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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.87 MB, 2328x3024, 20180105_013603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5911045 No.5911045 [Reply] [Original]

Hello my friends, 80+ hours worked and this is all i get? I thought this was america! I am currently all in on icx. What else should a poor guy get into?

>> No.5911182

Just get into whatever, you're way ahead of the boomers, they all want in, but they're to stupid to know how, so just sit on it, and it will go up, god bless

>> No.5911196

Long term? Chainlink, theres a reason its fudded and shilled so hard.

>> No.5911222

7.75 an hour. Fuck mate i thought making 16 was shite

>> No.5911257

Holy shit man that is rough. Why are you working a minimum wage job though?

>> No.5911267

OP listen to me, jump right now ALL in into Zclassic for the Fork!

>> No.5911276


Follow this dudes advice on undervalued crypto. If you think I'm full of shit, just watch his older recomendations and look at where they are now. I started out with just 2k and I'm making more than 100 dollars a day now, getting close to 200 dollars a day.

Good luck anon, and fuck modern day slavery

>> No.5911317

ADA, for some reason people with a lot of money are buying into it right now, expect a quick buck if you sell for profit. Or this >>5911276 I remember he shilled REQ

>> No.5911319

>accepting work is slavery

>> No.5911331

This should be stickied at the top of /biz/

>> No.5911415

Take a good look at Myriad. It's low cap right now and it's picking up a good amount of volume. Plus it's actually an older coin that wasn't premined and there was no ICO. Only $.02 right now... It's set blow up. All the decent penny coins have mooned, LTC was one of the first, it happened to VTC, now it's time for XMY. Easy 10x, and mid term maybe even 100x

>> No.5911418

>U$7.50 an hour

why don't you quit crypto and find yourself a job like that anon?

>> No.5911451

Buy ven. You earned it. Hurry though. The whales won't keep the price down forever.

>> No.5911474


>> No.5911507

I did this with Bytecoin when I first started crypto. Then I realized it was a total worthless shit coin so I just forgot about my coins. It's gone up 800% since then and it's still climbing. No reason at all... It just is.

>> No.5911518

He shilled ETH at U$10

>> No.5911563



Here's what boomers look like buying trx. It's... interesting. Normie wave is here. Fyi, arfcom is digitally illiterate for the most part.

>> No.5911581

>changing your position and thinking no one's going to notice

>> No.5911586

>tfw im 18, still in highschool and already making $11/hour at an easy job

>> No.5911637

It all depends how you want to make your money, you could go for purchasing signaling so you follow where the big boys put their money (18btc from one person into ADA is no joke) or you could invest in an ICO that's American friendly (Dragonchain was one ICO that was possible for US entry). Or you could go ICX, really bullish, hasn't had a run in a while, lot of commotion about when. VEN is also good. No matter what you'll make money and nobody can predict runs, like what TRX did today.

>> No.5911759

get the fuck out of IL...state taxes are 50% of federal? ffs man, get to a red state

>> No.5911813

huge 100k member pump n dump discord server

get on it: jNj9Pxm

>> No.5911949

Sell your body and buy more ICX.

>> No.5911990

>be free and starve to death
>be a slave but get food so you can work more

>> No.5912102

a 20lb bag of rice cost me 7 bucks the other day
an hour of work per month is enough to keep me fed
If your opinion was right then people under communists regimes are the freest people on earth.

>> No.5912190
File: 216 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180105-020955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold all my trx for icx 2 days ago....

>> No.5912261

Hold ICX until end of the month. South Korea ban on new coin listings is going to be lifted on the 23rd, and main net launch is happening on the 24th with some random event on top of Korea's largest building on the 31st.

Follow them on twitter if you don't believe me

>> No.5912316

huh, I made triple that in the last week while jacking off and getting drunk. I mean I haven't cashed out but still... I always wondered what it was like to work (34 yo neet) and now I know. Thanks, anon!
Try throwing a hundred bucks at XLC. It is a big risk but it looks like it is a project going places. It is the kind of coin people make 100k off with a hundred bucks investment. GL!

