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59208633 No.59208633 [Reply] [Original]

I am missing the bullrun

>> No.59208675

Kek dumbass, shouldve bought solana instead.

>> No.59208701

Our time will come

>> No.59208704

Hold strong. This is the best play in crypto this run. Don’t listen to the FUD

>> No.59208717

this has to be the worst branding ever
>boring ass infinity symbol
>Ugly color scheme
>Called "Internet Computer", sounding like a straight up slum indian made it up

destined to fail

>> No.59209826
File: 208 KB, 1024x1024, _e7d4ec0d-4761-404f-b723-cb7ac4fc0769.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a piss maxxxi too bro, just wait for it. Until it happens we'll always be mocked by the people who weren't here when moonman came from the mountain and laid down the law of this land to those willing to listen.
I do feel just as bad looking at the awesome gains everyone's making on meme coins and all that great stuff. I fuckin love degen plays, and I made some good money in '21 because of them, but way back when the bear market started I made a vow. I'd go all in on piss, and I'd weather everything that's thrown at me until manmoon's prophecy comes true. No more degeneracy, no more fun and games. Just the Internet Coomputer.

>> No.59209855

kek stinky linkies and icpiss baggies

>> No.59209858

when are people gonna stop falling for this "utility" coins?

>> No.59210020

while their productivity and development is glorious, my issue is how little attention they are getting and how effectively they communicate. even biz at large isn't schizo about it. i routinely hear LINK will be $81,000 but no anchored number for ICP.
that being said, the brainpower they have and maintain and their ability to still be in the game tells me they have some gigachad investors still giving them funding for a reason.
the oracle problem is digestable but reworking the internet? sounds massive

>> No.59210258

>kek stinky linkies and icpiss baggies

link marines and piss team six should join forces

>> No.59210392

I don't give a damn about LINK. I don't even care about PEE technically speaking. All I care about is moonman and how legendary it'll be when this thing delivers and he's proven right, AND that I held a bag in spite of all the bs.

>> No.59210406

This. I will enjoy drinking the tears of all the fudders

>> No.59210456

I bought 100 stinkypees at 7 dollars just to lord it over those who bought the same bag at 200, 150, 100, 50, and 20 lmao

>> No.59210475

When DSCVR abandoned the IC for Solana is when I sold all my icp for Sol. Best decision of my life. Icp has failed to penetrate the market and for that reason will fade into irrelevancy. Tech means nothing if nobody cares to use or build on the icp platform

>> No.59210498

> reworking the internet? sounds massive

Yet the progress the IC has made is nil. ICP internet runs worse then traditional internet, much harder to use and creating an internet identity is very non user friendly. It’s just a failed experiment that was overly ambitious, or more likely a scam that promised to revolutionize the internet to get people to invest and get rich from

>> No.59210517

I bought 30 for like $6k. Still holding

>> No.59210568

the price in satoshis is the lowest its ever been so I just bought 540 icp for 1/20th of a bitcoin, we'll see what happens

>> No.59210639

I’m all in on ICP. Also invested in some blue chip NFTs like Motokos and D-City

>> No.59210866

You have to be fucking retard to not figure out how to set up of II. Icp literally just got 2x a fast. They’ve have brought the most innovation to the space and now you have chains blatantly copying icps narratives even though it’s impossible for this chains to do this. It isn’t a failed experiment it’s continuously growing and improving and have delivered everything on the roadmap

>> No.59210917

>isn't a failed experiment
>continuously growing
it's like hearing a linkie cope

>> No.59211093

Yeah but we actually are doing stuff on chain. Linkies don’t do shit with blockchain.

>> No.59211161

i'm starting to believe that the LINK FUD strategy was studied and mastered for ICP

>> No.59211236
File: 193 KB, 2048x1077, GBfTncDWMAAi0Vl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're alright anon... don't sleep on DCITY. Shit's gonna be huge when alt season hits. Digital properties that will generate $TOWN tokens. Businesses will be released soon.

For all the fudders just check it out first hand straight from your browser.


>> No.59211339

2000 more days

>> No.59212140

If I miss this bull run i'm going to find that chink larp moonman and kill him with my bare hands.

>> No.59212178

you weren't supposed to actaully buyed it, we were just joking dude

>> No.59212240

I have 2500 ICP between a staked never dissolve neuron and a moonbag.

I'm either making it or i'll be mocked for years to come.

>> No.59212376

Congratulations. You will make it.

>> No.59213925

Hold the line … this is icp first bull so we go last but we also pump most, caffeine.ai is going to blow minds outside crypto… ICP will be too big to ignore soon.

>> No.59213969

icp is my biggest hold but i feel we miss this bullrun.

since no utility coin has delivered anything significant of use, then basically every crypto is a memecoin. some just have vc's and worse tokenomics than the others.

>> No.59214000

straight bagholding 2k ICP at an 8,87 avg and it's a miracle I find the will to get out of bed in the morning.

>> No.59214451
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Buy iExec RLC before it's to late

>> No.59214673

same it is painful
my avg is 6.50 though