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5901523 No.5901523 [Reply] [Original]

I thought we were a long way off but I think by 2019 crypto will have crashed, here me out.

Before this normie surge we actually had legitimate concepts, how to get rid of the banks, how to revolutionise x field. Sure we had shit coins but those were always low M.cap and obvious pump and dumps.

Now? We have literal shitcoins going into Billion dollar market caps. Don’t believe me? Check out the TRON website. Tell me this isn’t one of the biggest piece of shits you seen. This is exactly how the dot com bubble became. People started to get greedy. I’ve made huge amounts of crypto and I’m genuinely worried now.

Was a fun ride boys, enjoy it for a bit more but be careful. People just had to get greedy.

>> No.5901597

>here me out
>leaves thread

>> No.5901647

I think you're right.

I'll be pulling out roughly 10% of my portfolio every month this year.

>> No.5901675


>> No.5901703

that’s why I invested in a soon to be fiat exchange that shares fees with coin holder

crypto goes up, i make money, crypto goes down, I make money

>> No.5901734

Sorry bro. Didn’t realise grammar mistakes made a point invalid.


I don’t think I’ll be pulling out in this next few months except for expenses, but yeah, maybe after Autumn.

>> No.5901735


>> No.5901764

Many projects don’t even do what they’re deisgned to do yet, like LINK and OMG and various others

We’re going up and up for now

>> No.5901799

Grammar mistakes make you sound like a fucking retard, so yeah, it does take some validity away

>> No.5901819

See you next month when youre making the same post, and the next, and the next, repeat forever

>> No.5901852

Pets.com started in august 1998, the dot com bubble was in march 2000

Hope we have that much time

>> No.5901875

And definitely up for now. Making money has never been so easy.

If you say so bro. Sometimes the mind just has a slow moment ya know?

>> No.5901886

It's all whales pumping that shit not normies

>> No.5901927

I think we have a solid 2 years left.

>> No.5901930

Not everything is useless shit. Instead of being a ginormous pussy I'm going to leave my money in things that are going to be utilized and already have a working product. If it goes down, which I hope, I'm buying more. If you think blockchain tech and every company involved is going to disappear, then god help you.

>> No.5901950

I literally said end of you. Do you think it’s normal for so many people to be making this much money? I have an uncle that put $10k into crypto last week. He’s literally made $20k profit already. It’s not normal.

>> No.5901986
File: 752 KB, 1200x648, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art of decentralizing. Assets distributed. Entertainment Blockchain. Prease Buy.

>> No.5902000

People are making that much because people are losing that much.

>> No.5902011

Two years would be great.

Blockchain is great, the problem is the huge amount of negativity that will be associated with it once these huge billion dollar coins are found out to be literally useless.

>> No.5902020

Normies haven't found chainlink yet

>> No.5902034

My exit strategy has been holidays 2018

You all ought to understand why this is your best exit point

>> No.5902068

Chainlink is literally our only hope

>> No.5902076

This morning I would have called you a sucker for thinking that. Then I was watching a show on Twitch earlier today, and the host started joking about hodling coins, and the entire chat started throwing out jokes about crypto. This ain't the early adopter phase anymore

>> No.5902105

what is it?

>> No.5902113
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>here me out.

>> No.5902127

Probably gonna be another vaporware project desu. But sure, SWIFT will attract people. Sergey doesn’t have the shilling skills of Justin though.

>> No.5902136

Biggest bag owner because of MtGox here, 7 january 16:00 +1 GMT.
Keep an eye out, time to get all 'normies' out of our scene.

>> No.5902222

I disagree

>> No.5902301

Would you say etherium or ripple is vaporware?

>> No.5902304

I'm with you. Made sick gains but I miss the spirit of innovation, and the idealism that was in crypto in the earlier days. You heard about projects because they were interesting, not because a discord group full of indians and normies decided to shill it that day.
Either way I'm just hoping for a major scandal with tether to happen that'll send everything tumbling down. Once (((Big money))) and normies are out of the way, we can have functional crypto again.