>> No.5912373

if you actually wanna get paid for your work you'd look up "communism"

as we all know this is America, which means you don't get paid a fair amount for your work, you're a disposable tool who they would make you their slave if they could

>> No.5912395


/k/ here

Fucking AR15 fags, dont trust em..
Its a solid rifle platfrom.
But holy shit you should see some of the guns them faggots build.
Like, what the fuck are you thinking ?

>> No.5912417

hindsight is 20/20 my dude. TRON was a big pump and dump, you can't fucking read those.

>> No.5912468
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>80+ hours worked and this is all i get? I thought this was america!
Well, this is America. Your pic just proved that. But at least you can now afford to at least speak with a doctor, should the need to do so arise and you can get the meds he prescribes to you just one month later.
Living the dream, I'd call that.

>> No.5912469

well said. It should be up to me to decide what is a fair wage, not to the employer and employee.

>> No.5912591
File: 348 KB, 615x409, 72n7afq0rdcy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus that's how much I make in an hour pressing buttons on my computer.

>> No.5912770

Oh fuck off, you will want universal income next! Communism doesn't work. Automation is killing the working class. Solution: Stop being working class and put some effort into being more than a dishwasher or burger flipper. I swear to fuck, you people moan about boomers but aren't prepaired to put in 20 years hard work to achieve anything. Pathetic! Any semi-smart person can 'make it' with a bit of hard work and sacrifice. It was your choice to go to college and rack up shit loads of debt or to get a job at Starbucks. Not the worlds fault you are a loser! Entitled pricks. You are to stupid to live expecting the government to provide, you are literally asking to swap willing debt slavery (which you can avoid if you are smart) for mandatory governmental slavery and social programs. Which for the record at least 25% of people will not comply to and therefore it will result in gulags. Authoritatian rule always ends in gulags. It is a retarded system and so is the degeneracy that accompanies it. You are a lost child who needs to wake up from the Marxist brainwashing you received at 'school' before it ruins your life and you end up on opiates of anti-depressants to dull the pain. Pathetic. Go and learn how to make yourself happy and stop depending on the system. It is your parent's fault for putting you in daycare and allowing the state-run school system to bring you up while they worked two jobs. they sucked at life and failed and you are even worse! Go get married, have some kids and sacrifice, provide and save for their futures because you fucked yours up already. Never get into debt, ever, even for a house or car.You are the problem, not the system! You ignorant ass.
t. not a boomer, im probably younger than you! I just don't blame the world for my problems like a coward.

>> No.5912825

Then become an employer you utter imbecile. You are so fucking dependant on the system it is painful. See >>5912770 also because it applies to you too.

>> No.5912978

>about $2,650 “profit” here
>what is VEN? I don’t see it on Yahoo Finance
Holy fuck

>> No.5913019

This is some top tier fuckin bait I gotta say

>> No.5913087

>Oh you can't do both because you have to work more than 40 hours a week just to get by? WELL THAT'S YOUR FAULT, NOT THE SYSTEM'S!!!!

>> No.5913141

Well said. You have to pay for my college degree. Just shut the fuck and pay.

>> No.5913150

>those are the only two choices
>earn and own property (a wage)

>> No.5913258

It is true. badly written as I was ranting but true. The point is, you get out of life what you put in unless you are lucky. If you make stupid choices you get stupid results (like a shit degree). Crypto is mostly luck but you had to be smart enough to invest I suppose. It is all bollocks though, I don't care if I lose it all, I am happy being a neet. my 'shit' life is my own fault, not the worlds.

>> No.5913427
File: 11 KB, 267x189, 4dfyd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy Chainlink.

>> No.5913461
File: 732 KB, 749x1113, LOANS RIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK fucknuts, you want to kow why thigns cost so much? Loans. Pure and simple. If nobody could afford to pay the 20k a year tuition or the 200k house price then the prices would drop. Sure 'rich' people would be able to afford them but ffs that is why you sacrifice for your kids. That is how it used to be. LOANS are what pushed the prices out fo reach. Not capitalism, not the system but LANS. It is all about the money lenders, the banks. They have everybody fighting in their tribalistic plebwars in a game of divide and conquer.


