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5912183 No.5912183 [Reply] [Original]

Can I make money just buying and holding BTC, ETH, and LTC? Or do I have to actually start buying alts? Not sure how to really start getting into alts seems immensely volatile even compared to the ones mentioned above. Thoughts?

>> No.5912344

Serious question. It's something I've been trying to figure out for a bit. I've heard conflicting responses.

>> No.5912517
File: 151 KB, 2000x1000, DBC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

start by getting this one

>> No.5912553

Nigga are you serious just look at btc dominance history. You invest in alts to make btc.

>> No.5912600

Makes it hard to invest because of the intangibility of it. I can't see what it's being used towards it you get what I'm saying. It really all just seems like major speculation.

>> No.5912620

Personally don't like holding btc for too long. Eth and ltc will give modest gains but the real money is in alts. Find coins you like tech wise and buy at relative lows. Don't sell untill it's profit is measured in both USD and satoshis

>> No.5912640

I understand that but when do you pull out of the alts and BTC even. I'm kind of confident BTC is gonna be replaced at one point but not sure by what? The fees keep getting worse and worse for it it seems.

>> No.5912712

Thanks for the advice. But like I said. Not sure how to invest in them because of their intangibility. How do I know a coin is gonna be worth my investment basically.

>> No.5912786

Oh it's all speculation. But the tech is there. Blockchain exists and these are all fascinating new ways to use it.

Deep Brain Chain (DBC) wants to harness the power of decentralization to help solve the problems in AI related to computing power.

Golem Network (GNT) has a similar idea, but for decentralizing computation-heavy animations and rendering.

Storj and Sia are both attempting to use blockchain tech to decentralize cloud storage so you won't have to rely on one person/company to host all your data.

This sea is limitless.

>> No.5912822

>How do I know a coin is gonna be worth my investment basically.

You don't. First rule of private investing is only invest what you are willing to lose. Especially in crypto.

>> No.5912833

Buy Chainlink and DeepBrainChain, two hottest ALTS this year.

>> No.5912876

Listen to this brainlet OP. Can confirm, made 174% gains since its been on KuCoin and just exploded after hitting another exchange. What do you think it'll do when it hits yet another one? And then another when it's in the top 10?

You'd have to be a complete tard not to get in on this shit.

>> No.5912920

Great answer. What are your thoughts on the upcoming CHIA? A lot here really seem like they're trying to keep that one quiet to avoid hype. Sorry for mentioning it but I wonder what its potential is. Is it possible it might use P2P technology to lower the energy consumption and transaction speeds?

>> No.5912959

Seem to keep seeing very mixed responses about Chainlink.

>> No.5913104


>> No.5913179

I just bought some because people on /biz/ seem to like it alot lately.

>> No.5913216

Same happened with IOTA and it's really not doing all that well lately.