>> No.5902454


Dude, go back to pol with your $100 in REQ

>> No.5902477

Ethereum isn’t vaporware at all. It does what it’s supposed to, host dApps (along other things as well but that’s the main purpose really) Thing is there hasn’t been a single good dApp yet to come from it. And is there really any need for one? To people really care about whether something is decentralised?

As for Ripple, sorry I don’t really have any knowledge about it except muh banks lol.

Yeah the vibe has gone but the money has come. Guess it’s a trade off.

>> No.5902535

Curious, how much have you made from crypto?

>> No.5902555


>> No.5902973

dapps wont be that big until sergey solves the oracle problem

>> No.5903096

they asked us not to

>> No.5903101

dapps won't be that big until vitalik fixes the crypto-pussies problem

>> No.5903340
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>> No.5903508


>> No.5903663
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The crypto market is musical chairs. When the music stops, they will see that there are only 2 chairs remaining. One chair for XRP, for lawful, fast, cheap, secure monetary transactions that connects the entirety of the modern economy. And one chair for whatever privacy cryptocurrency is most popular in the world of crime.

XRP is real man's cryptocurrency. It is lawful international business cryptocurrency. It is government cryptocurrency. I only hold XRP.

>> No.5903672

till we get a trillion dollar market cap

>> No.5903751

It means you didn't put much thought into it.

>> No.5903761

We are always in bubbles of different magnitudes depending on where the bitcoin whales want to push us

>> No.5903806

The dot com bubble was 7 trillion at It's peak. You think it'll crash before then?

>> No.5903822

I'll eventually trade all my gains from altcoins into one, just gotta wait and see. Maybe its XRP but this is shill material 10/10

>> No.5903887
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Except that chainlink will put it out of business

>> No.5903899

Stop shilling this crap in every thread shlomo.

>> No.5903905

I hold 1/5 of my portfolio in monero for this reason

>> No.5903946

>the one true crypto is a centralized back coin
As long as the other one surviving in your faggy scenario is Monero I'll humor you.

>> No.5904000
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I just want the normies to pump my stratis one last time

for old time's sake...

>> No.5904044

You know what really removes validity from a post? When you clearly expose to everyone that you're a teenage malcontent. Typo aside, OP is not wrong.

Anon, I'm trying to teach you a valuable lesson. You need to stop looking to attack people and start trying to break down arguments and attack those.

>> No.5904069


We only lost 1.7 Trillion of that when it popped.

>> No.5904091


I do believe Monero has a high likelihood of being the other survivor. It already is used in the crime markets, has a good reputation for privacy, and has solved many of the scaling and mining issues of bitcoin.

>> No.5904098

2814 - Birth of a New Day
Good taste, anon.

>> No.5904123

How is a decentralized entertainment platform with an already working product, huge partnerships, explain how it's a shitcoin.

>> No.5904148

Crypto's growth was much more organic than the growth of the dotcom bubble. The technology is much more revolutionary too. I don't really see the parallels.

>> No.5904152
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Someone needs to warn you that the banks do in fact have a plan. And it's a better plan than the one the rest of the crypto industry has. I want you guys to keep your gains, so I'm telling you what you need to buy in order to keep and increase them.

>> No.5904195

I think what will happen is a diverge from the coins that actually do shit opposed to coins that don't. Maybe we will have a year of straight pump and dump of cheap coins that talk promise but have no substance.

>> No.5904196

They call the crash every fucking day. They are mini Peter Schiffs that think they are geniuses because in the end all markets crash.

>> No.5904219
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>> No.5904226
File: 771 KB, 750x1334, E90BFA8A-289B-4CD9-98F2-429EFA6636F9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right. Well now it is our job to make sure they keep it out if the banks. Which should happen once they can use ltc or something to buy shit on amazon. Once that happens it’s time to go all in and never look back. Fuck principles. Use the same trick the banks have been using for years (as well as loans and debt) on the normie. Greed. They will fomo indefinitely once something is a real world use currency and there will be trickle down effect into alts too possibly. At least the banks will die either way even if they take all but one (more like 3-4 and something like REQ and affiliates will survive) crypto with them.