In the year of 2000 there were eight countries without a Rothschild owned or controlled Central Bank:

North Korea

THIS is your enemy. Not your tribalistic bullshit and communism is a weapon they use to keep people chained to the system. They literally invented it. Why the fuck else do you think they push its propaganda through the education systems?
Get a clue and get a grip. You are not fighting the system, you are bending over and asking it to fuck you! Giving up what little freedom and choice you have left in the process.

Pic is the one good chance we currently have to put an end to this shit. Not muh marxism... honestly ffs. Capitalism works, as long as there is no debt!

>> No.5913491
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>> No.5913492

>you get out of life what you put in unless you are lucky
And you get shit for everything if you're unlucky.
>I am happy being a neet
Fuck off, you aren't living in the real world, don't pretend to know what it's like.

>> No.5913536

Yes neither wage-slavery nor welfare slavery is freedom. Only by joining the investor class do you attain freedom.

>> No.5913613

>communism is a tool of the capitalist banks

The system you are so against puts billions of dollars into fighting communism on a worldwide scale.

If you want freedom from the bankers and business owners you must eliminate their oppression and give freedom to the worker. You're literally drinking their "being a slave to a business and rich people is actually freedom" poison.

>> No.5913673
File: 57 KB, 474x315, th (38).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have maybe 4 more yuears to get yourself some property and land in order to survive the crash of the debt based system. Good luck. If socialism takes over then we are all fucked. They will use a crash of the system to push a full welfare state. If that happens you will get chipped like cattle, or worse. You have been warned. The governments are not your friend. They are not benevolent leaders, they work for the council of 13 who rule us from the shadows. Politics is a circus to distract us from the real rulers. They have a plan and the last 60 years of Marxist indoctrination is part of it. Willing cattle are much easier to control. Enjoy your RFI chip that will be required to get your universal income. The same one that will allow you access to your house, driverless car etc. The same one they can turn off if you step out of line.
Say no!

>> No.5913706

bro FUCK that, if i worked 80 hours i'd get like 3k easy

>> No.5913711

why do i want property if the debt based system crashes? surely i could gobble up property for peanuts during such an event?

>> No.5913738

Exactly. I need to control the workers to keep them free from oppression because left to their own devices the workers will choose to become slaves. So I need to control them.

>> No.5913743

A better job

>> No.5913772

Wait, what? How did this thread go so far off the rails here... OH, I see, it's because /pol/ was allowed to post.

It all makes sense now, carry on with the inanity.

>> No.5913828

How do you even find a job that shitty, even in burgerland? Shit even 7/11 pays more than that.

>> No.5913853

>And you get shit for everything if you're unlucky.
Not everybody is equal. being unlucky is part of life. So is being stupid, you cant help low IQ people. It only drags all of humanity down.
>Fuck off, you aren't living in the real world, don't pretend to know what it's like.
Actually, I played their game for 10 years and gave it all up once I realised what a farce it really is. It made me miserable. I gave up on the rat race and moved to a shit hole backwater in the countryside to liver a simple life. You go from school to college to a job and nothing changes. It is all fake. You need to learn what being human is really about never mind this 'real world' you seem to think is absolute. It is all fake!

>> No.5913940

You can but only if you have the ability to acquire it at that point. Better to be prepared and set up on a homestead or small holding in advance if you ask me. People will be less likely to part with such a scantuary once the time comes.
It is not me that's insane. I am just trying to get people to wake up from the /pol/ crap and start getting /biz/ and acquiring real-world assets and planning for the future instead of living for today.

