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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5913656 No.5913656 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5913740

The tiger
He has destroyed his cage
The tiger is out

>> No.5913761
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>An ancient evil awakens

>> No.5913766


>> No.5913776


>> No.5913780

>1.4% up


>> No.5913786

Muahahaha this time it's no head fake. This time it happadapp

>> No.5913801

It has begun... ocean of pink wojaks coming to your /financialadvicechannel/ in the next days.. americunts are sleeping... what a day it will be tomorrow

>> No.5913820

The king will sort of go up a bit!! FEAR!!!

>> No.5913832

BTC just broke out the channel.

>> No.5913836


>> No.5913843
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>> No.5913854

Exited all alts yesterday...feels good bros. You guys comfy?

>> No.5913869
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>> No.5913870

needs to break 16k before i start jerking it

>> No.5913879

Its another pump and dump. yay. Probably out of fear of Ripple going up.

>> No.5913884
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>> No.5913891

silly nocoiners. WHEN WILL YOU LEARN.

>> No.5913914
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>> No.5913924

Anyone else pissed off about some of Bittrex's wallets still being down?

>> No.5913936





>> No.5913952

Better get the lube ready...

>> No.5913958

I swear to god ICX was about to take off and then BTC spiked again just in time.


>> No.5913960

Looks like way more people selling than buying already. The dump... AGAIN.. Does this make it 5 times in a row you cucks got fucked over hehe

>> No.5913970


>> No.5913978

Serious question: why is anyone buying BTC when it literally takes days to transfer and the fees to do so are insane($20-50 each time)?

>> No.5914005

Most people are buying it on exchanges and in big volumes, it is digital gold, not digital cash

>> No.5914007

who else /bizfitlit/ here

>> No.5914029

> btc rises 3%
> my alts instantly lose 20%

fucking great

>> No.5914052

Its another pump and dump. The guys posting this stuff here are all using the same memes from at least 5 previous threads and I argued with them each time. Same patterns again.

They show up and exclaim "daddy is back" then BTC either goes up a little before crashing down again or it is a straight up pump and dump. like right now.

>> No.5914065

BTC is the shitcoin. ETH is massively undervalued in comparison.

>> No.5914067


LMAO screencapping this bullshit. SEE you tomorrow back below $15k. you couldn't trick enough normies into falling for this if you tried

>> No.5914092
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>not buying more when this happens

>> No.5914098


>> No.5914112

i cant buy more when my entire portfolio is in shitcoins

>> No.5914127
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>> No.5914148
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>> No.5914171

t-thanks for dumping bots

>> No.5914174
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This literally happens 1-2 times a week. why even worry about it?

>> No.5914182

Thanks, I thought I might have been taking crazy pills. I don't understand how people still buy bitcoin or how it even exists, it's such a fucking fossil of a network and literally the worst coin to deal with desu

>> No.5914186

here we go again. Number 5. see yah at about where it was before the pnd or lower tomorrow. hehe

>> No.5914189

can confirm, my bitcoin is staying on coinbase and only ever leaving when i sell it back for fiat.

>> No.5914202

>the one post in the thread agrees with me must be true
fucking lmao the amount of delusion people have when they're financially invested in something

>> No.5914206

Did your alt just have a low volume dump and the walls moved down slightly?

>> No.5914219


>> No.5914241


If you step back for a second and put this in perspective its insane. BTC has to reach 19k again before I will even begin to think its "coming back"

>> No.5914243

Time to buy alts, get in boys.

>> No.5914267

Hi. It costs thousands of USD to mine BTC at the moment. This cost will only continue to increase exponentially into the future as secured by my open source code (which hundreds of other coins have copied, including many in the top 50). This cost is so great that fees can get a little high. Fortunately, you have all realised that this is a side effect of the greatest problem facing cryptocurrencies: how do you ascribe something value, let alone value that outpaces the growth of the USD or other favourable sectors like the growing cannabis sector. A bitcoin is backed with thousands of dollars of electricity, to say nothing of the immense hardware, software, human, time and housing costs that miners expend.