So let them pump and dump their shitcoins. It’s making them addicted to fomo like gamblers. Even the ones that miss out will buy back into the next one. Especially if they hear success stories. Then when it is time for a real coin or payment system to succeed you will get no crash.

Sure, they are becoming gambling addicts but it may be for the greater good.

>> No.5904256
File: 161 KB, 594x366, Screen Shot 2018-01-05 at 04.03.12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck is wrong with this market

>> No.5904272

if you don't know the difference between here and hear you're a retard who's not even qualified at a high school level

>> No.5904330


Besides everything else wrong with this site, its a huge red flag when a cryptos main page focues completely on its market position. This thing gets like a -5/10 in fundamental anaylsis but WOO HOOOOOO WERE IN CRYPTO BABY WE BE MAKIN DAT MONEY OFF SWING TRADING HOMIE!! ALL DAY!!!

>> No.5904352

Fuck off you piece of shit. No one gives a fuck about your XRP, i see you in so many threads just fuck off already, nobody gives a FUCK!

>> No.5904387

You have no idea whats coming.In 5 years TRX wont exist and chainlink will move trillions around. Even after a crash. Perhaps>>5902136
especially because.

>> No.5904429

When real projects will be finalized and released (OMG eg), shit coin and vaporware will disappear and probably during 2018 though. It won't impact all the market, just a natural selection.

>> No.5904440


>> No.5904445

The bubble is on hold. Both Bittrx and Binance are closed to new users. That means no new users to come drive up our shitcoins.

>> No.5904536

This honestly gives me hope. Exchanges haven't been able to keep up. I think we have 5-6 months left. Hopefully a correction or two until we get there so its more healthy grorwth.

>> No.5904537

Millennial spotted. Holy shit. If you think this is more revolutionary than the fucking Web and e-commerce, you're not old enough to remember life without the Internet.

>> No.5904584

fairx doe?

>> No.5904612

Web 4.0. KEK

>> No.5904625



>> No.5904635

You have no idea where crypto is going, it's not just money

>> No.5904639

>Sorry bro. Didn’t realise grammar mistakes made a point invalid.
makes me think you've never held a non-retail, non-labour job in your life and thus inclines me to take your opinion less seriously.

>> No.5904695

its been not even a week of a massive bull run in an indusrty that literally seeks to revolutionize the entire world and you're worried about the bubble already. you will literally never ever ever even come close ever to the unbelievably potential to grow your wealth.

pic of OP's hands.

pic related

>> No.5904701

OP’s entire “argument” is that Tron’s website is “the biggest pile of shit he’s ever seen.” I’m sorry you learned from the Reddit school of “mean man is always wrong”

>> No.5904742
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your bags must be so heavy

>> No.5904775

The TRX moon makes me super skeptical of crypto now. We really are in normie territory where any shitcoin can make it from hype alone and nothing else. At this point I am supremely unsure if we will make it to the end of 2018 without a shocking downtrend for several years.

>> No.5904809

I know where it's going. It's really disruptive tech. But it's nothing without the fucking internet and all the shit that came out of the dot com boom.

>> No.5904823

7JAN18. It begins.

>> No.5904861

I can easily make it in 2 years so i fucking hope this is true

>> No.5904868

spout this shit on facebook instead. its not biz that you need to scare

>> No.5904914

TRX is complete shit. Literally a fucking joke down here in silicon valley. Anyone who understands tech and business can easily deduce this so take that whatever you like it brainlet

>> No.5904920

flag the pajeets

>> No.5904928



>> No.5904946
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Im cashing out end of q1

Till then ill enjoy the gains

>> No.5904970

I'm 33, so plenty old enough. It's a much different scenario. Crypto is more about the underlying technology and the power it brings to individual investors and speculators through decentralized ownership of established services. The dotcom bubble was a retarded gold rush of the service industry tripping over previously unheard of amounts of venture capital money only to find out there was no market yet for what they were peddling. Blockchain is directly targeting industries that are already well established and if the technology delivers like it should, it's an obvious improvement over old world systems.