>> No.5914047
File: 14 KB, 265x278, Chad baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soooo the system is flawed? You can do everything right and still get fucked over? Being a hard worker isn't rewarded and the average American needs to work overtime or live in a home with more than one income to survive if they live paycheck to paycheck and don't have the time or resources for school? Your problem is that you THINK you're virtuous for taking this bullshit with a pillow in your mouth, passing it off as you being "hardened to society's standard of working and living in America", when in reality you're worse than a normie who thinks like you while working 60 hours. But at least they're practicing what they preach.

>> No.5914178

I've made 1000usd in the 2 weeks and I only put in 100. You can make it op

>> No.5914498

small homesteads here cost a small fortune now, what i need is another hedge because when our property becomes worthless so does our money. nobody will be able to hodl such sanctuaries though, the norman are literally neck deep

>> No.5914500

You have a really warped idea of how things work, man. If you think wealth is distributed by the degree of work someone puts out, that’s not the case. CEOs make upwards of $5000/hr. Tell me is there anything any one individual could do that would warrant such an obscene pay rate? I don’t know what it’s like where you live but in the burger states the middle class and below face a society that is designed to keep them down

>> No.5914712
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You mean the top dogs of the worlds biggest companies with an average 12 hour day 6 days a week every week of the year? You think these guys are fucking slackers or something anon I don't get it?

>> No.5914742

Life isn't fair. We are hairless apes living on a hostile planet hurtling through space. It would be a lot nicer without the council of 13 families running things though. They should be the only focus of your ire. It is not the system itself that is the problem, it is the puppet masters pulling the strings.
Politics, government etc is indeed like chess. the problem is, somebody owns the board.
All you are doing is playing into their trap of divide and conquer. Not to mention all the other traps like greed and the debt system.
You are fighting the wrong fight and chasing ghosts in a game of smoke and mirrors.
The systems we have would work a lot better without the subversive elements. The last thing we need is more socialism, even above the liberal ideals of women that are currently trying to 'save the world' and 'help those in need' as they are only making things worse. Humanity is not equal. you cant help everybody. Some need to fail, it is harsh but true. You teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime, you give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Welfare is giving people fish. Only by the weak dying will humanity evolve. We are stunting out chances at becoming a successful species long term with all these welfare and foreign aid programmes. Humanity needs to evolve! We can't keep propping up the weak. It is unsustainable. People who make bad life choices should be helped least of all. I have some compassion for low IQ or sick people but even they need to be sterilised or something.

>> No.5914781

CHARITY is how you help those in need, not government welfare. With charity, the individual chooses to help another individual. The person receiving aid is less likely to take the piss and more likely to work hard so they don't have to keep taking from their charitable giver. Making it a state-run thing produces a faceless entity and humanities self-preservation and greed takes over. Univeral income would be the same. It is a flawed system and Charity in the community is something we lost when women started working. The bill and Melinda gates foundation has Melinda's name on it for a reason. Once man retires he helps fun the thing the woman has been working for all her life, being kind and nurturing, helping others and the community. Women who find successful men get to do it on a bigger scale like Melinda. It was always the way. Now we have women co-opting politics and destroying its purpose. Distracting the men from its real reason to exist, protection and governance by upholding the law of the land. The whole system has been fucked over by feminism and this equality bullshit. We are not equal and we need to accept that and start being human instead!

>> No.5914825

I didn’t say they didn’t work hard. There is a plethora of positions that are crucial for society to function but they are not financially recognized like a CEO, someone who “works hard” but also has a team of advisors counseling his every move

>> No.5914895

You might earn more in Africa, Nigger

>> No.5914957

So? Become a CEO. If you are not able to do so then work hard to provide the opportunity for your kids to become one. If they are not able then maybe it is your genetic ability that is holding you back. Shit happens. I will never be able to dunk like Jordan or have a dick as big as Michelle Obamas either but that's life. Find what you are good at and be happy doing it. Your need to be a 'top dog' is pointless. Master your own talents and stop being entitled.
The world is not designed to keep anybody down. You do that to yourself or more to the point your parents did it to you by not making better life choices. Now it is your turn to make those choices for your kids. You are not special, so stop acting like you deserve things you or your ancestors haven't earned. If you were capable of running a FTSE-500 company then you would be. Maybe try working hard enough to make sure your kids get the chance to do so? Stop getting into debt, living in houses you cant afford, buying TVs, eating out every night. SACRIFICE for your future. If you can't make enough money then move, do something else. If you are to narrow minded or trapped in your own life then that is your fault, not societies.