What are your altcoins backed with, besides a story? You may claim that BTC is slow and expensive, but these are a consequence of it adopting a system that requires enormous resources to ensure value. You may make a fortune trading alt coins (as I have in the past month), but the fact of the matter is that nearly all of the other projects are totally speculative, meaning that making winning trades is ensuring that you have offloaded your bags of worthless trash to the greater fool before he does the same to you. Please remember this when investing and plan accordingly following this immense alt boom.

>> No.5914269

Did Raiblocks dump as well during the last Bitcoin bullrun? I think it did?

>> No.5914280

Not yet, BTC is hitting 25-30k by the time the next wave is finished over the next week or so. Alts will bleed much more.

>> No.5914281
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>> No.5914284

Can confirm, the process of buying and selling gold to kitco costs about as much and takes about as long as a btc transfer

>> No.5914288

"lightning soon!" the devolved cavemen grunted to each other incessantly, not knowing it's true meaning as it was lost gradually over the decades

>> No.5914297

not gonna lie, im spookd

>> No.5914316

you don't get it, do you. bitcoin is the fucking shit, the real deal. no one wants hyperinflating shitcoins that sprawl in the kings trail. everyone wants the best, and the best is bitcoin, the number one.
you are braindead if you don't get that.

>> No.5914319

just sold all my alts for BTC in time

>> No.5914327

Get into this PnD backed by whales. Guaranteed profits..

https://discord dot gg/hTTEEt2

>> No.5914346

it's been tested on the mainnet you mong. it's live, you can use it right now.

>> No.5914356

I'll be flipping these alts tomorrow or the day after for more Satoshi's anyway.

>> No.5914394

Jesus Christ this is terrifying.

>> No.5914426

>its a redditor exposed to months of lies attempts to sound intelligent episode
you can go to the testnet now and use the LN dipshit, people are in denial because half the coins will tank once it gets implemented. See this short video of it in use if you are tech illiterate to use the testnet:


>> No.5914427
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>> No.5914429


Yep. Could have 3xd of FUN yesterday if not for wallet maintenance.

>> No.5914436

>see it start rising and sell my shit alts (LItecoin, EOS, and OMG all brought yesterday) at $15.2k
>LIsk, the only coin I'm continuing to have a sizable holding instantly jumps in unison with BTC
Feels good.

>> No.5914476

as long as the alts you hold aren't bitcoin competitors, you'll be fine in the long run right?

>> No.5914512

/bix/ what do i push my money back in to once this run is done?

>> No.5914544

I know a pump and dump when I see one. and this is number 5.

>> No.5914555

19K-20K bagholders praying ol betsy will make it up the hill so they can sell off

>> No.5914564
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ALTS are going to get BTFO

>> No.5914585

Its your money. Personally I think that blindly holding alts is dumb as fuck, the market will get raped for weeks if BTC breaks the major 16.5k resistance.

>> No.5914603


Let me guess, you found out about crypto this year? And you think your opinions matter?

>> No.5914612
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>> No.5914616

considering every single major alt did better than BTC in 2017 even when it caused coins to go down. The honest answer is alts have always been the better option.

>> No.5914620
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>pump and dump

>> No.5914622

that's ok, iron hands here i'll hold my losses for a year if i have to

>> No.5914630


>> No.5914632

>having to rely on a duct-tape solution of using smart contracts for transactions because the shitty network can't even be upgraded beyond 2 transactions per second
no thanks pal, i'll stick with my "shitcoins" that weren't invented ages ago and can process over 1500 transactions per second

>> No.5914653
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No big news event. Daddy will stay asleep.. for now.

>> No.5914660

I think this is a good iCO, looking forward for that 10X

>> No.5914670

When it mooned to 9k someone told me "I hope you cashed out. You know its just going to crash."
I love reading these threads.

>> No.5914689

It must suck to have your portfolio tank thousands in the last few hours, I wonder how long you'll hang on lol

>> No.5914695

I been in this for years. The only way BTC can go up right now is a false pump. Period.

The coin sucks, its complete shit, its not a store of value and the only way this will change is if the coin fucking changes.