>> No.5904997

Yeah I was wondering where the hell new normies are buying their shit? The total market cap doubled in the last month

>> No.5905042
File: 969 KB, 1130x1404, E7656050-4CE7-4D2D-9380-156E06D6D493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> take that whatever you like it.

I see what’s going on here.

Pic related

>> No.5905065

>decentralized dropbox whitepaper
>new paradigm

>> No.5905324

2 months will be.

>> No.5905528


>> No.5905578

I believe it. Every shitcoin is having insane gains. We need a 30% crash to scare normies away or this will end badly

>> No.5905590

lol is that what Tron is? I have no fucking clue what Tron is.

>> No.5905591

I'm legitimately worried as well.

I want to cash out EOY. Hopefully I will have made enough.

>> No.5905689
File: 80 KB, 661x493, tron roadmap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shitshow is the roadmap.
People are posting this to show how great it is.
Yes really.

This market is completely irrational...

>> No.5905698

Tron is the pets.com of crypto. It will not survive the poppening.

>> No.5905723

RIPPLE, VERGE, TRON, CARDANO (just a piece of paper), Ripple, McAffee shilling. Crypto market is a joke now. But before we babber on about overpriced crap, remember the normies look at Bitcoin feel the same way. Majority of public think Bitcoin is a scam, just like how we think all these projects are scams. All of this is a FRIGGEN PONZI. Include general stock market in this. FACEBOOK is not worth $600 billion!. The true value of Bitcoin is like $2000 (mining cost).

>> No.5905744
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From another thread

>> No.5905788

So... imminent economic crash?

>> No.5905988

everyones fuked. debt at eyeball levels. did u know 50% of total taxes collected from japanese taxpayers go into paying back their debt from the economic crash in the 90's? The world will be working their asses off to pay bankers who issue fake ponzi money. Crypto market was suppose to fix that but it's become a joke now. The problem had always been humans, like in the matrix movie, every thing we touch turns into shit. Current rate of fossil fuel burn and depletion of resources, humans will be extinct in 5,000 years, or about 71 generations.

>> No.5906179

Lol just checked out the website. Wtf this is actual garbage.

>> No.5906207

Fuck Silicon Valley fart sniffing faggots. I’m too busy making sick gains from TRX

>> No.5906233
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Look at the roadmap

>> No.5906259

Isn't it bad that crypto is becoming popular?

>> No.5906541

You have got to be FUCKING KIDDING ME. This is what people have been buying? I never really looked into Trx, since it felt scammy somehow, but this is a new low for marketing. Not only is crypto doomed, but humanity may be as well.

>> No.5906738

It was actually a spelling mistake, so consider that before you criticize other people.

>> No.5906864

you've never lived through economic booms, eh? Lots of people make lots of money sometimes. It feels so weird because we've been suffering for a very long time. I still think it's mostly scam, so be careful not too get greedy.

>> No.5906880

>No pic

Op is ghost

>> No.5907055

>here me out.
Stopped reading here. I won't bother reading what a retard, who don't know when to use hear vs. here, has to post.

>> No.5907267

*who doesn't

>> No.5907811
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Ear to the ground vibe right now I'm feeling 6 months to two years before this whole thing comes crashing down. It'll probably coincide with a general Wall Street crash as well, considering we're about overdue for that and the DOW keeps smashing the ATH.

Wall Street will tumble, people will panic-sell their crypto because they actually need their money to pay rent and/or are afraid of a generalized crypto crash, which ironically will cause an ACTUAL crash.

I'm thinking Autumn 2018 this is going to go down, but it's just a feeling. People are starting to take out loans for crypto, and it's all starting to feel very 2008ish in this market. You know it's getting bad when your Uber driver starts talking to you about the BTC he just bought.

>> No.5907943

you must be a blast at parties

>> No.5907944

fuck off pajeet your true colours are leaking out of your shorts.

>> No.5908038


this guy just murdered himself yo