>> No.5915032

With low money like that. Get some TRX or LINK while they dip. TRX will hit $1 very soon. LINK already past $1 and is on its way to $10.

>> No.5915122

There are a plethora of CEOs that are not financially recognized as one of the couple hundred on earth that are paid like that, you're specifically talking about the best in the business and the figures you have seen are misleading, an actual average CEO earns far less

>> No.5915195

I had a quick look on google at the numbers for my country, an average CEO pulls in about the same as a unionized unskilled worker

>> No.5915268

They make more money because they create more. All these other vital positions are something any monkey can do with a modicum of training. Not everybody can be a CEO. Nurses, teachers, firemen etc are important but at the end of the day, most average people can do these jobs and there are 10 more people willing to do them cheaper. Especially if you keep importing cheap labour into your countries via immigration. It is supply and demand. If you don't like it then go and start an important service that pays the staff better. It doesn't work in capitalism and in communism either. The real reward for doing these jobs is the same in all systems, knowing you are helping. there is no drive for excellence in communism where you get paid the same regardless. So everybody half-asses it. At least in capitalism the best rise to the top in any profession. My uncle was a selfless fireman for years, now he earns 500k a year and is flown around the world as a fire safety consultant for corporations. the best of any profession will make it, you just have to be the best and put the time and effort into it. These boomers didn't 'make it' overnight you know, it took them years. In 20-30 years you too can have the shit they have. Nobody except the lucky or privileged get it when they are young, you need to accept that. the privileged get to have it earlier because their parents provided for them. The lucky are just lucky. There are always winners and losers in life. You need to accept that and get over this equality bullshit. We are not equal.

You have your opportunity to become the 1% right here. Wallstreet had the stock market, the boomers had the housing market and now we have the crypto market. So quit bitching and make some money than provide the best life you can for your kids. The people you hate are the neets of their generation, no different than us. It is the Bilderberger lot you really need to do something about. Not a system that tries to protect our freedom.

>> No.5915384

Lol fucking rekt. Come to Australia m8, i work a shitty retail job get $28/hr, $38/hr on Sundays and $60+/hr on Holidays. Clearing $1800 fortnightly is pretty good for only speaking to people.

Why does anyone actual want to live in the states. Its a third world country with backwards laws and logic. Enjoy your shitty wage fgt.

>> No.5915386

lol. Communists BTFO!
It is the money lenders that are the problem! the CEOs are just the crypto millionaires of their generation. Sure they are kings and queens maybe but they are still pieces on the chess board that is owned by the globalists. Our systems are not perfect, I would want a more meritocratic libertarian one. But they are at least trying to protect our freedom, that includes the freedom to fail. The elites (not world leaders, that's a circus and they are stooges) want communism or at the very least corporate communism. Once they get it we are fucked and our chance of freedom is greatly reduced. Brainwashing a few generations of people into thinking more government was a good thing was the smartest trick they have played yet.
One very easy to play on low IQ immigrants who feel they are dependant on the system because they are unable or unwilling to make the correct life choices to succeed alone. It is why they are importing them. The west was getting to 'free' and independent.

>> No.5915454

>Wallstreet had the stock market, the boomers had the housing market and now we have the crypto market

This. Try to make as much as you can and hope you get out alive, many won't, and only a handful of those who do will be able to put on the CEO hat and turn their windfall into a lifes work.

>> No.5915483

Are you speaking AUD or USD? There's a big difference.

>> No.5915499

It's not bad but you'd make more holding a stop sign and a smoke

>> No.5915555

AUD. $400 Isn't a big difference...
Why would an aussie be using your pleb currency.

>> No.5915593


>eating at all.