The coin itself has to fucking change.


>> No.5914698

>our system is the best because it's outdated an inefficient as fuck

>> No.5914707

>thinks XRP is a coin

>> No.5914720
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That one guy in denial still in the thread. He could have converted to BTC to lock in his gains but instead he's sitting here arguing about why he's right and losing 30% of his folio in 5 minutes.

>> No.5914731


look at all these desperate and pathetic fags trying to defend bitcoin. YOU people are cancer. nobody wants your stupid antique shitcoin and your fear-mongering is making me gay

>> No.5914750

SUB was taking off too

its a conspiracy

>> No.5914754


>> No.5914755

lol all the alts just rebounded

that was quick. wouldve made a good buying opportunity

>> No.5914760


>> No.5914766

I'm scared

>> No.5914767

I have 4 crypto cats. anyone wants to buy them for 0.02 btc?

>> No.5914774

>LN is a 'duct tape solution'
fucking newcoiner brainlet. increasing block sizes is a duct tape solutoin

>> No.5914780

I got this same response and meme THE LAST TIME I SAID IT WAS A PUMP AND DUMP!

AND IT WAS LOL!!! That was number 4. Now its number 5.

>> No.5914795


>The coin sucks, its complete shit, its not a store of value and the only way this will change is if the coin fucking changes.

How can you say with a straight face that it's not a store of value when it's gone from fractions of a penny to tens of thousands of dollars in less than a decade? Literally N O T H I N G in human fucking history has appreciated this much and you're still not happy.

Go sell all your btc for some worthless shitcoin and neck yourself in 10 years

>> No.5914810

Fuck no im 100% in alts and would lose 40% of my entire portfolio if i sold
Im literally shaking

>> No.5914826


>can process 1500 tps
>irrelevant because no one gives a shit nor do they use the network

what did the braindead pajeet mean by this?

>> No.5914839

i feel bad for you guys honestly, bitcoin was cool in 2014 but it is a dead dinosaur deep under the earth now, just let it go

>> No.5914845

Muh 3 month Pajeet pnd is the new paradigm guise! Fukubitcoinbtfo!

>> No.5914848

You are an idiot. BTC is dead.

Even the normies know that. You just cling to it because it made you rich and you don't actually know how to play the game. All you needed to know back then is "hodl".

BTC is no longer the "King" most people I know who work in the crypto industry have said they are already considering phasing out BTC as traded pairs. It's over.

This is just another PND. I'd advise selling now because the next PnD will be even lower.

>> No.5914853

Ok that was fun grandpa, now back in the residency, your kids want to live their life.

>> No.5914862
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Big daddy is awake, and he's going to 25k. Get out now and save your gains while you still can.

>> No.5914866

but bitcoin is a shitcoin

>> No.5914871

do you even brain nigga?

>> No.5914879

>replying to yourself
lmao I see what I'm dealing with, I was like that too once with ETH in its first run early in the year. You'll eventually realise that the question coins face regarding value in USD is explaining how they could possibly retain value that increases exponentially versus the USD - BTC's transaction times and fees are a consequence of it actually having a system in place that does this, while nearly all other coins are either literal vapourware without a working product like cardano or good coins that are still extremely speculative like ETH, which is heavily reliant upon unrealised promises like sharding and proof of stake. BTC has endured years of constant FUD and media scrutiny, and it has endured everything while any of the coins in the top 100 would have folded long ago if they were exposed to the same.

Enjoy getting your ass raped :)

>> No.5914885
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>> No.5914914

These threads are always cute, dumb BTCuck being so happy with his weekly 10% gains, it's like a little kid

>> No.5914915

goodbye alties

>> No.5914937

lol sharting

>> No.5914947
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>> No.5914949

>How can you say with a straight face that it's not a store of value when

Because it has to actually be worth something. BTC, right now, as it stands BTC is a shitcoin. It did terribly in 2017 compared to alts and it has nothing to offer. The devs who own and centralized the coin did it to destroy the coin. And suckers like you are trying super hard to dump your bags on people.

