house. This shit is genetic, his dad has been building a fucking yacht from scratch for 20 years.

>> No.5923009

Literally ask a rich person you know for tips. They're so used to people asking for money but advice they give out freely.

>> No.5923055

>This shit is genetic
It's how they're raised. Most people inherit some of their parents retardations. I include myself there.

>> No.5923194


The neighborhood I grew up in has slowly been taken over by pajeets. 7/8 homes in the neighborhood sold were to poo in the loo families and what your described is dead accurate! They all drive used Honda minivans and civics and furnish their house with second hand ikea furniture, but their kids are all wearing $100+ basketball shoes, jerseys, and run through drones and remote control toy cars on a biweekly basis. Additionally, from what I've noticed, the parents will hound them on their academics, but let their kids run wild in every other facet of life. Turning them into unbearably self entitled, greedy little monsters.

>> No.5923210

I know people like that. I'm actually a controls guy myself anon. ME's are inherently fucking retarded when it comes to controls. Basic ME sequence for single zone VAV RTU is this

t-stat <-> fucking magic <-> RTU

>> No.5923213
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Pretty much, he had money, he could have been a millionaire with some smart investments, but instead he burned everything for two months of showing off to fellow drones. Seen so many of these people and they NEVER learn, I used to think differently but recently I basically agree with pic related if you just replace goyim with wageslaves: these people are made to be like this and nothing will ever change that, if you gave them money they'd squander it, and if you tried to teach them, they'd hate you.

>financially literate
Pure bullshit to make it sound harder than it is. For 99% of the population it is simply about spending less. Do you NEED that new phone? Do you NEED that new car? Do you NEED to blow $250 on going out clubbing? Chances are, no you do not. What you need is food, rent, heating, electricity, and possibly a vehicle that goes from A to B depending on where your job is. Does your phone do calls and SMS? Then it's fine, I got an old phone from 2011, it still works and actually does way more than I need it to do, and those $800-2000 I saved on phones over these years I now have available to me to put into crypto or other investments.

You don't need a course in this shit (unless you run a business or other shit which does benefit from greater understanding).

>> No.5923216

> Be my relative
> Always end up in a nice paying job, even tho a total brainlet
> Quit every job after a while because who the fuck knows
> Literally reconstructed his home on company pay while "working from home" for a year or so
> Sell house for huge profit and move abroad
> Half a year later borrowing money from his mom because he blew it all
> Has a new job which I guess he will quit in a few months

>> No.5923263

>be me
>father dies when im just a baby
>inherit about 350k €
>am so frugal with it that im known as a stingy cunt around my friends, never pay for anything if i dont have to
>see crypto explode during 2017
>too scared to invest cause im scared loser
>finally decide to invest 10k at beginning of december
>still up 200%
>thinking every hour of every day of what could have been had I invested earlier

>> No.5923272

>> Be my relative
How are you your own relative?

>> No.5923292

I'm an adopted fag who's biological parents didn't love...
The must have been okay with money though. Im doing better than 90% of people my age.

>> No.5923507

You're up 6% on a stack of 350 k. Be happy with that.

Also you woud have absolutely lost about half of that since you're a nufag.

>> No.5923531

bump, need more stories

>> No.5923556

don think like that is about risk and you took a low rist option that is good. Imagen loosing it all on some shitcoin.

>> No.5923568

up way more than that since that shit is all in stocks. but still...

>> No.5923605

One guy my age opened a balloon shop during a financial crisis in my small hometown. A balloon shop. That was his best business idea. He closed 3 months later, I'm pretty sure he didn't make over 1k during that time.

>> No.5923941

>balloon shop

>> No.5924039

I know a kid like this who has an inheritance of some amount and is extremely stingy, to an extent that amazes me sometimes.

I'm not at all against someone penny pinching, I try to do it myself, but if you have hundreds of thousands of dollars in inheritance do not act like you're poor or struggling or suffering. I've seen this, and THAT is frustrating

>> No.5924105

>he blew 50k$ (which is likely his yearly salary) in 2 months on bullshit
the term you're looking for is that he was "nigger rich"

>> No.5924154

Balloons? What?

>> No.5924161

>Fucker made 45k a year at the time, he spent 20k a year for the previous 3 years on star citizen buying ships. And he kept buying 4 of the latest Nvidia GPUs so he'd have the top of the line rig whenever it comes out.
if he wanted to waste money on vaperware he could have just bought verge

>> No.5924204

this will go against the investor mindset, but be terrified of losing it all.

install the iheartradio app, and listen to dave ramsay like non stop. he takes calls from people who were fucking stupid with money, and he guides them out of debt after calling them dumb.

he is a shill for mutual funds btw, but they are not bad products so whatever. his show helped me understand a lot more about personal finance and not being fucking retarded.

>> No.5924460

I’ll second Dave Ramsay. I don’t really agree with a lot of his investment strategies, but his personal finance, budgeting, and debt reduction advice are solid.

>> No.5924492
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>>he blew 50k$ (which is likely his yearly salary)
>>shitty but ok paying job, lower middle class

holy shit in our east yrop that be top tier god class, wtf

>> No.5924504

>friend's sister
>Got into debt buying literally everything on credit
>At one point literally 40k in credit card debt
>Can't afford rent because they've been paying that on credit too
>Move in with their grandma who let's then stay there for free
>Visit one time
>Both her and her fiance have new cars, new TVs, every single video game console, new macbooks, and for some reason adopted TWO fucking dogs
>Ask them how they're doing with the debt
>They've mostly ignored it and are still way in the red
>Last time I saw them the fiance was talking about buying the new iphone

I'm not sure how these kind of people even dress themselves in the morning

>> No.5924525
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I'm a potatofag but my American cousin has fuckhuge money, how much money do I need before I can talk to him about where to put it? Currently on a 10k portfolio. He's also the epitome of a republican boomer

>> No.5924563

in eastern europe is your rent for a shithole 1 bedroom apartment in the suburbs $1500+ per month? or, if you want to dwell in the city, $2500-3000+ per month?

>> No.5924743

>senior enlisted bossman is an absolute faggot
>Hear that the Wife left him
Women have you by the balls when you're in the military.Especially when divorced.
>Go to Arizona a few months later
>ol" gonorrhea sausage drops a couple grand on some busted stripper
>5 months later he's complaining about his 70 k debt and inferring it's from the divorce.

Will never forget that.Guy ended up getting a dui later and just straight up fucked his career.He was a tool so w/e fuck him.

>> No.5925359

poor people are attracted to iPhones.

>> No.5925772

they think it's a status symbol lul

>> No.5926433

>20k a year for 3 years
>60k on Star Citizen ships

The fuck, there aren't enough ships in the game to get anywhere close to half of that.