>> No.5915610

Fucking council jobs. Be a lazy cunt and still get paid $60+/hr.

>> No.5915663


>> No.5915727
File: 7 KB, 277x182, gibmilkies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't chainlink doing not great rn? I'm new to crypto and is in a similar situation as OP but I saw in another thread that chainlink is dipping... Plez someone help a brainlet out.

>> No.5915814

>r...real communism has never been tried!

>> No.5915881
File: 8 KB, 208x147, 1424340971280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine making 7.75 an hour lmao

>> No.5915911

if you compare it to its ATH, then yes, it's dipping.. If you zoom out to a week or even a month ago, no. It's fucking gaining.

>> No.5915921


Stay poor faggot.

>> No.5915948

Hi, actually, 2 months ago it’s ATH seas 50 cents (ICO). I bought in at 16 cents. So for me, it’s doing incredibly well. Other people, depends on if it’s being pumped or dumped

>> No.5915991

t-thanks lads
no you

>> No.5916011


My first job, 14 years old, cash in hand dish pig, 9$ an hr.

>> No.5916037

LINK has been hovering around the same market cap ranking for the last 5 months. IT has actually lost satoshi value since SIBOs. So it is still kind of cheap but you can find better investments if you don't have much money to start with. LINK should (hopefully) go up in market cap eventually but it may not be for months. It is up to you, you can either invest in this now and wait or take a risk and invest in a lower market cap coin that you think will go x10-100 and then invest the profits in LINK at a later date getting yourself more LINK. I am sitting on 3k LINK and I've invested about the same in some smaller projects desu instead of just going all in on LINK right now. LINK itself is a risk but with half my investing/moon mission money invested in it I wont miss out if it takes off early but I also have the other half looking for those low MC gains to buy more. I also have a few other long-term holds but that's just the money i would have fully invested in LINK I'm talking about.
OMG, REQ, LINK, XLM, XRP, NEO, IOTA, QSP, ENJ, LTC, POWR, HST, DNT, ARK, BAT, BCPT, ZRX, RLC, WABI, PRL, VEN, XRB, STEEM, DASH, ETH would be my picks for long-term holds probably, that will be around in a few years. I am sure there are more but those ones im fairly certain about. ODN, ALIS, XBY, PBL, PO.ET, NULS, DNA, NAV, ICX, ETN, KMD, CND, COSS would be my second tier of holds as potential to be around in a few years.
then I have some utter shit their investments for crazy moon missions like XLC and I mine some BWK too.
Basically just buy everything, the whole market has lots of room to grow. Get lucky.

>> No.5916101

>imagine being skilled and educated and still make money with crypto.

I guess the doctor, the mathematician or the EE guy while having fun in their primary job while looking at crypto once in the morning and in the evening feels better about himself than looking 14 hrs at charts.

>> No.5916154

>Just get a small loan of a million dollars from your dad to start a business you lazy piece of shit.
>Just work hard faggot, you're letting the jews control you. Why would you pay for a college degree you dumbfuck?
>Me? I got a STEM degree so I could work hard for twenty years and not be a communism you dumb fucking goy IM SO MAD.

You're the lucky one you are screeching about dipshit. You don't think a minimum wage slave is busting their ass harder than some kid that had his college paid for so he can sit in an office for 10 hours a day, browsing the internet for 8 of It? So glad you lucked into your million dollar loan to start your own business, like everyone else here who is able to successfully start their own company despite more than half of all new start-ups failing within a year. Ok LARPing faggot.

>> No.5916164

Practically a slave. Unless OP is also receiving tips in cash that's not reflected.

>> No.5916292

fyi that isn't just me listing off my portfolio. Most of my money is in XRP, QSP, LINK, and REQ with smaller amounts in ENJ, XLM, BAT, ARK, NEO and then some random shit like PO.ET, ODN, ALIS, DNT, XCL, HST and XBY which I think are probably P&D shit teir or 50/50 if they make it but meh.

>> No.5916460

So what you're saying is, I should put my next 10k into Salt & LEND?