>> No.5914962

Will alts return after btc calms down? Im freaking out watching my 3 coins get dumped and barely bouncing

>> No.5914969


>> No.5914984

Amazing to watch nubiz NEETs rationalize their impending implosion. Case study in hubris.

>> No.5914989

This is a top tier meme tho , hats off

>> No.5915004

No this is the end sell now and take your 60% gains. You really thought that this was all sunshine and rainbows?

>> No.5915012

>The devs who own and centralized the coin did it to destroy the coin.
this narrative won't hold for much longer. bitcoin actually is in great shape.

>> No.5915016

Nowadays the only purpose of BTC pnds is to lure normies out of valuable altcoins at a loss so (((they))) can get cheap coins at a discount. Sell at your own risk.

>> No.5915021

>1500 transactions per second

Ladies and gentlemen, this guy thinks that 1500 transactions per seconds are something to be proud of.

>> No.5915028

Better than a -180% correction

>> No.5915034

Perfect. I can buy alts on the cheap now as long as my fucking transfer comes.

>> No.5915041

yet another newfag detected.

>> No.5915043

fucking duh, get on coinmarket right now and fucking look at some past charts. don't miss out on free moons

>> No.5915044


This. It's the year of utility tokens.

>> No.5915046


>> No.5915049

>“ol betsy”

>> No.5915069

If this is similar to past patterns BTC going up causes alts to go even higher after it finishes.

However this was when BTC was still a decent coin and was worth having.

So who knows what will happen now. for all we know its a huge pump and dump to before crashing it all at once.

>> No.5915072

>thanks for the multiple 100% runs over the past month, could we just get back to that please tomorrow?
take your fucking profits anon jesus christ, you can't be that greedy lol

>> No.5915085
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>1d chart
>obvious bulltrap
>BTC goes to sub 10k this month

>> No.5915095

The King vs. The Whitepaper

>> No.5915096


>trying super hard to dump your bags on people

lmao I bought more than 1 btc on that last dip to 11k and have no intentions of selling anytime soon. Keep trying to rationalize why the entire market is wrong and you're right though, I'm sure itll provide you some solace as your shitfolio gets blasted to the shadow realm

>> No.5915101
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>thought ETH and alts were finally decoupled
>thought the king shitcoin would stagnate or decline

If this shit goes into a gigantic bullrun and JUSTs all alts for several months like it did until december, I'm going to break many things

>> No.5915114

everybody calm the shit down. there will be a dip abd then it will go up again. we have done this already a thousand times

>> No.5915119

This is crypto. TA has no power here.

>> No.5915124

This is what happened. Its not a fucking narrative lol

>> No.5915125

i replied to your post, not mine, you retarded pajeet. not one of these coins, including bitcoin, has any function outside of speculation, you're just to busy shitting in the streets to actually make any monopoly money outside of holding bitcoin, and that's ok, but at least just admit it

>> No.5915129

> ITT altcoin bagholders who started trading within the past 3 months attempt to rationalise holding their bags of shit despite unbelieveably poor risk to reward in the outrageously greedy hopes of JUST ONE MORE moon

>> No.5915138

you're not helping matters

>> No.5915140

Sell all Altcoins now or no? Does anybody think waiting out a few days it will go back to normal?

>> No.5915141


Daily RSI is the highest it's been since the selloff. This move is for real.


TA is literally ALL that matters in crypto, brainlet.

>> No.5915144


3 weeks of red dildos for shitcoins friend.

>> No.5915147

this pump is possibly the fakest and gayest thing i have ever seen. and normies agree with me lmao. It used to be about selling the concept of bitcoin to normies even though smart money knew all along it couldn't scale. Guess what, newbies aren't gonna fall for this shit

>> No.5915155
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mfw selling as BTC spiked and buying POE at 948 sats

>> No.5915177
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> can barely move past 15950

pathetic.. you call this the king?

>> No.5915181

top lel

Its not just TA faget, although TA perfectly predicts a bearmarket right now.

HOney badger memes dont apply anymore. Bitcoin is no longer used in commerce.
Its not a viable coin for ANY usecase.

The crypto bullmarket will go haywire, but first BTC needs to die in irrelevancy, and it will.

>> No.5915187


>> No.5915194

Hope BCH moon since ViaBTC launched their own exchange desu.

>> No.5915198

trading the alt swings is massively profitable during btc runs, as long as youre not a potato

>> No.5915203

Some alt's are mooning. I'm so confused on what to do. why would anything moon with BTC

>> No.5915204

the point is it has been slowly creeping up in price as whales are accumulating... also what happened in june/july 2017 when ETH was challenging BTC dominance? BTC went on the greatest bull run of its life

>> No.5915215

OK so RSI is almost 80. Now what?

>> No.5915225

just depends who is watching what, some stop limits get triggered causing it to drop further. People are capitalizing at what a coin is worth vs dollars rather than BTC directly

>> No.5915229

Ya im looking at coinmarket and i see 10% of the btc is coming from binance/tron pairing, this just screams pump n dump to me based on trons activity the last couple weeks
Im holding alts of course but i feel very sick

>> No.5915230

You would have made far more money if you bought the same in most alts since that dip. HAHAHA

This is perfect. Actually I think this would make the most effective meme. "Do you own a bitcoin right now?"
Then go through the list of coins from a month a go to show much gains you missed out on.

>> No.5915269
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>My alts weather the storm and just keep going up

>> No.5915278

I'm sorry man, you don't have to fret, if there's one you think won't recover fast you can sell and try to capitalize on another moon but honestly it sounds like you just hold and not fret.

You only lose money when you sell. Don't worry your coins never lost the value you initially saw in them, the markets just being itself and fucking with ALL alt coins, not just yours

>> No.5915291

This is the only argument I can agree on from bcore cucks. If you are a day trader then a BTC bull run can be super profitable. Most people on the other hand will lose money.

>> No.5915294


ETH isn't even halfway close to the dominance it was at when bitcoin went on its summer bullrun. This is a fake pump and everyone ITT knows it. Also, you are assuming past performance is indicative of future performance - and you are an idiot for doing so. Did you miss the part where bitcoin shit the bed and everyone saw? selective memory bud?

>> No.5915295


>oh vey this shitcoin again

Cant wait for BTC to die to some new tech in a month

>> No.5915297


Now it blasts through the resistance at 16,500 in the next day or two and really gets going again


I have a diversified shitfolio of 50% alts 50% btc but I'm not deluded to think any of them serve a purpose beyond trading to increase my stack of btc with.

>> No.5915298

Is hedging with BTC meta? Feeling just'd rn

>> No.5915300

what to do during an imminent BTC bullrun:
1. are you an experienced day trader? if so trade alt swings. If not?
2. hold at least 70-80% BTC MINIMUM, proceed to buy alts on sale later

>> No.5915318
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We’re all gonna make it

>> No.5915320

This won't last long. BTC network will get even more clogged up and the transaction times and fees will soar to new heights, then it will get dumped again.

>> No.5915335

ah yes BTC shit the bed last month true, after it rose from 1k to 19k... all these shitcoins such as XRP and ADA will have their massive corrections just like BTC soon enough

And atm XRP is challenging BTC dominance, not ETH brainlet

>> No.5915348

FFFFFUAAAAAAAAARK BTC violently trying to push higher
fuck i havent been this excited since the time i saw staceys knickers in gym class '03

>> No.5915352



>> No.5915354

a million times this, it can't trade fast enough even if it wanted to

>> No.5915359

>>>5915230 (You)
>I have a diversified shitfolio of 50% alts 50% btc but I'm not deluded to think any of them serve a purpose beyond trading to increase my stack of btc with.

You would make a lot more if you dumped the BTC.

>> No.5915364
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in this moment, i am euphoric.

>> No.5915371

The king is growing weak, and with that his power over the alts decreases. Fuck, I remember when IOTA went on its moon mission and hit ATH, then BTC rallied and I watch my portfolio halve. Just then I lost 15% and I've already got about 9% back. The king will slump soon and we will all be free.