>> No.5916618

My father died when I was 7 from HIV that turned into AIDs that the government gave him. My stepdad also died from AIDS when I was 14. We received little to no compensation and my mum (who is a teacher) spent the next 20 years campaigning and generally neglecting me as a result. I went to a good school that I had to pass an exam to get into, no fees just intelligence. Unfortunately I fucked that up due to the whole everybody fucking dying shit and me not coping + bullying. I then went on to develop a pretty serious drinking problem when I was homeless at 17 and living in a shelter till I was 21. My GF then proceeded to abort my baby and leave me when I was 22. I had no time to UNI obviously as I was abit of a mess. I then spent the next 10 years pushing myself into job after job striving to follow the 'real world' dream of success before I said fuck it and decided to do my own thing. I have never been happier living a neet life (I saved enough to be able to live this life and used my initiative to make this happen) and being 'poor' and now thanks to crypto I am making some money too as well as regaining my sanity.
So fuck off saying I had it easy, ok? I now realise the mistakes I made, I stopped blaming the world. I had the opportunity if I had taken it to become successful. 90% of my old classmates are drs, lawyers, dentists and in academia now and went to oxbridge.
I could have done it too but life shit on me and I didn't take the opportunities in front of me as a result. Sure, some never even have those opportunities but you know what. shit happens. Anybody can make something of themselves if they work hard and dedicate themselves towards a goal. Just because you chose a bad path in life does not make it societies fault. It is your own. You chose your path in life believe it or not. I realised this a little too late but since I gave up my old life 4 years ago I have never been happier.

>> No.5916752
File: 2.44 MB, 880x1404, 1514688334645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have followed one rule in my life and that is never to live beyond my means. I take no loans and have never had anything on credit.
Sigh... yes, they are infiltrating crypto now too. Look at this shit!
Literally, a bank having an ICO... Cancer. Anybody investing in this shit deserves to be a debt slave. Well, anybody taking loans from them... Like I said above. I own a lot of XRP ;)

>> No.5917322

oh and for the record. It was your parents that put you into the position you are in and thier parents before them. It only takes one generation to make that sacrifice and change the life of their kids. Maybe not making them rich but enough to drag themselves out of poverty. You just have to forgo all luxary goods and vices. To really sacrifice to provide. Your parents chose not to do that but you can break the cycle. That is if you are in abject poverty at least, it is highly unlikely you will be if your parents didn't have kids until they were married and don't do drugs or take out loans and buy things on credit. Sometimes shit happens, but society has provisions to help people like that and charity is a thing. some 3rd world shitholes don't provide and that's sad but shit happens, that is the fault of previous generations or a war or something. Things you can change about the future if you try to make a difference now. If you aren't poor then you are just being a greedy entitles prick. Every generation can improve on the one before them. How do you think the 1% became the 1%?
Life is not easy, it is not fair. You have to stop thinking about yourself and the hear and now and start planning for the future generations. Socialism is for people who have given up. It is for cowards and the weak. I bet you don't even have a private pension plan, you are saving for your old age right, anon? Take some personal responsibility ffs. Even 3rd world war torn shit holes have heroic people trying to improve their communities and lives. It is the cowards who leave, then they come to the west and vote Democrat for more geibs. Sad.

>> No.5917606

>My father died when I was 7 from HIV
>My stepdad also died from AIDS
wtf anon. Let me guess..Africa?