>> No.5915377


Hope your asshole is prepared for when BTC implements any sort of 2nd scaling solution this year and 90% of shitcoins go to zero as a result.

>> No.5915378

why would you purposely miss out on POE

>> No.5915389
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here we go

>> No.5915414
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>100$ transaction fees
>not shitting the bed

feel sorry for people as deluded as you. truth will prevail in the end though haha. Also, XRP already dominated crypto you dumbfuck. look on CMC by total supply. I'll even put the link here cuz i am a nice guy

>> No.5915428

i couldnt care less for any of these coins... in it to make money and I have been. Yes ive been profiting from the alt bull run massively over the last 2 weeks, but now its time to swap to BTC then get alts on sale, and profit from another alt bull run later on. Is it that difficult to understand?

>> No.5915429

this is true but it's not the situation now

>> No.5915437

>muhh blockstream AXA core cucks reeee
497 contributors
sure bro, that's what happened.

>> No.5915442
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ill try again

>> No.5915467

You act as if i am a BTC zealot... these coins mean nothing to me, only profit. I am fully aware BTC has awful tech, but all the signs are pointing to an imminent bull run, so its sensible to hold BTC right now

>> No.5915469
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>meanwhile a "buy eth" fag

You didn't listen /biz/ & /g/

feels good man

>> No.5915473

Because FUN is better, we have blackjack and hookers

>> No.5915477

>make coin with 10 trillion supply
>list on yobit
>sell 1 coin for $1 to your brother rakesh
>congratulations, 10 trillion usd market cap!
stop posting self portraits

btw a btc transaction costs about $4. not as cheap as eth, but its cheaper than monero.

>> No.5915509

Insomniac americunt here.
From the looks of it, by the time americunts wake up, their folio will look just like it did when they went to sleep last night, maybe even up 5%. ETH is already correcting back up to 1K+, including some others.

Normies are the real winners - They get to rest easy and forget about their hodlings and see relatively comfortable gains, while the rest of us lose years off our lives getting JUST'd trying to time the market.

Remember 3 things to be successful:
What goes up must come down.
Prices are sticky to an extent.
Don't try to time the market unless you like pure gambling.

>> No.5915536

Thats a horrible reference since bender ends up giving up X for just blackjack and hookers
I know this is a shill bot but i thought id point that out

>> No.5915539

You’re not very bright. Bitcoin is too big for pump n dumps

>> No.5915544

I'm honestly starting to think bitcoin is the only crypto worth anything and everything else is shit.

>> No.5915562

If BTC became a good coin I would be glad to jump on board again. And this time I would be able to do it with much MUCH larger bags.

But fuck that right now. Fuck you guys.

>> No.5915590

what do you mean give up X ?

>> No.5915596


I think it's a matter of when and not if. Testing the Lightning Network on the testnet has convinced me that BTC will go 100+k by the end of the year if they can get it implemented in the next 6 months.

>> No.5915600

>not realizing the "pump" is just because TRX dumped and the chinks suddenly converted 2 billion dollars of Tron into Bitcoin. Once they reinvest in other shitcoins the pump will be over and the chinks will get to buy your bags at 30% discounts. Congratulations on being a useful retard.

>> No.5915606


Perhaps in the short run, or if you can predict the future. I'm in this for the long run, so there's only so long I'm going to play in the mud with you filthy altcoiners until I think the jig is up and it's time to come back to daddy with a bigger bag than I started with.

>> No.5915621


>> No.5915675

What was this then? Because it looks like the 5th pump and dump I have seen on here in since last month.

>> No.5915697

Those damn chinks at it again.

>> No.5915703
File: 101 KB, 480x337, 2F80F8B7-62CB-4666-85F8-5E51A9496F41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking pajeets have no understanding of why bitcoin is god tier.

Bitcoin comes with brand recognition. Go ask a normie if they know what ethereum or ripple. For fucks sake you niggers give me aids every time you squawk.

>> No.5915709


People moving Tron to BTC

>> No.5915711

Instead of buying FUN he just went for the blackjack and hookers

>> No.5915716

Yeah about that, the lightning network is shit. At that point paypal would be better.

>> No.5915739

I am saying POE has no blackjack or hookers.

>> No.5915766


>> No.5915774

Wait for POE to drop again then get back in and hodl
I gained a free 18% as a result

>> No.5915776


It's not perfect but it solves a ton of the issues currently plaguing BTC at the moment

>> No.5915777

Ah woops my mistake
Unironically bought 100k fun

>> No.5915795


You know what else has fucking brand recognition? the Model-T. That is the worst logic I have ever see, assuming that normies are incapable of understanding more than one crytpocurrency. Should i supply you with some screenshots of str8 noobs talking about binance and shitcoins, because I have plenty of them. normies are smarter than you think lmao.

>> No.5915797


Interesting. So this wasn't even about Bitcoin? It was about another coin?

>> No.5915802

guys this is bs, its gone up 6%. compared to the thounsands of dollars we made on xlm and xrp, i aint selling shit.

>> No.5915813

All my shit is in chink coins and XLM

>> No.5915819

>implying USD/BTC traders give a fuck about what some chink shitcoin is doing

>> No.5915823

It makes every problem way worse and removes decentralization as an option.

>> No.5915826

>20 posts by this ID

>> No.5915871

Yeah I agree. There are so many normies posting about making 100k or more from alt coins, I don't think there is near as much hype for btc. Alt coins will become like a huge gambling addiction to many

>> No.5915878

My stack is only 10% down boo hoo made like 500% gains this month.

>> No.5915908


retards now will think they can sell their coins for btc, they think they can "take profit" by say taking 2 of 3 btc, from their coins which went x3.

they sell 2 at this higher btc price, thinking theyll sell at the ath like > $16k price.

they buy back 2btc at the dip of btc, good luck.
they think they will buy back their shitcoins which have also been crushed.

but not this time, the shitcoins will recover faster, bitcoin fags wont be able to buy back their shitcoins as it was before this. small dick bitcoiners.

>> No.5915927

Of course brand recognition is everything with bitcoin. Why else would it be 15k to your shitcoin $10? Try selling your rai blocks for $1 to a normie and see if they budge

>> No.5915947

It's faster than ETH right now: https://etherscan.io/chart/pendingtx

>> No.5916015


HAHAHHAHA wait do you actually believe this? pay more for your eth transaction you jew. its just over a dollar for confirmation in half a minute. Please tell me you are kidding

>> No.5916082

The first course was good, now for the main dish: 18k in 2 hours.

>> No.5916110

maybe in 8 hours when i wake up ;)

>> No.5916131
File: 2.24 MB, 1440x1054, 1498781071915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deluded mETHheads

>> No.5916136

Quick what do i sell my btc for before it dumps?

>> No.5916230

I used to follow my plans and they all failed. Now I stopped planning and I'm winning. Stop talking out yer ass

>> No.5916260

well good job identifying that your plans were shit then at least

>> No.5916275


deluded how my friend? nice argument you got there. the idiot i was yelling at was claiming bitcoin transactions are faster than ethereum transactions. do you agree with him? yikes

even if both btc and eth had the same amount of unconfirmed txs, eth has faster blocks -- you know this r-right?

>> No.5916294

What is everyone talking about? I'm still in the green in everything. Did I miss something?

>> No.5916300

just be in the coin thats going up

wow its not that hard

>> No.5916336


>> No.5916381



>> No.5916481
File: 63 KB, 700x700, 1445714529723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought some ETH even if it was a bit high to try to profit from the dip, but the transfer is still pending and all the alts are going back up. I didn't know the network was that congested.

>> No.5916646


ahh you got me anon!

don't mind me over here just hitting tx ATHs day after day. yea eth a total shitcoin amirite?!?!

>> No.5916683 [DELETED] 

Looking for a big pump group with lots of volume and sway?

Join c2yuwEu on discord.

>> No.5917222
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>> No.5917240
File: 153 KB, 586x663, 9bdb0c9daf1b8f708bb9bf30f7a85739.587x663x1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5917521

this is so dumb but it keeps happening and i cant react in time