>> No.5918315

Haemophilia, infected by the government. UK actually. If I had the ability to think more than a few days into the future and lived in Africa I would be a king by now and not pissing about on /biz/ and in crypto lol.
That's the biggest problem among low IQ people you know, they just don't think ahead and plan for the future. There is that story about an African farmer who was taught to farm, given corn to plant and told to save some of the best corn from the previous season to replant for the next one. He decided that selling the corn now would be better because it made him an extra $50 for that year. It wasted the charity workers time and the farmer ended up with no corn to plant for the next year. That shit happens all the time. Not always but often. Some people indeed live hand to mouth but charity and foreign aid is trying to help but when they meet roadblocks like the above situation it becomes a never-ending task and people who would actually benefit from the help don't receive enough. Then you get the fuckwits who just leave the country the first chance they can for a better and easier life abroad. They really are fuckign cowards, sure you can use the excuse that some of them are families with kids escaping death in a war zone but that is a very very small amount. Even then you can argue that it was their forefathers that didn't do enough to prevent the conflict or war. sure the British empire and things caused some long-term problems but its not an excuse and how far back do you go, the crusades? It is a shit show. We have too many stupid people in this world asking for geibs with no desire to help themselves or hold themselves accountable for their own bad life choices. Too many people making excuses or blaming the world for thier problems. Life shits on some people and bad things happen but you have to move past them and look to the future. Humanity sucks dick, the commies and SJWs are the worst.

>> No.5918472

gtfo nigger

>stay poor

>> No.5918613

>UK gives you aids
>doesn't even compensate your family for killing you
I'm kind of surprised they weren't able to cover the source of the infection up.

>> No.5918702

The main reason the working class is getting fucked over is CENTRAL BANKING, not "muh capitalism"

automation is supposed to decrease prices and increase wages, it's supposed to be cheap to be able to start a business and employ people, it's not thanks to government

>> No.5918860

I remember earning $400 on a shitty job, working in a freezing warehouse (-28°C), had to wear 2 pairs of gloves just to keep my hands functioning.

Such life of a poor slav... Now I'm researching the crypto market, going to invest $500 which I kept just in case, but I'm still not sure should I invest something like $250 into perspective altcoin and $250 into one of those top 10.

>> No.5919415

I may have it slightly wrong as I mostly avoided the campaigning as that was my mothers thing. From what I understand they gave out some compensation and my mum got something like 90k to split between herself and the kids. It was a payoff and she had to sign a waiver for further legal action because of it. Same happened to about 2500 families in the UK who also had members infected. All the infected AZT came from an American company (bayern?) who took blood from convicts. They knew it was infected with HIV and were told not to sell it in the US so they sold it abroad... Its far more fucked up than all of that, there are government coverups the works. The government finally agreed to pay out proper compensation to the kids or something last year and there are current court cases and government committees trying to sort it after 30 yrs. Like the Hillsborough disaster took them that long and the thalidomide stuff.


Its all on that page, some good stuff. Andy burnhams finial address to parliament before he buggered off to be the major of Manchester with his gay price coppers was good. He threatened the government with legal action due to the evidence found of them experimenting on kids to assess the spread of the HIV and how long it took patience to die. they also didn't tell many patients they were infected while they monitored the condition. I've seen all the paperwork, it's massively fucked up. Governments suck.
It happened in a lot of countries who imported the AZT but many of them gave out proper comp[ensation and admitted liability. The UK half-assed it as usual and refused to admit liability. Now this medical record evidence of experimentation is coming out its a different story. Fun stuff. I signed up to be one of the 500 odd people taking legal action against the government this time around and might get some action taken over the next 6 months now they know the next generation is fighting it too.

inb4 SJW

>> No.5919523

How is any of this sjw?

>> No.5919567


Andy Burnhams final speech in parliament (bit long)
Shorter one about the 'coverup' with a bit of Andy but its much bigger than him although he helped as he was one of the first MPs to stand up in parliament and threaten them about it.
I have seen some fucked up documents. Literal experimentation on schools full of haemophiliac kids. They treated disabled kids differently back in the 70-80s and they were almost like leaper colonies so they could get away with it.

>> No.5919661

I guess. I suppose this is a bit more than fighting for against muh white privilege and patriarchy lol.
There is 'social justice' and then there is being a 'social justice warrior'

>> No.5919823

Sjws usually fight on behalf of corporate and governmental interests if you understand the big picture.
This is actually the opposite of that.

>> No.5920020

You make a good point. They are the useful idiots. Usually pushing an agenda the way tptb want them to. Baaah Baaah lol.